Shaolin Bajue

Chapter 1729 Life is like a dream

Chapter 1729 Life is like a dream (finale)

Time passed quickly, and it was late autumn in a blink of an eye.Just when the Wulin was peaceful, on this day, dozens of people from the Wulin came down from Mount Diancang, and all of them spoke rudely, as if they were here to make trouble.Out of kindness, Fang Jianming strictly ordered his disciples not to argue with them.

However, the matter did not end there. For several days in a row, many people came down from Diancang Mountain and joined the team who made insulting remarks.

After Fang Jianming heard his disciple's report, he also learned that these people came here for Zhang Shicheng's treasure, and after a little thought, he understood everything.

In today's world, who doesn't know that Fang Jianming is already number one in the world?These people dare to come and make trouble, the people behind the scenes, apart from the current emperor, who can order them?
Fang Jianming smiled wryly, and said: "Okay, okay, okay, since you all said that Zhang Shicheng's treasure belongs to the world and everyone has a share. Then, I, 'No.1 in the World', will take you to find it, so as not to You say that I, Fang Jianming, intend to take the treasure alone." After speaking, let Li Fangwu pass a message to those people at the bottom of the mountain, and make an appointment with them to go to sea.

Not a day later, Hua Tianyun, Yang Liuyue, and Li Bingyue bid farewell and left.Although the Diancang faction is good, they still belong to the martial arts after all, and they intend to find another piece of paradise.

Three days later, Fang Jianming saw that the establishment of the new Kongtong was just around the corner, and suddenly felt that everything had been arranged, so he suddenly resigned as the head of Diancang. The successor was Wen Mufeng, and before Wen Mufeng was full, Diancang All major matters in Cang are decided by the Great Elder Wu Qingniu.

On this day, Fang Jianming left Diancang Mountain. Those who left with him were Long Biyun's daughters, and even Qianqian and Yanyan wanted to go with him to find the treasure.Fang Jianming had no choice but to let them follow him.In addition, Lu Xue, Du Meng, Guo Jie, and Gao Tang also went with him, so that he would have someone to take care of him on the way.

The strange thing is that the little bird woke up at this time. Hearing that Fang Jianming was going to find the treasure, it made a fuss and wanted to go too.In the end, not only did it go, but the red-headed dragon and the fire-eyed golden monkey also went.When Fang Jianming left, he left a volume of "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" in Diancang so that it could be sent to Shaolin Temple in the future.

Along the way, the group walked quickly, and within ten days, they had already arrived at the agreed place.

The news of looking for Zhang Shicheng's treasure had already spread throughout the martial arts world. When it came time to go out to sea, there were dozens of ships of different sizes parked, at least 2000 people came.

Fang Jianming saw it and thought it was very ridiculous.We got on the largest ship and were entertained with good wine and food.The owner of the ship is a fat man named Yu Deren, who is the leader of the Haisha Gang. Although his martial arts is not high, he is very rich and talkative.

Fang Jianming took out the map and sailed according to the route. The other ships also followed the largest ship.Excitement appeared on the faces of many people, as if Zhang Shicheng's treasure was close at hand and could be obtained at any time.

Dozens of ships sailed on the sea for six or seven days, passing more than ten islands along the way, but none of them were where Zhang Shicheng's treasure was.

On the ninth day, Fang Jianming took out the map and glanced at it. He told Deren that the treasure island was just ahead.Although Yu Deren is a rich gang leader, after hearing Fang Jianming's words, he couldn't help but gear up a little bit.

Fang Jianming saw it, and asked: "Clan Leader Yu, you are the leader of the gang, do you still lack gold, silver and jewels?"

Yu Deren smiled shyly, and said: "Master Fang, how many people in this world don't like gold, silver and jewelry? No matter how much gold, silver and jewelry there is, no one would dislike too much. Of course, in such a god as Master Fang In the eyes of ordinary people, gold, silver and precious pearls are worthless, no different from dung."

After Fang Jianming heard this, he could only smile wryly.

Soon after, an island appeared in front of him.When the fleet reached the edge of the island, many people jumped off the boat without even using the planks, and splashed directly onto the island.

Seeing such a crazy situation, Fang Jianming couldn't help but think of certain scenes on "East China Sea Penglai". At this moment, for some reason, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

This island is indeed as Xu Haijie said - warm as spring, not only warm as spring, but as long as you walk on the island for a while, you will feel that summer has arrived on the island.

Fang Jianming and others got off the boat, and Yu Deren hurriedly took his hands down to look for the treasure.Fang Jianming sent the group of people away, shook his head, and asked Lu Xue, Du Meng, Guo Jie, and Gao Tang to go and have a look. If there was a fight, stop it in his name.

After the little bird, the red-headed dragon, and the fire-eyed golden monkey landed on the shore, the little bird lay in the hands of the fire-eyed golden monkey, saying that there were interesting things on the island, and they had to go and see.After a while, the red-headed dragon and the fire-eyed golden monkey also disappeared on the island.

Fang Jianming walked along the seashore with Long Biyun, Zhou Feng, Bai Yiyi and other girls, chatting and laughing all the way, seeming very harmonious, but they were not tempted by Zhang Shicheng's treasure.In their view, no matter how many treasures Zhang Shicheng has, how can it compare to the current feeling of walking together and intimacy?

After walking for a while, Zhou Feng said in surprise: "This island is really strange. After walking for a while, people feel warm."

Fang Jianming smiled and said, "Perhaps there is some kind of fire hidden under the island."

As soon as the words finished, Long Yue suddenly let out a sigh, stretched out her hand and pointed to the distance, and said, "Look, what do those two things look like?"

After hearing this, everyone looked in the direction of her finger and were all stunned.It turned out that the two things Long Yue was referring to were actually two stones in the shape of vases.

After Fang Jianming was stunned for a while, he suddenly felt something move around his waist.With a heartbeat, he handed the Shennong stick to Bai Yiyi, took off the belt bag around his waist, and after a few ups and downs, he came to the edge of two big rocks.

The "bang bang" sea water hit the rocks under the two big rocks, Fang Jianming only felt the sea breeze was extremely fresh.He took out the "child-mother longevity bottle", put it on the ground, touched the longevity bottle, and said with a smile: "Changsheng, if this is your home, you can go with your mother."

The Changshengzi bottle shook, as if nodding.All of a sudden, the son bottle and the mother bottle jumped up and landed on two big rocks respectively.

Just when they were about to jump off the boulder into the sea, the Changshengzi bottle stopped and turned around, as if looking back at Fang Jianming, reluctant to say goodbye to Fang Jianming.

Fang Jianming smiled, waved at it, and said, "Changsheng, go with your mother, this is your home."

The Changshengzi bottle made a strange sound, as if crying, but also as if very happy.At this moment, I saw it and its mother, that is, the Longevity Mother Vase, stretched their bodies, drew a beautiful arc in midair, and fell into the sea with a "plop".

Not long after, suddenly two huge waves rushed up from the depths of the sea, which looked extremely spectacular.Fang Jianming looked up to the sky and let out a long howl. After the two huge waves fell, they rushed up again with a "boom", which was in harmony with Fang Jianming's howling.

At this moment, Lu Xue came over from afar and said, "Young master, Zhang Shicheng's treasure may have been found."

After hearing this, Fang Jianming turned around and said, "Okay, then let's go and have a look."

So, everyone used their body skills, led by Lu Xue, and rushed towards the island.

Not long after, they had gone deep into the island, and not long after, they had come to the foot of a mountain.At this time, all the people had gathered under the mountain, and a dispute arose, some wanted to enter the cave immediately, some said they wanted to wait for Fang Jianming to come back, and Fang Jianming would decide.

As soon as Fang Jianming arrived, the dispute subsided.

At the bottom of the mountain, someone found the entrance of the cave, and used his skill to shake the entrance of the cave, and the falling stones were also moved to the side.

Fang Jianming glanced inside, and thought to himself, "This must be where Zhang Shicheng's treasure is."

At the moment, Fang Jianming and others walked in the front, and the others walked behind, heading into the cave in sequence.Those who walked behind were afraid that those in front would snatch the treasure, so they wanted to squeeze forward, but they were afraid of Fang Jianming's martial arts, so they had to obediently walk behind.

Soon, everyone has come to an end.No one expected that there was a huge cave under this mountain.Looking at the past, countless rare treasures are piled up among them, which are extremely dazzling.

When Fang Jianming and the others saw this, they couldn't help but gasped.Even the emperor might not have so many treasures.

Suddenly someone yelled and rushed towards the cave, opened his hands, embraced a huge jade coral, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, it's mine."

In an instant, many people rushed into the cave and started scrambling for treasures.Fang Jianming never expected that these people would be so crazy, he was about to shout loudly, when he heard a voice saying: "These treasures belong to the emperor, whoever dares to fight with the emperor will be against the emperor, and will be killed without mercy."

Fang Jianming turned his head and saw a middle-aged man stretched out his hand and took off his coat, revealing a well-dressed outfit.At this time, among the crowd, more than 300 people also took off their coats, revealing a whole body of strong clothes. It was obvious that they were with the middle-aged man, and it was clearly arranged by Zhu Qizhen.

But these people still underestimated the madness of other people. As more and more people poured into the cave, how could these more than 300 people control the situation? Even themselves fell into a kind of crazy snatching .

Seeing this, Fang Jianming couldn't help sighing in his heart, thinking: "I thought martial arts was the most terrifying thing in the world, because it can kill people, but until this moment, I realized that although martial arts are terrifying, the human heart is the most terrifying. "

"Okay, that's mine. If you dare to snatch it from me, I'll kill you."

"Fart, it's mine."

"Fuck you, you deserve this too."

"He is not worthy, and you are even more unworthy."


Bang bang bang bang, in the huge cave, there are sounds of snatching everywhere.

Seeing that the blood was about to flow into a river, Fang Jianming shouted loudly, which shocked these people to stop and froze for a while.

Fang Jianming was about to speak, when he heard a loud "boom", and he didn't know what happened somewhere on the island, and immediately, the ground trembled.

In an instant, a red thing seemed to erupt from the ground, and the whole ground looked very red.

Someone was shocked and said: "No, there is lava under this island, and it is about to spew out. Run, run."

This man was well aware of the power of it, and he didn't care about any treasures anymore. He said that he had already ran out of the cave, but he had only run a dozen or so feet before he fell to the ground because of the trembling of the ground, and immediately broke his scalp. , can't get up.

At this time, the whole island seemed to be shaken by an earthquake, and the ground shook constantly. Many people couldn't stand upright and rolled to the ground.

Seeing that a catastrophe was about to come, Fang Jianming suddenly let out a long howl, and asked for the Shennong stick from Bai Yiyi's hand, and threw the pestle on the ground, using enough power, and brought the "Great Sleeping Magic" to the extreme, and when he showed his supernatural powers, it made him The ground softened slightly.

"Go, go, if you don't go, everyone will die here." Fang Jianming roared.

At this time, the instinct to escape inspired many people. These people also forgot how Fang Jianming had such a great ability to resist the power of heaven and earth. They all got up and ran out of the cave.Although the ground was trembling, it was enough for them to stand and run.

After a cup of tea, most people ran out of the cave and ran towards the seaside. Although their feet were trembling, they all knew that if they didn't use their whole body at this time, they would die without a place to die at any time.

At this moment, Fang Jianming in the cave shouted: "Yun'er, you guys go too."

"No, even if we die, we will die together."

As Long Biyun said, she sat down suddenly, stretched out her hand to take Fang Jianming's hand, and exercised enough skill.At this moment, Bai Yiyi sat down, Zhou Feng sat down, Dongfang Tianjiao sat down, Bai Yiren sat down, Zhu Qiyan sat down, Feng Feiyan sat down, Zhu Hongshou sat down, Ji Furong sat down When they got down, Long Yue sat down, even Qianqian and Yanyan sat down too.A total of thirteen people, holding hands, fought against the power of heaven and earth together.

Lu Xue, Du Meng, Gao Tang, and Guo Jie were about to sit down and fight against Fang Jianming and the others, but Fang Jianming said loudly: "Brother Lu, hurry up, no matter how strong your manpower is, you can't stop this catastrophe from coming. Life wasted in vain."

Lu Xue, Du Meng, Gao Tang, Guo Jie knelt down and shouted: "Young master!"

"Go, go, if you don't go, you won't listen to my young master, go!" Fang Jianming was almost roaring when he finished speaking.

After hearing this, Lu Xue, Du Meng, Guo Jie, and Gao Tang knew that their presence would be useless, so they took one last look at Fang Jianming, stood up, and ran out of the cave.

Not long after the four of them ran out of the cave, they suddenly heard a strange cry, and the bird flew in from outside the cave, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, my old man can be reborn from the ashes again."

At the bottom behind it, the red-headed dragon and the fire-eyed golden monkey rushed to the left and right, full of strength, as if they wanted to fight this catastrophe to the end.


After Lu Xue, Du Meng, Gao Tang, and Guo Jie ran to the seaside, many people had already boarded the boat and started sailing with loud roars.When everyone boarded the boat, the entire island began to undergo tremendous changes, with rocks flying and the ground shaking.

The faces of the people on board were all pale, and as the dozens of ships went away, everyone's faces did not weaken because of this.Some people even sat down on the deck of the boat in a state of collapse, talking to themselves, looking as if they had been frightened out of their wits.

Suddenly hearing a "boom", the island in the distance was completely destroyed, and countless lava spewed out, burning half of the sky red.

Dozens of people on the boat could only watch in horror, and someone tremblingly said: "It's over, it's over, everything is over, even if Fang Daxia has great abilities, he's already..."

Someone yelled: "It's all your fault, what's the matter with robbing, it's okay now, Fang Daxia and his wives were all buried on the island in order to save us."

"Didn't you grab it?"

"I'm robbing, but I'm not as crazy as you guys. I still have some conscience."

"Conscience? Haha, there are so many people on board, how many of them have conscience? If Fang Daxia hadn't used his magical powers to buy us time, we would have died long ago, how could we have left alive?"

As the man said, he knelt down on one leg, clasped his fists with both hands, faced the direction of the island, and said: "Fang Daxia, you saved this life, and I have nothing to repay you, so I thank you here."

When he knelt like this, many people also knelt down, thinking that he had almost met someone with a sword in order to fight for the treasure before, so he didn't feel a little ashamed.

Lu Xue, Du Meng, Gao Tang, and Guo Jie knelt down, their faces were full of sadness, and they shouted in unison: "Young master!"

Suddenly someone said in surprise: "What is that?"

When everyone looked up, they couldn't help being stunned for a while, but suddenly there was an illusion above the sea, a huge strange beast, standing majestically in mid-air.

"Kirin Mouse!"

Someone shouted.

In the blink of an eye, that huge strange beast disappeared, followed by countless phantoms, including people, horses, and monkeys, and what was even more strange was that a huge bird spread its wings and saw It looks like it wants to break through the sky and soar above the nine heavens.

"Oh my god, this...what's going on, I...I'm not dazzled..." someone tremblingly said.

At this moment, those phantoms suddenly disappeared and turned into white clouds, scattered in the sky, extremely white.

In an instant, everyone seemed to fall into a dream, not knowing whether those phantoms had changed from white clouds, or those phantoms had already turned into white clouds.But I feel that my life is like an illusory dream, which is said to be real, but it is not real.

Maybe we are in a dream now, and when we wake up, we find that it is another dream.Yes Feiye, Mengyezhenye, who can tell clearly?

not the ending
If you like the suspenseful ending, you don't have to watch it anymore.The content is a bit spoof, but it is with a kind of respect, if you don't like it, you don't need to read it.

Many years later, somewhere in the East China Sea, under the hazy moonlight, a large ship was floating on the sea, drifting with the current, incomparably at ease.

This is a large ship that looks like a building, with three floors in total. It is decorated in an antique style, which makes people feel that this is no longer something in the world, but something that only exists in the fairyland.

On a rocking chair, a man was lying swaying.

The man is in his 30s. Although he is not a very handsome person, he has a pair of mustaches, smart eyes, and the unique mature charm of his body, which will definitely make many women crazy about him.

At that time, the man was looking at the night sky with a pleasant smile on his lips.Beside the rocking chair, there is a wooden table with a wine jug, a wine glass, and a half glass of nectar in the wine glass.

The man picked up his glass and took a sip.

Suddenly, a voice came from the cabin, asking: "Have you thought about it?" With the voice, a woman came out from the cabin. This is a beautiful woman, so beautiful that it is beyond human .

The man put his body together, turned his head and smiled and said, "What are you thinking?"

The beautiful woman stared, put her hands on her hips, and said: "Why do you lose your memory more and more? I ask you to name our child. You can't tell. Now the child is more than half a year old, so I can't do it anymore." A name, how shall we call him in the future?"

As soon as the words fell, three women came out of the cabin with their big bellies, and one of them brushed her temple hair and said: "Sister Yiyi, you can't say that about him, you should go up and twist it." His ears ask." After speaking, the cigarette holder smiled.

The man smiled wryly, stood up from the rocking chair, and said, "Yun'er, I don't know how many times you have twisted my ears. If I twist them again, I'm afraid they will fall off. Well, let me think about it." ..." He said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister Yiyi, do you mind if our first child is named Chu?"

The beautiful woman's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said, "Sir, what do you mean, our first child will follow the adoptive father's surname?"

The man nodded, with a memory on his face, and said: "Without my adoptive father, I would not be where I am today. Sister Yiyi, we..."

Before he could finish speaking, the beautiful woman said: "Master, I understand what you mean. The adoptive father is our matchmaker. Without the adoptive father, you and I would not be together. I promise you, our child will be happy with you." Surnamed Chu."

At this time, eight young women came out of the cabin, and one of the tallest was holding a baby. The baby opened a pair of big eyes and looked at it curiously.

The man stepped forward, clumsily carried the baby from the hands of the tall young woman, humming softly, his expression was no different from that of an ordinary father.

Looking at his father's face, the baby suddenly showed a smile, looking very innocent.

"Tell me, what should the child's name be?" The man raised his head and glanced at the female companions around him.

"Since his surname is Chu, why not call him Chu Yihang?" a young woman said.

"Yihang Yihang, um, the name is quite easy to pronounce." The man said.

"If I want to get up, I'll call him Chu Qiushui. Look at his eyes, they are as bright as autumn water, and he can even smile at people." Another young woman said.

"Chu Qiushui?" the man asked in surprise.

"This name is a bit feminine. In my opinion, it should be called Chu Xiaoxie. Xiaoxie Xiaoxie, when he grows up, he will have a little evil spirit on him, that would be great. I don't know how many big girls will be fascinated to death." The third young woman said.

The man was about to speak, but the third young woman said first: "Xiaoxie will make people think he is a bad person, why not call him Potian, we will teach him a lot of martial arts in the future, and make him even stronger than his father."

"Oh, this name is too vulgar and doesn't sound good. I think it should be Chu Wuji." said the fourth young woman.

"Chu Wuji is also very vulgar. His name is Chu Feiyang, Feiyang Feiyang, isn't it very smooth when we call him?" the fifth young woman said.

"Chu Feiyang sounds good, but I think Chu Ziling is also good, and Ziling Ziling is also very easy to pronounce." The sixth young woman said.

The seventh young woman pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I'll pick one too, named Chu Yidao. His father used a knife, and his godfather also used a knife. Wouldn't it be appropriate to call him Chu Yidao?"

Hearing this, the man had a wry smile on his face.Before he opened his mouth, all the girls started to name the baby in a hurry. There were all kinds of names, and he was sweating all over. .”

Suddenly, a faint fragrance came, but the big ship had already floated near an island, where many unknown flowers grew, and the night wind blew, and the fragrance of flowers scattered.The man's skill is so strong that he smelled it immediately.

"I figured it out." The man said loudly.

"What?" All the girls asked in unison.

"Chu Liuxiang, he will be called Chu Liuxiang from now on." The man said.

"Chu Liuxiang?" All the women were stunned, and couldn't help but look at the baby in the man's arms.

Seeing so many people looking at him, the baby was not afraid at all, and let out a cute laugh, saying: "Chu... Liu... Xiang..."


(End of this chapter)

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