Mr. Yangui

Chapter 40 Generous statement

Chapter 40 Generous statement
Zhang House.

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?" Zhang Xiu looked at Zhang Yanbo who was trembling at the side with an angry look on his face.

What he was talking about was of course the assassination of Li Wuchang.

In normal times, this matter might be nothing, but now that General Zhou Shengzhou went mad on the spot during the court meeting, His Majesty ordered Dali Temple to thoroughly investigate the case in order to appease his beloved general, this is a big problem.

Zhang Xiu thought about this matter carefully, and felt that this matter should be related to his son Zhang Yanbo.Zhang Yanbo was beaten by Li Wuchang at the Li family banquet before, it is normal to hold a grudge.

Zhang Yanbo saw that his father was very angry, his legs tightened, and tremblingly said: "My son just feels angry, and wants to find a few people to teach Li Wuchang a lesson, who knows that those gangsters on the road will hurt the killer, this is also because the son didn't expected."

"Idiot!" Zhang Xiu interrupted him.

Zhang Yanbo immediately stopped and kept silent, he had heard about it, His Majesty was furious and wanted to thoroughly investigate the case and catch all the people behind the scenes, he panicked right then.

Zhang Xiu was silent, his thoughts turned.

Zhou Sheng's sudden attack was simply because he couldn't see it, and wanted to seek justice for Li Wuchang, the doctor who treated him, or did he already know who did it, and this time it was aimed at the Zhang family?

As for what Zhou Sheng said that someone wanted to kill him, it was true, but absolutely no one would dare to attack Zhou Sheng at this juncture.

Zhou Sheng was definitely not as reckless as he appeared on the surface, otherwise he would not be trusted by His Majesty, what was his intention to get so angry this time?It will never be true to help that Li Wuchang vent his anger. What is Li Wuchang, he is worthy of Zhou Sheng's shot.

Is there any shadow of Li Lingwu here?Probably not, Li Lingwu is more unfathomable than Zhou Sheng, he won't act rashly, and he will kill if he makes a move, not to mention, the Zhang and Li families have already formed an alliance.

what is the problem?

Has anyone colluded with Zhou Sheng and used this incident to stab the Zhang family?

Zhang Xiu shook his head, unable to figure it out, took a deep breath, and asked, "Where are those killers now?"

"They have already sent people to silence them outside the city, and they did it very cleanly, just like an ordinary gang fight." Zhang Yanbo calmed down and answered.

Zhang Xiu nodded slightly, no matter what other people's purpose is, the most important thing is to get in and get rid of the relationship.

"It's just..." Zhang Yanbo opened his mouth, hesitating.

Zhang Xiu frowned and looked at Zhang Yanbo.

"It's just that their leader, Ma Liben, has never been found, and I don't know where he has gone." Zhang Yanbo whispered.

"Idiot!" Zhang Xiu cursed again. Hearing this news, he felt more and more that someone sincerely wanted to deal with the Zhang family, catch the culprit, and testify at any time.

It has to be said that Zhang Xiu has lived in the officialdom for a long time, is used to intrigue, and likes to think about the bad in everything.

In fact, Ma Liben had already been released by Zhao Xun. He listened to Zhao Xun's instructions to avoid being silenced. He had already hid in the mountains, and of course no one could find him.

Zhang Yanbang, who was silent all the time, interjected, "Father, could it be uncle?"

Zhang Yanbang suspected that it was Li Lingwu who did it, and the purpose was to vent his anger on Li Wuchang. Moreover, Zhou Sheng and Li Lingwu had known each other since childhood and had a close personal relationship. If Li Lingwu greeted him, Zhou Sheng should give him face.

Zhang Xiu snorted coldly: "You think that uncle of yours will fall out with the Zhang family because of a bastard?...Don't get involved in this matter, and then you should watch your bastard brother carefully."

The matter has come to this point, Zhang Xiu can only try his best to deal with it.

Liu Zhifan.

Li Lingwu.

Zhou Sheng.

Everyone is a must see.


Li Mansion East Courtyard.

Li Lingwu smiled a little, and said, "This old boy Zhou Sheng can make a scene, it's really rare."

Li Hu, Li Qing, and Li Zhongyue all stood aside with different expressions.

Li Qing sighed: "I've been watching Wuchang these days, and found that he didn't have any abnormalities. I was secretly relieved, but who knew that he even talked about Zhou Sheng, and now things are complicated."

Li Zhongyue snorted: "Who is Zhou Sheng? Big brother may not be able to persuade him even if he goes out. Just rely on that brat Impermanence?"

Li Hu said: "Don't underestimate this kid. Everyone has seen his abilities these days. Although he has no martial arts, he has a very clever mind. He helped me interrogate Khitan spies before, and his methods are very clever, but you haven't seen it." .”

Then he laughed at himself, and continued: "There is also the matter of Mr. Xue. So far, there is no clue. I was ridiculed by him once, and you were all present at that time."

Everyone laughed lightly.

Li Hu also laughed, and then said seriously: "Brother, I have checked, there are twelve killers in that group, eleven of them have been killed by Zhang's housekeeper, only the leader Ma Liben is still missing. "

Only then did everyone put away their smiles.

Will someone specially take in that Ma Liben?

Li Lingwu said: "Leave these things to Zhang Xiu to worry about. His son is so bold, and he should know the consequences. It is not convenient for me to take action, but it does not mean that their Zhang family can be so arrogant... Huh, twelve It is arrogance for a killer to besiege my son who has no martial arts."

As soon as Zhang Xiu was mentioned, the housekeeper reported Zhang Shilang to visit.

A sneer came from the corner of Li Lingwu's mouth, and he said, "You guys should continue to pay attention to this matter. It's best to find out that leader, check along his line, and sort out the evidence."


Zhang Xiu brought his son Zhang Yanbang to the Li Mansion this time, saying that he came to visit the injured Li Wuchang.

living room.

Li Lingwu, Zhang Xiu, and Li Hu drank tea and talked about things together, and Mrs. Zhang personally waited on them.

Zhang Yanbang, Li Wufeng and Li Wuchang sat down with them.

Zhang Xiu looked at Li Wuchang, saw that his hands were still tied with bandages, and asked with concern, "Wuchang, how is your body?"

Li Wuchang replied immediately, saying respectfully: "Thank you for your concern, Uncle, it's nothing serious."

Zhang Xiu said again: "Do you have any clue, do you know who is so arrogant and did such a crazy thing?"

Seeing Zhang Xiu's pretending, Li Wuchang cursed hypocrisy in his heart. Of course, he couldn't show any dissatisfaction or suspicion on the surface. He frowned and said, "There may be some clues..."

Zhang Xiu's expression froze for a moment, but he recovered immediately.

Li Wuchang pretended to think about it, and said: "I remember a few days ago, Zhou Chengwang, the eldest son of General Zhou, came to me and told me to be more careful recently. I cured General Zhou, and it would cause dissatisfaction with General Zhou's political opponents. To deal with me, I didn't care about it at the time, and even boasted that I was not afraid, who knows, alas... Fortunately, a young hero happened to pass by that day, otherwise I might really meet Hades."

After all, he showed a regretful look.

Zhang Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh, that's right."

Li Wuchang said harshly again: "Don't let me know who did it, hum... I hope Dali Temple can find out the truth as soon as possible this time, and give me justice. In broad daylight, they are so arrogant and attack good people like me. Small talk is to provoke the Li family."

After a pause, he raised his voice, and continued: "To put it bluntly, it is a doctor who tried to kill General Zhou in vain, so that General Zhou's body could not recover, so that General Zhou could not go to the battlefield to fight against the Khitans. It can be seen that the behind-the-scenes The planners colluded with the Khitan people, and their rebellious intentions were clearly revealed."

"..." Li Hu almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

This Li Wuchang is really scary when he puts on his hat. If someone makes such remarks during the court, it will definitely scare a large number of people.

Zhang Yanbang was frightened, and hurriedly said: "Cousin, isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

Li Wuchang replied: "It is not an exaggeration at all. General Zhou is for the country and the people. It is really heartbreaking to be plotted against by this."

Then he stood up, straightened his body, and made an impassioned speech.

"Death is lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. Although I, Li Wuchang, am insignificant, I can treat General Zhou's illness. Even if I die, it is the honor of my life."

"No one in life has died since ancient times, and keep a loyal heart to reflect history."

"Kill one Li Wuchang, and thousands of Li Wuchang will stand up."

"Grandma is a bear, those people want to kill General Zhou, want to rebel, want to overthrow Dayan Jiangshan...Dream!"

Everyone looked at Li Wuchang, who was dancing with excitement, and felt as if ten thousand wild horses were running in their hearts.

What the hell is this kid talking about? Where does it go? One mouthful of rebellion, one mouthful of overthrowing the Great Yan Jiangshan, trying to scare people to death, right?

However, this kid's literary talents are quite good, especially the sentence: No one in life has died since ancient times, so keep your loyal heart to reflect history.

What a poem.

Li Lingwu coughed lightly, interrupted Li Wuchang, and said: "Okay, stop pretending, you are afraid that someone will cover up the murderer."

Li Wuchang immediately stopped, sat down, and didn't look sideways. To be honest, he just wanted to see Li Lingwu's attitude by acting like this.

Zhang Xiu was also taken aback by Li Wuchang.

Damn it, when did Li Wuchang's eloquence become so outstanding? He shouldn't be a doctor, he should be a civil servant in the imperial court. To put it bluntly, he is definitely a first-class expert.

Of course the eldest lady Zhang knew why her brother Zhang Xiu came to the Li residence.

Zhang Xiuqian had already sent someone to get angry with her, and wanted her to see Li Lingwu's attitude, and help her by the way.

Now Li Lingwu's attitude is ambiguous, Zhang said with a smile: "Master, look, who will it be this time?"

Li Lingwu took a sip of tea, glanced at Mrs. Zhang, and said lightly: "Your Majesty has already handed over this matter to Dali Temple, so I will not directly intervene for the time being. Who will be found depends on Liu Zhifan's attitude. Of course, Liu Zhifan will definitely look at Zhou Sheng's attitude... This matter involves impermanence, although I won't investigate it myself, I will still pay attention to it."

Zhang Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Li Lingwu will not intervene. He doesn't want to completely fall out with the Zhang family. At most, he wants to get some benefits for the Li family. Finding a reason to give it to the Li family is an explanation to the Li family.

Now we only need to deal with Liu Zhifan and Zhou Sheng, the ministers of Dali Temple.

It's okay to say that Liu Zhifan is a person, although he has nothing to say and is low-key, but he is a person with great ambitions. His son Liu Xuan is a first-class talent, and he said that he wants to work in the military department in the future.

Zhang Xiu is the left servant of the Ministry of War, so it is no problem to arrange a good position for Liu Xuan.

When I saw Liu Zhifan, I gave him a hint and told him not to get to the bottom of it. Anyway, the killers are all dead, and they died in gang fights.

It's just that the leader Ma Liben has not been found, which is a trouble, but fortunately, the problem is not big.

The biggest problem is Zhou Sheng.

Now Zhou Sheng's purpose is unclear, and he doesn't know how much he knows the truth of the matter, and he has that donkey temper.

We must first find an opportunity to visit Zhou Sheng's house and try it out.

Zhang Xiu thought about this, and said: "Impermanence, I heard that you will have a follow-up visit for General Zhou in a few days... That's right, my uncle has admired General Zhou for a long time. After he fell ill, I always wanted to visit him. Alas, the official I'm busy, I haven't had a chance, how about it, next time you go to General Zhou's house, tell me that I want to visit him, okay?"

Li Wuchang smiled and said: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely bring the words to you."

(End of this chapter)

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