Mr. Yangui

Chapter 14 Long Street Assassination

Chapter 14 Long Street Assassination
Guo Yunling walked to the steamed stuffed bun shop, and the shopkeeper saw that it was Miss Guo's family, and immediately bowed her hands and gave warm hospitality. The reputation of Miss Guo's family in Chang'an City is no less than that of Li Wuchang. The difference is that Li Wuchang is notorious, while Miss Guo is a good name.

"Shopkeeper, what did Li Wuchang do with you just now?" Guo Yunling asked.

"Mr. Li invited a little beggar to eat a meal, and asked the waiter to pack a big bag, because the little beggar said that his parents hadn't eaten yet, so he begged Mr. Li to bring something to eat for his parents." The shopkeeper Those who dare not neglect, report truthfully.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Li also gave the old man a 100 tael silver note, and told him that if any beggars come to the shop, ask the old man to give him something to eat." The shopkeeper thought for a moment and added.

"Would he be so kind?" Guo Yunling was very surprised.

"I also find it strange, but after all, Mr. Li is very kind today." The old shopkeeper sighed, thinking of Li Wuchang's performance just now, he was surprised.

Did that guy take the wrong medicine?
Guo Yunling thought bitterly in her heart, greeted Xiaocui, watched Li Wuchang who was about to disappear at the corner of the street, and followed.

Near the east city wall, there is a rough-built thatched hut, in which many refugees who sought refuge in the city lived. Some of these people were injured by the snowstorm and their homes were destroyed. He was killed by bandits and took refuge in the city.

Just outside the wall of Daozhengfang, there are many refugees.

The Wang Changde family's house was crushed by the heavy snow, and they took their wife and children to the city to seek refuge. They lived in a thatched hut temporarily built by the government, sheltered from the rain but not the wind, and relied on porridge handouts from the court and wealthy families every day.

But there are more and more refugees, and sometimes they can't even get porridge.

The past few days have been extremely gloomy and cold. Wang Changde's wife fell ill. Looking at his wife's sallow complexion, Wang Changde's heart felt like a knife. If he didn't have money to see a doctor, he might not be able to survive.

Wang Changde only grabbed a bowl of porridge today and carefully fed it to his wife. At last, his wife got better, she lost her mind and screamed for hunger. Her six-year-old daughter, Xiao Xi, was very sensible and said she was going to ask for meat buns for her mother. Wang Changde Considering her filial piety, she didn't stop her, and asked her to go back early, and didn't expect her daughter to come back for dinner.

It's been an hour, and Xiao Xi hasn't come back yet, could she be lost?It doesn't make sense, although Xiao Xi is small, she is clever, and she often goes to various places to beg for food on weekdays, and she can find it correctly every time.

Wang Changde was a little anxious, so he spread a layer of thatch on his wife and decided to look for it by himself.

"Daddy, I'm back." Just as Wang Changde was about to go out, he saw Xiao Xi running towards him. She was wrapped in a large robe, the style was exquisite, and it was worth a lot of money at first glance, and she was carrying a cloth bag in her hand.

Wang Changde was surprised in his heart, what is he doing here, it's really time for dinner?
The cloth bag was full of food, full of food, and still steaming. Wang Changde swallowed, looked at Xiao Xi, and asked, "Who gave this to you?"

"Elder Lengzi gave it to me." Xiao Xi replied with a radiant face.

"You fool?" Wang Changde was very puzzled, how could anyone call him that name.

"Yes, he is a handsome big brother. He asked Xiao Xi to eat a lot of meat buns before. I heard that my parents didn't eat anything. This bag is for my brother to ask Xiao Xi to bring my father and mother to eat. Yes." Xiao Xi reported the whole thing.

She took out another banknote and handed it to Wang Changde, saying: "Brother Erliant also gave me a banknote, saying that Daddy will keep it. If Xiaoxi is hungry, she can use this to buy food."

Wang Changde picked up the banknote and looked at it. He was terrified. It turned out to be 100 taels. He had never seen so much money.

"Father, brother Erlang sent Xiao Xi to the street, and then went back, saying that there is still something to do, and I will come to see Xiao Xi in the future, he is so kind." The little girl was naive, and she immediately regarded Li Wuchang as a the closest people.

Wang Changde is a farmer who cultivates the land, with a simple mind and a heart. Xiao Xi has met a noble man, and God blesses her.Thinking of this, Wang Changde knelt down in the direction of Xiao Xi's return, bowed, then supported his wife, fed her, and after eating a few buns, his wife's face finally turned red.

Li Wuchang hid on the corner of the street, watching this scene, he was quite relieved, he is not a saint, but when things come to an end, he can't help but want to take care of them.

After helping a little girl, Li Wuchang was in a good mood, humming a ditty and walked back, thinking about going to mess around again, to ruin his reputation, it would be best to spread it to the aunt's ears, so that she could rest assured, and then went home and continued secretly practice martial arts.

He didn't know that someone was following him secretly.

Walking along the city wall to the side of Changle Square, Li Wuchang suddenly heard the sound of breaking wind, his martial arts had reached a certain level, his hearing became more sensitive, and he felt at least two people running towards him.

Li Wuchang turned around, shocked in his heart.

Grandma is a bear, there are more than two people, there are five or six, all masked men in black, holding steel knives, sharp eyes, all staring at her fiercely, obviously directed at her.

Before Li Wuchang had a chance to ask what was going on, one of the men in black waved his hand and said a word: "Kill."

Damn, who are these people? Is there any law to kill them if they disagree with each other?

Li Wuchang didn't know who these people in front of him were, but what was certain was that they had come here with no intentions, and had been following him for a while, and when they came to a deserted street, they suddenly attacked, obviously with evil intentions.

Little life is important, he will definitely not be able to fight, he is just Li Wuchang, not Hei Wuchang, just learned some kung fu, how could he beat so many desperadoes.

Run, Li Wuchang spread his legs and started running.

"Clang, clang, clang..." came the sound of the steel knife being unsheathed, and Li Wuchang knew that the other party was playing for real, so he had to run desperately, hearing the sound of hurried footsteps, and the killers were chasing after him.

Li Wuchang was very calm in his heart, he didn't have time to think about why so many people chased and killed him, a dude, he just thought about how to pass the level in front of him, after running for a long time, he found that there was no pedestrian on the road, even though it was near the city wall The streets are sparsely populated, but not without a single person. This is obviously carefully planned.

Panting heavily, Li Wuchang stopped, the road ahead had been blocked by debris, took a deep breath, picked up a green brick from the ground, and turned around.

Li Wuchang didn't want to die, so he had to fight him out.

The killers were not much better, they all patted their chests, panting heavily, and looked quite tired, Li Wuchang felt a little relieved, so it seemed that these killers didn't have much martial arts, and they were so tired after running a few steps.

The leading killer sneered and said, "Run again." Gritting his teeth, as if he hated it, he waved his hand and ordered his subordinates, "Go."

Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Li Wuchang threw the blue brick in his hand with all his strength.

A miraculous thing happened, the brick flew quickly, and hit the killer leader's forehead accurately, his head burst into blossoms, bleeding, he hissed wildly, covered his forehead, squatted down, all the subordinates hurriedly supported him, and panicked for a while.

Li Wuchang looked at his right hand in amazement, it seems that the four nights of training were not for nothing, it was different if he had true energy, his strength was much stronger.

"I'm fine, serve me and chop him into meat paste." The killer leader stood up, his eyes shot out hatred.

All the younger brothers took their knives to kill Li Wuchang one after another, they all fought desperately, similar to hooligans in the market.

An even more miraculous thing happened. Li Wuchang felt extremely clumsy when the seemingly fast blade slashed at him. He could clearly perceive every move of the killers.

He easily dodged two knives, stretched out his right foot, and kicked one of them hard in the lower abdomen. A burst of true energy rushed to the toes, which was extremely hot. When the toes kicked the man in black, the true energy was released Blast out hard.

The killer let out a miserable snort, flew upside down for more than a foot, spurted blood, and passed out.

Li Wuchang cheered up, and shouted coldly: "Come on." Then he punched another killer's face, his fist was hot, and the energy gushed out, the killer's face was crooked, and a mouthful of blood was also spurted out. Kneel down.

Shaking his head, Li Wuchang felt a little dizzy.

It's over, his true qi is overdrawn, he knows this situation, Li Hu's martial arts practice experience has such a record, he himself doesn't have much true qi, after running such a long distance, he made three more moves, and now he is very tired.

Thinking of this, his left hand felt a pain, he was cut, and blood erupted.

There were five killers in total, and Li Wu often knocked one down with a brick, kicked one over, and knocked one down with a punch. His strength was exhausted, and he was slashed by the remaining killers.

Being able to survive until now is all due to the domineering true energy of "Cang Yan Jue".

Li Wuchang managed to stabilize his mind, and stepped back a few steps. The remaining two killers no longer stepped forward, posing and walking around Li Wuchang with light steps, ready for a fatal blow at any time.

The two sides confronted.

Looking at his left hand that was still bleeding, Li Wuchang adjusted his breathing, thinking in his heart that it must be resolved immediately, otherwise he would go into shock due to excessive blood loss.

"Bang, bang." With two muffled sounds, the remaining two killers suddenly fell to their knees.

"In broad daylight, you dare to commit murder and hurt others. Who are you?" A voice rang out.

A young woman in fine clothes flew over, she was the one who knocked down the killer with two palms just now, Li Wuchang heaved a sigh of relief, Grandma is a bear, someone finally came, almost confessed here.

Several killers got up quickly, crawled and rolled, and fled.

"Devil head?" Li Wuchang saw clearly that it was Guo Yunling, the eldest lady of the Guo family, the woman who often taught him and Han Dazhi a lesson.

"What did you say?" Guo Yunling was unhappy.

"Oh, oh... Miss Guo, hello, why are you here?" Li Wuchang hastily changed his address, he was very surprised how Miss Guo came to this city wall and saved himself.

Head dizzy, feeling dizzy.

The left hand was still bleeding, and the bleeding had to be stopped immediately. Li Wuchang grinned at Guo Yunling, and immediately sat on the ground, pulled off his sleeve, and found that the knife wound was deep, but luckily no artery was injured.

Seeing Li Wuchang's pale face, Guo Yunling rushed over, squatted down next to Li Wuchang, and said, "Are you okay... No, you have bled a lot, you must go to the doctor immediately."

"Unexpectedly, you care about me so much, Ms. Guo." Li Wuchang chuckled, and took out a pack of gold needles from his lapel, which was the guy who bought it in Chongyifang a few days ago.

Just kidding, Ben Lengshao himself is a miracle doctor, so he still needs to find a doctor?

(End of this chapter)

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