Chapter 40 The Return
After Zhao Bi left Wuliang Mountain, everything seemed to be arranged back to the original plot. As soon as he returned to the inn, he began to prepare his things to leave. When he came to Dali, he had already obtained everything he wanted, even the one he imagined. Everything has already been obtained, and now Zhao Bi feels that he may be the protagonist's life.

From Dali to Bianjing, the distance is still quite far, even if you rush on the road without stopping, it will take seven days at the fastest.

At that time, I left the Qinghai Navy and told Gu Meng that I would go back within two months at most, but now it is only half a month, and the time is still long.

It is quite interesting to stop and go along the way.

A month later, when Zhao Bi formally walked into the city gate of Bianjing with his horse, Zhao Bi instantly felt that this was the taste of home.

Royal Palace
In Wende Hall, sitting on the throne directly above is a slightly thin young man, dressed in a yellow dragon robe, very domineering, but this person seems to have no energy.

"Brother Huang, when do you think Brother Nine will come back?" The person who spoke was a young man who was similar to Zhao Bi, and he looked like a scholar. Of course, this person was Zhao Ji.

Ever since Gu Meng sent someone from the Qing Navy to send the memorial, even Zhao Mai was very happy. He used to regard Zhao Bi as the royal reliance. From the memorial, Zhao Mai can see that Zhao Bi must be a peerless master now. , so the heart can not stop the joy.

After hearing Zhao Ji's words, Zhao servant was also thinking, and then looked at the eunuch next to him and said, "Sir, why is there no news about King Mu now? It's almost two months now."

The official smiled wryly when he heard Zhao Mai's words, "Your Majesty, it's not that the slave is incompetent, it's been several years since no one has seen His Royal Highness Mu Wang, and now His Royal Highness Mu Wang may pass by the slave, and the slave may not be able to recognize him. "

Hearing what the official said, Maid Zhao felt that it was very reasonable. After all, we hadn't seen each other for four or five years, so even he might not recognize him at once.

Zhao Ji saw that Maid Zhao didn't speak, and then said, "Brother Huang..., Brother Six, anyway, Brother Nine didn't come back, why don't you let me go outside the palace to see the situation, maybe Brother Nine hasn't come back for a long time, and I can't remember the way gone."

Hearing Zhao Ji's words, Maid Zhao, who was still expecting something, became furious instantly, and said loudly, "Are you looking for your ninth brother? Are you looking for your ninth brother?"

Maid Zhao asked both sides, looked at Zhao Ji who lowered his head and continued to shout, "Who doesn't know what you are doing, last month Li Shangshu almost committed suicide in Wende Palace, it's not all because of you , hooking up with other girls, you are lowly, I really don't know what you think."

"Sixth Brother, Miss Li and I really love each other!" Zhao Ji said timidly.

Hearing what Zhao Ji said, Zhao servant Nuji laughed and said, "I'm still in love with each other, I really..., which of your dozen or so wives now say you are in love with each other, and you will be in love again in a few days. In this way, you can't imitate your ninth brother, you two are the same age, he is now a fiancée, or the old concubine is driving ducks to deadlift, what about you?"

Maid Zhao didn't expect anything from Zhao Ji at first, and now there are only five of his own brothers left, so it's fine for Zhao Ji to be a playboy at first, but this girl is now a kind of pig, except that the handwriting looks a little better, The cultural level is relatively high, what else?

This incompetent guy made Zhao servant more and more angry, and he simply said, "You should stay in the palace for a while and accompany your dozen or so wives who are in love with each other. If you dare to step out of the palace, I broke your leg."

Zhao Ji looked at the angry Maid Zhao, and muttered, "If you don't go out, you won't go out, then let her come to me."

Although the voice was low, Maid Zhao still heard it, and lay down on the dragon chair with his forehead, ignoring this useless thing.

Outside the palace, Zhao Bi, a man who hadn’t returned to the palace for several years, felt so familiar with everything here. When Zhao Bi led his horse to the gate of the palace, five or six soldiers with spears rushed up to block him. Front.

One of the leaders shouted, "Who are you, how can you bring troops and horses here, leave quickly."

Even though they scolded them so much, Zhao Bi was not dissatisfied, after all, this was their job.

Zhao Yu looked at several people and said, "Go and pass on the news, and say that the king is back."

The leader was stunned for a moment. There were not many people in the whole world who dared to call themselves kings in front of them. It suddenly occurred to him that Commander Zuowei had said that King Mu was coming back during this period, and everyone cheered up. Chill down the back.

The leader looked at Zhao Bi and asked respectfully, "I wonder if you are His Royal Highness King Mu?"

Zhao Bi smiled, pulled out the white jade dragon pendant from his waist and handed it to him.

When the leader looked at the white jade dragon pendant in his hand, he knelt down respectfully, held the jade pendant upwards with both hands, and then shouted loudly, "Tang Cheng, the inspector of the left guard of the humble imperial army, pays homage to His Royal Highness, just now I don't know His Highness because of my humble position, I still look at His Highness." Forgive me."

After hearing this, several other people immediately knelt down and shouted in unison, "Greetings to Your Highness King Mu."

Generally speaking, when the prince of the court passes through the gate of the palace, all the guards only need to bow, but just now they confessed that they had offended Zhao Bi, so they did this big gift.

Zhao Yu smiled and said, "Get up, take care of your duties, and I won't blame you."

Just as Zhao Bi was about to go in, he looked back at Tang Cheng and said, "You guys did a great job."

After Zhao Bi entered the gate, the people behind were still discussing, "I didn't expect His Royal Highness King Mu, who hasn't come back for many years, to be such a kind person."

Several people were nodding, and Tang Cheng shouted loudly, "What nonsense are you talking about, stand up quickly."

Although his mouth was very harsh, his eyes were still looking at Zhao Bi who walked into the gate.

"Report..., Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Mu has entered the palace just now, and the humble official came to pass the message." A small soldier ran to the Wende Hall to pass on the message.

Zhao servant also laughed when he heard the news of Zhao Bi's return, then stood up and walked out from the dragon chair, followed by the senior officials next to him.

Not long after, the news of King Mu's return spread in the palace, and everyone was discussing it. Some young maids who had just arrived asked the people next to them, "Who is His Highness King Mu?"

The maid next to her immediately said with disdain, "His Highness King Mu is His Highness Ninth Highness of Song Dynasty. He is the same age as King Duan. It is said that he is the smartest person in the whole royal family and even the whole world."

The little maid at the side immediately said with enthusiasm, "It's so powerful, why have I basically never heard of His Royal Highness King Mu in the past two years!"

"His Royal Highness King Mu left the palace five years ago. No one knows the exact location. It was rumored that His Royal Highness King Mu is an immortal descended from the mortal world some time ago. I don't know if it is true or not."

(End of this chapter)

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