Wilderness Live Streaming

Chapter 78 The pennant is delivered to the front of the house 【For collection】

Chapter 78 The pennant is delivered to the front of the house 【For collection】

Oh oh oh!~~~
In the early morning, before dawn, the sound of roosters crowing can be heard in Desheng Village.

Chen Ya, who had just woken up, stretched his waist, and then slowly opened his eyes. The look of exhaustion on his face was now swept away. For the first time in so many years, he fell asleep without insomnia, or It's a nightmare.

All of these are changes brought about by the system.

Chen Ya got up with a smile on his lips. After all, no matter how comfortable the outdoor environment is, it is not as comfortable as living at home, although this kind of life only lasts for three short days.

But for him, it is a shelter from the wind, a place where the spirit can rest.

Of course, this may be the last time Chen Ya returns home, and the main task in the future may not be in his hometown, but any place in the country.

By that time, the wilderness was his home.

But now, after waking up, Chen Ya immediately went to the back room to wash up. Due to family conditions, there was no toilet in the house, only a hut.

So I wash my face and brush my teeth in the back room, but on the table in the back room, there are three cups and three toothbrushes, one of which is of course Chen Ya's, and the other two belong to his parents.

Even though his parents were not around, Chen Ya still kept his daily necessities, always looking forward to the day when his parents came home.

Brush, brush, brush! ~
After picking up a glass of water and squeezing toothpaste, Chen Ya quickly washed up. He still has a lot of work to do today. The first thing is to send a courier, bring the dog meat and kudzu root to the town, and then pack it up. One sent to the tourists who won the prize in the live broadcast room.

The second most important thing is to go to the town to withdraw money, and then go to pay the debt.

Although the cash rewarded by the system could not pay off his father's debt, at least part of it could be paid off. Chen Ya had a bill in his mind, and he had a detailed plan for who should pay first, and who should pay later.

As for other things, they are basically trivial things, just do it on the way after going to town.

However, just as Chen Ya was washing up and thinking about today's tasks, a woman's figure appeared at the door of the house.

Ma Ling came to the gate, stretched out her hand and pushed it, and when she found that the iron gate was locked, she hummed immediately:
"Hmph! Do you think you can stop me by locking the door?"

After speaking, she quickly came to the courtyard wall that was more than three meters high. Immediately afterwards, Ma Ling jumped on the spot. In mid-air, she was as light as a swallow, her toes touched the wall, and she just jumped into the courtyard wall .

This was simply flying over the wall, and Chen Ya's behavior of locking the door last night was obviously a joke.

"Yaya, wake up!!"

After Ma Ling entered the courtyard, the Hedong lion roared immediately. Chen Ya, who had just finished washing, was putting the marinated dog meat into a snakeskin pocket, and was immediately startled by the sound.

After walking out of the bungalow, seeing Ma Ling in the courtyard, Chen Ya couldn't help being surprised and said:

"How did you get in?"

"I jumped over the wall to come in, otherwise I still wait for you to open the door for me?"

Ma Ling rolled her eyes, while Chen Ya was speechless. Then she went back to the house and continued to fill up the dog meat. The former Ma Ling followed in. After seeing the dog meat in the big plastic basin, although she was very curious, she didn't ask.

A smart woman should always know that when a man is doing something, don't interrupt, if the other party wants you to know, he will naturally say it, but asking this and that will make a man feel bored.

So, watching Chen Ya put the dog meat into the snakeskin pocket, Ma Ling couldn't help laughing and said:
"Sure enough, when Ya Ya was working, he was the most handsome!"

Chen Ya's body froze, and he suddenly wanted to bump his head to death. Fortunately, at this time, someone knocked on the iron door of his house.

frame! ~ box! ~
"Yazi! Open the door quickly, the city leader has brought you a pennant!"

Qin Ye's voice sounded outside the courtyard, Ma Ling heard this, and immediately said:

"I'll open the door."

Seeing Ma Ling running out, Chen Ya sealed the snakeskin bag and put it together with the bag containing kudzu root, then clapped his hands and walked out.

Outside the courtyard, Qin Ye held a bright red pennant with his chest upright, with sixteen large characters written on it:
"Heroic and promising, arrest criminals, the police and the people work together to protect the safety of one side!"

And behind him, there are many local leaders, the biggest official among them is Secretary Shi Wei, followed by the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the mayor of Xinkou Town, the secretary of Desheng Village, and some officers and police officers. , reporters and so on.

The reason for this situation was only because of Chen Ya's incident, which alarmed the provincial government. Of course, these local leaders did not dare to neglect. After the matter was over, they came to present the pennant in person the next day.

You know, this is a political achievement!
These leaders came to express their condolences like cats smelling the smell of fish. When Ma Ling came to the gate and saw an iron lock on the upper and lower sides, she immediately grabbed the door bolt and pulled it hard.

Ka... Ka... Ka...

The iron door was overwhelmed, and there was a crackling sound. Chen Ya, who had just walked out of the room, saw this, and his expression changed instantly with fright.

"Hold the grass! Don't tear down my door! Here's the key!"

After finishing speaking, she immediately threw the key over. After Ma Ling took the key, she couldn't help laughing and said:
"It's time to give it to me, otherwise you will tear down the door of your house every day!"

The iron gate was opened, and Qin Ye said with a smile on his face:

"Yazi... Ma... Marshal Ma!"

Seeing Ma Ling, Qin Ye opened his eyes wide and almost peed in fear on the spot!Then he turned around and ran, but before he could take two steps, he was pulled back by Ma Ling.

"What are you running! Am I a tigress?"

Qin Ye was terrified and trembling with fright. How could he look like a policeman?But at this time, Zhao Xilai, who was the chief of the bureau, saw that his subordinates were caught, and he couldn't help but coughed immediately:

"Miss Ma, is Chen Ya at home?"

As a national-level athlete, Ma Ling's reputation can be said to be well-known far and wide, and the local leaders all know it.

"he is at home."

Ma Ling glanced at the group of people, seeming a bit unimpressed, but she still greeted Li Kangda with a smile and said:

"Uncle Li is here too?"

Li Kangda smiled and nodded:
"Hello Xiaoling, I haven't seen you for a few years, you are already such a big girl."

More than ten years ago, Li Kangda was only the mayor of Xinkou Town. Apart from the recommendation of Chen Ya's master, he also made work arrangements for Ma Ling to go to the martial arts school.

Therefore, Li Kangda also contributed part of Ma Ling's current achievements, which is also one of his political achievements.

When a group of people entered the courtyard, Li Kangda saw Chen Ya, couldn't help but smiled and stretched out his hand and said:
"Xiao Ya, on behalf of the city government, thank you for assisting the police in successfully arresting the fugitive."

Obviously, Li Kangda also had an impression of Chen Ya, and the latter smiled and shook hands with him, saying casually:
"Uncle Li's compliment is serious, I just did it conveniently."

"It's a good sentence to do it easily, young people today lack a kind of..."

Li Kangda had a lot of blah blah blah blah. Although he talked a lot, he didn't use an official accent. Chen Ya smiled, and he still had a good impression of this secretary who was doing facts.

The two factories that polluted Desheng Village were eventually shut down by Li Kangda's order, which offended many people, so Chen Ya also recognized this veteran cadre.

As for the others...

When Li Kangda finished speaking, the rest of the mayors and village secretaries immediately applauded and flattered them, with flattering smiles that made people want to vomit, but Chen Ya, as the owner of the house, still had to shake hands with him.

First, Zhao Xilai, the bureau chief, patted Yu on the shoulder when shaking hands with Ya.

"Boy, good job! Are you interested in working in the Bureau?"

Chen Ya shook his head and refused, but he didn't want to be a policeman. Even if he did, he would probably be an auxiliary policeman, which would be useless.

When it was the mayor's turn, Zhao Ruifu, when he shook hands, he found that Chen Ya's hands were a bit greasy. Zhao Ruifu frowned slightly, but he still smiled and said:

"Chen Ya, this is the second time we have met."

Hearing this, Chen Ya was slightly taken aback, Zhao Ruifu smiled and said:
"A week ago, I was doing research on Qingfeng Mountain. When you went up the mountain, we met once."

Chen Ya recalled the scene at that time, he indeed met Zhao Ruifu, and there was that guy beside him... The next second, he smiled and said:
"Really? I don't remember."

Zhao Ruifu's complexion immediately turned ugly, but he looked a little embarrassed. He wanted to get acquainted with him at first, but he didn't expect this kid to be ungrateful.

The village secretary, Jia Dafu, immediately stepped forward and said:

"Chen Ya, congratulations on your great service. Now all the local leaders are here. This is a matter of glory."

Guangzong Yaozu?
Hehe, Chen Ya sneered in his heart, especially when he saw many villagers gathered around his door to watch the excitement, he immediately shook his head.

And then, it was condolences. Li Kangda handed the pennant to Chen Ya, and the reporters behind immediately took pictures. They must publish it in the newspaper when they go back, and then came the condolences, rice, cooking oil, and government donations. The award...five hundred yuan.

Chen Ya accepted all of them with a smile, why didn't he take the money?It just so happens that the rice is finished, so I will save money and buy it now. As for the pennant, well, I still need a dishcloth at home.

For Chen Ya, fame and other things are really useless, so it's better to have some money.

And then, it was just a matter of family routine. After seeing Chen Ya's living environment, Li Kangda immediately asked the rest of the leaders:

"Didn't the poverty alleviation fund start this year? Is the poverty alleviation fund for Chen Ya's family in place?"

Jia Dafu, the village secretary, immediately took out 1 yuan, and then said with a smile:

"It was just completed yesterday. This is your family's poverty alleviation fund for this year."

Chen Ya had no expression on his face, and forced himself to reach out to take the money. As a man, although he felt uncomfortable, but for his parents, everything can be tolerated.


An hour later, when the group of local leaders had all left by car, only Chen Ya, Ma Ling, and Qin Ye were left in the house. Seeing Chen Ya's silence, Ma Ling couldn't help asking:

"Yaya, are you okay? Those in the officialdom are like this, don't worry about it."

Chen Ya shook his head, then began to pack his things, carrying two snakeskin bags containing dog meat and kudzu root, and then said:

"I'm going out first, and I don't think I'll be back until the afternoon. Please lock the door for me."

There are still many things to do today. If it weren't for the leaders who sent the pennant, Chen Ya would have already arrived in the town. Seeing this, Ma Ling didn't say much, just watched Chen Ya walk out of the house quickly.

"Ahem, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

Qin Ye immediately disappeared, but Ma Ling said coldly:

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ye stopped immediately as if he had been cast a body-holding technique, and then asked with a mournful face:
"Marshal, is there anything you want to tell my younger brother?"

Ma Ling smiled, and then said:

"Tell me all about Chen Ya's experiences these days, don't miss anything!"


[PS: The second update is 3300 words, the protagonist can't escape reality, he can only face it, if anyone still dislikes these, please don't read any more! 】

(End of this chapter)

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