Wilderness Live Streaming

Chapter 33 Dog Meat Rolls 3 Rolls, Immortals Unsteady 【Favorites】

Chapter 33 The dog meat rolls three times, and the gods can't stand still 【Favorites】

When Chen Ya finished slaughtering the black mastiff, he immediately took the two Tibetan mastiffs down from the tree, and then carried them on his shoulders. After removing the fur, internal organs, and head, the overall weight was reduced by about one-third.

It is now estimated to be about two hundred catties. After Chen Ya picked up the prey, he quickly came to the mountain spring ditch, and then put the two Tibetan mastiffs one in front of the other in the flowing spring water, let it wash carefully, and then returned to the slaughterhouse again. .

After picking up the two furs, Chen Ya walked towards the camp. After all, he was alone in the wild, and he often had to go back and forth several times to do things.

After returning to the big tree, I stacked two pieces of Tibetan mastiff fur, and then put it on the ground, planning to make a stand tomorrow, and then expose it to the sun to dry. is not available for immediate use.

Afterwards, Chen Ya had to go out and dig some wild vegetables before it was dark, so he took his pickaxe and started searching around the camp.

Mushrooms and the like must have been lost. Chen Ya could only dig some shallots and shepherd's purse. It would be even better if there were yams. Unfortunately, he didn't find them, but he did find another plant.

I saw that Chen Ya stopped in front of a plant that looked like a weed, and then explained with a smile:
"Baiguding, a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family, also known as Huanghualang, mother-in-law's milk grass, etc., is also commonly called bedwetting grass, or...dandelion."

The tourists in the live broadcast room felt very unfamiliar when they heard Chen Ya's explanation. Whether it was called Baiguding or Huanghualang, few people had heard of it, but Dandelion was known to everyone. .

In an instant, many tourists became curious, what is the use of dandelions?
Chen Ya smiled, and then said:

"Dandelion is used for both medicine and food. Its root can be used as medicine to treat symptoms such as red eyes, mouth erosion, yellow urine, toothache, and sore throat caused by fire. The leaves also have this effect, but they are used to make tea. It's better to drink."

It can be said that this is a health-preserving herb, and almost all the people in Chen Ya's village have eaten white drum nails. Of course, due to seasonal problems, this plant has not bloomed, so it is difficult to see from the outside. Spot it as a dandelion.

Afterwards, Chen Ya immediately dug it out with a pickaxe, intending to use it to make tea after dinner, and then searched around, and sure enough, he found two plants again.

Needless to say, the results were dug in one word!
When it was past six o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky gradually began to darken, Chen Ya brought the wild vegetables he had dug to Shanquangou, and began to clean the two Tibetan mastiffs and the wild vegetables he had collected before.

Half an hour later, Chen Ya returned to the camp, immediately hung the Tibetan Mastiff on a tree, and let the fire below it smoke to roast. As long as it was dehydrated, it could be preserved for a while.

After all, he didn't have salt and couldn't pickle it, so Chen Ya planned to eat it openly in the next few days, and eat as much as he could.

So he used a blue crystal blade to cut a few large pieces of slightly dark dog meat, which weighed about two catties in total, and then cut it into finger-sized minced meat again.

At this moment, the mooncake box was filled with fresh water and placed on the stone stove. After Chen Ya chopped up the dog meat, he immediately threw it in, and then waited.

The tourists in the live broadcast room felt a little strange when they saw this scene. Why didn't the anchor put the seasoning first?It's too simple to stew dog meat directly, right?
When Chen Ya saw the tourists' questions, he smiled and said:

"As the saying goes, in the cold winter solstice, dog meat is fat, the dog meat is rolled three times, and the gods are unstable. The best way to cook dog meat is to cook it three times first, because dog meat is not easy to boil, and it is full of fishy smell, so cook it three times. After several times, it can soften the meat and reduce some of the fishy smell."

As early as during the slaughter, Chen Ya discovered that the meat of the Tibetan mastiff had a very strong fishy smell, so he had to cook it three times now, and dog meat is a hot food, so it is not suitable for summer. Now it is October, and the weather has turned cold. On the contrary, it can generate heat, so that it has the food effect of warming and keeping out the cold.

During the process of cooking the dog meat, Chen Ya did not sit idle. He immediately chopped the shallots and found the tiger ginger that was not used up last time, and prepared them together. After the dog meat was cooked three times, it could be put into the pot directly.

As for the two important parts of the black mastiff, Chen Ya also hung them on the branches. After all, those things are very fishy, ​​so let's smoke them for a while.

Goo... Goo... Goo...

Under the high-temperature heating, the mooncake box kept emitting steam, and all the minced meat inside was tumbling and rolling, and the whole pot boiled in a short while.

Seeing this, Chen Ya immediately clamped the mooncake box with a wooden stick, moved it aside, poured out the boiling water inside, and then poured in the fresh water in the plastic bag.

After the first stewing, the dog meat with a slightly darker color has not changed, and it is still very elastic.

When Chen Ya finished stewing for the second time, the dog meat turned slightly white, but it softened a lot, and at the same time, the fishy smell was also reduced.

After spending more than an hour, Chen Ya finally stewed the dog meat three times. At this moment, the dog meat in the mooncake box is very soft and can be eaten immediately.

But Chen Ya held back his hunger, poured in fresh water again, then added shallots and tiger ginger, and started to stew again. However, many tourists in the live broadcast room were scratching their heads. Can't wait to see him eat dog meat.

Now, it was past eight o'clock in the evening, and the sky had already darkened. Standing in front of the fire, Chen Ya stared straight at the dog meat in the mooncake box, almost drooling.

I can only say... the dog meat being stewed is really delicious!
The original remaining fishy smell was gradually suppressed by the combination of shallots and tiger ginger, and now there is only the smell of meat.

Seeing this, Chen Ya couldn't help but secretly said:
"No wonder those who like dog meat often say that dog meat is very fragrant, especially after rolling the dog meat soup three times, even the ascetic gods will fall in love with it."

Not long after, when the soup in the pot boiled, Chen Ya immediately put the washed shepherd's purse into it, and then planned to taste it himself.

Although Chen Ya didn't have any salt or cooking wine, he felt that the dog meat he made should not be bad, so he picked up a piece of soft dog meat with homemade chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

After chewing two mouthfuls, Chen Ya felt that the taste was so good!The soft dog meat hardly needs to be chewed, and the taste is extremely tender. After eating a piece, the mouth is full of aroma.

This made Chen Ya's eyes turn red instantly, and he almost didn't shed tears. Then, with an expression of enjoyment on his face, he sighed:

"What the hell is meat? I spent the past few days... in vain!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya suddenly remembered what Monk Jigong said, and then said very proudly:
"Dog meat has passed through the intestines, and the Buddha remains in the heart. If the world learns from me, it will be like entering the way of a demon!"

Afterwards, Chen Ya immediately threw away his arms and ate it. As for the tourists in the live broadcast room, they were envious and jealous. Many people even planned to eat dog meat tomorrow.

Watching other people eat can make you hungry, especially a wilderness anchor like Chen Ya, who collects all the ingredients by himself, not to mention the steps of cooking dog meat are exposed to the eyes of countless people.

No wonder tourists are envious.


[PS: I kept everyone waiting for a long time. Tonight, Lao Sha coded all night, trying to write two or three chapters to make up for everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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