The God of Martial Arts

Chapter 79 Reporting

Chapter 79 Reporting
Entering Li's house, crossing the front yard, he went directly to a spacious room in the middle hall, which was the first place where the Li family found Li Jinhai's death.

Although the room was large, the layout was very simple. There was no bed, but an earth kang was built on the north side, covered with a layer of blue leather, and Li Jinhai lay straight on the leather.

This is the first time that Xiang Yang has seen this strong man who is well-known in Anyuan. His appearance and figure fit his imagination. He has tiger eyes and thick beard, is nearly two meters tall, his arms are thicker than his thighs, and his exposed muscles are knotted. In short, male hormones are exuded all over the body.

But this human-shaped tiger was lying quietly on the kang at this time, its whole body was cold, bloodless, its eyes were wide open, without fear, but it was majestic and majestic like a lion, with anger and arrogance that would tear everything apart.

What shocked Xiang Yang, Wang Ying and others the most was that there was an irregular blood hole in Li Jinhai's chest. It was at the heart, as if some demon probe broke through Li Jinhai's atrium and took away his heart.

Of course, the specific conditions of the relevant corpses have to be tested by the foreman, old man Xu, who is an expert in handling corpses.

Wang Ying continued to talk to the crazy old man to learn about the specific circumstances of the case, such as where Li Jinhai's family was before the case, and whether there was anything unusual, such as whether Li Jinhai had offended anyone recently, or What exceptions and so on.

Yu Fei took Xiang Yang around the room to observe the layout of the room, but the more he looked, the more confused Yu Fei and Xiang Yang became, even a little shocked, there was basically no clutter, just like as in everyday life.

"Impossible, even if Li Jinhai is ignorant of internal energy, he is very talented. Even ordinary internal masters would have to work hard to deal with him. To be able to kill Li Jinhai so silently and effortlessly, at least he must be able to kill Li Jinhai." A martial artist with three serious disciplines and even higher."

Xiang Yang muttered, as long as Li Jinhai is not killed in seconds, as long as this is the scene of the first crime, as long as Li Jinhai is not defenseless, there will be signs of fighting, but this room is too clean and tidy.

And as the old man's voice fell over there, Xiang Yang also roughly knew the circumstances of Li Jinhai's murder.

To put it simply, Li Jinhai was an orphan since he was a child. He grew up eating hundreds of meals in Li Guo Village. However, due to his natural supernatural power, he was self-sufficient in his youth. He even later became the actual leader of Li Guo Village, leading the villagers to form a hunting team. It specializes in hunting large beasts, and even a few tigers have beaten them.

And because Li Jinhai is forthright and fair, everyone in the village respects and respects Li Jinhai very much, let alone being dissatisfied with Li Jinhai.

In addition, Li Jinhai has a wife and two children. The wife is from the village, and she is also gentle and virtuous. She manages the Li family's housework and raises the children, so that Li Jinhai will not have to worry about the future, and there will be no possibility of seducing a man to murder her husband.

On the day of the incident, that is, yesterday evening, Li Jinhai's wife took two children and went out to visit their parents. After returning home this morning, they found that Li Jinhai had died tragically at home.

Li Jinhai's wife was frightened and fainted on the spot. It was Li Jinhai's eldest son who was more powerful. He endured his grief and went to inform the village chief. Then the whole village knew about these things. The village chief Li Youfu, the old man, hurriedly sent someone to The county government reported the case until Wang Ying led people to arrive.

Of course, Wang Ying and others noticed one thing. Before Li Jinhai was killed, he went out for a long time under the name of visiting friends, and he was killed within three days after he came back. This is a very suspicious point.

"Xiaoxiang, this case is pending. I'm afraid our county government can't intervene. In the end, it should be reported to the God catching gate and handed over to them for handling."

Old man Xu squatted on the eaves of the kang, carefully examining Li Jinhai's body, while Yu Fei, Liu Feng, Xiang Yang and other detectives investigated the scene of the crime and questioned the relevant personnel. After a while, an hour passed.

After finally being free, Xiang Yang was staying outside to breathe fresh air, stuffing snacks into his mouth to replenish his consumption, Yu Fei also came out, stretched his waist, shook his neck, and said loudly.

"Huh? Old Yu, what did you say? This case doesn't look very difficult, does it? Didn't it say that Li Jinhai was away for a long time, we can go and find out what he did during that time and who he met. .

Also, the villagers of Liguo Village also said that a wandering criminal came to the village yesterday, but he disappeared this morning, acting suspiciously, and he might be the murderer. "

In the county office for a period of time, Xiang Yang didn't do nothing. Although he didn't handle a few serious cases, he learned a lot of useful things.

Let’s talk about homicide cases first, generally starting from the following aspects, not comprehensive, but common to all cases,

First, the victim's own body, through the cause of death, time of death, and death characteristics, summarizes some useful information, which may help solve the case.

Second, the investigation of the scene environment, such as the case of rape and murder of widows cracked by the county government before, is to find a damaged piece of cloth, so as to follow the clues and finally catch the suspect.

Third, investigate the victim's interpersonal relationship and recent activities, and analyze the causal relationship of the victim's possible murder from various angles, such as vendetta, murder for money, murder for adultery, or murder for passion.

Of course, this approach is very rough, far inferior to modern detection methods, but it is not bad to be able to sum up a set of effective methods.

For example, in Li Jinhai's case, the person was at home, so it was impossible to kill with passion, and there were no traces of the house being turned over. There was no loss of property, and it would not be murder for money. In addition, Li Jinhai and his wife had a deep relationship, and they had The two sons don't have any extramarital affairs or anything like that, and adultery and murder are unlikely, so the scope is narrowed down.

Also, before the incident, Li Jinhai went out and was killed within three days after his return, which was very suspicious. During the time of the incident, the strange old beggar who appeared in Liguo Village was an extremely important clue. It is likely that he killed him Li Jinhai.

So Xiang Yang really couldn't think of any difficulties, why he reported the case to the God of Catchment.

"Xiao Xiang, the case may not be difficult to solve, but arresting people is more difficult.

Not everyone is like you. They have strong martial arts. Ninety-nine out of ten people in the county government can only use superficial swordsmanship and boxing. Make sure you're safe and sound?
So as long as it is confirmed that the murderer of this case is a martial artist who has used his internal skills, and the county government is not sure about dealing with it, he will usually report it to the God of Catchment and hand it over to professionals. "

As soon as Yu Fei said this, Xiang Yang understood that this place is not modern after all, and it is not that I can arrest the suspect immediately after I find him, it depends on the person.

If the murderer in this case is a martial artist who has mastered the three rules, and if he is really arrested, then Xiang Yang can use his magic to protect himself from danger, but other arresters are not so lucky, and the entire army is wiped out. The criminal must be apprehended.

It is precisely because of this reason that there is a living environment for the Shenchuangmen, which is a department created specifically to deal with people in the martial arts.

"I see. That's not bad. It's better than killing us."

Xiang Yang nodded. The wordless book is very capricious. He didn't give any task on this case, so he didn't have to cling to it.

(End of this chapter)

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