Menethil's Power

Chapter 97 The Beginning of Ashes

Chapter 97 The Beginning of Ashes
For Baron Alexandros Mograine, the behavior of a certain Crown Prince of Lordaeron whom he only met once was simply unbelievable. In such a large battle, he chose to go with him.

Mograine felt that Isaacs must have some special purpose. According to this identity, the place where he should really stay is the logistics department of the Allied Forces. He should stay in the knight order and obey Uther's command, and should not act with himself, who is also the knight commander, out of emotion and reason.

Yes, although it is a spontaneously awakened Seed of the Holy Light and has been promoted to the hero rank, but because it is not the first batch of paladins, and the origin of noble lords, when the head and deputy heads are full, Mogley Ni's position in the Knights is actually at the same level as Isaacs, an elite who uses power for personal gain.

The current number of official paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand has been increasing, but excluding those who are undergoing training and battle damage, the actual number is only more than 1000 or [-]. This is only a new profession after all, and the current conditions for changing jobs are quite harsh.Therefore, among the six knight commanders, Isaacs has the most subordinates.

This also reflects the great contribution of someone to disclose the holy seal rune, as well as his thick skin.

But in terms of military positions, the two would not be so unreasonably equivalent. Isaacs had at most held a false post as a staff officer, while Mograine was indeed leading nearly two thousand Silver Hand cavalry.This cavalry unit has performed extremely well since the start of the war, so Mograine's credit book already has a thick book, and he is at least a marquis after the war.

Of course, Isaacs would not tell Mograine the truth. His current nature is actually similar to those adventurers who follow powerful NPCs to mix with bosses.

In the original timeline, Mograine would obtain a Shadow Crystal at this time, and if Isaacs guessed correctly, this crystal is one of the blackened Atama Crystals, the Brilliant Hour, and one of the few Multiple drops of clear Holy Light crystals.

As for how the Brilliant Chen was blackened, and how it fell into the hands of an unknown warlock, but it didn't play any role at all, Isaacs didn't know.

Mograine was shocked by this huge and pure shadow energy, he collected it, and after the battle, he summoned the paladins to purify it with holy light.

But this native of Azeroth didn't understand the principle of the light-dark cycle. Under such a mistaken situation, the Brilliant Chen was miraculously restored to the Holy Light Crystal.This crystal was used as the energy core to forge a large hatchet by Magni Bronzebeard, the king of Ironforge, during the third war. This large firewood... er no, the giant sword has an absolutely mighty and domineering name—— Ashbringer.

This is the sword of the Grand Crusader, once the dream of all paladins, it makes evil fearful, whether it is a natural disaster or a legion, it can only be reduced to ashes under its light.Its existence is intertwined with the fate of the Mograine family.After depravity, purification, depravity, and purification again, he finally shined in the hands of Tirion Fordring. When the Lich King tried his best to wipe out a group of lifeless adventurers, he successfully completed the make-up and cut off Frostmourne.

Later, I don’t know if it was too famous, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of adventurers, the Bronze Dragon Legion began to manufacture high-quality imitation products on a large scale, resulting in almost all the paladins later.

But in this time and space it is different!Brilliant Chen is the only real equipment!Of course, Isaacs would not let go of this opportunity. Torslow just overused it. As a time traveler, how could he not have an exclusive legendary weapon!And the Brilliant Hour should be the easiest way for him to obtain the Holy Light Crystal, the Song of Soul belongs to Partress, and the Heart of Wrath can't be found in the Codex of Origin. As for the others, who knows where in the Twisting Nether It's floating.

As a result, Isaacs stuck to Mograine desperately. He was confident that he could use his status as crown prince to hack the trophy of the Shining Hour. After all, a prince who can mobilize the power of the whole country can complete the purification better than a paladin lord. Evil crystals work, don't they?

As for the more than 300 subordinates of Knight Commander Isaacs, he left them in the knight order very generously, and only brought Valeera and Squall with him. As for Ronin, for safety reasons, Isaacs let He went to harm Khadgar.

"What you have to do now is to observe and think, shut up and learn." Isaacs said to Ronin in this way, "It can be seen from his face and beard that Khadgar must be a learned master, you can Learn the art of the Guardian from him."

He deliberately ignored the fact that Khadgar's real age was no older than Rhonin's.

Isaacs completely believes in Xiao Ma's commanding ability, after all, the other time and space with the same name as him is the supreme commander of an interstellar empire.In addition, with the calm Baldrige in charge and the brave Reinhardt as the striker, Isaacs believes that this iron triangle no longer needs his existence. Under their leadership, the three hundred paladins will surely become An unstoppable force on the battlefield.

As for Lothar's life safety, Isaacs felt that the elemental helmet should be enough, and he couldn't do too much.After all, that is the metal used to make legendary weapons!Such a point has almost used up all the favors Isaacs and the dwarf had before.

So Isaacs walked leisurely all the way with peace of mind, without even drawing out his sword.The task of Mograine's department was to intercept the remnants of the orcs who had escaped from the frontal battlefield. This was actually quite easy, and Isaacs watched the whole process.

The soldiers did not dislike this kind and lovely young prince. On the contrary, they were very willing to get close to him, and Valeera's appearance from time to time caused a huge sensation every time. Although she never showed her face, the elf's long ears and naked Her white thighs still make her the goddess of the whole army.

After discovering that Mograine was almost as serious and staid as Uther, Isaacs could only give up talking to him and chat with his two lieutenants instead.Abedis and Whitemane have very different personalities. Abedis is straightforward and impulsive, while Whitemane is calm and humorous, but there is no doubt that they are both talkative people, and they have a good impression of the approachable Isaacs.

While chatting, whether it was intentional or not, the topic shifted to the two of their daughters, and Abbendis and Whitemane were unaware of this.

"I haven't seen Sally for almost two years." There was a trace of tenderness in Whitemane's eyes, "She cried a lot on the day I went to war, and she gave me her teddy bear, saying that the plush The bear will protect me." There was a hint of a smile on his lips.

Abbendis laughed loudly, "I really envy you for having such a good daughter, that wild child in my family is amazing! She even stole my saber to scare boys the day before I left." His voice Suddenly relieved, "It's been more than a year, and Bridget should be as tall as the fence of the manor."

Isaacs heaved a long sigh, and the so-called "tears for husbands" was nothing more than that, "The war is coming to an end, and you will soon be reunited with your family members, and there will be a longer period of peace and stability." He solemnly said.

This conversation about love and family was interrupted by Mograine, and the paladin's face changed slightly, "There is a situation, everyone be on alert!" The paladin shouted in a low voice.

Abedis and Whitemane instantly regained their expressions of relaxation, and with the sound of "waist" being pulled out, the soldiers quickly prepared for battle.

At this time, they had already passed through the scorching canyon, and they were going around the Black Rock Mountain to seal its back door, but when they turned around a mountain, they found a rather simple-looking building.

This is an Altar of Storms, once used by Horde shamans to pray to the elementals, but the dark lingering presence of this altar suggests that it is in fact the property of warlocks.It can be seen that Gul'dan, the warlock leader of the tribe, does not have too much aesthetic talent, and is a thorough pragmatist. He did not make any changes to the shape of the altar to match the temperament of the warlock, but directly used it.

"I've seen this kind of ugly building in Quel'Thalas." Seemingly thinking that Isaacs couldn't understand, Whitemane explained in a deep voice: "The orcs use these altars to extract the power of the elven rune stones, and put the stupid ogres Transformed into a destructive two-headed ogre mage, causing us a lot of trouble."

"So they must be doing something evil again." Mograine said decisively: "Whitemane. You lead the fourth and fifth teams to conduct a tentative attack with me. Everyone else, stand by!" He would not hastily dispatch a large number of ordinary soldiers when he was not sure about the real situation of the enemy.

There are some guards around the Altar of Storms, and their strength is not bad, but they cannot stop the attack organized by a hero-level paladin.

Just when the screams sounded everywhere, the Altar of Storms suddenly reacted, and the shadow energy pervading it became inactive, and a cold voice came out, "Who dares to disturb me?"

No one paid any attention to him, and the slaughter against the orcs continued.A moment later, a hunched figure appeared, his whole body was covered under a black robe, his momentum was extraordinary, traces of emerald green evil fire churned on his body.

Isaacs became excited instantly, a heroic warlock, this is definitely a cherished animal in the current tribe!That's right!The shining day is in his hands!
Moloch didn't care too much about the life and death of those orc guards, but stared at the only hero Mograine,

"You idiot!" He said viciously, "Report your name, and your skull will become the most outstanding decoration on my staff!"

Mograine's response was to directly flash the shining sword.

But this did not cause any harm to the warlock. Moloch had prepared a fel energy attack to offset the holy spell, but Moloch himself seemed to be a little crazy, "You reckless people who chased back the kitchen knife! You know I don’t know what politeness is!”

Judging from the resentment in the orc warlock's words and his defense against surprise attacks, he seems to have suffered in this regard.Isaacs secretly guessed.

Mograine didn't talk nonsense at all. He immediately led the soldiers to launch a similar charge. With the blessing of the aura and blessing of the hero-level paladin, even Moloch, a hero-level warlock, could hardly deal with these elite soldiers in an instant.

This means that these ordinary soldiers have also become troublesome existences.

But of course Moloch is more than this. A group of strange creatures also rushed out of the Storm Altar, most of them were middle and low-level demons such as imps and void walkers, but there were also a few tall figures of doomsday guards. Locke hadn't done nothing at the altar before.

The troops on both sides offset each other, leaving only Heroes against Heroes. Mograine charged without fear, a dazzling light lit up on his giant sword, and the orc Warlock cast a few rounds of evil flames and chaotic arrows. , even raised his staff and charged Mograine in the opposite direction without fear.

Ahem, high-risk moves, mage students, please do not imitate, not all cloth armor professions can play melee combat.Warlocks have poor mobility, but the trait of playing with life and soul makes them have extremely strong physical fitness, and fel energy can be used for close combat.

So strictly speaking, demon hunters and warlocks have something in common. In terms of correlation and similarity, they are better than paladins and priests.

The paladin and the warlock fought back and forth with their swords, and for a while, they were evenly divided. The golden and dark green lights lit up one after another on the field, which was really beautiful.

But Isaacs, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, felt a little abnormal. It is obvious that someone who can become a warlock cannot be a hot-headed idiot. method, but don't forget that there are still thousands of human soldiers watching.

Unless he has reinforcements, or retreat.

With a thought, Isaacs pulled Valeera over and ordered in a low voice, "Go and look for it nearby. I suspect that the magician's magic circle shouldn't be far away."

Both arcane energy, which represents order, and evil energy, which represents chaos, can affect space, but unlike arcane energy that controls space, evil energy is much more violent. It can ignore the will of space and forcibly tear out wormholes.

Therefore, although mages can flexibly flash and teleport with arcane energy, evil energy can more easily build a large and stable portal, so as to quickly deploy troops-this is the fundamental reason why legions can conquer all worlds.

Of course, Moloch doesn't have such power, but he at least has mastered the general skill of hero-level warlocks, the demon circle, that is, using evil energy to leave space coordinates somewhere, and when activated again, the warlock can instantly teleport to the coordinate position.

This spell is instant, consumes less, and has no limit to space and distance. It is extremely powerful, but it is also very rigid. Basically, it only has the function of escaping during battle.

Therefore, Isaacs estimated that the orc warlock's escape route is most likely the demon circle, and there must be a stable fel energy portal beside the demon circle.

This guy can drop artifacts, so don't let him run away.

Valeera subconsciously twisted her body. Although she was almost used to Isaacs' intentional or unintentional physical touch, she still felt a little uncomfortable. The female elf thief nodded briefly, and her figure gradually disappeared.

 I do not care!The core of the Ashbringer is the Shining Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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