Menethil's Power

Chapter 91 The Burning Plains Are Burning

Chapter 91 The Burning Plains Are Burning

A long time ago, the Burning Plain was a peaceful place. As the most extensive plain in the Southern Continent, it once raised countless creatures.

But all this changed dramatically during the dwarf civil war. The once united dwarves were divided into three clans: the Dark Iron, the Wildhammer, and the Wildhammer.The defeated Dark Iron clan was forced to flee Ironforge, and Thaurissan, the Iron King, forcibly summoned the projection of Ragnaros, the Fire Lord, in desperation.

As the most rebellious existence among the four elements, Ragnaros is certainly not under the control of the Dark Iron dwarves. After showing off his power, the Firelord directly killed Thaurissan and enslaved the entire Dark Iron dwarves. clan.

As a result, the Burning Plains became the closest place in Azeroth to the Fire Elemental Plane for a long time. The ground here was broken and the lava was raging, like a hell on earth. Only a small number of creatures survived, but in the Fire Elemental Becomes extremely violent and aggressive when infested.

Red Blackhand was in his tent at this moment wiping his warblade in an extremely patient manner. This long-handled weapon had been with him since he was an adult, and it had gone through countless battles without being damaged.

Including the fight on that damn island.

He completed his mission and managed to return safely with a ship under the interception of the Alliance, but at the cost of his own brother, Maim Blackhand, who had been obedient to him since childhood.

After their father died at the hands of Orgrim Doomhammer, as the only relatives of each other, they should have supported and depended on each other to fight their enemies together, but now...

Red turned and looked at the skull in a linen-lined box. The hollow eye sockets of the skull were black, as if silently mocking him.

A whisper sounded from the bottom of his heart, with demagogic power, "The pain of losing a loved one is indeed unbearable, but it is worth it. Maim's sacrifice is of great significance. He at least saved the last one for the Blackrock clan." hope."

"Shut up! Gul'dan! If you want to do anything to my thoughts, I will definitely kill you, even if you only have one head left!" Red growled, but he was not very confident. His brother's betrayal was a solid fact.

But the voice still lingered in his ears, as if Gul'dan's remnant soul couldn't understand Red's threat, "You are annoyed, angry, bluffing for your own incompetence, and facing destruction in order to survive The hammer lay low, and he completely forgot that his hands were covered with your father's blood."

Reid Blackhand plunged his war blade into the ground heavily, his eyes were slightly red, "I will make him pay the price, but not when this kind of tribe is in danger!" He roared, but suddenly calmed down, " Don't try to fool me, Gul'dan, no orc will believe you now, and maybe it would be better to hand over your head to Doomhammer."

However, a sinister laugh responded to him, "You won't, will you?"

Red fell silent, his thoughts were guessed by the warlock with only one skull left.

The son of the former chief who was entrusted with a difficult task by Doomhammer was stripped of all his positions by Orgrim on the charge of absconding in fear of war after he survived and came back alive. The original clan chief was reduced to a centurion.

But Red didn't feel depressed. Unlike the previous voices of support within the tribe, many veteran orcs raised objections, which gave Red hope. Obviously, Doomhammer's previous decisions have caused a lot of dissatisfaction. , so Red will definitely not mention the existence of Gul'dan's head.

"You are eager for my help, you are not reconciled, you want to make the traitor who stole the great chief's position pay the price, you want to take back everything that once belonged to your father.", that secret voice is still chattering, "The ruler The whole tribe, the one who led the orcs to glory, should have been you, Son of the Great Blackhand."

Reid continued to remain silent, the veins in his hand gripping the war blade were exposed.

"And I am willing to help." The voice from Gul'dan's head seemed to have irresistible magic, "I can restore the glory of the Black Hand family, make you the absolute ruler of all orcs, and even let you gain Powerful enough to destroy everything."

Reid Black walked forward heavily, grabbed Gul'dan's head with one hand, lifted the piercing skull, and looked at its dark eye sockets, "Then what is the price, Gul'dan? Do you want me to drink more?" The blood of the devil?" The orc gasped and asked, "And what do you want?"

"You are far stronger and smarter than your father, Red." The voice suddenly became a little more flattering, "And I, I am just a skull now, the only hope is to ensure that this residual soul will not dissipate."

Reid Blackhand's eyes were a bit more suspicious, "You will get your wish, Warlock." He said calmly: "So how do I defeat Gorgrim now? Those humans will come after them soon, I must get the right to rule the tribe as soon as possible, to prevent that arrogant fool from leading the tribe into greater failure."

Taking advantage of the time bought by the Blood Hollow clan, the tribe is frantically building fortresses on the Burning Plains, trying to stage a Jedi counterattack, but Red is pessimistic about this, and doubts and worries about Doomhammer are spreading among the orcs. Not much odds.

Unless there can be a wiser and braver warchief at this juncture.

"Doomhammer is very powerful, very powerful." The Skull of Gul'dan responded: "Even in my heyday, I couldn't gain too much advantage in a head-on confrontation with him, let alone he has the same people around him." Brave Brother Saurfang." At this time, it seemed to be a dedicated staff member, "We can use some special methods, such as drawing and dividing those chiefs..."

Red Blackhand interrupted him unceremoniously, "I must defeat him head-on, and then chop off his head! Just like he once did to my father! Otherwise, others will not believe me!"

"Yes." Gul'dan didn't have any objections, "But you must have overwhelming strength. My skull still retains some of the strength I had when I was alive. I will do my best to support you, but this is not enough. You also need a stronger one." source of strength."

Red Blackhand narrowed his eyes, "Then do you have any suggestions?"

"My former subordinate Moloch held a shadow crystal with amazing energy. I snatched it from a demon lord. That stupid demon only used a small part of the crystal's energy, but its strength was almost epic. , It took me a lot of means to kill him. If you can get him, I can let you directly fight Doomhammer."

Red hesitated a little. Warlocks, demons, shadows, these didn't seem to be amiable existences, but this emotion only existed for a short time, and the desire for power and strength once again filled his chest. "Where is that warlock now?" He asked in a deep voice.

The Skull of Gul'dan immediately gave the answer he wanted, "I built a storm altar near the Blackrock Spire to suppress the surging power of the Shadow Crystal, and at the same time let Moloch study and guard it. My loyalty His assistant, Drake Sur, knows the direction."

"Very good." Reid nodded, and Draxul finally played a greater role than Fatang.

As Gul'dan's most trusted subordinate, Moloch maintained his usual domineering posture. Even when facing the former chief's son Red Blackhand who came to him, he didn't restrain himself, "Idiot! Why don't you say anything?" Talk it out! Tell this muscle-minded idiot!" He yelled directly at Drak'Thul.

As soon as the orc warlock finished speaking, he was hit hard on the head. He fell to the ground in embarrassment, and a sharp war blade directly touched his neck. An astonishing evil spirit emerged from Reid's body. "Obey or die?"

"Damn it! You'll pay the price!" Moloch growled angrily. As a heroic warlock, he didn't expect Red to make a sudden move. The level of Red's threat.His demonic circle is set up inside the altar, and he can teleport there in the blink of an eye, and then he will use fel energy and shadow to let the fool know who should surrender or die.

But the warlock suddenly heard something, and his expression suddenly became frightened. He looked at Red and asked in a trembling voice, "Is that you, master?"

After receiving a silent response, Moloch got up in embarrassment, "Please forgive my arrogance. Lord Red." So stubborn before and then respectful, but Red had no time to argue with him.The orc followed the warlock into the altar, and his eyes were attracted by the shadow crystal suspended in the center of the altar.

It suspended there quietly, and its purple-black color seemed to be able to absorb all the light. Reid could feel the surging power hidden in the calm.

This is my strength.

The head of Gul'dan whispered in his ear, "Embrace it, accept it, this is your destiny"

A few hours later, a not-so-intense purplish-black light suddenly erupted from the Storm Altar, and then returned to calm, which was not conspicuous in the burning plain full of lava and black smoke.A salamander not far away just looked back indifferently, and then continued to doze on the hot rock.

Isaacs has no idea that history has shifted again because of it, and Red Blackhand somehow got Gul'dan's version of Grandpa Goldfinger, becoming the orc's destiny child.Things seem to be going in an increasingly interesting direction.

As a time traveler, Isaacs certainly didn't want the timeline to shift in an uncontrollable direction, but he was visiting Ironforge accompanied by members of the Bronzebeard royal family at this time, completely unaware of what happened in the distance.

An existence that has been outside the dimension secretly chuckled.

The most majestic spectacle of Ironforge is the large forge in the center of the city. Magma falls from here and spreads all over the bottom of Ironforge, making this city on the snowfield not only not cold, but a bit too hot .

"It's a miracle." Isaacs praised sincerely, the astonishment was exactly the same as that on Eagle's Nest Mountain.

It seems that the dwarves like others to praise their forging skills. Magni Bronzebeard, the king of Ironforge, showed a somewhat proud look, "This is the core of Ironforge, and it can even be said that the copperbeard dwarves are based on it." Its high temperature can melt any known metal, and dozens of magical weapons are born here every year."

To Isaacs' surprise, the dwarf king was not as majestic and unsmiling as described by his brother Brian, he looked more like a kind and tolerant elder, which was very similar to Terenas.

What surprised Isaacs even more was that Magni's attitude towards him was not as polite as that of an envoy from a country. Judging by the posture of the dwarf king, he treated Isaacs like a nephew, and then the young prince learned the reason , Magni Bronzebeard and Terenas actually have a good personal relationship.

"Lordaeron has the best relationship with Ironforge in the human kingdom. The trade between the two sides was very prosperous at one time. We sold metals in exchange for Lordaeron's food. But this relationship was broken when the orcs came over." McGonagall Niru said: "I am very pleased that the Alliance came to the rescue. We are natural allies. Ironforge will join the Alliance and take on the responsibility of protecting Azeroth."

Azeroth had to sincerely admire his father's foresight. As far as the country is concerned, Lordaeron is indeed the most suitable for establishing diplomatic relations with Ironforge.Although the copperbeard dwarves are self-sufficient with a small population, they need several times more food than their rations to make wine!And as the largest human country in terms of land area, Lordaeron's food production is almost equal to the sum of all other countries, so it is not a problem to export a large amount.

Dwarves are a warm and down-to-earth race. As long as you treat them sincerely, they will not let their friends suffer.Obviously Terenas has a good reputation in this area, and has won the trust of all the Bronzebeard dwarves.

Another thing that attracted Isaacs' attention was Magni's only daughter, Princess Moira Bronzebeard of Ironforge, the first dwarf princess in Azeroth who awakened feminist consciousness, and will run away alone to marry Thaurissan in ten years. The Great, who is the king of the Bronzebeard Dwarves' sworn enemies, the Dark Iron Dwarves.

The heartbroken Magni issued a high-priced reward to recruit adventurers to rescue his "trafficked" daughter. The brave adventurers inspired by the gold coins quickly broke through the Black Stone Abyss and killed her in front of Moira. Her husband, then Princess Ironforge and Iron Queen, broke out. She claimed that she and Thaurissan really loved each other, and completely severed the father-daughter relationship with Magni, but after Magni turned herself into After the diamond, he ran back with his posthumous son to snatch the inheritance.

It's a bitter drama, enough for dozens of episodes of general family ethics dramas.

But at this time, Moira is just a dwarf girl who is quite cute from the perspective of human aesthetics, but the contradiction between her and her father has already begun to appear, and she even turned coldly towards Isaacs. In order to avoid misunderstanding, Isaacs didn't take the initiative to make fun of himself.

Two days after Prince Lordaeron arrived in Ironforge, Lothar finally completely controlled the situation in Dun Morogh and came to Ironforge to meet the Bronzebeard King.

(End of this chapter)

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