Menethil's Power

Chapter 9 Once, there was a man from Quel'Thalas.

Chapter 9 Once, there was a man from Quel'Thalas.

Three months later, the Hillsbrad Downs.

Isaacs sat on the hillside with a blade of grass in his mouth, lazily looking at the endless tents below. The boy's blond hair shone in the early spring sunshine.For three months the camp grew until it almost covered the entire plain.Soldiers from all over the world wore the uniforms of their respective countries, and walked through, integrated, and trained in this camp. Everyone was very busy, except for Isaacs, who was used as a halo generator.

He made brilliant remarks at the strategy meeting, but nothing more.Someone who is known as the king of strong mouth can also express a little insight on the overall situation, but when it comes to specific affairs, he is blind, and can only observe and learn silently from the sidelines.The extra time aside from practicing spellcasting is for the North to practice his melee skills--they're just as idle as their bosses.

Isaacs has decided on the future path: to become the sword of the Holy Light, because a paladin is far more suitable to be a leader than a priest, and of course the bigger reason is that he had a serious lord complex in his previous life.It's a pity that changing jobs is not as simple as just saying hello to the archbishop. Newly promoted paladins need to infuse holy light energy into their bodies to form a new energy system - holy energy, which has strict requirements on the physical strength of job changers .And although Isaacs has a higher physical fitness than priests of the same level because of the open scripture of origin, he is only a 12-year-old child after all.The Archbishop reckons he won't be able to barely try until he's 16.

In order to prevent himself from becoming the first melee professional who can't even hold a sword steadily, Isaacs decided to start practicing cold weapon skills from now on. Riding on the face has no power to fight back.

There was a commotion not far away, and Isaacs knew the reason without looking.Based on the principle of uniting all forces that can be united, Terenas sent a letter to the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas after the establishment of the alliance, requesting help in the name of Anduin Lothar, the sole bloodline heir of Thoradin.

More than 2000 years ago, the high elves were desperate in the war with the trolls, so they asked humans for help.Thoradin the Great offered a helping hand so generously that the elves swore to help him and his descendants forever.Obviously this oath does not take much weight in the long life of the elves. Silvermoon City ignored the discussion on the theory of the lips and teeth in the letter, and only sent a team led by the ranger general Alleria Windrunner as a courtesy. .

And this young and beautiful female elf has a four-figure age, but she is still pure-hearted like a child. Every time she goes to the main account to report information, she does not wear a veil, so that the adjutant Tulayan is always in a state of blushing and bewildered. .Most of the soldiers had never seen an elf in their lives, let alone a young woman with a hot body and fair skin, so Aurelia would be surrounded by crowds whenever she appeared. She didn't seem to care, as if she was surrounded by a group of monkeys.

"Hey, Your Highness! It's time for the lunch break." Isaacs turned his head, and Reinhardt's hairy head appeared in his sight. His Royal Highness held the grudge, and used a branch to turn the fully armed Isaacs around until Isaacs was so angry that he released a spiritual scream before he calmed down.

Now Isaacs' training plan has achieved initial results, and after adding a full set of buffs to himself, he can already compete with the weakest member of the Northern Frontier.Although it is not a glorious record to tie a part-time cook, Isaacs is still quite pleased. Of course, it would be even better if he could beat Reinhardt.

Isaacs put on the leather armor, picked up the standard long sword and shield, which were somewhat huge for him, and continued to practice chopping and parrying. Reinhardt was training with him and guiding him thoughtfully, but he didn't dare to take another one. twigs, use a training sword instead.

The big man purposely sold an opening, and then waved the weapon of the aggressive Isaacs into the air, "Your Highness, you can't take chances in the face of an enemy that is much stronger than you." Then he punched Isaacs' shield again On the ground, the huge force made Isaacs almost sit on the ground, "When the shield meets the frontal blow, you must maintain the angle of inclination. You must remember, oops," Reinhardt screamed to avoid the shield that Isaacs hit, " Shields are not suitable for throwing objects, unless there is a pentagram on them." The blond man said seriously.

Isaacs gritted his teeth, this rascal had the audacity to steal his meme.He was just about to reply with a few words, but suddenly heard a pleasant voice that seemed to reject people thousands of miles away.

"Are you training him to fight kobolds? Barbarians."

Reinhardt's face darkened immediately, and his face became even darker after realizing the heroic strength of the visitor.

Isaacs searched for the sound. Although it was not the first time he had seen a female elf, he was so surprised that he almost stopped breathing.She tilted her head slightly, her soft golden hair fluttering in the wind, as pretty as a campanula.Alleria Windrunner has a beautiful face and a charming figure, and she is as wild, sharp and charming as a female leopard.

She walked up to Isaacs with light steps, knelt down on one knee and looked at the boy for a while, stretched out her jade hand and pinched his face twice, completely ignoring Reinhardt whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot.I have to say that the elf is really a pure color-controlled creature.

Isaacs blushed shamefully as he felt the cold slickness on his cheeks. "I heard His Excellency Lothar talk about you, miraculous little priest." Alleria said, "He said that your blessing is very effective, can you let me experience it?"

Isaacs nodded stupidly, and stretched out his little paw towards the fair face of the female elf.Alleria wanted to dodge subconsciously, but then thought that this might be a necessary process to cast the blessing, and the other party was just a child, so she accepted it with some embarrassment.It felt so good that Isaacs couldn't help rubbing it twice, and then felt that something was wrong.

At this time, the experience of presiding over the prayer showed its effect, and Isaacs immediately stood up, "The holy light will be with you, Ms. Aurelia, may it always fool you and guide your direction." He said Baoxiang said solemnly, and then blessed Aurelia with a full set of buffs. Considering that rangers can also use certain magic, an additional blessing of wisdom was added, and then took off his little claw very naturally.

The buff effect that almost doubled her strength really diverted Alleria's attention, she stood up excitedly, experiencing the effect of the blessing, "It's unbelievable, even the blessing of the most powerful priest in Silvermoon City doesn't have such an effect, ’ she commented, ‘how long does the effect last?

"You can come to me once every two days," replied Isaacs wisely, "and I will be more than happy to be of your service, fair lady."

Alleria showed a charming smile. The female elf who loves adventure and challenges still values ​​her strength very much. She suddenly wanted to rub Isaacs' hair. "Is that barbarian teaching you how to deal with kobolds?" She looked at the leather armor on Isaacs' body and the long sword and shield that fell to the ground, and raised her initial question again.

Reinhardt protested loudly, but Aurelia still turned a deaf ear, and Isaacs explained helplessly that he was preparing for the next war.

"Then your practice direction is wrong, little priest." Alleria pointed out bluntly, "You are the protected rear personnel, and it is impossible to fight the orcs on the front line like ordinary soldiers. If the orcs can break through If the line of defense attacks you, even if you hold the halberd, it will be useless. You should practice how to pierce the sharp blade into the enemy's vitals or the gaps in the armor, this is the method you should use to face the orcs."

Isaacs raised his hands in approval, because beautiful women are always right. Of course, he also realized that Aurelia was going to teach him two hands.The elf drew out the short sword tied to the side of her hip, and Isaacs estimated that she had at least five weapons on her body.Only a scream was heard, and Reinhardt tragically became a demonstration sample.The short sword in Alleria's hand penetrated into the gap of his shoulder armor like a poisonous snake, and then bit hard.Isaacs applauded immediately. As a senior priest, he could see that Reinhardt only suffered a little skin trauma.

"The joints between the shoulder armor and the vambrace are very weak," Alleria said, the short sword flying in her hand. "It only needs a sharp enough dagger to pierce through it, and once it succeeds, it can cripple the opponent's entire arm."

Isaacs was happy to be taught, and Alleria threw the dagger in her hand, "A gift for you." The female elf said, "I will train you for an hour every two days. Then..."

There was a muffled blast of a horn, and the conversation came to an abrupt end.

The entire Allied army camp suddenly fell into silence, and then became noisy again. The soldiers began to gather spontaneously. The adjutant Turalyon rode on his horse and shouted the number of the troops, asking them to set off to the coastline quickly.

The second horn sounded.

In the main tent, Alliance Commander Anduin Lothar sighed secretly. This was an agreement he had made with the Kul Tiras Fleet. Once he found a large-scale Horde fleet, he would immediately warn the police.The Horde still came too fast, and a lot of preparatory work was not completed. Lothar only hoped that the Horde would do the same.The alliance must win, he thought.

The third horn sounded.

Isaacs took a deep breath. The orcs are coming. The tide of darkness is about to collide with the newly born alliance. Blood and thunder will explode in this land. He glanced at Aurelia who looked expectant. Ya, my mood is suddenly stirred up, a turbulent era is coming, maybe this is also the beginning of my Isaacs Menethil legend, and I will leave my mark on this world from now on.Isaacs felt his chest on fire.So come on!tribe!
(End of this chapter)

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