Menethil's Power

Chapter 75 The War Begins in the Wetlands

Chapter 75 The War Begins in the Wetlands

No historical masterpiece can completely describe a war, the vicissitudes of the battle situation, the strategic game between commanders, the bloodshed and sacrifice of soldiers on both sides, all of which may only occupy a small half of a page.

This was the situation faced by the Baladin Gulf landing battle. Most history books are vague about how the alliance counterattacked the southern continent, but simply described the results of the battle.But the hardships and sacrifices that have been made will only be remembered by those veterans who participated in the war.

After careful consideration, Anduin Lothar chose Palatin Beach in the west of the wetland as the landing site.Although the alliance has gained a strategic advantage, it still can't take much advantage in local confrontations. Therefore, attacking Grim Batol's east coast proactively is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble - the Horde has a large army there, not to mention there are A dragon knight who poses a great threat to the human army.

In the continuous confrontation, both sides have realized that the Red Dragoons are the key to determining the outcome of the war.Although the red dragons controlled by the Dragonmaw Clan were continuously lost under the blows of Griffin Knights and Tomahawk blade throwers, the overall number increased instead of falling, because they controlled the Red Dragon Queen who controlled the mysteries of life. Under the threat of the soul of the soul, she can reproduce at an astonishing speed, and catalyze these young dragons to adulthood in a short time.

Although the dragon beasts catalyzed in this way are not only low in intelligence, but also very prone to deformities, they unexpectedly meet the needs of the tribe. The huge number makes them no longer afraid of the siege of the griffins, and the low intelligence is easier to be controlled by the orcs.

So the longer the battle drags on, the more detrimental it will be to the alliance. Lothar knows very well that when the Wildhammer dwarves can no longer suppress the dragoons, the alliance will not be far from defeat. Suppress the main army of the tribe.

In this case, the wetlands in the north of Dun Morogh are the best choice, although most of them are wild lands with harsh environments, full of poisonous insects, beasts and wandering elemental creatures.But because of this, the tribe did not have too many soldiers stationed here, which is undoubtedly an opportunity for the alliance.

It was under such circumstances that Isaacs and the [-] or so novice knights he led set foot on the land of the Southern Continent. The first thing they saw after disembarking was a bustling port. Relying on its battleships, it has formed a fortress with strong defensive firepower, and now at least tens of thousands of soldiers are stationed there.

After letting Baldridge and others stand by, Isaacs followed an adjutant to the command post. He is no longer a precious aura provider, but the commander of a unit, so he must follow orders .

The headquarters is in the southwest of the fortress, and the small space is crowded with people. In addition to Anduin Lothar, Archmage Khadgar, five first-generation Paladins, and senior officers from various countries in the alliance, there are several The elves with long ears, they are the reinforcements sent by Quel'Thalas. After being ruthlessly broken through the border by the orcs, this race with high eyesight finally saw the reality clearly.

Isaacs looked at them carefully, but did not see any female elves among them, which meant that Alleria did not continue to participate in the battle.

The arrival of the young prince did not attract much attention, Lothar just glanced at him and continued his tactical analysis. "To sum up, we have basically completed the occupation of the southern highlands of the wetlands, but we cannot relax in the slightest." He slid his finger to the southeast of the map, "We must use this as a springboard, before the tribe has time to react Take Dun Algaz without the situation."

He glanced at all the commanders present, "There is the only passage connecting the wetlands and Loch Modan, and the Horde didn't pay much attention to this place. Their defenses are very weak, and the retreating expeditionary force can't get here. Organize resistance in shape."

"So everyone, this may be our best chance to win it." Lothar said solemnly, with a slight light reflecting off his bald forehead, "Once the tribe increases its defensive force here, then we will pay several times or even several times." It would take ten times as many casualties to get through this tunnel."

The commanders nodded one after another. None of the people here are military idiots, they can fully understand.

Lothar issued orders for the troops one by one. "In addition, I need to transfer some high-level practitioners from various troops to form a temporary team. They will be the most effective combat force in narrow tunnels." He finally said.

At the end of the meeting, the high-ranking members of the Alliance army hurriedly left with their orders. Anduin Lothar rubbed his temples wearily, and looked at Isaacs with a smile, "You wear this suit very well." Spirit! Young man." He said jokingly, using the tone of an elder to a favorite junior.

At this time, Isaacs was wearing a brand-new full-body plate armor made by the Silver Hand. He pretended to give a military salute, "Your Excellency, Marshal, Paladin Isaacs Menethil is reporting to you!"

Lothar patted him on the shoulder, "Okay boy." He asked a little casually, "I heard that you have lost the ability of blessing and halo?"

Isaacs nodded, and gestured to the scripture on his waist, "That's actually the ability of this holy object. For some reason, I lost control of it." He explained briefly.

Lothar nodded, and didn't bother with this question any more. "It's not a bad thing. Power that doesn't belong to you is something outside of you after all." He showed a thoughtful expression, "So you are reporting to me as a paladin now?"

"It also includes more than 300 new Silverhand recruits," Isaacs added.

"You came very timely." Lothar said: "I happen to have a difficult task here, which is perfect for you."

After 10 minutes, Isaacs walked out of the headquarters with a dumbfounding look on his face.The "difficult task" Lothar said was completely different from what he expected. It was neither capturing a certain stronghold nor assisting a certain legion in battle. In fact, this task had nothing to do with tribes or orcs. Lothar's order It is to ask the newly promoted knights to maintain the safety of the Paladin Bay Fortress.

As mentioned earlier, wetlands are mostly unexplored areas where many aggressive creatures live.There are two tribes of natives in the bay and the adjacent swamp area, namely the Mosskin Gnoll and the Bluegill Murloc tribe. They don't welcome the Alliance army as uninvited guests.

These two are notoriously weak chicken races in Azeroth, but they have similar characteristics: they live in groups, have large numbers, and eat almost everything.From time to time, these humanoid creatures with little IQ gather crowds to launch attacks on humans, causing a lot of trouble to the alliance's supply line, but this trouble has not reached the point where a large army needs to be dispatched to wipe it out-after all, precious troops are consumed on these miscellaneous Fish are very irrational.

Therefore, the arrival of the Isaacs Department is almost like sending charcoal in a timely manner. As paladins, they are far more able to withstand the harsh environment of the swamp than ordinary soldiers, and they will not be reduced in the battle with these natives.Lothar is right, they are indeed the most suitable candidates.

However, Isaacs guessed that there should be another reason. These [-] newly promoted paladins are a batch of precious seeds for the alliance. Of course, it is impossible for Lothar to let them go directly to the battlefield with little combat experience, so this difficulty is not unreasonable. Big tasks are the most suitable means of sharpening.

So these three hundred glamorous new knights finally had their own designation: Paladin Coastline Defense Squadron.

In the spirit of concentrating on work and never complaining, Isaacs immediately sent Valeera to investigate, and organized a large-scale battle against the mosskin gnoll tribe the next day.

However, this "battle" almost turned into a farce in the end. The new knights who learned that they could not go to the battlefield were not very interested. Launched a charge.

The result was tragic. The soft swamp covered with green vegetation could bear the weight of two or three gnolls, but it certainly could not bear the trampling of a fully armed human.The paladins who were the first to charge were immediately trapped in half, so that Baldridge and Reinhardt had to open the barrier to resist the throwing and shooting of the gnolls, so as to win the opportunity for the other knights to pull those unlucky ones out of the mud pit. time.

When they returned to the fort in a state of embarrassment, they almost became clay statues that attracted everyone's attention.Isaacs had no doubt that his gang had become famous on day one, though not in a glamorous way.

The joint defense squadron learned from the painful experience. Under the instruction of the squadron leader Isaacs, they learned the important idea of ​​"attaching importance to the enemy tactically and despising the enemy strategically".The reality made these newly promoted paladins quickly give up the reserve of the holy light. Under the leadership of Isaacs, they took off the cumbersome plate armor and began to fight against the wolf man naked.

Facts have proved that this is very effective, so the Union soldiers can see such a scene from time to time during this month: a group of strong and reckless men covered in mud are walking like flying on the swamp, making strange screams with unknown meanings, and frantically chasing and killing gnolls. "I really can't describe the expressions of those gnolls, maybe that's the real despair." A Gilneas sergeant described it like this.

More than a month later, the mosskin gnolls in the bay were almost wiped out, and the remaining survivors fled to the central area of ​​the wetland, bringing with them a terrifying legend of a "sludge raider".

Isaacs, who had won the Gnoll Scourge achievement, didn't stop there. He turned his attention to another target of their mission: the bluegill murloc.

Soon these poor amphibians will have a nightmare worse than the Murloc Killer Crab.

(End of this chapter)

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