Menethil's Power

Chapter 668 The Most Holy Grace

Chapter 668 The Most Holy Grace

time flies.Nearly a week has passed since the battle on Mount Hyjal.

Alsace hasn't left the Storm Fortress for a week, seeing with his own eyes that the incarnation of the Holy Light is gradually becoming stronger and more dazzling.The Velen movement can be said to have used all the reserves of the draenei, even though the exile race has very little left.

All the draenei clergymen on Tempest Keep participated in Velen's plan, even one great being—a naaru named Vogos.Arthas had heard that there should have been three of these powerful beings of the Light, but the other two had fallen on Draenor - to stop his brother.

The incarnation of the Holy Light also surprised Vogels, "He looks like a naaru at the beginning of his birth, but there seems to be some differences. He can have such an amazing source when his will is not complete enough. It's unbelievable, there seems to be no upper limit to the power of the Holy Light, maybe it is really the only hope, I will have to guide the power from the Ocean of Light at all costs, even if it will greatly consume my origin. "

The sacrifice of this great being is moving.

During this period, Uther came to pick up Partress and Whitemane and return to Lordaeron.Alsace could feel their pain when they faced their elder brother, and he really didn't want to embarrass these two girls anymore.What's more, with the gradual solidification of the Holy Light incarnation, he can now summon Him alone and no longer needs their help.

Uther also brought two pieces of bad news from Lordaeron, Lordaeron, the world tree planted on the island of Caer Darrow has withered, and the dream creatures living in it have disappeared.This is not surprising, after all, Nordrassil itself has died, and the Emerald Dream has been completely subverted at this time.Previously, the significance of Lordaeron's existence was to allow Lordaeron to produce food far exceeding the country's needs in just Andorhal, but now Terenas had to re-expand agricultural production, and the entire country would also produce a certain amount of food. turmoil.

Another news is about Quel'Thalas. The high elf kingdom suddenly closed its borders, and now no foreigners can step into it. No one knows what happened in Silvermoon City. Silvermoon, who is stationed in Lordaeron, The city ambassador, Sylvanas Windrunner, hurried back home, but there was no news after that.

Alsace could only smile wryly at this. You must know that at least a quarter of the population of Quel'Thalas is void elves. They must be related to Isaacs. God knows if they have received some orders.But at this critical juncture, he has no time to take care of that side, so he can only suggest to his father to strengthen the defense of the northern border.

Holy Light, when will this nightmare end.

All hopes were pinned on the incarnation of the Holy Light. Alsace gradually felt that He seemed to be one with him. Feeling His growing energy, he gradually felt at ease.

Brother shouldn't be able to resist, this is enough to complete his redemption.

The blue portal appeared, and Medivh, Khadgar, and Aegwynn appeared one after another, "We found him." Khadgar said, breathing a little short of breath.

"Where?" The light in Velen's eyes flickered slightly.

"Northrend, Storm Peaks, Ulduar." Medivh said bluntly: "Isaacs has no intention of hiding anything, and there are a large number of undead gathering around it."

"He really doesn't need to hide it anymore. In his opinion, no one in this world can stop him." Aegwynn sighed.

Medivh looked gravely, and looked at Velen, "What is the strengthening effect of that incarnation of holy light? Anyway, we must act immediately, this is our last chance."

"It's so powerful that I can't accurately recognize it. His ability to accept the power of the Holy Light exceeds our imagination." Velen said: "But I'm not sure if this is enough."

"There is no time, let's go, young man." Aegwynn looked at Alsace.

"Is it just us?" Alsace was taken aback.

"The Battle of Mount Hyjal taught us a great lesson. A bloated team will not be more efficient." Medivh said in a deep voice, grabbing Alsace's wrist, "Let's go."

Before the young prince could react, he was led into the portal, and what he saw was a snow scene. That's right, this side was on the storm cliff. It could be seen that these mages were really in a hurry.

"That's Ulduar, the most well-preserved Titan facility so far, but so far, oh no. It should be said that no outsiders have entered until not long ago." Khadgar said behind Arthas.

Alsace looked over, that's right, the thick gate halfway up the mountain was half-closed, and around the mountain where Ulduar was, was surrounded by an army of undead densely packed like an ocean.

After all, this is Northrend, the native territory of the Scourge. There is no doubt that Isaacs has penetrated deep into Ulduar now, and it is still unknown whether the titan guards can resist him.

Here comes the troublesome question, how can we quickly break through the formation of these undead?

While Alsace was thinking, the mages had already started to act. The arcane power distorted the light and concealed their figures. Medivh and Aegwynn shone with the light of casting spells. The next moment Alsace noticed The gates of Ulduar are close at hand.

Such a precise teleportation technique, directly teleporting to wherever the line of sight is, is only possible for these two mages at the top of Azeroth.

Too soon, apparently the failure of Mount Hyjal changed Medivh's perspective a lot.

The natural disaster creatures didn't respond at all, they couldn't sense the few people who appeared suddenly.

The next step is to step into the gate of Ulduar and face Isaacs - as long as you can catch up.

However, at this moment, a huge ball of frost flew towards them at an astonishing speed, and scattered a large number of ice guns during the flight.Medivh turned around and waved his staff, and a silver-white barrier was instantly formed to block the incoming frost spells, and Aegwynn also injected his own mana, and a strong brilliance was emitted from Medivh's barrier, forming a shock wave and reflecting away .

But this shock wave was blocked by a group of death knights wearing blue and black battle armor, and the miserable green light rose from them. This anti-magic shield composed of filth and death has an almost unreasonable annihilation of arcane energy characteristic.

Behind them was a tall lich, it was Kel'Thuzad, and it had become his habit to carry a large number of retinues with him now.There was a chill in the empty eye sockets of the Lich, "Sure enough, just as your lord said, you poor people still refuse to give up."

There is no need for camouflage anymore, no matter how the opponent perceives them, the effect of the invisibility technique has been broken at this time, and the battle is inevitable.

The opponent was not only Kel'Thuzad and a dozen death knights who were proficient in anti-magic shields, but more high-level undead were surrounding them, such as stitch monsters, banshees, bone giants, and even frost dragons.

The entire elite of the Scourge appears to be here.

Medivh played tricks on Alsace, and the latter couldn't help but take a deep breath. Is the hole card he had prepared for a long time about to be played at this time?

Kel'Thuzad's attention was on the three mages, but suddenly he felt a hot dryness, which was a feeling he hadn't seen for a long time, and he hadn't felt it since he was reincarnated as a lich.

Also, has the surrounding brightness increased?

The next moment, endless light enveloped the area.

The incarnation of the Holy Light descended from the sky, and at the same time brought an impact like the judgment of the Holy Spirit. Those high-level undead, no matter whether they had a huge size or an anti-magic shield, were all dissolved in an instant.

Kel'Thuzad persisted for about half a second longer, so he was able to let out a shrill scream, and far away in the top chamber of Naxxramas above Icecrown Glacier, Kel'Thuzad's phylactery suddenly cracked a huge cracks, almost completely broken.

The damage suffered was so severe that the Lich's plan to keep him immortal seemed unable to work. Whether Kel'Thuzad could escape this time was still unknown.

Everything was liquidated in an instant, and even the ice and snow accumulated for thousands of years were melted, exposing the brass-colored metal ground.The avatar of holy light is suspended in mid-air, holding a giant sword made of light.

Alsace's heart was beating violently. Although he knew that the current incarnation of Holy Light was extremely powerful, this was the first time he felt such amazing power up close.

Medivh looked up at the Holy Light Avatar for a while, then lowered his head, "Let's go."

Several people entered Ulduar, and immediately found themselves in a wide square, where there were obvious traces of a great war, and there were a large number of damaged stone towers and a huge destroyed war machine in the square.

"Let's go deeper," Medivh said.

A few dwarves made of black iron ran over. They seemed to be survivors, but after seeing Medivh and the others, they pulled out guns that could emit thunder rays and attacked without saying a word.

Medivh frowned, and the state of invisibility was added to several people again, "Don't worry about them."

Passing through the square, they entered a bright and huge hall. Unlike the outside, there were no traces of battle here. Instead, there were several huge strange creatures gathered here. They were generally dozens of tall and tall. rice giants, among them giant mechanical gnomes.

As soon as they entered the hall, the giant who looked like a leader in the center suddenly lifted up, and a breathtaking light flashed in his eyes, "Who is it? Dare to break into the holy place of Titan?" The loud voice echoed in the hall.

Obviously, the invisibility technique failed again.

"Please don't misunderstand, respected guardian." Medivh said immediately, he seemed to want to express goodwill, "Ulduar is facing an unprecedented threat, we..."

"Ridiculous mortal!" But the giant interrupted him, "You try to deceive Zhime with such a bad lie, Loken, the great king of wisdom? Ridiculous! You must pay for your crime of breaking into this place, Take them down!"

Not to be distinguished by Medivh and others, Loken waved his hand directly, and dozens of titan creations rushed out and attacked them, and besides him, several other giants also made moves. There is no doubt that they at least have the power to surpass the peak of mortals. strength.

The development of the situation was really beyond expectation. After a hasty reaction, the three mages teamed up to barely resist the attack like a torrential rain, but they could barely cope.

For a while, the lives of several people were at stake.

Why?Alsace felt a little puzzled, these giants were using just and aboveboard forces, why would they suddenly kill them indiscriminately?He didn't immediately help Medivh and the others, but shifted his gaze to a portal behind these giants.

They seemed to be guarding something, Alsace perceived it intently, with the help of the Holy Light Avatar, suddenly, he felt a faint breath of void behind the door.

His face changed suddenly. Obviously, Isaacs was behind that door!

There is a problem with these giants. They may be corrupted, bewitched, and deceived. Either way, it shows that they are the enemy. Only by defeating them can we move forward and find Isaacs.

Alsace made a decision in an instant, perhaps because of the incarnation of the Holy Light, he is very confident now.

The incarnation of Holy Light appeared again. This time, he did not directly attack, but merged with Alsace, and the light-forged armor made of energy materialized covered his whole body, forming wide wings behind him.

At this moment, Arthas felt that he was in control of unparalleled power, which could easily allow him to decide the life and death of these giants in front of him.

He did the same.

Loken only felt an extremely bright light flying towards him, the time was so short that he was pierced through his chest without any reaction, his eyes dimmed, and the opponent precisely destroyed his energy The core, for titan-forged, the energy core is the heart.

After doing it, Alsace relaxed slightly, but the next moment, his body was suddenly out of his control, and he raised the light-cast giant sword in his hand autonomously, swung it with amazing sword light, and said that other giants also struck at him. Kill, the broken rock limbs scattered all over the place.

Medivh, Khadgar, and Aegwynn were all stunned, "What did you do?" Aegwynn couldn't help shouting: "These are the guardians of Azeroth, maintaining the order of this world!"

"No, it's not me." Alsace was at a loss, his tone was flustered, just as he was thinking about how to explain it, the Holy Light Avatar suddenly released the possession state, and the prince who was caught off guard fell to the ground in embarrassment .

The incarnation of holy light was suspended in mid-air, and a bright light cluster condensed from each guardian wreckage and flew towards him, sinking into his body, he became brighter, more solid, and more powerful.

"Is this His...spontaneous behavior?" Khadgar murmured in a daze.

After absorbing the core power of these guardians, the incarnation of holy light suddenly moved, and he rushed out towards the exit, turning into a stream of light and disappearing from the sight of Alsace and others.

He actually left Ulduar directly, and no one knew where he would go.

Arthas stood up staggeringly, his mind went blank, the avatar of the Holy Light was gone, so what should he do to stop his brother?

"Let's go in!" Medivh's firm and forceful voice sounded in his ear.

Arthas looked up at him, calmed by the mage's stern face.

Yes, although there is no chance of winning, they have done everything they can and must stop everything.

Pushing open the heavy door, I didn't see the figure of Isaacs as expected, but there was a suffocating silence.

Walking forward cautiously, an ugly hill-like figure blocked their way. This is a monster, a dead monster, it has a lot of tentacles, and the main body of its body is a huge mouth. The state of complete dehydration, as if all the essence and power had been extracted, even so brought them amazing pressure, it was hard to imagine how terrifying it was when they were alive.

"Yogg-Saron." Aegwynn's voice was full of dryness, "This is the ancient god who was sealed in this Titan facility... We are late."

Isaacs was gone long ago, but he deliberately made them think he was still in Ulduar, and they were fooled again, and they were played around like a bunch of poor people.

Khadgar bowed his head and groaned, not only that their actions had failed, but also that the world was... over.

Medivh walked towards the other side of the room without saying a word, and Aegwynn followed him subconsciously. They saw another giant whose body was completely made of stars, but it was almost completely broken. At that time, the light of those stars was already extremely weak, and it might be completely extinguished at any time.

A phantom appeared above the giant's body, which was the last remnant of his soul, "I am Algalon the Stargazer, mortals, you... must... stop..."

He could only transmit some fragmentary information, and then this last soul will completely collapsed and dissipated.

Prevent?Where and how should we stop it?

(End of this chapter)

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