Menethil's Power

Chapter 59 Goodbye, Windrunner.

Chapter 59 Goodbye, Windrunner.

In the early morning of the next day, Isaacs finished packing early and came to the gate of Fengxing Manor to join the others.In fact, there was nothing to delay. Isaacs's followers were only Squall and Partress.Most of the northern frontier warriors had died fighting Zul'jin, and Isaacs felt a pain in his heart just thinking about them.

But this is war, and everything below the hero level is just consumables, and a large number of deaths are ultimately just cold numbers on paper.

This made Isaacs can't help thinking, in a high-magic world like Azeroth, is it really necessary to mobilize a large number of ordinary soldiers to fight legion-level wars?

Members of the Windrunner family participated in Isaacs's farewell, whether falsely or genuinely.The farewell ceremony was very solemn, and Aurelia personally put a wreath on Isaacs as the head of the family.

"The trolls haven't completely retreated, so the route is not too safe, but don't worry, Sylvanas will escort you to Lordaeron." Alleria said.

Sylvanas?Isaacs glanced at Her Lady Queen who was still exuding a frosty aura, then looked at Aurelia who was quite gentle in comparison, and subconsciously asked, "Why not you?"

"I know that I am more suitable for negotiating with your compatriots than Siwa, but I have to stay to deal with the inquiries from the Silvermoon Council, so I am sorry, Isaacs." Alleria said with a wry smile.

The boy understood, he glanced at Cirvanas awkwardly, then turned over and rode on the chocobo kindly provided by the Windrunner family, and waved his hands behind him. "Everyone, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will meet again in the future!" He said proudly.

Although they didn't quite understand the farewell words from another world, the elves at least roughly understood its meaning, and they waved their hands one after another.Lilas' expression suddenly became serious, and Vereesa's eyes were reddened, "I will always remember you, Isaacs!" She suddenly shouted.

Someone was immediately embarrassed, how could this be like parting from life to death.He showed a forced smile, "Uh, we just separated for a while, it doesn't mean we won't see each other again."

Squall behind him tugged at one corner of him, "For the elves, they may see your grandson after a while." The inch-headed mage said succinctly.

Isaacs has a black hair. He really had a brain twitch to tell a group of longevity species whose lifespan is dozens of times his own. The green hills do not change the green waters and the long streams. I guess they will not change when grass grows on his grave.

Suddenly a shrill voice broke the embarrassing atmosphere, "Your Highness Isaacs!" A short green-skinned man ran over in a panic, panting heavily, and before he could speak, he pulled Isaacs out The reins of a riding chocobo.This made the big colorful guy feel quite uncomfortable. It uttered a cry, shook its head, and pulled the goblin staggeringly, almost falling to the ground.

"Galuvik? What's the matter with you?" Isaacs narrowed his eyes and looked at the embarrassed guy with pretended doubts.The director of Fengxing Harbor of the Bilgewater Consortium disappeared after the war, and did not show up until now.However, he didn't seem to be having a good time during this period of time, and his originally rich figure had lost a lot of weight.

Garouvik coughed heavily, and skillfully took out a stained account book, "Your Highness Isaacs, you owe the Rustwater Consortium a total of 22 taels of gold, 640 silver and 45 copper. Calculated with a monthly interest of 82%, you need to repay a total of 23 nine gold, 870 silver and 61 copper. Considering that you are a big customer, you don’t have to pay the 35 copper.” The goblin wrinkled his face and tried his best to pay. Put on a flattering smile.

Isaacs didn't seem to be impressed by the huge number and the "deal" discount, he shrugged his shoulders, "Listen Garouvik. I can say I'm broke right now. But don't worry, the debt owed The money is backed by Lordaeron's taxes, so you don't have to worry about my default."

"I really don't doubt Lordaeron's reputation, but please understand my difficulties. This amount is too huge, so the Bilgewater Consortium needs some visible collateral, such as... blueprints of certain weapons." The goblin subconsciously missed the wrong hand.

drawing?Isaacs was taken aback, but he realized instantly that Garuvik was referring to a tomahawk blade thrower.This strategic weapon performed extremely well in the defense of the royal city, and naturally attracted the attention of these goblins with a keen sense of smell.

This is good news, Isaacs is worrying about what to do with these inferior first-generation products, otherwise he would not have rushed to sell the one deployed on the Cogwheel directly to Ferryn Iron Drill before the battle.It's a pity that with the sinking of the Cogwheel, all this was in vain. Not to mention the damage to the blade thrower, the poor goblin captain was directly inserted into his head by a piece of broken wood when the ship was broken.

With a thought in his mind, Isaacs suddenly looked at Garuvik with an intriguing look.If he remembered correctly, Ferrin Iron Drill was the father of a deputy commander of the Bilgewater Fleet.No wonder Garuvik acted so urgently, he was obviously under pressure not only from the top management of the consortium.

"Of course it is impossible to use the drawings as collateral." Isaacs refused directly, because it involved his core secrets, "but I can directly use the finished product to offset the debt. Since Mr. Garuvik can't trust me, why don't you join me?" To Lordaeron, Squall!" He motioned for the mage to free a chocobo.

"But..." The goblin opened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something.But Isaacs stopped him with a silent gesture.

The boy subconsciously looked at his space ring. With the acquiescence of the Fengxing family, a complete arcane puppet skeleton and a large number of accessories had been installed in it.He leaned down and said to Garuvik in a low voice: "I'm very interested in the goblin's manned logging machine. Can you get the blueprint? I can offer you a price that satisfies you."

Garouvik was terrified because Isaacs had made him sign the damn contract two months ago with the same seductive tone, "You're not going to keep the credit?" he couldn't help shouting.

So it can be obtained, but there are different opinions on the payment method.Isaacs got the information he wanted in an instant, and he waved his hand, "This is not a place to talk, we will have a detailed discussion when we get back to Lordaeron." He jumped off his mount and carried the goblin to the place. The chocobo walked away with an empty head.

After consciously awakening the Seed of Light, the boy's physical fitness was comparable to that of a lord-level melee professional. Coupled with the hard training during this period, Garuvik was completely unable to resist.The goblin could only yell with all his strength: "Wait a minute, Your Highness Isaacs, I don't know how to ride such a big bird!"

"That's not a problem." Isaacs replied casually, and firmly tied Garuvik to the chocobo's back, "That's it. You don't have to worry too much, this well-trained chocobo Normally you don’t fall behind.”

In general?Garuvik wanted to cry but had no tears.However, he knew that under such circumstances, it would be better for him to go to Lordaeron to recover the debt, otherwise he would not be able to bear the responsibility of the Bilgewater Consortium.

"But my property in Port Wind..." Garuvik said almost in despair.

"Don't worry, the Windrunner family will keep it safe for you." Isaacs said perfunctorily, ignoring the goblin's heartbroken expression. "It's getting late! Let's go!"

A group of people marched eastward along the main road. The speed of the chocobo was comparable to that of the best war horse. They reached Taquilin within half a day.During a simple rest, Isaacs suddenly found that there was one more person in his team.

"Valeera!? Why are you here?" Isaacs was truly taken aback.

"I really can't comment on your stupidity. She joined our team back in Fengxing Manor." Cirvanas mocked.

Isaacs was instantly embarrassed. He was thinking about how to combine the two famous technological products of Azeroth, the arcane puppet and the manned harvester, so he didn't notice the extremely weak presence. Elven female thief.

Isaacs looked at Valeera who was still wearing sexy leather armor, "Uh, Ms. Valeera, could it be that you came to join me specifically?" Judging from the previous few contacts, he didn't seem to please the female elf.

To the surprise of Isaacs, Valeera nodded slightly, "Five thousand gold coins per month, I will be your security advisor, and of course I will only be responsible for your security affairs." She said briefly.

Isaacs was a little taken aback, but he immediately realized what was happening, and made a embarrassed expression almost for a moment, "You know, Valeera, I am facing serious financial problems, and I still owe that Mr. Goblin a penny." A huge sum of money." He gestured to Garuvik, who was holding a wooden barrel and throwing up.

The corners of Valeera's eyes twitched, "Three thousand." She gave way.

Isaacs made a gesture of helplessness.

"two thousand."

Isaacs still shook his head.

"One thousand is fine!" Valeera seemed a little annoyed, "You paid those mercenaries more than that!"

"Deal!" Isaacs snapped his fingers and showed a bright smile.His guess was right. Valeera, who was wanted by the Silvermoon Council, obviously couldn't stay in Quel'Thalas any longer, and he was her only choice.

Garuvik, who witnessed all this, showed a self-deprecating smile. He put down the wooden barrel full of vomit, opened the water bag and took a few mouthfuls of cold water for himself, "Compared to that Highness, I really have to doubt who That's the goblin," he said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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