Menethil's Power

Chapter 57 Strength and Glory, For the Horde

Chapter 57 Strength and Glory, For the Horde

Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer looked up at this majestic city with a gloomy face.

The information was wrong, and the city was already prepared.That coward in Alterac who swears that Lordaeron has only a few thousand old and weak soldiers now looks like a complete fool, completely unaware that he can gain the trust of other human kingdoms.

What makes Doomhammer even more terrified are those blade throwers that directly tear the body of the red dragon. This kind of weapon has only appeared in the human navy before, and their existence makes it difficult for the main battleship of the orc fleet to function. Relying on small and medium warships to fight, and there are dozens of such strategic weapons in this city, which makes Doomhammer really unbelievable.

It's as if the Alliance knew that Alterac would betray and the orcs would attack Lordaeron.They even anticipated the appearance of the red dragon and arranged such a powerful defensive firepower in advance.

This made Doomhammer very upset. Although the Dragonmaw clan used the dragon soul to capture the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, the other adult dragons are not fools. Therefore, the only high-level dragon that finally accepted the threat of the orcs was the Queen's. two spouses.Those low-intelligence dragon beasts and half-sized young dragons are easy to control, but it takes a long time to train them to obey orders obediently.

Therefore, although the war has been fought for nearly a year now, the tribe still has only 30 dragoons, and in this short moment, one-third of them were reimbursed.Doomhammer's heart began to bleed.

The heavy damage of the dragoons directly caused the morale of the tribe to drop a bit, and even the momentum of the siege was stagnated.Seeing this scene, a high-ranking warlord wearing a ferocious full-body plate armor let out a roar, and the thunderous sound shook the eardrums of all the orcs. "The orcs don't need the help of those weak creatures!" He waved the huge double-edged battle ax in his hand, "We will crush all enemies! For the Horde!"

The battle roar of high-level fighters has a powerful morale-boosting effect. Whether it is an elite fighter or a hard worker, the eyes of every member of the siege force instantly revealed a crimson light. "For the Horde!!" Howled one after another, and the Horde once again launched an attack fearlessly.For an orc, it is a very honorable thing to exchange their lives for victory, so they will not be afraid or doubtful, and will always maintain a strong will to fight.

But this is destined to be tragic, without the cover of the red dragon, the siege troops are almost living targets.When the last orc warrior with more than a dozen arrows in his body roared unwillingly and fell from the city wall, Doomhammer reluctantly paused his offensive.This is meaningless. In a purely cold weapon war, there is no possibility of taking a strong city head-on in a short period of time, even if the quality of an orc's individual soldiers is twice that of a human.

He looked irritably at the figures in black robes behind him, "Can you just watch the battle meaninglessly like this, death knights?" Doomhammer growled.

"Our ability is more suitable for dealing with large groups of living people, rather than destroying bricks and stones." The leader Talon Gorefiend replied in a cold and hollow voice: "You should find a shaman to solve this problem, of course a warlock can also .”

Doomhammer snorted contemptuously, Shaman?Apart from Zuluhed from the Dragonmaw Clan and the old blind man from the Frostwolf Clan, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left in the tribal shaman.There are still quite a few warlocks, but most of them stayed in Quel'Thalas with Gul'dan.

Thinking of the hunched orc warlock, Doomhammer felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He had a bad feeling since he left Quel'Thalas, and now this feeling has intensified.According to his order, Gul'dan should not be far from here at this time.Doomhammer looked northeast, but there were only rolling hills in sight.

A small black dot suddenly appeared in his line of sight, and Doomhammer gripped his weapon subconsciously.He wasn't sure what it was. According to his previous request, there shouldn't be any dragoons coming to support him.If it is the griffins that are ridden by those short men, it means that their own side will be in greater trouble, because they hardly act alone.

The black spots gradually became larger, and a red figure appeared, Doomhammer relaxed.The red dragon hovered and landed slowly, and the knight on the dragon's back jumped down before the red dragon stopped, "I want to see Doomhammer!" he shouted loudly.

"I'm here." Doomhammer stepped forward and said calmly: "Even if it brings the news that the Dragonmaw Clan is wiped out, you shouldn't be so panicked, soldier."

"Not much better than that." The orc swallowed. "He ran away."

"Who?" Orgrim asked subconsciously.

"Gul'dan." The orc saw that the chief gave some evidence, so he repeated, "Gul'dan led thousands of orcs to the west by boat, leaving no news, and even killed me. a brother of the

"Boat? Where's the ship?" Doomhammer asked in disbelief.

"A whole fleet has arrived at the coast of Quel'Thalas. Zuluhed didn't know if this was your order, so he sent me to confirm with you..."

A cold rage instantly consumed Doomhammer's heart.Gul'dan's betrayal not only means that the tribe will lose some support at this time, but also a mockery of his authority as the great chief.He thought he had completely controlled the tribe, but this despicable warlock had secretly bewitched so many people, including a fleet, which undoubtedly slapped the chief slap in the face.

Doomhammer seemed to see Gul'dan's rampant smile, "Look! Warchief! This is what you think of as a new tribe united by glory! Their essence remains unchanged! As long as they are tempted by a little power, they will Will be willing to bow their heads and ears!"

Hearing only a slight "click", this epic warrior actually directly crushed the wooden handle of the war hammer in his hand. "Everything I do is for the Horde." He murmured to himself as if comforting himself.

Yes, everything is for the Horde, whether it is killing the former warchief Blackhand, accepting trolls and death knights, or sparing Gul'dan's life, Doomhammer can swear to the ancestors that he has never had the slightest selfishness.

"He must pay the price!" Doomhammer growled, "The honor of the Horde must not be lightly insulted..."

It seems that the theorem that blessings come in pairs and misfortunes never come singly can be applied in any time and space. A sound of flapping wings interrupted the chief's words.This is the only dragoon in the Doomhammer force that is still intact and has been in charge of scouting in the Alterac Mountains.

The dragoons on the dragon's back jumped down directly, "Urgent information! The Alterac Mountains have been completely blocked! We have no way out!"

Doomhammer was stunned for a while, then suddenly grabbed his shoulder, and his hard fingers were directly embedded in the orc's muscles. "How many humans are there?"

The dragoon showed a frightened expression, "Endless."

Doomhammer took a deep breath, calming himself down.It couldn't have been more bad news, and it meant that the question of whether or not to go after Gul'dan was no longer a question.The alliance's reaction was too fast. They directly blocked Alterac and cut the orc army in half, and their vanguard troops were like turtles in an urn.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with Doomhammer's tactics.Orcs are fighting on the home ground of humans, and a quick victory is the best choice.When the raid on Quel'Thalas failed, using Alterac's betrayal to attack Lordaeron's royal city can almost be said to have hit the alliance's seven inches above.

In fact, Doomhammer had almost succeeded in the original timeline. If it hadn't been for the final decision to split up and pursue Gul'dan, the Horde's flag would have been planted on the top of Lordaeron's city.But the great chief of this time and space never dreamed that there would be a soul that did not belong to this time and space at all, and this guy who was backed by a bronze dragon even sent spoilers everywhere to build such an airtight encirclement. The Horde is cornered.

A sense of humiliation permeated Doomhammer's heart. This was a complete strategic failure.He even doubted the authenticity of the Alterac king's surrender. It is very possible that he deliberately swindled the surrender to lure the tribe into the encirclement.

But it's pointless to think about it now.Doomhammer knew that what he should consider was how to bring as many orcs back to their families as possible.The great chief's gaze regained his sanity. He looked at the snowy peak of Alterac, and then turned to look at the blood-stained wall of the royal city not far away. "Send the order, the whole army marches west." He said to Brox Saurfang, who was always by his side.

The loyal chief guard hurried away with orders without a word.Doomhammer's heart remains heavy, and he seems to have made the right choice.But since the alliance has arranged such an encirclement, it is obvious that the West will not have a smooth road.You know, Dalaran is not just a mage.

"Listen, Torgues." Doomhammer looked at the dragoon who had flown in from Quel'Thalas with burning eyes, "I know you're tired, but you don't have time to rest. The Horde needs you now Immediately tell Zulushid to send all the dragoons he can mobilize, can you do it?"

"I swear by my ancestors and blood, I will never live up to what I entrusted!" Torgues clenched his fist and hammered his chest hard, turning over and jumping on the mount that was roaring with dissatisfaction.The red dragon shook its head and soared towards the north.

Doomhammer had a sore nose for a while, this is the Horde, after all, there are only a few greedy people who surrendered to Gul'dan, most of the orcs are still as passionate, loyal, and united as Torgais, and they equate glory with life.

Why shouldn't such a noble race have a place to live?Doomhammer has strengthened his belief, his choice is not wrong, and his philosophy is not wrong.He firmly believes that the tribe is developing in the direction he expects.

As for that despicable villain Gul'dan, he will definitely make him pay the price, but unfortunately it's not now.

 The number of red dragons in the previous chapter has been modified, I am sorry for my elementary school math teacher QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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