Menethil's Power

Chapter 43 Valeera in Action

Chapter 43 Valeera in Action
Valeera Sagunal, a rare noble stalker, resolutely left that sad place after being humiliated by an underage male human nobleman in Fengxing Village.Yes, even if he offered a job with a monthly salary of [-] gold coins, Valeera thought it was an insult, an insult to the thief's dignity.

This female elf, who didn't seem to like wearing leg armor, went north, passing through many villages that were being attacked by trolls or had been slaughtered by trolls.Although Valeera, who grew up among the common people, hated the nobles from the bottom of her heart, she still had deep sympathy for the people at the bottom, so she always took action without hesitation.Fortunately, none of these wandering trolls were too high-end. Valeera came down with hundreds of elves along the way, and even left behind a little legend.

Three days later, she came to Qingfeng Village. Although this satellite town of Silvermoon City has been put under military control, the tavern is still open because of the existence of some adventurers.When Valeera gave a lesson to a few blind guys, she was noticed by Cirvanas who was passing by in a hurry, so she was forcibly recruited immediately and became a member of the Ranger Troop.

Valeera has nothing against the Fengxing family and the ranger army, and she is not opposed to joining the army to fight against the trolls. In fact, she has accomplished all the tasks of a scout during the war of more than a month, delivering news, obtaining information, and assassinating Important goals, she is very good at doing these.

Since those two troops left the Horde army, the battle situation suddenly became treacherous. The coalition of elves and humans seemed to have gained an advantage. The unresponsive Silvermoon City finally sent two integrated legions, and the trolls attacked desperately and in vain. , but still can't advance the front line by one meter.Orc dragoons were a huge problem at first, but suddenly their numbers were much smaller, so they seemed to be a bit vulnerable to the siege of Griffin Riders and High Rangers.Interestingly, there were no large groups of orcs on the battlefield at this time. Of course, this was abnormal, so Valeera was ordered to find out the reason behind this.

The elf female thief walked silently through the jungle, followed by two high-ranking thieves from the Farstrider Legion.They never talk much, and communicate with each other mostly by gestures.Carefully dodging troll squad after troll squad, they searched for any remaining traces, but found little. They only found that the orcs seemed to have withdrawn completely, but nothing else.

Valeera stopped in her tracks suddenly, and raised her hand to signal the two companions to stop.One of the Farwalker thieves sniffed his nose, "An elite headhunting team, a berserker, and a lord-level sorcerer." He accurately reported the enemies out of sight.

Although Valeera has always been curious about how Lussel could perceive all this with only her sense of smell, her previous combat experience has convinced her that this information is correct.She looked at Fan Dier, another traveler and thief, and the tall and thin male elf nodded silently. Obviously, he also thought that there was no need for unnecessary exploration.

Now that a consensus has been reached, let's do it!

An excellent stalker has always been as quiet as a virgin and moves like a rabbit, leaving no chance for the enemy to react once he makes a move.Several smoke bombs exploded suddenly in the troll team, and the thick smoke instantly turned the space into chaos. Although the trolls were not defenseless, the queue inevitably became chaotic.

The stalker squad quickly cut in under the cover of smoke. They had a clear division of labor. Valeera, who had the highest combat power, was in charge of the lord-level magician, and the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers were handed over to Lussel and Van Dier.The sorcerer's reaction was very quick. He immediately used the thunder storm, completely ignoring the nearby subordinates. The power of the thunder turned into a wave and spread around him, burning and impacting everything he touched. There was a cry of pain from the body, and several trolls who were closer to the sorcerer were immediately blown away with their bodies scorched black.

It's a pity that this doesn't hinder Valeera, the stalker who has mastered the dark silver cloak and the one who has not mastered it are simply two professions.The shadow energy wrapped the female elf's delicate body, allowing her to pass through the thunder wave easily, but this also exposed her position.The troll magician didn't show the slightest fear that the armored profession should have when facing thieves. He roared ferociously, swung his staff and knocked Valeera on the head.

That's... heroic.A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Valeera's mouth, and she directly used the shadow step to instantly teleport to the back of the sorcerer. The troll's fragile neck was exposed to her eyes without any protection, and she could take away his body with just a single knife. Life, although the troll has tenacious vitality, if its head is cut off, it will not have any possibility of survival.

However, the purpose of this surprise attack was not to kill the troll. Valeera turned the dagger around, hit the magician's head with the hilt to temporarily paralyze him, and then took out the rune handcuffs that Isaacs kindly gave Lock his hands.This is Valeera's confidence in capturing legal professionals of the same level. Imprisonment magic items can restrict most of the wearer's abilities and reduce their danger by several levels.

Valeera realized the value of this gift only after she had actually used it. Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of magic, did not have similar things, but they were basically heavy and burdensome shackles.Valeera has personally experienced the taste of rune handcuffs, and she knows that the effect of this uniquely shaped little thing is no worse than those big ones.

Valeera carefully picked up the collar of the sorcerer's robe. There must be some weird things on a high-level troll spellcaster, and she is not interested in experiencing them.The massacre of the troll by the two Farstrider thieves was still going on, and they were bleeding the berserker at a leisurely pace.Valeera decided not to disturb them. She let the incapacitated magician lean against a tree, and the flying dagger cut off the finger of the magician wearing the ring in an instant, and then landed on the troll's body. above the neck.

"I ask, you answer." The female elf's voice showed no emotion.

The troll laughed twice, but didn't answer.

Valeera frowned at the expected lack of cooperation. This is not a place suitable for torture to extract a confession. Fortunately, the information she needs is not a secret worth guarding for this troll.

"I need news about the orcs," she said bluntly. "If you tell me what you know about the orcs' movements, I'll give you a painless casualty."

"Orcs?" The troll suddenly became emotional, "Those treacherous guys deceived my master to the southwest, then abandoned us and fled cowardly, a group of cowards! Bastards! I have already warned my master not to Trust them."

Valeera ignored the troll's curse, "Are they retreating south?"

"No, they went west."

The west?Valeera was thinking, is she planning to go by sea?It seems that Yangfan Port must be notified to prepare, she asked casually, "Your master is Xiongling Nalorak?"

"Spirit Bear? That arrogant idiot?" The sorcerer breathed out contemptuously, "Kincalai has always had only one master, and that is the eternal king of the forest trolls!" A proud expression appeared on his face.

Valeera's complexion changed drastically.
Hours later, Union camp, main account.

Kurdran Wildhammer hurried into the tent. The dwarf lord looked quite depressed. It was obvious that the successive battles had exhausted him physically and mentally. Fighting dragons was not a wonderful job.Commander Turalyon, who was flipping through the latest intel, nodded to the dwarf.

"There is not very good news, Turalyon, I think you must know." The dwarf said in a voice as dull as a rock, "My new batch of boys who came to reinforce found a hanging The Lordaeron soldier in the tree, he's almost frozen, but he keeps saying three words, Quel'Thalas, Alterac, betrayal."

Turalyon took a deep breath, he now has the calmness that a commander should have, "Where is the person now?"

"He was too weak to fly on a griffin, so the boys left him in the nearest village."

Alterac?betray?Turalyon frowned. He spread out the map and slid his finger from the Hinterlands to Alterac, then to Lordaeron, and finally landed at the King City. His body froze, a chill came out. From the soles of the feet to the forehead.

"Holy Light." He murmured, and suddenly his head ached. "If, I mean, if it is really the betrayal of Alterac as we understand it, then we should return immediately."

Kurdran frowned, dissatisfied with Turalyon's attitude, "I don't think there is anything suspicious about the news sent by a warrior who risked his death." He said: "My boys said When he was found, he was still wrapped in a piece of ragged canvas, and he may have used that thing to fly straight down from the snow mountain."

"But the Horde is still hiding in the dark, and they are waiting for us to reveal our flaws before taking a bite." Turalyon suddenly became a little annoyed, "I can't let all the soldiers accompany me on an adventure for a news that is not sure of its authenticity! "

"You don't have to worry about this problem, because the orcs have already evacuated to the west." A slender figure wearing red leather armor suddenly appeared, "I didn't find the guards at the door, so I'm sorry that I didn't invite you in." Valeera said An apologetic courtesy.

Turalyon was taken aback. "Hi, ma'am. About what you said..."

"The news is very reliable." Valeera said bluntly, "Also. I am here to convey Aurelia's apology. I am afraid that you will have to face the troll alone. We just learned that we will not go to the southwest. It's just the spirit bear, and Zul'jin, the troll leader. So Alleria has already led the team to chase after it."

Turalyon's head hurt even more. At the beginning, Alleria stayed on the battlefield under his persuasion.Zul'jin is a powerhouse close to the epic level. If his target is really the Fengxing family, the consequences are unimaginable...

"If there is no news for me to convey, then I will leave first." Valeera said, she turned and took two steps, then turned her head and said: "By the way, I once saw a human boy in Fengxing Village, he There is a hero-level mage by my side." As soon as the words fell, she disappeared from Turalyon's sight in an instant.

The camp suddenly fell into silence, and Turalyon could no longer maintain the superficial calm after a few seconds, "Tirion!" He shouted the name of the only hero-level powerhouse still in the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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