Menethil's Power

Chapter 36 Artoria

Chapter 36 Artoria

The Blizzard company was established in the early years of the Dark Portal. It used to be just a small arcane workshop. This kind of small workshop can be seen everywhere in Dalaran, providing low-level mages with cheap prop repair services for a living.The Blizzard company backed by Lordaeron is certainly not comparable to them. This company whose name has no connection with the industry has shown extraordinary potential, and has grown into a behemoth in just a few years.Although the current main business is still civilian products, Isaacs's ambitions are obviously more than that. The battle-axe blade thrower and the Arcanite warhammer given to the Wildhammer dwarves are enough to prove that this precocious Lordaeron prince has far-reaching plans.

In the war-torn Azeroth, what industry is the most promising?Ammunition, of course.But in commercial activities, any means of competition are superfluous, and monopoly is the most effective.As a time traveler, Isaacs certainly understands this point. When the raw materials, production and marketing of an industry are all in the hands of one company, it is definitely an astonishing huge profit.

Based on this concept, Blizzard established an investigation department very early on. One of the main tasks of this department is to explore the undiscovered rare metal veins in the Eastern Kingdom so that the company can buy them in the first place.Two months ago, an apprentice mage who was collecting snowthorn in North Alterac accidentally discovered a piece of high-purity thorium ore. investigators.Considering that it is currently a time of war, a group of elite Lordaeron soldiers were recruited as guards through the special channel left by Isaacs.

But someone far away in Fengxing Village never imagined that this investigator was actually Luo Ning.Learning spells is very costly, so Blizzard recruited many young mages with good talents but poor pockets with high salaries, and Luo Ning was one of them.The red-haired young mage, who was supposed to be a first-timer in this war as the Ravager, is in Alterac and about to head off to the untouched northern mountains.

The wheel of history turned a little bit off again, but someone who started it didn't know anything about it.All his mind is now devoted to the war in front of him.The battle has lasted for more than two hours, Fengxing Village's defense line has repeatedly shrunk until there is no way to retreat.Isaacs has already begun to personally provide fire support. He has turned into a punishing machine gun and continuously shoots the harvest troll's life.

The strength of these trolls is only at the elite level, but there are too many of them.More than half of the mercenary casualties, these rabble has reached the zero point of collapse.The archers in Fengxing Village also shot most of their arrows, only keeping a small part for emergency use.The four extremely brave arcane puppets are also covered in scars at this time, and the light in their eye sockets is extremely dim. Although they did not use the arcane impact that consumes too much energy, their energy is almost exhausted after the long battle.

Damn it, Isaacs was rather depressed.He estimates that more than 1000 trolls have died, but there are still so many trolls left.This is just cannon fodder used by the enemy to consume our vitality, so he doesn't want to expose too much of his cards.The boy looked to the east. Arturia had already set off for half an hour, so she should have gained something by now.
Ranger is a unique profession of elves, which can be regarded as a combination of stalker and hunter.As a hero-level ranger, Artoria is proficient in stealth and tracking, and is even more powerful in the forest, so she can easily go around behind the troll.

She had already changed out of the aristocratic silk dress, and now she was wearing a standard ranger outfit. The tight leather armor outlined her tall and graceful figure, and the snow-white exposed waist added to her charm.This female elf of a mysterious age has long hair of dark blue, which is very rare among high elves.

But it's a pity that the trolls can't appreciate her beauty. In their eyes, all high elves are disgusting white ghosts.Arturia walked through the woods, and soon found her target.A troll that was obviously one size bigger than the others roared manically, waving its arms to urge the trolls around it to move forward.

With a headdress covered in colorful feathers, a tall body, two troll witch doctors as guards and the strength of a lord, Artoria can be sure that this ugly creature is the supreme commander of the trolls.She curled her lips in disdain. These guys have never known how to disguise and cover up. It has been like this for thousands of years.

The female elf didn't want to delay, she quickly drew her weapon from her waist.These are a pair of strangely shaped long swords with a single edge and extremely thin blades.As the portable sabers that Arturia has not changed for thousands of years, they are of well-deserved epic quality.The female elf put the double-edged cross on her chest and became excited. Although she is also proficient in archery, she prefers the thrill of the sword cutting into the flesh.

The hero level undoubtedly has a great advantage over the lord level, but it does not mean that it can attack without thinking.Arturia quietly waited for the best opportunity. There were countless trolls around this leader. She had to fight quickly, otherwise she would be in great trouble once she got into a tight siege.

The warlord was visibly agitated by his inability to attack, and he even began urging his troll escort into battle.good chance!Artoria released her stealth status and turned into a flash of light, bringing a storm of blood and blood. She was close to her in a moment, and the long sword emitting silver light lightly cut off the heads of two witch doctors from left to right.All the melee professions in Azeroth know that the legal profession must be killed first in a fight.

The troll leader's reaction was very sensitive, and he crushed the amulet around his neck the moment Artoria appeared.The troll's upper body immediately grew brown and black hair, turning into a half-bear, half-troll monster. He roared and slapped his thick bear paws on the female elf's bare waist.

Beast Warrior!Artoria raised her delicate eyebrows in surprise. She had participated in the troll war, so she knew this kind of existence.The trolls worship some beast spirits as gods and volunteer to be their containers.The first-generation beast spirit warriors were at least hero-level, and they could distribute their own beast spirit power to other trolls, but these second-generation beast spirit warriors could not be compared with the first generation at all.

It can be seen that this troll leader has a strong desire to survive, but unfortunately all struggles are in vain when he is approached by a heroic powerhouse.Arturia dodged his reckless slap, and with a backhand sword, she removed one arm of the spirit bear warrior. The troll just let out a painful roar and it seemed to be stuck in his throat. The blood was cut from him. It spewed out from the half-open neck.

The sudden death of the leader caused the surrounding trolls to stumble for an instant.Arturia calmly shook off the blood stained on the sword, and gave them a cold look.The trolls shivered in unison, and scattered in an instant. Artoria did not pursue these frightened guys, but squatted down and began to examine the corpse of the troll leader.

The female elf's face was serious. It was nothing to kill a commander-level troll, but the real trouble was the identity of the deceased.The troll smelled very bad, but the elf didn't change her face, and she soon found what she expected—a wooden bear statue.Artoria's breathing became short of breath, she was right, Nalorak the Bear Spirit was nearby.
The situation on the frontal battlefield is still not good. Isaacs looked to the east longingly, and finally saw an elegant but deadly figure. She seemed to be dancing among the trolls, but every movement of her would be on at least one of the trolls. leaving fatal wounds.Isaacs felt familiar with the silver energy emitted by the female elf, but now was not the time to think too much, he turned his head and shouted loudly, "Squall."

Facts have proved that Isaacs' shouting is completely unnecessary. Squall's spell has already been prepared. A huge meteorite fell from the sky, turning a large area into scorched earth, and the trolls within the range screamed and turned into fly ash. The unremarkable square-headed mage is not only proficient in ice spells, but also good at playing with fire.The fire element driven by mana quickly dissipated, and the scarred Baldrige raised his weapon, his body was still firm, and his voice was still loud, "It's time to counterattack, charge!"

Isaacs secretly turned on the long-lost piety aura. Although this has no effect on mercenaries and elves who do not have the belief in the Holy Light, at least the North Front can enjoy it.The Northern Frontier team quickly completed the assembly and launched a charge as an arrow, followed by the mercenaries who instantly regained their vigor.

In the distance, Lilas led the archers of Fengxing Village to shoot the last wave of arrows, then drew out his rapier, and uttered his loudest voice with all his strength, "The eternal sun guides us, fellow citizens, attack! "The elves made scattered voices, and the originally neat formation immediately became disorganized. After all, they only received hasty training, and they were still civilians in essence.

But this is irrelevant. The trolls have no leader at this time, and they have no power to fight back against the charge of Fengxing village defenders. They retreat steadily, leaving behind several corpses with every step.The experienced Baldridge knew that our side was at the end of its battle at this time, so he calmly led the mercenaries to open a gap to prevent the troll Jedi from counterattacking.

Just as the so-called defeat is like a mountain, the huge meteorite trolls of Squall couldn't develop any sense of resistance, and they rushed to the forest.Isaacs let out a long sigh of relief, there was nothing wrong with this first battle.

The war was temporarily over, and the survivors began to clean up the battlefield.The mercenaries happily harvested the heads of trolls all over the place, and even had quarrels because of the unfair distribution.A colorful juvenile dragonhawk from the south flew suddenly across the battlefield, circling and singing over Rillath, with a scroll of parchment tied to its talons.

Lilas' original relaxed expression disappeared. This dragon eagle was Vereesa's pet, and it came here obviously because of something wrong with Fengxing Manor.He whistled, and the little dragon eagle landed obediently on his arm. Lilas took down the parchment to read, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

He quickly found Isaacs who was talking with Artoria, and interrupted their conversation unceremoniously, "Your thinking is correct," Lilas looked at the human boy with a lingering expression, "Fengxing Manor Sure enough, it was violently attacked."

(End of this chapter)

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