Menethil's Power

Chapter 3 Invincible

Chapter 3 Invincible
Isaacs opened the door lazily, and Alsace rushed towards him with all his teeth and claws. It took Isaacs a lot of effort to push the brat away to a safe distance.Alsace struggled for a while and found that he couldn't touch someone, so he gave up using force to retaliate. After all, Isaacs was three years older and almost a head taller than him.The little prince who was full of grievances shouted loudly:
"Isaacs you are a big liar!"

Isaacs tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, "This is a serious accusation, my dear brother, you'd better show evidence."

Arthas angrily threw the Hearthstone card box over.

"This one, I specially ordered it from the Ao Neng Workshop to give you as a birthday present, and it just arrived a few days ago." Isaacs didn't even blink his eyes when he told the lie. He told the little prince before that he had no special authority. Naturally, it cannot be admitted that this is a special version provided to him by the Ao Neng Workshop, the creator of the game.

Alsace was taken aback. The abbreviations of their names were both "AM". There was no obvious loophole in this statement, but he immediately realized, "Why is the birthday present for me in the hands of Kalia?"

"Oh, she borrowed the hearthstone box from me, and I took it by mistake." The actual situation is that Isaacs can't stand the sweet "brother emperor" after another. In a sense, this little girl is better than Alsa. Si is even more difficult.

Alsace was angry. He couldn't argue with Isaacs since he was a child, so he could only retreat, "You just said that this is a gift for me?"

"That's right." Isaacs nodded.

"Then you shouldn't object to giving it to me in advance, right?" Alsace asked impatiently.

"Of course." Isaacs agreed very readily.Alsace took the card box and quickly stuffed it into his small space package, and his mood became pleasant.Of course Isaacs knew the reason. Jorome Balnir, the royal groom of Lordaeron invited them to go to see "The Miracle of Life" today, and Jorome's son Josham is also a Hearthstone card hobby Or, this simple child's outlook on life will undergo a huge change today, and Isaacs, the instigator, can't help but feel a little guilty.

"I forgive you, brother." Alsace said solemnly. "Now let's go to Mr. Barnir's appointment." As soon as the words finished, his blond hair was messed up. The little prince glared at Isaacs angrily, and vowed to double the revenge when he grew up. No, three times.

Halfway through the morning, and Alsace planned to have lunch at Barnir's house, so the two set off immediately, and the four guards followed silently. For the purpose of cultivating independence, Terenas did not give The two are equipped with personal servants, but they attach great importance to security work.Each of them has two elite bodyguards, and an equal number of stalkers will follow them when they go out.These guards did their duty but hardly communicated with the two Highnesses, so they did not please Alsace very much.

Walking to the gate of the palace, Alsace encountered a person he least wanted to meet at this moment.The stern-faced eldest princess Kalia had a sense of calmness and prestige. Alsace looked at Isaacs for help, but someone spread his hands and said that he could not help, so the hair that the little prince had managed to straighten was ravaged again.

"Integrity is the most beautiful character, isn't it? My dear brother." Kalia said with her eyes narrowed, and the strength in her hand couldn't help but increase a bit.Alsace keenly sensed a burst of murderous intent, but he still decided not to give in. "Your victory is also dishonorable," he said.

"However, I won, and there is no rule in the bet that I cannot win unconventionally." Kalia clearly pointed out.

Alsace was speechless, and could only agree to Kalia's request: take her out of the palace to play, so the two groups became a threesome.Isaacs agrees with this. Terenas loves the three children equally, but compared to the almost free-ranging education method for the two boys, he is a bit stricter for Kalia.He allowed Alsace and Isaacs to choose their own friends, but he didn't want Kalia to have too many interactions with commoners.

Isaacs knew that Kalia's personality was not too different from Alsace's. She was passionate and slightly rebellious, and she would be suffocated if she was restrained for a long time.Occasionally going out of the palace once in a while is acceptable to Terenas, and of course the most important thing is that the blame for bringing Kalia out of the palace has already been pinned on Alsace.

It was mid-winter, snowy, and the north wind howling.Isaacs blessed everyone with spiritual fire, including the stalker hidden in the dark. The guards saluted to express their gratitude, although they were not afraid of the severe cold with their strength.Alsace and Kalia instantly changed from quail to hozen.After all, they were only children, and the siblings soon forgot the unhappiness just now. The three of them talked and laughed all the way, and the short journey took more than an hour, because they stopped for a snowball fight halfway.

Jorome Barnir stood at the gate of the ranch to greet the three Highnesses, and seemed to have been waiting for a long time. "Welcome to the humble house, Your Highness. Oh, it's an honor that His Highness Kalia is here too," he enthusiastically helped Alsace and the eldest princess off their horses, "May the Holy Light bless you forever, Your Highness Isaacs." He said said with a smile.

"The Holy Light is with you, Mr. Barnir." Isaacs also responded with a smile, and at the same time gave Jorome a blessing. Perhaps because of the relationship between the scriptures of origin, Isaacs' blessing is very effective, almost comparable to Power Word: Fortitude equals. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he said.

Jorome only felt refreshed, as if there was an inexhaustible force in his body, and he looked at Isaacs with more and more respect. "No, no, no, you came just in time," he said cheerfully, "Vera just baked a pie, and with Barnier's special cheese and frothy drink, it will be a very good meal!" "

Vera is Mrs. Barnir, gentle and charming, good at cooking.The three of them enjoyed a delicious lunch with the Barnir family. After the meal, Arthas tortured the unfortunate groom's son with a special hearthstone card box of blood as he wished, and then everyone went to the stables led by Jorom.There was a stench of steaming heat in the stables, and a white mare was lying on the ground with a distended belly, about to give birth.

"My best mare, Brightmane," said Jorome, "she's going to give birth soon, which means another frisky foal in my pasture, and the birth of life is the most incredible miracle, isn't it? Is it?" He walked into the stable, knelt down and prepared to deliver the mare, "Can your highness help me? Bright Mane is very nervous now, and she needs comfort."

Alsace followed without hesitation, and Kalia hesitated for a long time looking at the very dirty stables in her eyes, and finally pushed Isaacs aside, "Go, my lord pastor, didn't you see that Does the suffering mother urgently need your treatment?"

Isaacs couldn't laugh or cry: "Healing can't solve the problem of childbirth. Of course, I have a way to relieve her pain." He opened the holy book of origin that he carried with him, and the light rose up, turning into golden silk threads to surround the mare. "Restoration," Isaacs explained, "simply restores physical strength. This is what she needs most now."

However, the effect of the recovery technique seemed to be too good, the mare turned her head suddenly, and almost knocked over Alsace who was pulling the rein to comfort her. "Hey, Brightmane," said the little prince, "take it easy, girl, it's all right."

Jorom laughed. "I doubt you'd feel that way if something as big as a pony came out of you, lad."

This was not a clever joke. Isaacs and Kalia smiled politely, but Jorom's son Josham was overjoyed.Arthas laughed too, not even noticing the mare's saliva dripping on his trousers.

Brightmane began to moan and neigh, stretched his legs straight, and the pony showed its head. Jorom caught it, and with the sound of mud turning, a gray foal completed its incarnation process.Barnir and his son immediately picked up a towel to wipe the mucous membranes on its body.Arthas stared at this cute little life, watched it struggle to stand up, watched it observe the world with its big brown eyes, the little prince felt his heart was about to melt.

Callia felt the same way, and the eldest princess was truly touched by the miracle of life. "Mr. Barnir," she said, "can you give it to me? I've always wanted a pony of my own. "

Balnir was stunned for a while before agreeing. Although he originally wanted to give the pony to Prince Alsace, he also couldn't refuse Princess Kalia's request.

Alsace frowned, he had never thought the eldest princess's face was so hateful, "It should be mine! I even thought of the name." He shouted.

Kalia raised up two white fingers, "First, Mr. Barnir has agreed to give me the pony; second, you are robbing girls, your etiquette is playing with these commoners Have you forgotten the time?"

Alsace's face was flushed, and he began to argue with Kalia, until the eldest princess said, "If you make trouble for no reason, I will tell the king that I wrote your philosophy homework." This sentence is too lethal. When it was too big, Alsace died down instantly, and fled in defeat.

Isaacs, the melon-eating crowd, watched all this dumbfounded. How could Invincible just disappear?Its death should have been the first step in the blackening of Alsace.His brain was still in a state of shutdown until the little prince came to ask for comfort with tears in his eyes, and he was covered in horse manure and hay crumbs.Someone who reacted threw a cleansing spell on himself and left Alsace alone.Sure enough, the bear's nature is hard to change, so he must be taught a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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