Menethil's Power

Chapter 15 Standard Air Support

Chapter 15 Standard Air Support

More than 300 griffins soared into the sky, each carrying a heavily armed dwarf and a human. Of course, ordinary griffins cannot carry such a heavy load, but the griffin blessed by Isaacs with a full set of buffs can. Can.

Isaacs was sitting on Xue Yi's back at this time, and he wisely handed over the control of Xue Yi to Alleria, while he held the female elf's slender waist majestically, feeling the slender and flexible touch on his hands, someone Suddenly feeling the cold wind blowing on the face feels good too.

Regarding the plight of Tarren Mill, the first thing he thought of was "airdrop".Now that the Alliance has temporarily gained air supremacy, it is entirely feasible to take out some Griffon Knights for transportation work. With the blessing of the aura of piety, the rescue operation is expected to only take one day, and will hardly affect the frontal battlefield.

It's a pity that griffins belong to combat flying species, and their transportation capacity is really limited. Isaacs had to gather all the lord-level combat forces that could be contacted, and gathered about 300 people, including Squall, Alleria and Tirion Fowler. Ding three heroes.Then let Falstad transfer back to a flying brigade, and barely put together a rescue team.

"We have arrived at our destination!" Falstad's strange cry came from ahead, "All of them! Lower the height by 200 meters!"

Isaacs managed to poke his head out, and the outline of Tarren Mill was faintly visible under the clouds.As the altitude decreased, he gradually saw the situation on the ground, and his heart sank. This rich town was almost torn apart.The orcs easily broke through the city walls used to defend against gnolls and bandits, broke into the city and began to wreak havoc.The whole of Tarren Mill was full of wars, and small-scale battles broke out from time to time, which showed that the defenders had not given up their resistance. This was probably the only good news.

The people of Lordaeron are suffering, Isaacs is very sad about this, but this does not affect him to make the right decision. "Find their camp!" he yelled at Falstad as hard as he could.It is impossible for all the orcs to enter Tarren Mill. They must leave some people outside the city as a reserve team, and at least one senior officer is stationed there.Isaacs believed that entering Tarren Mill immediately would not help the situation. These three hundred high-level powerhouses must play a greater role, and they could take advantage of the surprise attack to eliminate the remaining orc troops.

Falstad understood, and a moment later the sharp-eyed dwarf found out, "In the southeast!" He shouted excitedly, "Ready to fight!"

Most of the [-] lord-level professionals are fighters. They jumped off their mounts when the Griffin Knights flew at low altitude, and smashed into the orc camp like shells. The spell landed, and the first wave of spells was cast in midair.

The orc commander reacted very quickly, but before he could issue an order, Alleria shot him down the throat with an arrow.Faced with such a crushing attack, the leaderless orcs had no power to fight back. Under the blockade of the Griffin Knight's firepower, even escape became a luxury.The battle lasted only one hour, and more than 1000 orcs were almost wiped out.

Isaacs made soy sauce all the way, and after Alleria jumped off the snow wings, he manipulated the big bird to slowly land on a hill, watching the whole battle process.Tirion Fordring, whose armor was covered in blood, came over, "No one was killed, and the wounded have also been healed. We can join the battle in Tarren Mill at any time," the middle-aged paladin reported, " Judging from the number of people left behind, the number of orcs attacking Tarren Mill will never exceed [-], and this attack should be just a temporary idea of ​​the leader of a certain tribe of orcs."

"Very good." Isaacs said seriously. As time went by, almost no one still treated him like a 12-year-old child. "Inform everyone to make repairs and simple post-war treatment. We will enter Tarren Mill in half an hour."

Almost everyone in Tarren Mill knows that there is a beautiful and ugly girl in the church choir. Her voice is like a melody, and the hymns she sings have the power to shake the soul.Every time someone mentioned this in person, Liliana's fair little face would flush slightly.The little girl grew up in Tarren Mill Abbey, and she should be ten years old now.Although she doesn't know who her biological parents are, Liliana has never felt sad about it. For her, the monastery is a warm home.

There are eight children adopted by the monastery.Tarren Mill is not a large town, so naturally the size of the abbey cannot be compared with that of Northshire or Stratholme.There are two official priests in the entire monastery, one is Father Pamir, the dean, who is responsible for daily management and fundraising; the other is Sister Adele, who is responsible for the daily life and education of the children.Not long ago, Liliana inexplicably communicated with the Holy Light during a chant and became the third extraordinary person in the monastery.

The life in the monastery is peaceful and warm. Liliana usually studies literature and vocal music with Sister Adele, listens carefully to the sermons of Father Pamir, often helps the teaching staff, and prays for the blessing of the Holy Light for the poor. Dedicate your beautiful singing voice.

But that all changed four months ago.The sheriff said there was going to be a war, and called up all the staff except Mr. Shire and Mr. Tick.The whole of Andorhal was panicked, and the number of visitors to the monastery suddenly increased. People hoped to find solace from the Holy Light.Liliana's food has dropped several grades, because the price of food has almost skyrocketed.Despite this, Tarren Mill still maintains a semblance of stability, and people still live a fairly normal life, until they suddenly learn that an orc army is coming straight to Tarren Mill.

The devastating news plunged all of Tarren Mill into despair.The next two days were even more like a nightmare for Liliana. Mr. Charles and Mr. Tick were dragged up the city wall, and when they returned, they had turned into two cold corpses, and then Father Pamir also went to the front line , and there has been no news since then.Sister Adele closed the door of the monastery solemnly, returned to the chapel and began to pray devoutly.Liliana softly comforted the other children, and they fell asleep tiredly after they fell asleep with tears in their eyes.

The next day there were new visitors to the monastery, and the orc soldiers obviously didn't have the patience to wait for the master to open the door, so they chose to break in directly.Sister Adele, who heard the noise, immediately pulled up the eight children and led them to the back door of the monastery. "Run, children." The nanny panted and opened the rusty door lock, and pushed the eight children out one by one, "Find a place to hide, and never come out, may the Holy Light bless you all!" .”

The youngest child cried immediately.Liliana only had time to call out the word "Nurse" before the back door of the monastery was closed.Liliana heard the rattle of the chain behind the door, followed by the roar of the orc and the scream of the nanny.Tears filled her eyes, and the little girl held back her grief and led the other children to flee. She could not let Mammy's sacrifice be meaningless.

However, Holy Light seemed to have abandoned these poor children, and they ran into two orcs again within 500 meters.Liliana stopped, she was ready, first Father Pamir, then Sister Adele, now it was her turn. "You guys go first, and leave these two to me." Liliana said calmly, trying not to shake her voice.

The children hesitated and refused to leave, until the little girl shouted "Let's go" with all her strength before running away in a panic.Liliana looked back at the orc who was pounced on, and began to recall the essentials of casting the smiting spell that Father Pamir had said with all her strength, and then summoned up the courage to raise her hands.

A thick golden light beam flew over, drawing a scorched black wound on the orc's body. The orc was in pain, and a roar was still stuck in his throat before being drowned by countless golden light beams like a storm.Enraged by the tragic death of his companion, the other orc slashed at Liliana, who was staring at his hands in a daze, with the tomahawk in his hand.The little girl only had time to perform a basic defensive action, but the expected severe pain did not come.

Liliana watched the tomahawk going further and further in surprise, realizing that she was being pulled up by an invisible giant hand, and the orcs below were reduced to ashes in a golden flame falling from the sky.The little girl looked at it stupidly, and then fell into a hug that was not generous but warm enough.

Liliana turned her head and saw a young face with short blond hair and a sunny smile.

"Good morning, little girl," said Isaacs.He did not participate in the frontal battle, but drove Snow Wing to clean up the scattered orcs in the outer city under the escort of two Griffin Knights.Unexpectedly, such a cute little girl was rescued, with blond hair, blue eyes, delicate features, and fair skin.Seeing her numb expression, Isaacs felt even more compassionate. He didn't let go of his embrace for a while, and began to slowly inject the warm power of the holy light into Liliana's trembling delicate body.

The Holy Book of Origins that had been hanging on Isaacs' waist suddenly trembled violently. Isaacs could only free one hand to untie the chains tied to it, wondering what was going on with this holy book.The holy tome of origin floated automatically after being unbound, but it did not open automatically.The purple crystal on the cover began to emit a strong light, and then, with Isaacs' expression of seeing a ghost, he escaped from the scripture and sank into the body of the confused little loli.

Someone went crazy immediately, what the hell is this, the golden finger can still be lost.He quickly took the scripture, and found that the place where the original crystal was located was as smooth as a mirror, as if nothing had ever been inlaid there.He was dumbfounded, looked up at the little girl's pretty face and asked, "What's your name?"

The little girl's voice was so weak that it made one's heart tremble, "Liliana Partress."

(End of this chapter)

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