Menethil's Power

Chapter 100 In the Name of the Holy Light

Chapter 100 In the Name of the Holy Light

The best healers of the Allied forces gathered in Anduin Lothar's camp, and it was clear that the safety of the Alliance commander received the highest level of attention.

Isaacs saw an old acquaintance, Iris Havenfar, who smiled and nodded at the priestess.

The nun from Stratholme Cathedral was respected by all soldiers for her love and patience, and she saved at least four figures of lives in this war.

But Harvinfa is not the chief priest. The one in charge of treating Lothar is a silver-haired middle-aged lady. She looks to be in her 40s, with some wrinkles on her face. .

Turalyon had a wry smile on his face, obedient and unable to refute.

There is only one woman in this camp who can make the current Alliance Commander irrefutable, the high-ranking priest Mara Fordragon. You may not be familiar with this lady, but you must have heard of her excellent son, Grand Master of Stormwind The Duke and the future successor of the Lich King, His Excellency Bolvar Fortagan, is still a young man in his 20s and has just joined the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The Fordragon family already possessed the hereditary title of duke, and when the Horde captured Stormwind City, Ms. Mara contributed most of the assets of the Fordragon family to hire ships, and at least tens of thousands of people survived because of this feat. Enough for her statue to stand in the soon-to-be-rebuilt Stormwind Cathedral.

Therefore, Isaacs did not bother the honorable duchess, "How is Marshal Lothar's injury?" He asked Havenfa in a low voice.

"Blessed by the Holy Light." The female priest clasped her hands together, "The marshal's skull was fractured in at least three places, and there was a massive intracranial hemorrhage, but fortunately, Mrs. Fortagan was there, so the marshal is not in danger of life."

Isaacs nodded. The Church of the Holy Light has existed since the beginning of human beings. Over the past few thousand years, the level of medical treatment has developed to a very high level. Presumably, it will not leave Lothar with concussions, vegetative people, etc. sequelae.

Although there are various coincidences, the Alliance Commander survived in a thrilling manner. This will have a decisive impact on the soon-to-be-rebuilt Stormwind City, the Alliance and even the entire Eastern Kingdom. The long river of time is deflected again. field, or eventually return to the mainstream, it is not known.

Isaacs is not only concerned about Lothar, but also another soldier who was also seriously injured in this war. Although for the alliance, the war chief Orgrim Doomhammer is the top war criminal, cold-blooded and ruthless. Executioner, but only from a historical point of view, Doomhammer is indeed a rare hero.

His injuries were not much lighter than Anduin Lothar's, but he only received basic medical treatment. After all, he only needed to be alive.

Isaacs felt that it was necessary to talk to Doomhammer. The escaped orc warlock had always made him a little uneasy, especially before Havenfar told him that the orc chieftain had received a lot of corrosive trauma, and the one that could cause energy corrosion Just shadows.

Apparently Doomhammer was attacked by that orc warlock, although it seemed unbelievable that an epic warrior fell into the hands of a second-rate warlock.

This further confirmed that there was an incredible existence behind that warlock.

Madam Mara finally spared Turalyon when his face twitched from a grin. "You are completely remiss as an adjutant," she finally rebuked harshly.

"Excuse me." Photographed by the Duchess' strong aura, Isaacs subconsciously raised his hand, "May I go see that orc chief?"

Ms. Mara is also in charge of the treatment of Doomhammer. Unlike the aggressiveness towards Turalyon, her attitude towards Isaacs is actually a bit kind. Isaacs speculates that it may be the reason for the helmet, "I want to see the alliance Worst enemy, eh?" The Duchess clearly saw Isaacs as a young man trying to gratify her good intentions.

Isaacs nodded fawningly.

"Of course, he is imprisoned in the south of the camp." said the Duchess, "but you may be disappointed, he is now a dying beast."

She was right, the once grand chief seemed to have completely lost his mind, he could only eat and drink mechanically, and had no response to any interaction with Isaacs. Nothing has changed.

Isaacs would have even started to think he was no threat had it not been for the knowledge that Doomhammer would later escape and become Thrall's mentor.

But this is so abnormal, Isaacs tried to mention Gul'dan and Durotan and Thrall, who was still a baby, but didn't get any desired response.

Could Doomhammer have been hit too hard by a more rapid demise than in the original timeline?

Isaacs could only leave resentfully in the end. He failed to obtain any useful information, but he was not in a hurry, after all, Doomhammer would not be able to escape for a while.

As for the potential threat, I can only let it go. Isaacs is not a god, and as a traverser, he doesn't have an omniscient and omnipotent system.

This made his desire for power even stronger.

The Allied forces were stationed in Blackrock Spire. Due to the common opposition of the Bronzebeard and the Wildhammer dwarves, Turalyon gave up the means of negotiating with the Dark Iron dwarves, and this dwarf clan with a bad reputation didn't seem to want to make trouble. Hide in the Black Rock Abyss.

Compared with the previous post-war treatment, the Allied forces are now facing a more difficult problem: how to deal with more than 1000 orc captives.The attitude of most Union officers is very consistent, and blood debts are paid with blood.But it was strongly opposed by the clergy.

With the support of Lordaeron and the paladins, Turalyon successfully took over the command of the Allied forces as in the original timeline.After some headaches, he finally made a decision to assign some soldiers to escort the captives back to Dun Morogh, and temporarily hand them over to the copperbeard dwarves.

"Simply killing is meaningless. These captives can be used as coolies. If we raise the butcher's knife against these orcs who put down their weapons, what is the difference between us and these beasts?" Turalyon said.

So all objections were suppressed, Turalyon's order was implemented, and the Allied forces began to make short repairs to prepare for the long-distance pursuit that followed.

The next day, at the request of Isaacs, all the allied paladins above the lord level gathered in a wide open space near Blackrock Spire, a total of 224 people, including more than ten heroes.

This is the most high-end combat group in the alliance. Looking at these old or young faces, Isaacs felt a surge of emotion.

This may be the grandest gathering of paladins. The alliance after the war will inevitably be reduced to a formality, and the Silver Hand will also change from a professional organization to a military organization in Lundaeron, which means the departure of paladins from other countries. go.

"Everyone, brothers." Isaacs took out the box containing the shadow crystal, and said straight to the point: "I obtained a corrupted sacred object from an orc warlock, and I need your power to purify it .”

He opened the box, and although the energy level of Brilliant Chen dropped drastically, its pure shadow energy instantly caused a burst of surprise, and the paladins who were close to the box frowned.

"Holy Light, the darkness contained in this crystal is shocking." Uther sighed, and he looked at Isaacs, "It is my duty to purify evil, but it is hard to believe that this crystal was once a sacred item."

The paladin had a skeptical attitude, while Isaacs was a little dumb. It was impossible for him to bring up the light-dark transformation theory at this time, which would inevitably lead to a lot of controversy.Fortunately, Turalyon rescued him. Although the young interim commander was busy, he still took time to attend the gathering.

Turalyon is no longer that confused young man full of doubts and self-doubt. The promotion to the hero level has changed his mentality drastically, "I can be sure that this crystal was once a sacred object. When I had a soul intersection with Holy Light, this crystal gave me the feeling that it is quite similar to the essence of Holy Light."

Uther nodded, no more questions, but Isaacs opened his eyes wide in surprise.

The essence of the holy light of hell, the Brilliant Star is one of the seven holy light crystals that Naaru gave to Draenei, but the naaru is just a kind of holy light energy creature, and they definitely cannot represent the holy light.

However, Turalyon said that he came into contact with an existence similar to the Brilliant Chen when the small universe exploded. Could it be that those holy light jigsaw puzzles had already communicated with Turalyon?
No wonder Turalyon led his army into the Dark Portal without hesitation afterwards, willingly serving as the peacekeeper of the Ten Thousand Realms for the safety of the so-called other worlds.

Isaacs felt a little absurd. The forceful brainwashing effect of Naaru seems to be similar to the resurrection effect of the Scourge, except that the latter is mandatory, while the former can make the conscripts willing in the name of justice.

This powerful brainwashing ability can even transform the Dreadlord into a creature of the Light.

Isaacs has no affection for naaru and the Legion of Light behind it. This seemingly righteous organization does fight against the Burning Legion, but they are definitely not worthy of closeness, just keep a friendly and distant relationship.

One Turalyon is enough, and Isaacs doesn't want the human belief system to be taken over by the naaru.God knows how many bad things these fanatics will do in the name of justice. What happened to Illidan in the original timeline is the best proof.

Justice is indeed worth maintaining, but justice is relative, and a wise ruler may not always be on the side of justice.

The way Isaacs looked at Turalyon changed immediately, but he hid his weird emotions well.The young prince waved his hand, and a holy light entered the shadow crystal.

There is no expected rejection reaction, this sacred energy is absorbed by the crystal like a mud cow entering the sea.

This once again aroused the astonishment of the paladins.

"This crystal has magical powers." Isaacs said frankly: "It will be a sharp weapon against evil, so I need your help."

Uther nodded. "What should we do?" he asked curtly.

"Pour holy energy into it until the crystal is transformed."

The paladins immediately started to take action, first the first five paladins, and then all the paladins began to gather holy power. The outbreak of more than 200 paladins above the lord level is terrifying, and the holy light soars into the sky.

The shadow crystal seems to be always coming, absorbing the holy energy at an astonishing rate, but it still maintains its dark essence.Isaacs is not in a hurry about this. Paladins can be said to be the profession with the most endurance in Azeroth, and this energy output can last at least two hours.

The dazzling holy light on the plain lasted for nearly an hour, almost alarming all the human soldiers in the camp. They stared dumbfounded at this miraculous scene, and some pious people even began to pray directly. '

The Brilliant Hour seemed to have finally reached saturation, and the crystal turned into a dazzling sun in an instant. This dazzling light overshadowed the holy light cast by the paladins for a while.

Isaacs lost his mind for a moment, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab Brilliant Chen. The crystal seemed to agree with him, so Isaacs didn't feel the scorching pain.

At the moment he came into contact with the crystal, Isaacs also understood the effect of the Brilliant Hour. Unlike the Heart of Wrath, which can increase the morale and combat effectiveness of allies, the Brilliant Hour completely enhances personal strength, and it has extremely high energy boost effect, and grants the holder the ability of Holy Flame.

Holy Fire is a common skill mastered by paladins, but it is obviously very different from the Holy Flame of Brilliant Hour. Simply put, Isaacs feels that if he casts Consecration now, the actual effect will be equivalent to the Holy Flame Storm .

No wonder the big hatchet with it as the core is called "Ashbringer".

The feeling of obtaining powerful equipment is extremely refreshing, and in the energy feedback of the Brilliant Hour, the bottleneck of Isaacs' strength was quickly broken. In just a few minutes, the young prince became the only one in Azeroth except Medivh The youngest senior professional outside.

However, Isaacs' good mood didn't last long. Of course, there would be no free lunch in the world. A majestic will suddenly surged out from the Brilliant Hour, hitting Isaacs' soul directly.

"Don't resist, child, accept your fate." The message of this will is very kind, but the speed at which it erodes Isaacs' soul is not slow at all.

Damn it!Isaacs regretted it instantly. He wanted to let go of Brilliant Chen, but found that he had completely lost control of his body.His heart suddenly became cold, and he was careless. After being transformed into a shadow crystal and extracting a lot of energy, Brilliant Chen still retained such a strong will.

Isaacs knew very well that no matter whether this will belonged to the crystal itself or the naaru, once it invaded his soul core, then Isaacs Menethil would completely become a servant of the Holy Light.

The young prince couldn't help shivering, if he lost his free will, would he still be himself?
Fortunately, Uther noticed Isaacs' strange behavior, and the experienced old knight couldn't help frowning. Although he didn't quite understand what problem Isaacs encountered, he made the most sensible decision.

"Maintain the holy energy output!" He ordered.

Turalyon was a little hesitant, he could feel the "Holy Light" aura gradually becoming stronger on Isaacs, but his trust in Uther made him finally act on his word.

Although Isaacs' soul has already surpassed the lord level, he has almost no parry ability in the face of this will, but the assistance from the paladins made him stick to the defense of the soul core.

"Why do you want to resist?" The will seemed quite confused, "You are the established Messenger of the Holy Light, you will become the sharp sword of justice, and you need to pay only a trivial belief. This kind of belief has nothing to do with your character philosophy. There's no big conflict, you just have to make some minor changes."

"Throw it! You! Snail! Mother!" Isaacs replied with a grim face, using a language that did not belong to this world.

'This will simply lives in the crystal, its consumption cannot be replenished, and Isaacs has more than 200 high-level paladins as his backing, so he knows very well that as long as he perseveres, he must be the one who wins.

Time passed by, and Isaacs endured great pain, forcing the will that invaded his soul bit by bit. The difficulty was no different from tearing and reorganizing his soul, but he persisted.

Finally, under Isaacs' almost crazy efforts, the will was forced back to the Brilliant Hour, and Isaacs' whole body was almost drenched in sweat.His face twisted, and he let out a roar that shook people's hearts.

"What I believe in is justice!" He said hoarsely, "But that doesn't mean what you call justice is what I believe in!"

With a crisp sound, along with this roar, Brilliant Chen's will suddenly shattered, and Isaacs' will unstoppably rushed into the core of the crystal with the thoughts of more than 200 paladins.

The dazzling light of Brilliant Chen was quickly restrained, and finally condensed into a golden palm inside the crystal.

Isaacs knelt weakly on the ground, and he felt as if he had just fought a giant dragon hand-to-hand.He looked at the bright star in his hand, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

This crystal still turned into the appearance in memory, but the process was full of such hardships and dangers.Isaacs couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. As the original owner of the crystal, was old Mograine also affected by this will in the original timeline?

However, history did not leave evidence, because the old Mograine who got the artifact did not have a good time for a few days, and was betrayed by the second filial son of Lordaeron.

Isaacs barely stood up and raised the crystal in his hand. Anyway, he won. He maintained the freedom of his soul. This crystal has almost nothing to do with Naru, and now it belongs to him Isaacs , belongs to the Silver Hand, belongs to Azeroth!
Brilliant Chen, no, it shouldn't be called Brilliant Chen anymore.Isaacs stared at the golden palm in the crystal, and slowly turned around to face the group of paladins.

"This crystal has very powerful power." He said slowly. The energy lost by the crystal has been replenished by the paladins, but Isaacs still retains control of it, so it is not necessary to reach the hero like the heart of anger level to use.

"It is a symbol of the unity and glory of the entire Knights of the Silver Hand. We created it together. It will appear in the darkest places and spread the light of justice." The young prince glanced at the paladins, "So I will It's named-"

"The brilliance of the silver hand." Isaacs said each word with a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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