goddess of revolution

Chapter 238 Xiaohong attends class, distributes the fundamentals of human nature and positive incent

Chapter 238 Xiaohong attends class, distributes the fundamentals of human nature and positive incentives according to needs

Little Red Riding Hood's words made Li Qi both surprised and delighted, so even if he is full of thoughts about changing his girlfriend every day without repeating the same style, he can still welcome the arrival of Datongism?
Well, it's just the part of his personality that belongs to the earth world kicking in...

"All arguments linking morality, ideological awareness, and restraint of desires with Datongism are just using the guise of Datongism to cover up their dirty activities!"

"What's the problem? You don't really understand what 'extreme abundance' and 'distribution according to need' mean."

Little Red Riding Hood turned to a certain page of the hardcover book, noticed Li Qi's gaze, coughed and said, "It's definitely not that I am speculating and selling now, I have fully understood what I said now and what I will say later. Things, just considering that your foundation is too poor, you need to explain it step by step."

"Yes, yes, I'm all ears." Li Qi didn't care to argue with her anymore, he was itching to scratch this question like a cat.

"What does it mean to be extremely rich in material? It means that there is no scarcity, and it is available everywhere and at your fingertips. On this basis, there is distribution according to needs."

"What do you mean by distribution according to needs? It doesn't mean that you need to have the corresponding ideological awareness and realize that it is reasonable to know how much you need, and then you can possess how much material. It means that you don't need to think about possession. There is no need to possess more material than you need."

"To give a simple example, air, like food and water, is an essential substance for human survival. Air is everywhere and everywhere, so air is a very abundant substance."

"Do you take more air than you need? Do you pile up cylinders of Air Liquide in your house and think you're richer and superior than everyone else? That just makes people look at you like an idiot, right? "

right!Very right!
Li Qi suddenly realized that this means that the substance is extremely rich, and it must be so rich that it is similar to air.The concept of distribution according to needs was misunderstood as a conscious behavior in the past, but in a real patriarchal society, distribution according to needs refers to an unconscious natural state, which is combined with "use". One, there is no need for factors such as morality and ideological awareness to intervene.

Li Qi feels that if the key point of "allocation" is ignored, it is more appropriate to replace "allocation on demand" with "use on demand", and it is less likely to be misunderstood.

"From a historical point of view, it is logically wrong to say that what kind of moral level must be established before we can build what kind of society. It has always been the development of productive forces, the improvement of production relations, and the moral level of society. Adjust accordingly."

"So, it is absurd to regard morality as a prerequisite for the realization of Datongism! Propagating this kind of argument is either throwing the blame on the people, and every term of the people is not good. Either it is paralyzing the people and making them think Datongism It must have fallen from the sky, so it has to wait."

Little Red Riding Hood spoke excitedly, and stood on the sofa again, waving his hands on his hips. Li Qi coughed and said, "Your spirit might cross the world, be careful about that...you know it."

Little Red Riding Hood snorted contemptuously and helplessly, and stopped talking beyond the needs of this world.

"In short, building Datongism has nothing to do with the ideological consciousness of the people. Even with Finn's moral level in the middle ages, as long as he stands up and becomes the master, Datongism can be built."

Li Qi still disagrees with Little Red Riding Hood's assertion: "But I think ideological awareness will still affect Datongism. As a leader, we, Fei Gong, must believe in Datongism condensed in the "Red Book" in order to obtain extraordinary power. They can remain pure, serve the people wholeheartedly, and make sacrifices for Datongism. Ordinary people are not so noble, they are still dominated by selfish humanity, and their greed for material things is hard to restrain."

"Indeed, we can greatly enrich the basic living materials. But those scarce materials will still cause competition. What should be used to restrain them at this time? In addition to continuing to promote the development of productivity, we will continue to turn scarce materials into In addition to non-scarcity, shouldn’t it be necessary to raise their ideological awareness and let them restrain their desires?”

"This is another misunderstanding of your Datongism!"

Little Red Riding Hood began to evolve into a broadcasting voice: "This stems from your misunderstanding of human nature. Human nature is good and evil, and human nature is selfish. Such an expression does not apply to the category of production relations. Since we are talking about production relations, we must look at it from this level. human nature."

"What is human nature at this level? It is neither good nor evil, nor selfish, but seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages!"

"Restraining greed can gain greater benefits, and that person will definitely restrain it. If it is not beneficial but punished, he will be more greedy. Bad money drives out good money, and it is also true in human nature. This is the social environment. It is determined by the relations of production.”

Li Qi raised his hand: "Since greed has already benefited, what else can it benefit from? This seems a bit..."

Little Red Riding Hood seemed to be waiting for him here, and said with a chuckle: "So, things will come back to the scarce material you just mentioned."

"Although Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory has been criticized by many people, no one has proposed a more authoritative and complete theory. Is it okay to use it in the discussion of Datongism?"

Li Qi nodded again and again, there is no substitute for this theory.

"Let's simplify it again and compress Maslow's five levels into three levels. Physiological and safety needs are classified as survival needs, emotional and esteem needs are grouped into group needs, and finally self-actualization needs."

Little Red Riding Hood talked eloquently, and in Li Qi's mind, at this moment, she was as tall as a mentor.

"It's very interesting to connect these three levels of needs with materials. What materials are related to survival needs? In a patriarchal society, it must be a non-scarce material. Then a scarce material is related to a person. group needs, and self-actualization needs.”

"In a patriarchal society, what do people's group needs and self-realization needs look like? We must first figure out this before we can determine what scarce materials are like."

Little Red Riding Hood changed the subject: "Before discussing this, let's take a look at the situation in capitalist society."

"In a capitalist society, even materials related to survival needs are scarce. And what are the materials related to group needs and self-realization?"

"Exquisite food, luxurious housing, luxury goods and all the pompous class, high and low goods, right?"

"Why does this happen? It's very simple. After people's survival needs are met, they will pursue group needs. What are the specific manifestations of group needs? Looking positively, it is the pursuit of recognition, respect and even support. Looking negatively, it is Comparing, competing, showing superiority and even oppressing others.”

"In a capitalist society, everything can be exchanged through money. The scarce material that group needs depend on must be quantified by money. Whether it is recognition or comparison, they will all depend on money. As I just said, human nature seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. Look at the money, it is absurd to use these words to condemn human nature under capitalism, because this is the normal state of human nature. Only by chasing money can your survival needs and group needs be met. If you go against it, you will be punished, Even the basic needs of survival cannot be met.”

"At a deeper level, capitalist society is an exploitative society, a society that oppresses the people with capital, which makes the whole society dominated by negative incentives. People chase money to satisfy their own advanced needs, and the direction is bound to be comparisons, Negative stimuli such as competition and oppression, everything in capitalist society is marked by money, that’s how it came about.”

"Li Qi, you are working hard in the earth world, and ask yourself, is it because more money can make you meet more needs, so you are encouraged, or is it because less money makes you feel that your due needs are not being met, and you feel frustrated and frustrated? Fear? Yes, both, but which predominates?"

Li Qi sighed deeply, need I say that?What is social education as a person?When I think of "society", I think of Lady Pain's Nine-tailed Whip.

Also, negative stimuli...

"Why do you say that, I think of the kind of online games where you can't be powerful if you don't recharge? The core mode of that kind of game is negative stimulation. You go out wearing 3000 yuan equipment, and you are caught by a big player who wears 3 yuan Seconds, so you recharge 30 and then go back to kill. In the end, the game becomes a large number of hanging wire players playing with a small group of local tyrants.”

"It's good to know how to draw inferences from one instance to another." Little Red Riding Hood praised: "You should keep this idea in the process first, and let's move to the Datongist society."

"In a patriarchal society, the materials needed for survival become non-scarce, and people only need to meet the latter two needs."

"At the same time, we have banned private capital and eliminated exploitation and oppression. Then the comparison and competition that depends on money in capitalist society will lose its meaning."

"Whether it is in a capitalist society or a Datongist society, human nature remains the same. After the survival needs are met, people will seek to meet higher-level needs. Then think about it, at this time it is used to meet group needs and What is the substance of self-realization, why is it scarce, and the specific manifestation of advanced needs, is it a positive stimulus or a negative stimulus?"

Little Red Riding Hood's question made Li Qi a little distressed, and it was already very hard for his thinking to follow here.

Seeing his straight eyes, Little Red Riding Hood rolled her eyes and lowered the difficulty: "You can think about it in the earth world, if you have no worries about food and clothing, and a spacious house, then I will give your wife and children, and the third son will be admitted to the university. You don't have any worries, so what will you do?"

"I can……"

Li Qi's heart suddenly warmed up: "I will study aircraft design, purely for fun, I didn't get enough points in the college entrance examination for Beihang, and I cried secretly. I also want to build space battleship models, make sci-fi games, anyway... Billion rays of light!"


Little Red Riding Hood was a little surprised: "My journey is the sea of ​​stars... I never expected that a child of your age would be so fascinated by Yang Weili."

"My dad's book, I read it when I was very young." Li Qi scratched his head in embarrassment, and then he was also stunned: "A child of my age? Are you old... Guigeng?"

Little Red Riding Hood blushed and shouted: "You are allowed to read your father's book, but I am not allowed to read my father's book!"

"Back to the topic!"

Little Red Riding Hood put on a straight face: "What you just said is interest, hobby, right? How does it feel to be immersed in it?"

Li Qi nodded: "Of course, if you like knitting sweaters yourself, and then knit a very beautiful sweater for your boyfriend, which can't be bought in the market, it can be called a work of art, you should know how I knit every day. It took an hour and a month of continuous work to finally put together a [-]-to-[-] model of the Executor Super Star Destroyer, what was it like at that time."

"I don't have a man..."

Little Red Riding Hood gritted her teeth and said, "Except for that part, you're right about the rest! Then, if you dare to spy and talk, don't blame me for engraving forbidden thoughts and curses in your soul!"

Li Qi quickly pleaded guilty, and Little Red Riding Hood returned to the topic: "If your hobbies can not only realize yourself, but also contribute to society and be recognized by others, how do you feel?"

Li Qi sighed with emotion: "This is the ultimate happiness, what could be more wonderful than this?"

Then he realized something: "You mean..."

"Did you think of it?"

Little Red Riding Hood said: "Let me make it clear that the most criticized part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is that he believes that people's needs are hierarchical. The example we just talked about shows that the hierarchy of needs It is not a strictly progressive relationship. Group needs and self-realization are sometimes parallel, and sometimes through self-realization, and then gaining group recognition, it is the other way around."

"In a patriarchal society, the level of people's needs has changed. Now that the needs of survival have been met, they can be ignored like air. For people, higher-level needs have become the most basic. Need, what is that? Self-actualization."

"At that time, people, at least most of them, wouldn't they be like you, focusing on hobbies and hobbies that made them extremely happy? After that, would you integrate into groups related to hobbies and seek the benefits of groups? Recognition and respect? Then go one step further, promote the group and yourself, and gain the recognition and respect of everyone?"

Li Qi also had feelings: "Yes, in the earth world, many things, before the capital intervenes, are the same as the situation you mentioned. At first, people did not seek Money returns, but everyone’s attention and respect. When capital comes in, everything changes.”

Little Red Riding Hood said gratifiedly: "That's well said, it also shows that a small part of Datongism has actually appeared around us a long time ago."

She picked up the progress of the topic about the game just now: "If Datongism is also compared to online games, it firstly ensures fairness, and no one will fail to guarantee basic survival due to competition. The second is through positive stimulation. To satisfy people’s group needs and self-realization, instead of forcing people to move forward with punishment that threatens their survival needs.”

"Based on the human nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, in a capitalist society, how many people are desperate for money, and in a Datongist society, how many people are desperate for self-realization and group recognition. Which effect is positive stimulation and negative stimulation? Better? Doing things for hobbies or doing things purely for making money, which one is more efficient? You have experienced it yourself.”

"So, some people say that in a patriarchal society, people with low ideological awareness will become social moths. This kind of assertion is also ridiculous."

Li Qi raised his hand again: "This is pretty good, but it feels a bit idealistic. Regarding scarce materials..."

"That's right, scarce matter, that's what I was about to say."

Little Red Riding Hood seemed to be well-prepared, and she wasn't bothered by Li Qi at all: "Scarce material is labor."

She smiled and said: "Do you know why labor is the first need of people in the patriarchal society? It is because labor is a scarce material at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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