goddess of revolution

Chapter 1317 The Phantom of Shadow City and Hathaway's Void Roof

Chapter 1317 The Phantom of Shadow City and Hathaway's Void Roof

The lair of the elves, the temple ship of the elf gods, and also the temple ship of the main elf god Kerrelon.

This is basically a replica of the god ship in the world of Finn. Strictly speaking, whether it is a floating landship made by demons and devils in hell, or the God of Finn, they are all "borrowing" from the temple ship of the elves.

There is such a thing in the legends handed down from the time of the Finn elves, but it only exists in an illusory world that does not match the history of Finn at all.

In ancient times, elf epics were full of stories about their own gods galloping across the seven seas and across the multiverse.Surrounded by the elf father god Kerrelon, the gods sat in the huge temple ship and cruised in the magnificent universe, showing the glory of the elves everywhere, making the creatures of hundreds of millions of worlds bow their heads and bow their heads.

These stories have long been regarded as elves' boasting, and by the time of the elves' empire, the elves themselves thought so.

It wasn't until the Red Alliance broke through the Dawn Star and the rogue surrendered to Hathaway that everyone realized that these stories were not legends, they were all true.

The elves and gods that once existed in the world of Fein are just their projections.Even Rose, the ruler of the dark world, the spider goddess, is just an empty shell of will, which was taken away by the goddess of dawn to promote changes in the world.

Of course, I know that I know, before seeing it with my own eyes, I always have doubts.

Now, a huge temple ship appeared, and the statue of Kerrelon in front of the temple was gorgeous and majestic.Even before the terrifying wave of phlogiston was set off, all the gods and mortals on Finn's side felt their souls flickering and their consciousness numb.

In front of the Star of Dawn, Usos, the god of war who had been severely damaged by the fire of the super fireship, hadn't given up yet, and the scarlet light that wrapped the godship was rekindling.

The temple ships hadn't pulled out all the lights and shadows yet, but when the statue of Kerrelon appeared, Ursos' divine light turned dim again.

"This pointy ear is the most powerful!"

Usos' obviously flustered divine thoughts passed to the gods of the Blue Covenant: "What cards do you have to play quickly!"

As the god of war raised by human belief, Ursos' fear of Kerrelon is well understood by other gods, and they also feel the same.

Just as human magic is learned and improved from elves, whether it is fighting will, discipline, or skill, many elements in human fighting beliefs come from the elves God of War.

Kerrelon is the father god of the elves, the main god, and also the god of war.

As for gods such as the goddess of life and the god of nature, the path of belief originated from the elves and gods, but it has only been transferred from the perspective of human beings, and has a new development in the new era.

This Kerrillon is not just an elf god who just jumps in the pond of the Finn world, but Kerrillon of the multiverse elf empire.Even if it's just an incarnation, it's not comparable to a small indigenous god who only mastered a certain path in the Finn world.

Ursos can still stay on the battlefield, and can still show the will to continue fighting, which has already impressed the gods.

"The best result can only be..."

The God of Law spoke up: "Both will suffer, it's not worth it."

"To shut up!"

The weak Cynthia became tough: "Now is the most critical moment, and we need to unite as one and go all out!"

"We only need to discuss how to fight. Other remarks are to shake the morale of the army, which is tantamount to mutiny!"

Her divine thoughts turned enthusiastic, encouraging everyone: "Look at the mortals, they have not wavered in the slightest. As gods, how can we be less firm than mortals?"

"Don't be afraid, we still have cards, even if it's Kerrillon, we have a chance to win!"

"Times are different!"

On the commanding platform of the Phantom, Hathaway held up her wand and shouted: "The times are different! We are fearless!"

Remaco's fleet, Romulus' shock force, and the Red Federation's shock force had recovered from the chaos caused by the superparticle bombs.

They gave up their attack on the surviving fireships, and instead charged towards the just-appeared temple ships.

The great shock suffered by the gods did not appear on them. The high-spirited will to fight is one aspect. On the other hand, Kerrillon, the main elf god, is too strange to them. big.

As for the relationship between Kerrelon in Finn's world and Kerrelon in the multiverse, and what kind of power comparison, this question is also very insensitive to mortals.

In the previous battle with the spark ship, mortals also felt that it was a meaningless question whether the enemy was the original elves of the Finn world or the elves from the multiverse.

By the way, Qili is actually an elf, and she has inherited the inheritance of the elf beauty god.

It would be great if Qili appeared here, maybe she could have a flirt with this Krillon and ease the relationship.

Mortals are full of distracting thoughts, but not many people are shocked by Kereron's temple ship and lose their fighting spirit.Although this battleship is magnificent and gorgeous, it is not as big as the Dawn Star, nor is it as sacred as Heavenly Mountain.

The Sawtooth Shark fleet of the Red Federation also rushed to the temple ship to cover Kane's assault fleet.

However, the bright red light had dissipated, and the formation of Rongsi, Xiaohong, and Li Qi did not rush forward.

"Everyone is mobilized, but if you don't have all the equipment, there's no point in running here."

Li Qi communicated with Xiaohong: "Old Hook has already boarded the flagship of the First Fleet, and he is still sealed in the medical cabin."

"The portal for projecting teleportation is not ready yet, and everyone is dismantling their own kingdom of God as materials."

"I want Tina and Karin to go to Dawn Star first, but I'm worried about Hathaway's reaction."

"I asked Aurora to contact Hathaway and stabilize her first. I feel that Lan Yue and the gods are a little unstable."

Sensing that Xiaohong was about to move, Li Qi's thoughts were extremely strong: "Don't move!"

"If you dare to jump out and act recklessly, I will unite with everyone to fire you. I mean it!"

"When the time comes, even the Scarlet God Throne will be sealed, so you can find a stone mountain and become the Monkey King!"

Xiaohong murmured guiltily: "I haven't even raised my tail yet, you just reacted like that..."

Then he got angry: "We were still there in the morning... er, yelling at me like this now, it really is the guy who unplugged the ruthless guy."

"I should have known it earlier, you have shown yourself to the fullest in Theresia!"

In the end, he was full of complaints: "Soon you will get tired of me, and then develop into domestic violence..."

Please stop making up your mind!
Li Qi felt that before he and this guy had finished the last step, they had already become a couple who hated each other.

"Go back first!"

Li Qi urged, and led the little red plane to fly to the Star of Dawn.

The battlefield between him and Xiaohong is not here, it is not driving the sawtooth shark to charge the temple ship.

"Why... no more fights?"

Rongsi is still in a trance state, being possessed by Catherine, it will not be able to recover all at once.

But her will is so strong that Xiaohong's tongue is stunned. At this time, she is still obstinately clinging to the fight.

"Rongsi, you have a new mission now."

For Shangrongsi, Xiaohong has enough emotional intelligence.

Xiaohong said: "Escort important people back to Dawn Star, let's finish this glorious task well."

Rongsi whispered: "Important people..."

A reminder of super authority access popped up in the channel, and Xiaohong's true face appeared: "Second Lieutenant Rongsi, Lieutenant Sunny in your back seat is a special commissioner of the Intelligence Bureau, please take her back safely."

"She alone is related to the safety of the whole world. Ensuring her safety is more important than destroying [-] or [-] enemy fighter planes."

Li Qi, who used super privileges to lurk in the channel and listened to Xiaohong's vest play, almost coughed. Although this statement is not far from the truth, it still feels unpleasant to say it from your own mouth.

Rongsi's iron-frozen consciousness finally loosened: "Xiao, Your Majesty Xiaohong..."

Tears rolled in my eyes, and I felt that I had passed through some threshold for a while, and I just felt very grateful and honored.

"The order has been received, and the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

Two Sawsharks made their way back to Dawn Star through the wreckage-strewn battlefield.

At this time on the Star of Dawn, Hathaway was showing a reserved smile, nodded to Aurora and said, "It's indeed a bit tricky, but I believe we can solve it, thank you for your kindness."

"There is no need for the fleet or anything else. The battlefield is very cramped now, and there is no unified command system. Not only will it not help, but it will cause problems."

"As for your Majesties, where do I have the right to restrict?"

"His Majesty Catherine made a divine descent before, and I didn't say anything because of the good intentions."

"Of course, if you insist, I can't refuse. It would be great to have several His Majesties sitting in the Dawn Star."

"By the way, Your Majesty Qili, Li Qi doesn't need to come. If Qili can come, I will be very happy."

Aurora also gritted her teeth secretly, maintaining the best etiquette, completed the communication with Hathaway, and decided to let Tina, Xia An, and Karin go first.

Of course, the three of them had to spend some time to prepare. Fighting against the main elf god was not a trivial matter. Even if it was just an incarnation, they would have to risk the annihilation of their souls.

"We still have about half an hour..."

After talking with Aurora, Hathaway said to Cynthia, "Whether it can be done or not depends on half an hour."

Cynthia was thinking about the Chilian: "Half an hour, Xiaohong and the others can't make preparations, and rushing here will cause great losses."

Hathaway said lightly: "The overall situation is the most important..."

Cynthia sighed: "You...you seem to have arranged everything well."

Hathaway smiled wryly and shook her head, pointing to the temple ship on the light curtain and said, "At least this, I didn't expect it. Those wanderers probably have bad intentions and deliberately dug a hole for me."

Speaking of this, the temple ship that was completely pulled out of the gray light and shadow made a movement.

The gray light behind the ship was rippling, and it followed the temple ship like a sea tide, rolling out white waves on the bottom and sides of the ship, really like galloping through the waves in the sea.

The statue of Kerrelon shone brightly, and the phantom expanded, condensing into a pair of huge eyes above the void.

Each of them is almost catching up to half of the Dawn Stars, and the oppression brought by them made the gods of the Blue Covenant gods dim a bit.

"I came to quell the phlogiston riot..."

The divine thoughts penetrated the void, barriers, and layers of shells made of magical materials, and vibrated the divine voice directly outside the soul barriers of gods and mortals.

It was spoken in the ancient elf language, but not only the gods, but every mortal could understand it.

"You are not the main culprit of the accident here. If you go astray and return, you will be forgiven."

"If you continue to persist in your obsession, you will surely disappear, and you will never recover!"

Kerrillon's words changed the atmosphere of the battlefield suddenly.

The mortals are still charging hard, and Remaco's battleship Flying Ship, Romulus and Kane's assault ships have touched the gray tide around the temple ship, bursting into fragments and blooming a rain of gorgeous fireworks.

The gods of Lanyue fell into silence, and the brilliance of the gods continued to dim.

"We can win!"

"do not give up!"

Hathaway's body trembled slightly on the command platform of the Phantom, and she understood why the situation changed suddenly.

Cynthia also merged with her soul, and scolded together: "This Kerrillon is not sure about destroying us, so he speaks to win over us. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

The God of Law said: "At least he is right in his previous sentence, we are not the culprits who provoked the elf navy to come over."

The Goddess of Life sighed quietly: "Continue to fight, the Kingdom of God will collapse, and the throne of God will collapse. If we stop here, it will only return to the Godhead of the past, and all this tossing is useless."

The God of Nature said in a low voice: "If the world remains the same, that's fine. After all, it's not the restart of the world that His Majesty Haim wants. It's just that mortals start all over again, and we can return to the glory of the past."

Whispering God's language seems to be floating in the background, and the gods are obviously ventilating secretly.

Hathaway on the high platform shouted angrily and in horror: "Wait a minute! Wait...wait a moment!"

She finally said her trump card: "We still have Ms. Ye behind! Shadow City is just behind Dawn Star!"

The gods were stunned, and the murmur stopped.

The night lady who can drive the shadow city is naturally the genuine night lady.

He is the primordial god of Finn, and in terms of personality, he is not much weaker than Kerrelon in the multiverse.

If Ms. Ye makes a move, there is really hope...


Hathaway hurriedly sent a message: "Lead the Shadow City to attack! Dedicate everything to Ms. Ye!"

Greta didn't respond, but on the back of the Dawn Star, the darkness, which was different from the normal shadow, overflowed the void, and a floating city whose size was close to the heart of the silver moon was quickly pulled out.

The black air lingered, wrapped in the floating city and moved, directly piercing through the Star of Dawn as if it had no substance, and reached the front of the Star of Dawn in an instant.

On the God of War ship that was still in front of the Dawn Star, the remaining phantom of Ursos yelled, and brought his angels and servants together into a dim red light and shot into the void.

Usos was also extremely afraid of such a strong power of darkness, and subconsciously avoided it.

But who knows if He did it on purpose...

The divine lights of the other godships are faltering, but no one has left with Usos.

The Shadow City is hidden behind the Dawn Star, but the gods are unaware that Lady Ye's dark power is indeed powerful.

Now that Shadow City is rushing forward with Ms. Ye's strength, maybe the situation will be reversed?
The Shadow City was getting faster and faster, turning into a dark tide in an instant, as if it wanted to cover the vast void where the entire battlefield was located, and even Kerrelon's temple ship became smaller.

Beside Hathaway, a black shadow descended, condensing into Xiao Hong with black hair and black dress... No, Xiao Hei, that is Ms. Ye.

He watched the Shadow City surrounded by the Kuroshio attack the temple ship, and let out a deep sigh.

Hathaway was about to pay her respects to Ms. Ye, when the light curtain burst into white light.

Under the tier upon tier of flying wings of the elven temple ship, countless streaks of white light shot out.

White light was projected onto Kerrelon's statue, turning the spear he was holding into a white spear.

The next moment, the light spear erupted with a strong light that seemed to open up the world, instantly dispelling the black tide, and the shadow city that was engulfed by the black tide turned into strands of fly ash in the white light.

"Do not--!"

Hathaway's eyes were about to split, and she stretched out her hand towards the light curtain, as if she wanted to block the strong light with her hand.

Strengthening breaks through the layers of barriers of the Dawn Star, sinks into the surface layer, and then penetrates from the back.

Although no sound could be heard, the vibration of the world was mixed with the vibration of the Dawn Star, directly knocking out a violent roar in the soul.

Two streams of smoke and dust spewed out from the front and back of the Dawn Star, rapidly jetting to a height of hundreds of kilometers, and below it was a huge gap with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, directly penetrating the entire planet.

Just this blow paralyzed the Dawn Star.

At least one-third of the particle dissociation cannons, countless anti-aircraft artillery fire, and a large number of facilities inside the Dawn Star were destroyed, and there may be tens of thousands of casualties.

Fortunately, the core hall was not affected by this blow, but the violent vibration also made the vast space sway.

"Shadow City..."

Hathaway maintained the posture of reaching out her hand, staring blankly at the Shadow City dissipating in the strong light, her soul was almost frozen.

"The power of the Shadow City lies in the fact that it is always lurking in the dark."

The projection of Ms. Ye said next to it: "Once it is put into battle, it is not much different from a phantom."

"Hathaway, it's not your fault, my strength is already very weak."

"If I have enough power, why bother to make troubles on the Star of Dawn and make various arrangements behind the scenes?"

"And my power comes from nothingness and silence, the power of ashes born from pure matter."

"The elf empire... Kerrelon's power is pure phlogiston power, completely restraining me."

"Your efforts, stop here."

Ms. Ye's projection dissipated, and around the Star of Dawn, on the ships surrounded by gods, beams of divine light shot out, and the avatars of the gods fled back to their own kingdom of God with their angels and servants.

Before leaving, some gods deliberately left an explanation.

Long De, the God of Law: "Your Majesty Kerrillon, my law exists for order. I will respect whoever is in order."

Sivanus, God of Nature: "The light of Kerrelon shines across the multiverse, and Finn is no exception."

Sebeni, Goddess of Life: "I pay homage to the Lord of the origin of life and civilization. I obey the punishment you imposed on the world of Finn, and wish to carry forward your inheritance."

One after another, the godships became dim, and in an instant, there were only two left that were still on.

"I'm waiting for your last fight, Hathaway..."

When Elsa sent a message, her mind fluttered and she seemed extremely nervous.

"Even if it is invalid, it can prove our strength, so that we can have enough chips when we make peace with Kerrelon."

The God of Will was silent before, but now he showed his Godship.

His indifferent message: "Until the last moment, never give up."

Hathaway swayed, screaming wildly in her heart.

There is no last fight! ?

The hole cards are gone!

Cynthia suddenly said decisively: "Why not, Hai Ni, the Phantom hasn't attacked yet."

Hathaway subconsciously refused: "If the gods are still there, it can be regarded as letting go. Now... what's the use?"

In the light curtain, on the statue of Kerrelon on the temple ship, the fluorescent spear rippled again, and was gathering strength for the second strike.

Something in the bottom of my heart suddenly broke, and the pressure that I had been carrying steadily on my shoulders and heart suddenly fell down at this moment.

Hathaway finally lost control...

She waved her wand, lost focus of her eyes, and hissed, "Where is Li Qi! Why haven't Li Qi and the others come yet!?"

"I've been fighting alone, why didn't he come sooner!?"

"It's all his...it's all their fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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