goddess of revolution

Chapter 1276 The Solution to the Eternal Battle and Taking Your Life to Fill Heaven Mountain

Chapter 1276 The Solution to the Eternal Battle and Taking Your Life to Fill Heaven Mountain
Romulus stood up slowly, the aura around his body was extremely chaotic, but as his eyes gradually cleared up, the aura also calmed down.

Twins rushed over to hug him, and he stroked Twins's hair tenderly, but said to Qi Li: "Thank you, you saved me again."

Qili was relieved a little, and said with a sigh of relief: "The key is yourself, I just let you face yourself more calmly."

"If you are greedy for power and give up on yourself, no matter how powerful I am, I will not be able to save you."

"And I'm not the key, I believe it's Twins who really keeps you."

Romulus hugged the weeping Tevins even tighter, nodded and said, "Yes, fortunately there is Tevins."

He looked at Tudor again and said thank you.

"It's not my kindness..."

Tudor showed no mercy to himself and Romulus: "I really can't beat them here, even if I fuse with you, I can't take them away."

"There are several goddesses staring at me at this meeting, and any one of them will have no good fruit for me."

"Anyway, it's not worth it..."

Qili didn't think Tudor would be so easy to talk to: "Your Majesty, what you mean is that it's worth it if you go to the outer plane or even Finn?"

Tudor laughed and said, "That's right, you can't keep staring at this little guy, and keep guarding my body."

"The value of my body is extraordinary. To this little guy, it's no different from a god seat."

"I don't think he will allow you to destroy it, nor will it just stay in the main plane and waste it."

"He will still be tested, unless you or one of your goddesses is always by his side."

Tudor opened the price tag: "Since you let Diqi cut off the past and relieved me a lot of pressure, I would like to make a suggestion."

"The rogue has already run away, there is no need for me to keep this body here, don't hinder me from taking it away."

"In addition, there is this little guy, I want to take it with me too."

"I will give you the low-level samples of the power of the star sea, as well as the real living soul technology."

Romulus opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say it. The gaze he cast on Qili was extremely complicated, mixed with various emotions such as humiliation, shame, expectation and even prayer.

Naturally, Qi Li understood it, and countless thoughts flashed by in an instant, and the thoughts of Xiao Hong and others boiled in the channel at the same time.

"You don't really have feelings for Luo Luo, do you?"

"Is Qili's soul really awakened? It doesn't matter, I can also play the role of my younger brother Finny!"

"This is a good opportunity to completely solve his trouble!"

"Body, destroy it, Luo Luo, scum!"

"It's obviously more valuable to be with Luo Luo than Tudor. We should have a good relationship with Tudor. Luo Luo is an excellent sacrifice!"

"We can't save Luo Luo and push him into the fire pit. He is still loyal to love. Do you think he treats Twins well?"

In the end, the clear idea that Qili condensed made all the opinions of the goddesses dissipate.

"We have to abide by the principle of freedom of the soul, even if it means risk."

"We still have to take into account the overall situation of defending Fein's world. We must unite all forces, and they are forces worthy of unity."

"Besides, Luo Luo is not a puppet. His will is very tenacious. What I said to him just now was not polite."

Xiaohong muttered: "Okay, okay, you decide for yourself, anyway, this Tudor is also very annoying, we can't make him proud!"

Convincing the goddesses is equivalent to gaining the support of the Super God Committee.

Qili said to Tudor: "Romulus is not worth much to you, and with your body, it's just an extra armor."

"And the price you have to pay is that not only may his plan fail because of his resistance, but he also offended us, and he will no longer be able to freely enter and leave Finn's world."

"Although this is just a small fishing village, it won't affect your overall situation, but it's always your hometown. If you are restricted from entering and leaving, you will at least suffer emotionally."

"Would you like to take my advice?"

The population and products under the rule of the Will Empire are naturally the resources that the Chilian is eager for. Without Luo Luo, it is not difficult for the Chilian to swallow the Will Empire.

But right now, it's hard to unify the mortals of Fein's main plane under the overall situation of the Salvation Alliance. It's not so much a three-way balance, it's better to say that there is an Empire of Will between the Red Alliance and the Blue Covenant as a buffer.

Once Luo Luo is finished and Chilian annexes the Empire of Will, Lan Yue will be at a disadvantage in all aspects.At that time, will they continue to take the overall situation into consideration and fight to defend the world, or will they turn around and make a decisive blow, and even vote for the Elven Navy or the Goddess of Order?
Qili didn't know what other people would choose, but she knew what Hathaway would choose.

In fact, this so-called overall situation is largely an excuse.

For her and even Xiaohong, Luo Luo was brought here with their guidance and support.It's not worth giving up Luo Luo just for the power of the star sea and the living soul technology.

Qili said: "Leave this body to Romulus, don't fuse him into this body, but wait for him to have the ability to fuse the body into himself."

"You also said that once the fusion is successful, you will also have the ability to enter the eternal battlefield."

"After he succeeds, he will also enter the eternal battlefield, as your subordinate, to help you."

"Compared with a pair of battle armor, a reliable and powerful subordinate should be more valuable."

Romulus' eyes widened in surprise, and Tudor laughed even more.

"Interesting suggestion..."

Tudor shook his head and said, "But what do you think of the eternal battle? Is it the same thing as the bloody battle?"

"In that battlefield, the manifestation of power is completely different from that in a separate world."

"It's not just a war, it's the road to the planeswalker's power, it's endless torment and torture."

He looked around, his eyes seemed to penetrate the laboratory sunk thousands of meters deep, scanning the scenery above the sea.

"Although it's just a small fishing village, we can't come back."

"Diki wears the stinky skin of the great devil lord, and he can still go down the sewer and come back to have a look."

"My connection with this world is only this body, and I can only passively accept the call."

"It was an expedition with no way out..."

Qili didn't respond to Tudor, but instead asked Romulus: "If that's the case, are you willing to receive His Majesty's body, and after you succeed, embark on such a journey?"

Twins was about to speak, but Romulo covered her mouth.

He said firmly: "As long as Twins can be with me, I will never be alone, of course I am willing."

Qili smiled lightly: "After all, this is a matter of the future. Whether the world of Finn can be preserved is still a question."

"But when you get to that point, you won't be alone."

"We will not ignore the eternal battle..."

"If we can successfully stop the Goddess of Order and repel the elven navy, the world of Finn will gain peace."

"We'll also take a look at the change that made Lady Ye take Fein's world away, and the war that made Goddess of Order avoid even restarting the world."

"If it really determines the fate of the entire multiverse, even if we are small, joining the battlefield is enough to change the balance."

"However, we will not be so stupid as to rely solely on our own strength. We will move forward with the Finn world."

"At that time, maybe you can come in and out freely, without having to rely on any beacons."

Tudor laughed again, and laughed for a long time.

"It sounds really full of flag-standing..."

"Forget it, mortals live by dreams."

Scattered on the ground, ice crystals like thousands of tiny glass beads suddenly floated up, hovering and attached to Tudor's body.

Layers of ice crystals were frozen, and Tudor's body was gradually blurred.

The sound penetrated the ice crystals and still echoed in the space.

"Your proposal is good, I accept it."

"Let's leave this body to this little guy. After all, he is a descendant of my blood and has also received my inheritance."

"The success rate is not optimistic based on his words alone. I give you the standard sample of the power of the star sea, not only to help him, but also to compensate you."

"The power of the star sea is not a special secret, it is just the standard power of the multiverse, but different forces have their own different presentations. Since you can use the force field of this world to suppress my will, it is not far from cracking the power of the star sea. Far."

A mass of grayish-white light overflowed the ice crystals, and the power contained in the light penetrated the red net enchantment woven by the force field generator, oscillating unusually clear and strange fluctuations.

Galula was overjoyed, yelling "this is it", sprinkled the Rubik's Cube around him as a fishing net, and collected the ball of white light into the Rubik's Cube.


Tudor said: "I'll be waiting for you up there. Although it's unlikely, it's rare to have something worth looking forward to."

When Tudor disappeared, the goddesses who were on full alert through the red net breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"It's as if the gods are watching us mortals fight!"

Xiaohong said angrily: "If you have the ability, come down and fight the Elf Navy with us, and bring down the Heavenly Mountain together!"

Catherine said succinctly: "I admit it, I can't beat it, but in fact, it's scum!"

Karin yelled: "Oh, are we really going to join the Eternal Battle? I'm so excited to think about it!"

Fenny is also looking forward to: "Esmodech and Tudor, maybe there is another Taiwu, Tekeus, and Roland. It must be very lively."

Tina froze: "I must be the best person there!"

Aurora warned: "Start at the floods and earthquakes in front of you! If you can't even save the world of Finn, what is the eternal battle?"

Qili didn't have time to join in the chatter of these goddesses, she had to communicate with Romulus.

"Isn't this proposal what you meant?"

Romulus didn't want to look directly at Qili with sharp ears, he thought it was Li Qi: "Did Qili propose it?"

Qi Li smiled wryly, now she was clearly Qi Li, and was being treated as Li Qi again.

But this was her own fault, so she had no choice but to say indifferently: "I really thought about throwing you, an ignorant fellow, to Tudor, and then go to take over the Empire of Will."

"Who made you and your empire worth existing..."

"This body is handed over to you, but you have to wait until we have thoroughly studied the power of the star sea and determined the migration plan before you take it away."

"Emperor Tudor keeps his word, so he probably won't do any tricks, but you still have to be careful."

"Our people will continue to be by your side. If you make a mistake, you can correct it immediately, or... eliminate it."

Romulus was silent for a moment, and forced a smile: "Very well, I still look forward to the end of this, and we can go to the eternal battlefield together."

He hugged Thewins and walked away, an urgent call sounded from the corner: "Wait for me, Your Majesty!"

It was the white dragon Jia Laxien who had returned to human form, with a broken spine, paralyzed on the ground, and was receiving first aid from Leitana.

Romulus stopped for a step, but did not turn his head.

He stepped up again, and whispered to Qili: "This... this white dragon, I will leave it to you."

Ignoring Garathion's distressed cries, he quickened his pace and left the laboratory like a dump.

Twins was still very puzzled: "Rolo, Garathion..."

Romulus stroked her cheek, preventing her from continuing: "Twins, I only need you, I only have you, and that's enough."

Twins sighed deeply, not knowing whether it was regret or satisfaction.

Under the leadership of the Chilian people, they walked to the pier where the submarine was moored. Twins said, "You shouldn't have rejected me at that time. I feel like I'm going to merge with you."

"With me, you can break free from the Emperor's will and completely absorb that body."

"You can be promoted on the spot..."

Romulus shook his head: "I don't need it. The real reason I want to be promoted is not to gain the power to protect you?"

"And at that time, I also..."

He didn't continue to speak, and Twins was silent for a while, and hugged Romulus' arm even tighter.

She whispered: "I don't blame you, I know that Qili is also very important to you."

"Actually, at that time, I was a little...hesitant."

"I'm afraid that after losing yourself, you will be sad and angry, and then lose yourself too."

A trace of confusion flashed in Romulus' eyes, and then he said in an affirmative tone: "At that time, it was Qili... No, Li Qi was using magic to stimulate our souls, making us extremely selfish, so as to protect our souls. "

"That's not our fault, it's Li Qi's fault."

In the laboratory, Qili only felt a slight itchy nose and wanted to sneeze.

She was looking at Jia Laxien with pity, and Princess Bailong was crying like a tearful person, but she was crying in Sardar's arms.

Galula reported from the side: "This white light does contain the pure power of the star sea. There is no custom-made structure. As long as there is a spiritual accelerator, the underlying structure can be quickly analyzed!"

Vicki and Karin have reported that the spirit particle accelerator will take up to two weeks to produce the first prototype, plus the progress of Galura, which means that about a month later, the body of Emperor Tudor will face the Chilian It's worthless.

"more or less……"

Qili felt that there was plenty of time, but whoever and Xia An sent an urgent report together.

The two of them were sitting in Upsilon, while keeping an eye on the angelic intelligence line run by Urna and McGatrine.

"The goddess of order started to integrate the angels of the gods?"

"The Angel of Chaos was also dragged to paste the wall?"

"The eyeliner we buried in the angel of chaos is about to be exposed? Eyeliner?"

Very bad news, Xiaohong jumped on the spot when she heard it.

Burying the eyeliner in the Angel of Chaos is a "leadership project" she personally carried out, and she has been waiting to activate and detonate when attacking Heavenly Mountain.Now that she is in danger of being exposed, she doesn't care about continuing to hide it, and wants Qili to come up with a solution immediately.

Just like she used Leah to bury the line to catch the dawn in hell, the idea is very good, but the operation is too bad.

After combing through the progress of preparations for attacking Tiantang Mountain from the outer plane in the Red Federation, Qili sighed: "We are going to hold a special meeting of the Central Committee, so we can decide whether to launch the attack now."

"What Goddess of Order is doing now is obviously renovation... Oh, the repair project has reached the final stage of cleaning up the garbage."

"The situation seen in the inner plane is similar, and the wall is almost finished."

"From now on, no matter how much we do, it will not offset the advantages that Paradise Hill will gain from the imminent completion."

"Even if the Heart of the Silver Moon can't be dispatched, and there is no clue on the side of hell, we must attack."

Xiaohong exclaimed: "There is no Silver Moon Heart up there, and the fortress is useless down below, so how do we fight?"

Qili's thought was extremely cold, but it contained a scorching breath: "How else should we fight? How we fought when we faced the army of undead on the Shenyun Plateau, we will fight now!"

Catherine firmly agreed: "Damn it, fill it!"

There was a moment of silence in the channel, and after a long time, Karin muttered: "From now on, my task is to eat, eat, sleep and sleep, and I have to prepare enough blood."

Vicky slapped her hands and said, "I also have to implement the [-]-hour work system, Miss Xiaohong, you have to come with me, we will finish the Lingon accelerator in three days!"

Xiao Hong screamed: "This is simply hell on earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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