is God

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
Celine has been very irritable recently. She was pissed off by that guy for a week. Recently, she heard that her rival, Daisy, had advanced. , but after the opponent enters the third level, if he doesn't break through in a short period of time, he will fall behind the opponent by a large margin. What will he do to fight that woman in the future.

"Qina, accompany me to the training ground." Celine also felt bored in the apartment, so she said to her roommate.

"My eldest lady, what time is it now?" Qina said, obviously reluctant.

"Go, practice with me." Celine may have been really confused, and went to the training ground to practice magic in the middle of the night.

"Okay, okay, the apartment is also very boring, but don't blame me if you can't get up early tomorrow." Qina also knew that she was in a bad mood recently, so she followed her.

The difference in strength between the two women is not too far, they are both at the peak of the second level, Serin is good at sharp attacks, and Qina is more focused on defense, and they also happen to attack and defend one at a time.

"Hey, Celine, your attack seems to be much stronger, and it's a bit difficult for me to resist it." After a struggle, Qina said.

"Really, you didn't make me happy, did you?" Celine said.

"Of course not, it's true. If there is another round of attack, my ice shield will probably be shattered. In the past, you would need at least three rounds of attack to break my defense." Qina said.She also secretly wondered that she was very familiar with Celine's attack method and attack intensity, why hadn't exchanged ideas for more than a week, and the power of Celine's magic had increased so much.

Celine could also see that her magic had really improved, and she lowered her head and pondered for a while before she understood the reason.When I released a large-scale magic, I subconsciously compressed it and launched an attack at a very precise angle. I remember that guy taught me this. Could it be that this method is really effective?
"Try again." Celine felt strange, so she launched an attack again. Sure enough, after the next round, Qina's ice shield shattered. In the past, she had to spend a lot of effort to break through her defense. .

Qina also found it strange, so she asked, "Cerin, have you found any tricks?"

"Oh, it seems to be." Celine fell into thought. According to that guy, trying to compress the range of magic to increase attack power, and using accuracy to make up for the difficulty of hitting the target seems to be really effective.At least now I have a great advantage in front of defensive magicians like Heqina.

Thinking of this, Celine felt that it was necessary to continue to study in depth, so she said to Qina: "You go back to the apartment first, and I will look for the old man with the white beard."

"You are the only one who dares to call the dean that way in the entire Mass Academy." Qina shook her head and said.

Celine was indeed very arrogant. Even in front of the most authoritative people in the Mass Academy, she pushed open the dean's room vigorously without even knocking on the door.The old dean happened to be there too, drowsy.

"Get up, get up. Old man Bai, let me ask you, is it better to compress the magic range as much as possible to increase the attack power, or to expand the range to ensure the hit?" Celine directly slapped Bai Nennen's palm on the dean's desk, frightened. The dean almost jumped up.

The dean wanted to see who was so impolite, but when he saw that it was Celine, his anger immediately disappeared, and he put on a smile and said, "It's Celine, why haven't you returned to the dormitory so late? "

"Quickly answer my question." Celine was too lazy to exchange pleasantries with the old man.

The dean remembered the question she just asked, thought for a while and replied: "Of course, the former is better. On the premise of accurately hitting the opponent, it can ensure that the magic is not wasted on the target. In my opinion Instead of tickling others with large-scale magic, it is better to use a few more powerful compression magic, as long as one hit can kill the opponent."

Celine nodded thoughtfully. After some experiments and proofs from authorities, it seemed that what the country bumpkin said made sense. Suddenly, she thought of another question, so she asked, "Old man Bai, what do you think?" How about my polar piercing magic?"

"Okay, very good, very aggressive!" The dean immediately praised.

Celine frowned, and said seriously: "Stop flattering, tell the truth!"

The old dean blushed, and said with some embarrassment: "To be honest, that magic move is too big, and someone who is a little smarter knows to use the levitation technique to crack it. Earth magic is about suddenness, and you have done so many The puncture is only made by the movement, and others have already taken precautions. A levitation technique can resolve all attacks. Of course, you can use other magic to attack him when he is floating, but your polar puncture is obviously too much of a waste of magic power, isn’t it? Just to force the opponent to float..."

The dean originally wanted to continue to make mistakes, but found that Celine's face had changed, so he hurriedly stopped talking, and then said with seriousness: "Uh, I said it so bluntly for your own good, I don't want you to go wrong Lu... Celine, calm down, don't be angry, listen to me... Celine... oh, my God..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew up in the dean's room, blowing away the decorations, and scattered some magic scrolls all over the place.

The white-bearded dean looked at the dean's room that had been messed up by Celine's whirlwind technique with a wry smile, and said helplessly, "I wouldn't have told the truth if I knew it..."

"Hmph! Even if that magic is bad, you won't put it mildly, it's as annoying as that guy!" Celine blew the old dean's beard into a mess with another spell, and then rushed out the door.

Seeing Celine go away, the old courtyard even sighed: How could the college recruit such a great plague god by mistake? If he knew it was this witch, he would rather quit the job of the dean!

"Tani, stop complaining." Suddenly a figure appeared in front of the old dean. He also had a beard all over his face, and he looked quite old.

"Karei, hasn't she caused any trouble recently?" The old dean was not surprised to see this person appear, and asked with some headaches.

"I'm a little entangled with a kid with good potential. Oh, that kid's name is Gaia. He is a magic martial artist. The swordsman's strength may have reached the second level of advanced level, and his magic power is at the first level..." said the old man named Kalei .

Kalei was the expert who decided to cast pressure on Gaia back then. He had been secretly protecting Serin's safety. He actually knew that Serin stole Gaia's money unreasonably, but Gaia drew his sword at that time. , in order to ensure Celine's safety, he could only use pressure to fix Gaia.

"Gaia? I heard Sano mention this person..." The old dean still remembered this freshman with good strength, especially the idea of ​​changing the trajectory of magic. For this reason, the old dean tried several times. He also tried to apply this theory to other magic.It can be said that Gaia's theory opened up a way of thinking for the old dean.

"Hey, I won't chat with you anymore. If something happens to her, we will be in trouble." Kalei didn't say any more, and disappeared in a flash.

The old dean stroked his white beard and said to himself: "It's really sad that a majestic swordsman academy dean should follow behind a savage girl all day..."

"Don't gloat, it will be your turn in a few days, my old bones can't bear this kind of torment." Kalei's voice gradually went away came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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