is God

Chapter 5 Exceptional Admission

Chapter 5 Exceptional Admission
Gaia had never been in a carriage before, and he thought it was very fresh at first, but after a day, the carriage bumped so badly that his interest gradually disappeared, replaced by a heavy soreness in his little buttocks,

For eleven days in a row, except for passing some towns and stopping to purchase some food, Gaia suffered from pain in his buttocks, but when the carriage drove into the bustling Nick City, his dying appearance suddenly became energetic, look here Look, look there, those luxurious buildings that have never been seen before, the streets that are wider than the entire Matu Village, and the people wearing bright and shiny clothes, everything is so fresh and so yearning, and Little Gaia seems to be in an instant. Come alive!
None of the five people had any intention of resting, and because Lal and his son expressed deep doubts about what Jill said, they wanted to expose the lies of this rural hunter, so they decided to go to Nick Swordsman Academy with them...

Nick Swordsman Academy is located in a vast land in the east of the city, and Nick Magic Academy is next to it. These two academies occupy the north and south positions of this land respectively. Although the locations of the two academies are different, there is no obvious division in the middle. boundaries.

A few people came to the Swordsman Academy first. Since it was the last few days to recruit students, they didn't have to queue too long to participate in the assessment.

The assessment of Nick Swordsman Academy is also very simple. Under the introduction of the local swordsman teacher, come here to test the fighting spirit talent again. If the fighting spirit talent reaches the standard and the grade is under 12 years old, they will recruit.Of course, an expensive tuition fee is still indispensable.

"Why are you here so late!" A 30-year-old man glanced at these rough-clothed people impatiently.

Jill smiled apologetically. Just as he was about to explain, the man waved his hand again and said in an extremely arrogant manner: "Which child can release his grudge, let him come in with me."

After speaking, the man walked into a stylishly decorated room in the hall with his hands behind his back, and Jill hurriedly urged Shad to follow the man in.

Seeing that the kid named Shad had followed in, Lal and his son had already started to snicker, thinking to themselves: You country bumpkins can’t rely on your bragging rights, the results will come out later, let’s see how you step down.

"Oh! Teacher Fei Mo, come quickly, this child... this child!" Suddenly, the man's surprised cry came from the room.

"Why are you so surprised? Pay attention, you are already a high-level swordsman!" The teacher named Fei Mo said unhurriedly, but his tone was very heavy.

After listening to their conversation, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that arrogant man just now to be a high-level swordsman. They were dissatisfied with his attitude before, but now they have all been swept away... But, thinking about it , why is this noble swordsman yelling like this, could it be...

"Very good! This kid is gifted with fighting spirit..." Fei Mo's voice came from inside again, but maybe because he deliberately lowered his voice, he didn't hear what they said anymore.

About 10 minutes later, the arrogant man came out with another middle-aged man, and Little Shad followed behind them.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a brightly colored scale armor, with a shining lightsaber pinned to his waist. He looked majestic and awe-inspiring.

"Who is the parent of this child?" Fei Mo's voice was very loud, and what he said seemed to be somewhat dignified.

"Oh, my lord, I am the child's caretaker." Jill replied respectfully.

"This kid is very talented. Our Nick Academy charged him. Based on his outstanding performance, we don't charge him. His future swordsman training will be left to us. Do you have any questions?" Fei Mo spoke very directly.

", it's an honor to be taken care of by several adults, that Shad..." Jill replied hastily.

"Okay, okay, that's it. We will train him for the next four years. You can go back with peace of mind." Fei Mo didn't tell Gildo, he patted Little Shad's head, and sent a few people back.

"Shad, you must work hard, you are the hope of our whole village!" Seeing that they were about to separate, Jill finally couldn't control his emotions, and tears slid down and mixed with the oil on his face, looking a little Embarrassed.But who can really understand his mood at this time!
"Uncle Jill, I will definitely live up to your expectations, and the people in the village, remember to tell my parents, and I will go back to the village to see them when I become a great swordsman." Little Shad's eyes were also red, and he waved his hand Say goodbye to Uncle Jill.This is his first time traveling abroad, and he will stay for four years.

The expressions of Lal and his son can only be described as shock, and the four eyeballs are about to pop out.Even though they didn't know how talented that child was in fighting spirit, but even the tuition fee was exempted, doesn't that explain anything?

Moreover, the teacher of the senior swordsman just said that the child is very talented, and the teacher of the senior swordsman is at least a great swordsman. A child who is praised by a great swordsman will not have future achievements like those of mountain villages and small towns. One can imagine it.

Gaia also waved his little hand to say goodbye to Shad, but he didn't have to be too sad, because the Nick Magic Academy is next to the Swordsman Academy, and it's easy to see each other.

Next, the four of them went to Nick Academy of Magic. Jill still had tears on his face. Seeing that the Academy of Magic had arrived, surrounded by people in bright clothes, he wiped it on his face in a hurry, thinking : It doesn’t matter if you are sloppy, but don’t smear your child’s face. Gaia and Shad will both be promising people in the future.

The School of Magic only recruits students for a few days. After all, the number of magicians is much smaller than that of swordsmen.Although there are not many magicians, due to the concentrated time, there are still many people waiting in the hall of the Magic Academy.

After handing in the letter of introduction, the four of them also entered the hall and queued behind the long queue.Although there were a lot of people here, few of them dared to make any noise. The children who were about ten years old were carefully restrained by their parents, for fear that the children's naughtiness would cause dissatisfaction with the magic teacher.

"Hey, how many magic balls did you light up?" At this time, a child who was about the same age as Gaia asked Gaia in a low voice.

Gaia felt very strange why these people spoke so quietly. In the village, he never cared about the volume of his speech, and speaking in such a low voice made him feel very depressed.But now, when he heard the guy next to him ask him how many magic balls he had lit up, thinking that Master Bruce praised him very well, he felt confident, and replied loudly without hesitation:

"I lit up two magic balls!!!"

Because the hall was very quiet, Gaia yelled out of pride again, making the sound resound throughout the magic hall. Almost everyone in the hall couldn't help laughing, and taunting voices also came out frequently.

Jill quickly covered Gaia's mouth, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Don't talk nonsense, shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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