Chapter 88

On this day, the dark angels are holding their annual summary meeting.

Black Wing City was crowded with people, and the dark angels standing in Wuyang Wuyang looked like an endless black ocean at first glance.

The scene was crowded with people, but with so many people, there was no sound at all.

The dark angels seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, they all held their breaths, stood upright, and stood quietly.

Everyone stared at the two archangels on the top of the city, surprisingly quiet.

Archangel Phantom Roja and Archangel Matt, both of them briefly summarized the achievements of the people in recent times, and officially praised the dark angels.

After they finished speaking, the dark angels were all looking forward to it, looking up their necks, looking forward to the important person who will appear next.

"Then next, the king will speak for everyone."

After Roja finished speaking, he and Matt stood on both sides, leaving the most eye-catching position in the middle to Devon.

Under the fiery eyes of everyone, a young man with a smile on his face finally appeared. Behind him were six jet-black wings shining brightly in the sun. The unique symbol on Winged King Devon, he is also the only dark seraphim currently.

As soon as everyone saw Dai Wen, their heads thumped immediately, and they immediately slapped, to show their excitement and the endless admiration for Dai Wen in their hearts like a surging river and sea.

Among them, there were many dark angels whose hands became red and hot due to the excessive force of papa papa, not to mention that some soldiers were so excited that a layer of hot sweat overflowed from their foreheads.

Devon was also stunned, he didn't expect that he was so popular, and this group of soldiers were so supportive.

Devon pinched his chin, thinking in his heart: "It seems that he is handsome, and he is quite popular."

Thinking of this, the smile on Devon's face became even more joyful, and he especially felt that these boys were getting cuter and cuter, as expected of him who cultivated them.

"Okay, okay. I can already feel everyone's enthusiasm."

Devon looked approachable, smiling, and reached out to stop the bursts of warm applause.

As the applause gradually subsided, the dark angels also looked forward to the important instructions that Devon would give next.

Devon looked down at the surroundings, taking all the scene below into his eyes.

Back then, there was only the isolated city of Black Wing City on Shenting Star, but now countless buildings began to emerge around Black Wing City, such as the Peace Academy and so on.These buildings are essentially movable ships.Strange to say, the Shenting civilization seems to be preparing for a war that will break out at any time in the future. Even the buildings they build on their own land are warships.

This situation seems to be eager to fight at any time, and anyone who is caught will have to fight.

Now all the dark angels are gathered here. Looking at it from a high altitude, it looks like a black torrent pouring into God's Court Star. The black color completely fills the gaps between Blackwing City and various buildings.

Seeing this, Devon was quite moved, and met the fiery eyes of everyone below: "Maybe some new dark angels don't know it yet, but some dark angels who have been with me for a long time, such as Roamat, do know."

"Ten thousands of years ago, when we came to this Shenting star, it was still deserted and dead. But now we are in this territory, forcibly creating the Shenting civilization, and then with Hua Ye as the representative. , the feudal angels of the old angel era fought, and countless dark angels died..."

Many young dark angels began to realize the difficulty of establishing the Shenting civilization. They were also told about this past by their teachers in the Peace Academy, but it was only a vague concept to them.But at this time, from the mouth of Devon, the client, they felt more emotional in their hearts.

Matt and other veteran dark angels were greatly touched when they heard this.

Roja even wanted to create a "History of the Rise of the Court of God" in the database, and then add a few more history subjects to the Peace Academy, so that the dark angels can feel how difficult the rise of the Court of God is.

After the bloody and tearful history of the dark angels' resistance to feudalism was finished, Dai Wen changed the topic.

"But we're living a good life now."

"Now that we have recuperated, our number has exceeded 3000! Among them, there are more than 1 outstanding fighters who have advanced to the second-generation divine body and become four-winged angels."

With mixed feelings in his heart, Dai Wen sighed sincerely: "I am very pleased about this."

Hearing Devon's words, Roamat and the others were all excited.This is the result of their hard work over the years, and it is their great honor that they have finally been affirmed by Devon.

"Over the years, we've implemented one package of Millennium Rising Plans and another package of infrastructure projects."

"Now, I declare that our construction plan has come to a perfect conclusion!"

"The civilization of Shenting has really risen!"

"At this point, we will have no fear of any civilization, and any civilization that dares to offend the gods will only end up decapitated!"

With a wave of his hand, Devon solemnly announced Shenting's future foreign strategy to everyone.

Clap clap clap clap!
There was thunderous applause at the scene, and the dark angels looked at the city head with fiery eyes. Under the sunlight, the whole body was covered with a layer of brilliance, the seraphim king, and they burst into applause again with an increasingly rhythmic rhythm.

Waves of applause directly submerged everything, causing the entire ground of Shenting Star to tremble, and the sky seemed to tremble along with it.

Devon had a smile on his face, but at this moment he saw a little silver dot in the blackness below.

Devon was slightly taken aback, and after a closer look, the silver dot turned out to be a silver-haired female angel.As if sensing Devon's gaze towards her, the silver-haired female angel smiled like a flower, full of teasing, and clapped her hands lightly, with a perfunctory look of fishing in troubled waters.

Regarding this, Devon couldn't laugh or cry, he could only say that this person was too naughty.

"King, we swear to follow you to the death!" Roja and Matt knelt down halfway to offer their loyalty.

"Hey—get up. In the future, we will have to rely on the two archangels to make the Divine Court stronger."

Devon smiled slightly, helped them up, patted Roamat on the shoulder respectively, and then said something meaningful: "The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard."

Roamat nodded deeply.

Roja said: "That's right. Wang, when you were giving a speech just now, I received two messages from the Deno civilization."

"Deno civilization? Isn't that the civilization where Kieran established the Super Seminary?"

Roja replied: "Yes, king. The Deno civilization is the Devon Star and the Promise Star respectively. Because they share a sun, they are called the Deno civilization together. These years, the scientific practitioners of Shenhe With Zilean's help, their civilization is thriving, and technology is developing rapidly."

"Oh? Interesting, what's in the message?"

"It's nothing. These two messages were sent by King De Xing and King Nuo Xing respectively. They are nothing more than saying that we know that we are holding a summary meeting, so we wish Shenting better and better."

Devon smiled and said, "Hey. Is this a congratulatory message from Deno Civilization?"

The dark angels present were extremely excited, and the Deno civilization sent this kind of friendly signal to them, indicating that they wanted to establish diplomatic relations with them.This made the dark angels feel like a group of younger brothers followed behind Shen Ting's ass after being rich and powerful, crying and shouting just to stroke the big brother's leg hair. .

A sense of pride in being a member of Shenting emerged spontaneously in the hearts of Matt and the others.

After all, it is precisely because of the strength of Shenting that other civilizations can take the initiative to establish diplomatic relations.This also confirmed the strength of Shenting from the side.

Matt suddenly remembered something, and reported to Devon: "King, just now a soldier reported that they found a female angel mixed in our crowd just now, watching our meeting. Since she was once a friendly army of our God Court, So the fighters didn't act disrespectfully."

The corner of Devon's mouth rose: "Needless to say, I know who she is."

At this time, the conference ended, and the dark angels below slowly dispersed.

Devon's eyes drifted to a reclining chair at the gate of Black Wing City. Usually Devon is fine, so he likes to lie on this chair, look at the sky, and sometimes think that he is "so handsome that he breaks through the sky, will he be envied by others?" And other cruel issues that are full of confronting human nature.

This reclining chair is equivalent to Devon's royal seat, and no one dares to move it at ordinary times.

However, a silver-haired female angel is lying on this recliner right now, and she is enjoying the pleasure of being lazy and not working.

"The former Tianji King and the current holy Kaisa's holy right wing, Angel Hexi?"

"Could it be that you are here to engage in diplomacy?"

Dai Wen stroked his chin, looked at Hexi below, and raised his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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