Chapter 57

In this way, the stop-and-go has been going on until noon, and I haven’t arrived at Nantai Commune. The main reason is that there was a heavy rain two days ago, and there were rockslides in some places, and some rocks were so big that they blocked the driveway. , the road is really difficult to walk, and the cold weather has delayed a lot of time.

Cui Dake secretly sighed, it was okay when he came to Sijiu City, but he didn't expect that there would be many disasters when he returned.

Cui Dake had no choice but to take the initiative to ask Ying, and he was the first to get off the car every time to help clear the stones.

After walking for another half an hour, the car couldn't move at all, and there was a piece of rubble falling from the mountain in front of it.

The stones are not small. The workers who cleared the road stones for a long time were already tired and bumpy all the way. They didn't eat lunch, and they lost their energy. After clearing nearly four-fifths of the road, it was dark.

There is no moon at night, so it is unrealistic to rely on the headlights alone, and it will consume too much fuel. Even if you arrive at Nantai Commune, you will not be able to go back to Sijiu City to refuel.

There is no way to go around here, and there is no shop behind the village, and it is impossible to ask for help. Sending people to Nantai Commune to find someone is not safe and a waste of time.

Chief Liu looked at a few workers who were vomited a little prostrated, together with Cui Dake and others who were exhausted and powerless, and asked for everyone's opinions. He decided to camp and rest tonight, and clear the road at dawn tomorrow. To Nantai Commune.

Cui Dake looked at the mountain and felt that it was still a little unsafe, so he found an open space, far away from the landslide, which was safer.

Chief Liu couldn't help but praise Cui Dake in his heart, yes, he was very thoughtful, he didn't even notice this detail.

After finding an open space, the big guys breathed a sigh of relief, the workers who were motion sickness were depressed, and the workers who moved the stones were panting.

Ding Qiunan was also very weak, but he still took out a bottle of glucose and a bottle of salt water from the medical kit and distributed them to everyone, so that everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.

The driver, Lao Li, took a flashlight and went with Cui Dake to pick up some wooden branches on the barren hill next to him, one for heating and the other for lighting.

It's cold and freezing, and we can't do without heating, and now we are in the barren mountains, there may be wild animals, and the fire can drive them away, and the surroundings are extremely dark, and there is light, so everyone feels safer.

Fortunately, after a while, the two picked up a lot of dead branches, Cui Dake also hugged a large piece of dead wood, which can be burned for a long time.

After the fire was lit, everyone sat in a circle, a little silent, without the enthusiasm that had just started.

Section Chief Liu was a little downcast. He didn't expect that an agricultural support activity would encounter difficulties before reaching the destination.

The workers all eat the food supplied by the factory. Although they can endure hardships, they are still not as resilient as rural people.

I wanted to start early in the morning, even if I waited until Nantai Commune to move the machine, I could arrive in the afternoon, but I didn't expect that there was a problem with the road and I was trapped here.

Everyone around the fire was in a bit of a panic. They had already digested all the food they ate in the morning, and their stomachs were growling with hunger.

Especially Section Chief Liu, who thought that if all goes well, he will be treated well when he arrives at Nantai Commune. He didn't eat much in the morning, and now he is so hungry that he doesn't even have the strength to give orders.

Tong Zhi is an old fritter, an advanced worker for several years in a row, he is more considerate, and he brought some dry food with him before he came.

One of the two pockets on his body contained a little dried sweet potato, and the other contained a few corn buns.

He is very smart, thinking about this critical time is the time to get the favor of the beauty.

He quietly came to Ding Qiunan's side, touched her, and took out steamed buns and dried sweet potatoes from his pocket, just to please her.

He didn't expect Ding Qiunan to be a bit stubborn.

It's okay for acquaintances, and she won't have a good face when she treats those who purposefully please her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to win the title of "Ice Beauty".

Now, as soon as Ding Qiunan refused, people found out, and the things in Tong Zhi's hand and pockets were confiscated immediately, and were divided up by Da Zhang and the others who were so hungry.

A few workers who were not assigned complained to Chief Liu of the Administration Section.

Now he is the biggest at the level, and he should have arranged things, but now everyone is so hungry that he should be responsible.

Section Chief Liu was also speechless, it is true that he didn't think comprehensively.

Listening to Director Liu's yelling early in the morning, I thought I could have lunch at Nantai Commune at noon, but I didn't think of this unexpected situation.

The driver, Lao Li, was better. He was a sports car all the year round. He had encountered this kind of road conditions quite often, and he was used to it. Although he was hungry, he still persisted.

Cui Dake saw everything in his eyes, and didn't want to show off at first, but he thought that everyone came here for the Nantai Commune, and he heard Ding Qiunan and Liang Ladi's stomach growling constantly.

Can't help but feel compassion.

Cui Dake slapped his forehead fiercely at this time, and ran to the car.

This action immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone knew that Cui Dake had thought of something.

Ding Qiunan and Liang Ladi were afraid that something might happen to him, so they followed him to see what was going on.

"Haha, I almost forgot."

Cui Dake yelled a little exaggeratedly, as if he was a little annoyed.

At this time, Ding Qiunan and Liang Ladi also came over. They saw Cui Dake come to the compartment and took out a backpack that he had brought on the train just now, and happily opened it for them to see the contents. Some flour and a dozen boiled chestnuts.

Ding Qiunan and Liang Ladi's eyes lit up immediately, they were already hungry and their bellies kept rumbling.

"I brought this back home to make dumplings for my Uncle Wei Yan, but I almost forgot about it. It just happened to be of great help today."

Cui Dake explained casually.

 From the start of the manuscript to the present, it has only been 7 days, with 4 words.Starting from 6 words, I was prompted to sign a contract, and another [-] words were sent.Give it a try, everyone, in fact, I also like to read similar books, so I also like to write.If you really like it, definitely don't oversee it.Let me tell you about my work. I am a small leader of a graphic company with a lot of free time.In the past few days, I basically send out as much as I save, so the amount can still be guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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