my age of magic

Chapter 443 239. Spirit of Water

Chapter 443 239. Spirit of Water

It was not a coincidence that Molayar could come here in time. As a wood magician, there were many strange plants around her, one of which was called Twin Flowers, and every time this strange plant bloomed, it was They are paired in pairs, and what is also very characteristic is that no matter which flower withers, the other will immediately wither, even if it is thousands of miles away, there will be no mistakes.

Maybe it was because of several times of distress, Morayal did everything possible to find two twin flowers. Unexpectedly, these flowers were only preserved for a short time. I and Molayal each had one in our hands. I was in distress. When I was in bed, as long as I crushed the twin flowers in my hand, Morayal would respond immediately, but I didn't expect that she could also invite Teacher Heidi to help us.

Seeing Morayal ask me what Montetroia's identity is, I can only simply say that he is the high-level leader of the 'Black Magic Priory', and he is looking for a child who is born with magical talent. It is a heinous person to rob them of their magical talents.

Originally, I wanted to put the exquisite iron chain into my magic pocket, but the moment my hand touched the shackle, a strong cold force passed along my fingers and passed through the shackle. Come.

All the strength in my body seemed to be stripped from my body at the moment of Montetroja's death. I was like a puddle of soft mud sitting in front of his corpse, with the Shura battle ax in my hand obliquely inserted into the bluestone slab. on the ground.A full third of the sharp ax blade sank into the stone slab.

The broken head rolled from my hand to the ground, the bloody eyes glared at the front, the black and purple blood spread along the cracks in the bluestone slabs, and a shiny black iron chain was wrapped around the arm of the headless corpse , the entire iron chain exudes a cold breath, the chest and abdomen of the corpse were cut open by a sharp axe, the magic robe seemed to be completely destroyed, I sat there in a daze, Moraya from my Came up gently from behind, squatted beside me, stretched out her hands and pulled me into her arms.


Instructor Heidi also came over, looked at me indifferently, and said to me in a cold voice: "You should feel lucky, Ji Jia. If my magic is planted in the evening, those three balls of fire will be enough to burn you. Do you know this evil mage?"

I raised my head slowly, and Teacher Heidi looked at me with scrutiny, waiting for me to tell her the answer.

I nodded and turned my thoughts back to the early spring five years ago, telling Moraya and Heidi the secrets that have been hidden in my heart for many years:

"His name is Montetroia, and he is an evil mage. The first time I met him was in the wasteland. At that time, I was adopted by an old orc, and I followed the caravan from the dwarf kingdom to the new land. The Siakis Mountains are heading towards the Pai Plateau, and there are two adventure groups traveling with our caravan, one adventure group is called Fanxing, and the other is called Wind Chasers..."

Just when I said this, the surroundings suddenly turned cold, and the teacher Heidi beside her turned into an ice sculpture, and her body was covered with a thick layer of solid ice.Before I had time to react, I heard a "click", and countless cracks spread across the solid ice, and in the next second, it shattered into countless tiny ice crystals, scattered around the body of Teacher Heidi.

In such a hot evening, there was a thin layer of snow and ice scattered on the slate floor beside me. I stared at all this with dumbfounded eyes. I knew it was the overflow of ice elements. The ice element, the full ice element overflows from all over the body, how thick the ice element is to condense into ice in an instant.

I don't know what kind of excitement she is feeling at this moment, which can cause such a powerful surge of magic power.

Teacher Heidi's face was pale. She rushed up and grabbed my shoulders with both hands, staring at me and asked, "Is there a water magician among the members of the Wind Chaser Adventure Group?"

"Vilu, Qiangbach, Guoguo, Duolunlie, Yuelun, Tia..." I called out the names of the members of the Wind Chaser Adventure Group one by one.

Since Montetroia is dead, there is no need to hide this matter.

In fact, I knew that Sister Guoguo was a student of Heidi's mentor. I knew it from the beginning, but I just protected my identity at the time and kept avoiding talking about it.

But I didn't expect that Teacher Heidi and Sister Guoguo have such a deep mentor-student friendship, nor did I think that Teacher Heidi would be so excited when he heard the news about Sister Guoguo.

"Where is Guoguo? Where did she go? Where did the water magician go? Tell me quickly, what happened to the Wind Chaser Adventure Group?" Heidi's instructor heard me say the names of these people, and his body was full of pain. With the cold air, her face turned livid, and I saw the panic in her eyes.

Grief and despair appeared on her face, she looked into my eyes and shook her head again and again. I have never seen Teacher Heidi lose her composure like this.

"She's dead! To save me." Every time I said a word, it was like piercing the tip of my heart with a sharp knife, and the pain was so painful that I could hardly breathe.

She froze for a moment, then took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and said slowly to me: "I want to hear the details of what happened..."

I talked about a lot of things that happened in the caravan before, most of them were about Sister Guoguo. At this time, Teacher Heidi had calmed down, and she listened carefully. In the end, there were only sighs and sighs...

This is the intersection of Dongqu Street. Although it is already late at night, there is no guarantee that no one will pass by.After Morayal stripped off all the valuable things from Montetroa, she asked her magic pet 'Poisonous Flower Vine' to swallow Montetroia in one gulp. Only then did I realize that this The psychic poisonous flower vine is not a vegetarian and wants to swallow an adult alive.

No one can guarantee that there will be a magic guild law enforcement team rushing out of the alley in the next moment.

In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, we hastily cleaned the battlefield and left the street.

Teacher Heidi has recovered from her grief, and left quickly with a cold face.I never thought that a cold beauty like her would be so hot when she released her feelings. It's because she has to freeze herself up all day long. Seeing how lost she is when she leaves, I guess , maybe only people like Sister Guoguo are her real apprentices...


I, Moraya, and Sophie gathered in Moraya'er's dormitory and sat down at a round table.

The magic items seized from Montetroya are not too many. I never thought that there were only a few magic crystals in his magic pocket. I never thought that such a nineteenth-level mage would be so poor. Not even a decent magic item, let alone any valuable magic scrolls or magic materials.

On the wooden table was a magic robe that was so damaged that it was no longer possible to repair it. I wondered if it would be worth anything after it was broken down into materials.Another thing that is more conspicuous is the fir magic wand, but Morayal put the fir magic wand in his pocket, and said with a smile: "This magic wand can be made better !"

I looked at Sophie'er speechlessly, then raised my eyes and glanced at the utensils on the table secretly, I couldn't help shaking my head and smiling wryly, there was only a dark and cold iron chain 'soul shackles' left on the table, what else is there in that case Good points.

'Soul Shackle' is an evil magic device that can lock the opponent's soul in battle. In fact, this thing does not have any substantial effect.

As the name suggests, the function of soul shackles is actually that people whose souls are easily eroded in battle. Once a trace of soul is locked in the shackles, there is basically nowhere to escape in a short period of time. No matter where they escape, the soul shackles They can find each other only because of themselves.

Sophie stared at the 'shackles of soul' and said: "Could it be that this chain can only imprison the soul?"

Ya'er asked Sophie back with a smile: "Otherwise, what else do you think?"

While speaking, I saw the chains of the soul shackles shaking slightly, and a sharp howling sound came from another dimension.

The three of us looked at each other, and it seemed that there were other souls imprisoned in this shackle.

By coincidence, I reached out and grabbed the soul shackles, sending magic power into it with one hand, but the soul shackles are like a huge bottomless vortex, constantly absorbing all the magic power in my body, I want to twitch It was already too late.

Seeing that my situation was different, Morayal immediately wanted to pull me away, but when her hand touched my arm, the suction force even firmly sucked Molayal's hand.

A large amount of mana poured into the soul shackles, and at this moment, I saw a glistening white light on the shiny black iron chains. Fortunately, Morayal was by my side, sharing what the "soul shackles" needed to absorb for me. Mana, otherwise I am alone, and I must let the 'soul shackles' drain the mana of the magic pool.

"What is this?" I looked at the strange scene on the soul shackles in amazement, and asked Moraya in confusion, but her eyes hardly showed any expression except surprise and uneasiness.

Several black mist-like filthy air floated out from the 'shackles of soul', like a miniature 'comet' holding a long tail, breaking through the sky and disappearing into the night sky.

"This is the soul after death!" Morayal said.She looked up at the gray mist flying out of the soul shackles, with a wild look in her eyes.

She went on to say: "Souls imprisoned by soul shackles cannot go to the Kingdom of God! Only the souls of some strong people will have the last remnants."

There are countless remnant souls of strong men in the soul shackles. They are all people killed by Montetroja. All souls are purified and ascended to the kingdom of God.

And the way to open the soul shackles is also very simple, that is to continuously inject magic power into it, so that the soul shackles can be kept open all the time, and the souls of the strong trapped inside can escape from the cage.

Among these remnants, I suddenly saw a remnant soul wrapped in water elements. It was not a remnant soul like the black mist transformed by those strong men, but a remnant soul that appeared in the form of water elements. It was a cloud of milky white mist, and a shadow of a person slowly emerged above the soul shackles. The tall and beautiful figure and the familiar figure made me stand on the spot in a daze.

The blurred face of this water elemental spirit is exactly the appearance of Sister Guoguo, but the eyes of this water elemental spirit seem a bit confused, she is floating aimlessly in the room, it turns out to be a remnant soul wrapped in water element There has been a slight change.The low-level water elemental spirits should not have any thoughts.But looking at it now, the Water Dunjia actually has a spirituality that it shouldn't have, it's actually a lingering remnant of Guoguo who turned into a water element.

"Ah, Sister Guoguo!" I couldn't help but blurted out at this moment, the phantom of the water element floating in the room was obviously Sister Guoguo, she stood naked in front of me in a daze, He looked at me curiously, his pupils were extremely holey, without any emotion.

Morayal and Sophie at the side both changed their expressions, and asked me in amazement: "Jia, what did you see?"

Morayal also looked at me blankly and asked, "Are you talking to the air?"

I dumbfoundedly pointed to the water elemental spirit in front of me who looked like Sister Guoguo and asked them: "Can't you see the water elemental spirit in front of me?"

Hearing what I said, Sophie covered her mouth in surprise. She is a first-level water magician, and I am just a fifth-level magic apprentice. In terms of level alone, she is higher than me. At least five levels higher, but she looked dazed, clearly unable to see the spirit of water element transformed by Sister Guoguo.

"I can't see anything!" Sophie also looked at me in surprise, and asked me: "Jia, you mean you can see the water elemental spirit?"

I nodded honestly, and then said: "It's right in front of me, still looks like Sister Guoguo!"

The water elemental spirit stretched out her hand out of curiosity, wanting to touch my face in a daze, but unfortunately her body is composed of countless water elements, she just wrapped a broken soul in this body, and those water elements touched me. When the face is touched, it spreads out like air.

Sister Guoguo seemed to be frightened, and quickly backed away.

I quickly ran two steps forward, went to her again, and closed my eyes, because communicating with the elemental spirit is completely a matter of spirit, so I let my powerful magic perception touch this appearance and sister Guoguo. Exactly the same water elemental spirit.

It has never been full of curiosity about me, so it surrounds me and keeps looking at me.

I manipulated the water element in my body, condensed a big hand made of water element, and gently touched Sister Guoguo's face, she didn't dodge, stretched out her hand and merged with my big water element hand.

At this moment, I finally knew that Guoguo did not die, but became an elemental spirit in the water elemental world, but lost the original memory because of the incomplete soul. Sister Guoguo from the world is back!

Today's Guoguo sister is just the lowest-level elemental spirit. It seems that she has not yet opened her spiritual intelligence. She now follows her instincts in all her actions. I heard that the elemental spirit with a soul is growing into a high-level elemental spirit or water spirit. After being an elementalist, he will have his own wisdom and consciousness, and maybe then he will be able to retrieve his previous memories.

At this moment, I thought in my heart: No matter what method I use, I must wake up Sister Guoguo...

(End of this chapter)

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