my age of magic

Chapter 191 Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Chapter 191
Moonstone Mountain is a not-so-high bald mountain in the western outskirts of Gludin Town. Originally, there was a vein of Moonstone here, but it was hollowed out by the orcs in Gludin Town many years ago.Now there are only those abandoned mines all over the barren mountain, and the entire Moonstone Mountain is the highest place in this area.Moonstone, also known as moonstone, is a low-level magic material. Although it is not considered valuable among magic materials, its value far exceeds the value of gold.

Now these abandoned mines are inhabited by orc refugees gathered from all over the western wilderness. Some of them are here waiting for hunters returning from the depths of the wilderness, and some of them gather here with other orc refugees. After all, there is shelter here.

The closer you are to Gludin Town, the more orc hunters you meet on the road. They are covered with all kinds of hunting hides, horns, tendons, magic herbs, rare ores and a lot of meat. Most hunters carry a whole bag of raw jerky on their backs. When I see raw jerky now, I feel sick to my stomach, maybe it hurts me.These hunters with bows and arrows and scimitars are often in small groups, and those who can ride on horses will carry a lot more supplies.Those orcs who only rely on their shoulders to carry their prey can't bring back much. Often they prefer to roll the leather on their backs and walk silently along the way.

There are also caravans composed of three or five Thunder Rhinos. Human merchants can often be seen on these Thunder Rhinos. And these Thunder Rhinos have as many supplies as a hill. There is rarely too much food in these supplies. , are some very valuable things, most of which are rolls of magic antelope skin.

Our team was mixed among these orcs, and it seemed a bit abrupt, because the combination of our team seemed a bit strange. The ones walking in the front were Viru and Jambach. Knowing that the human adventurers on board are usually powerful fighters or magicians, under normal circumstances, few people would dare to anger them. Sister Guoguo was wearing a magician's robe, a cone hat and a face scarf. She even covered everything, and she was holding a magic wand in her snow-white hand that was not pulling the rein. Whenever she saw the orc with that magic wand, she would subconsciously take two steps back.

Behind the Gubolai horse was a fat Yagui beast. This Yagui beast didn't have much luggage on it. It was just an orc boy and a human child lying on the leather saddle. Both of them were listless. Looking around, the eyes of the two children would always fall on the refugee orcs on the side of the road.

More than 170 fat and strong argali sheep followed behind the Yagui beast, and fifty beast girls carrying short spears guarded it. The cargo on it was not too much, and the team did not travel long distances. Trek Lawton.The male orcs of the wolf clan usually look at the female beasts and rarely look too carefully at whether their faces are exquisite. As long as they are not too ugly, they will not be too picky. They care more about whether the breasts of the female beasts are plump enough. Are the buttocks round and fat enough, and are the thighs slender and powerful?

Obviously, none of the beast girls among the refugees can meet these requirements. Counting them who have been starving all spring, they have already been starved to the point of sallow and emaciated. , the joints of the whole body are highlighted.The fifty orc female warriors guarding the argali stood out in the crowd, and there were obsessive eyes staring at them from time to time on the road.

We also follow the tradition of the orc people. Whenever we camp at sunset, we will light three or five oil stoves, set up an iron pot, pour a whole pot of water and boil it. Take out the brick-like meat floss and cut off a corner with a dagger. The meat floss falls into the soup pot and melts quickly, turning into a pot of fragrant beef soup.Sometimes I add some wild vegetables to the broth and eat it with dry pancakes, sometimes I break some black bread into pieces, put it in a wooden bowl, and pour two spoonfuls of beef soup on top. Kuz has been fond of this recently How to eat.

The beast women in the back prefer to eat sausages that are made of flour, beef blood, beef offal, minced meat, tendons, some spices and salt, poured into the small intestine, cooked, and then smoked and dried.They would boil some wild vegetables in clear water, at most adding some salt, and then eat strange-tasting smoked sausage and black bread with this clear soup.

Often at this time, the other orcs on the roadside would drool.There are still a lot of orcs who will gather and use our fire to burn a mouthful of hot water to drink. Kuz saw that it is not far from Gludin Town, so he will distribute the remaining black bread and coarse grain pancakes to those who look like After eating wild vegetables for a long time, the orc refugees were skinny and skinny.Often at this time, Kurtz would symbolically pick out a few fresh wild vegetables from their hands before handing over the dry pancakes in the bag, which meant to say: Look, I really want to eat some wild vegetables, Can a piece of bread be exchanged for some wild vegetables?
Most of the time, our oil stove will burn until midnight. In the wilderness near Gluding Town, not to mention dead trees, dried cow dung and other fuels, even edible wild vegetables are uprooted by those hungry orcs. Dig it out and eat it.Therefore, it would be extremely rare for those orcs to be able to drink a bowl of hot water at this time.

Sister Guoguo and Qiangbach had no idea where to hang out again, and the two of them felt less and less ashamed. I think I should prepare another tent, which will be more convenient.Vilu was lying in the sleeping bag early, sleeping next to his ancient horse. I think this is very good. My sleeping bag is obviously not worse than Vilu's. The sleeping bag made of guinea pig skin is very good Waterproof and breathable, with this kind of sleeping bag, there is no need to sleep in a tent at all. I think I should hint to Sister Guoguo when I find a chance. Of course, I can’t directly bring it up, otherwise she will tear me up.

This night is destined not to be silent. The camp is full of orcs who can drink a bowl of hot water. Even though Kurtz has asked those orc girls to move the three oil stoves outside the camp, the outside of the camp is like a dish. The market is as noisy, and Kurz and I have lost sleepiness. It must be like this every day for the past few days!We had to hide on Yagui Beast’s back to catch up on sleep during the day, and couldn’t sleep at night. This cycle created a vicious circle, so Kurz and I decided to climb Moonstone Mountain in the dark.

When even a piece of this bald mountain was bigger, it was moved back to Gluding Town by the orcs of the blood wolf tribe to build a house. Not to mention big trees, there is not even a decent shrub.Standing on the top of the mountain, feeling the cold night wind blowing across the face, and looking far away at Gludin Town, there is actually a bright light there.

One month ago, there was no such a bustling scene. At that time, I lived in the castle of the Kurtz family. Every night in my spare time, I would stand on the balcony of my room and watch the night view of the town.At that time, only the night watchman would light up the street lamps on the main street, and there were not many people on the street when it was dark.

But now, although we are too far away to see what is going on on the street, we can tell that Gludin's night is not peaceful just by looking at the brilliant lights.Kuz sighed and said: "In the days after the spring hunting, Gludin was like this every night. There were always some outside hunters who would find a tavern after making money and drink all night At that time, there were not so many human merchants, and the streets were filled with things like magic antelope skins and horns."

Kuz’s eyes rarely showed a weak side. He seldom had anything to do with me. He looked at the lights of Gludin Town in the distance, and said to me excitedly: “I remember one time Grandma took me out. I bought two pieces of magic antelope skins for my dad to make inner armor, and the hunter who sold them gave me a mask made of magic antelope skulls! Because of this, I was very happy. Many fighters are made of magic antelope skulls A helmet, this kind of bone helmet is much lighter than a steel forged helmet, and it is also very strong."

I always thought that Kurtz was a cheerful and optimistic orc boy with a strong personality. He is usually a very independent orc boy. other people.I think this is probably a habit formed after living alone in the wild. Although this habit gave him a survival ability that ordinary people cannot match, it weakened his communication ability and made him not very good at communicating with others.

I found a place with a wide view, moved two stones and sat down, I smiled and said to him: "The magic antelopes we hunted in the wilderness at the northern foot, why didn't you mention this matter, the two of us It’s not bad for one person to make a sheep bone helmet!”

"I didn't expect it at the time! They were all cooked and eaten by those greedy women, hey!" I said with a sigh of regret.

Kurz has been a little silent in recent days, and he always seems to be preoccupied. We sat side by side on the rock, I put my hands on my knees and looked up at the starry sky, but he buried his head deeply in his legs and fiddled with the green grass on the ground. , After a moment of silence, he said: "Jia, you said that all these orcs are starving, what are you going to do? Speaking of which, they are all members of our orc clan, and let me watch them starve indifferently. I can't do it! But what should I do?"

For a while, his question made me fall into deep thought. I didn't know how to answer it. I want to say that these things are not what your elder brother Kurt should think about?But I thought he would be annoyed if I said that, so I thought about it for a long time before I said, "Actually... Actually... Actually, you can help them!"

When Kuz heard me say this, his eyes became brighter, like two sparks in the dark night, he stared at me and asked, "Jia, what do you think I should do!"

I suddenly realized that this kid was pretending to be pitiful and troubled just to let me give him an idea.It seems that since he entered the Western Wilderness these days, he has really seen a lot of things and thought a lot, otherwise he would never be so upset and troubled.So I asked him: "Do you want to sell those magic crystals and exchange some food to save these orcs?"

"En! I thought so at first, but then I felt that this might not be able to help them. The tribesmen of the drowning tribe are still waiting for me to bring food back... Ah! I thought about it, Jia, maybe I can hire them, I want to build a city, a very, very large mountain city, even if it is just a wall, it will take dozens of kilometers, and the stones needed can almost pile up a mountain! I want to take them back to the drowned berth..." Kurtz chattered to me , his gloomy face finally brightened up.

I thought about it, and then said to him earnestly: "In fact, it doesn't take so many people to build a city wall. Besides, the magic crystals in your wallet can't afford to support tens of thousands of poor orcs in the wilderness. Of course, you can recruit some People, bring them back to the drowning pool, but this number and scale must be well controlled.”

It is realistic to say that two loaves of bread are not going to save a bunch of hungry people, we are very limited.When Kurtz heard me say this, he sighed again.

"Actually, there is still a way!" I said slowly. "Actually, in front of us, apart from the magic antelopes living in the depths of the wasteland, there is also a natural treasure house, that is the death swamp! The death swamp is our unique resource land, where there are countless wealth, enough to feed the wilderness these orcs in the

"Death Swamp?" Kurtz was overwhelmed by what I said, and asked suspiciously: "You mean to let me take the orc female warriors into the swamp to hunt those swamp zombies? Jing feeds these poor orcs?"

This guy is a dead-headed guy, he ran all the way to the dark and refused to turn back.I said to him: "Even if you want to, you have to think about your tribe. After all, it is very dangerous to go to the death swamp! I don't want you to take risks. I mean, we can actually put our eyes on it. Let's take a longer look, you come to see..."

I took out a piece of moonstone the size of a small fingernail from my pocket. I remember that it was a little material left over from the preparation of moonlight ink. Qige smiled and threw it to me. I still remember that she was very She said to me proudly: "Take it and go, I will reward you!" Her charming smile is still deeply engraved in my mind. I pinched the moonstone with two fingers, as if You can see her charming smile.After a moment's distraction, I focused my thoughts on the front of my eyes, the moonstone exuded a faint blue light, which illuminated my skin with a faint blue light.

Squatting on the grass, he sketched the general outline of the western wilderness, and in the lower left corner, he drew the entire fault zone of hundreds of kilometers, the windmill hills, the Beigou Valley mining site, and finally, of course, Drowning Mooring. Put a small stone in the center of the moor, and explain to him while drawing: "This is the West Wilderness... This is Gludin... This is Bangor Manor... This is the North Valley mining site, Just take it as drowning, oh! This is the village of the Raitu tribe. What can you see?"

Kurz followed the light of the moonstone, looked around me again and again, and said uncertainly: "Jia, I see that what you drew is a simple map..."

I must admit that just after I asked the question, I felt a little regretful.I didn't expect Kurtz to keep up with my train of thought, so I went on: "The key problem is this wall we built!"

I signaled Kuz to be quiet, and then said: "If we build a solid wall here in the village of Raitu, the entire Drowning Park will have the safest habitat. Az, look, all hunters If you want to enter the Death Swamp, you must pass through us. This is the closest camp to the Death Swamp before entering the Death Swamp."

"Why were the hunters on the Pai Plateau reluctant to come to the Death Swamp to hunt swamp zombies? The answer is simple. The swamp is full of dangers. Lone hunters are easily ambushed and injured by the death scythe. The hunting mortality here is very high. That's why it's called the death swamp. Moreover, the living conditions in the swamp are extremely difficult, with heavy fog all day long and no sunlight. The ground produces poisonous sores and slowly rots, and the body will also be invaded by the toxins in the swamp, causing various discomforts. Therefore, the hunters know that the swamp zombies are rich in magic crystals, and they are unwilling to set foot in the dead swamp to hunt them!"

"If we build this place into a small trade transfer station, or at the beginning, it can also be a rest camp for those hunters. We can sell some food that is easy to carry, like those sausages that are not easy to perish , salty wheat cakes, meat floss, and dried meat are all fine. Of course, there is also the most important detoxification potion, you still have the formula of Sister Guoguo, just follow the herbal medicine configuration, the poisonous mist of the swamp corpse king is still Those that can poison people, and other medicines that are suitable for use in swamps. There are also hunting tools, which can also be rented, or bought and sold. Anyway, the hunters must understand that ordinary weapons cannot cause harm to those zombies. In order to deal more damage, you need to use sharper wind fangs or weapons made of magic antelope horns."

"But the prerequisite is to have a solid wall! This will gradually form a virtuous circle, with hunters coming in constantly, and successfully hunting swamp zombies, making a lot of money. Bring the news to other orcs Hunters, as long as they want to enter the death swamp, they will definitely choose to repair in the safe village of Raitu. When these hunters come to the village, they will supply, buy food, medicine, weapons and other things, and then go to death together after being prepared Swamp hunting, and finally walking out of the death swamp with spoils, things that are not convenient to carry, maybe they will be disposed of cheaply in the village!"

"In this way, some businessmen may see this business opportunity and come to our village to open a business! Oh, for these businessmen, Az, you must not be polite in the future, you must collect taxes from them, and of course provide them with protection As long as it is within the limits of their hearts, the only thing to keep in mind is that our village must have its own rules, and anyone who comes to our territory must abide by our rules!"

Kurz was a little confused, and asked me: "Jia, what you said is very good, but what does it have to do with our rescue of tens of thousands of impoverished orcs in the western wilderness?"

I continued: "In this way, your camp will have a large amount of income, and this income will become larger and larger as the place becomes more and more prosperous, and in the end it may be so large that you can't even imagine it. Plus You sell fine salt and corpse fire oil, sell vermicelli and meat floss to human merchants, and usually lead female warriors to hunt swamp zombies and magic antelopes, you have enough money, and you can do whatever you want!"

I stood up and pointed to the orc refugees under the Moonstone Mountain, and said to Kurz: "You can hire more people and let them build the wall higher and wider! This requires a lot of manpower! You can also consider building A large castle like a mountain city also requires a lot of manpower! Maybe more workshops can be opened, oh! In short, we just can’t raise them for nothing, let them pay a certain amount of labor, and maintain the minimum limit of life can!"

I put my arms around Kurz's shoulders and comforted him and said, "This way, more people can be saved and more people can eat! Of course, you won't just want to feed them a few meals, Sell ​​all your property! It just takes some time to do this, and the effect may not be obvious at the beginning, but the effect will definitely get better and better..."

(End of this chapter)

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