My players are all actors

Chapter 347 The Fake is Real

At the same time, the Sequencer was in the fortress.

In the City Lord's Mansion, several players including Chu Ge are discussing countermeasures.

So far, there have been some casualties in both the field battlefield and the Anshicheng battlefield.These players returned to the fortress of the sequencer, instead of returning to the original battlefield, they quickly assembled and prepared to face the coming magic soldiers in the fortress of the sequencer.

At this time, Chu Ge is seriously planning the strategy of the whole war.

In front of Beichen, there was a huge sand table of the battlefield, from the fortress of the Orderer in Liaoze to the city of Anshi in front, and then to the field battlefield, all of which were clearly displayed on the sand table.

Just looking at the distribution of the magic soldiers on the map, the faces of the players showed serious expressions.

Obviously, the power of the magic soldier is far more than that of the sequencer.

Of course, it's not just these few people who really decide the strategy in the entire battlefield. Although Zhao Haiping and others are also participating in the battle, they are also participating in the discussion through the chat channel within the player team.

Chu Ge looked at the sand table, frowning.

He looked at Bei Chen in front of him: "In the current situation, I am afraid that out of the three battlefields, at least two of them will use extraordinary strategies to win."

At this moment, Bei Chen, who was distracted by Meng Yuan and dual-purpose control, nodded slightly: "Yeah."

Chu Ge felt a little helpless, um, what eh!I am asking for your opinion!
As an NPC, it's fine if you don't come up with a plan, but if the player proposes a strategy, you should at least give some hints?
But obviously he didn't know that Meng Yuan, who played Bei Chen, didn't have a script at all.

Taking the players straight to the historical slice of the Liang Dynasty was also a risky move. The bet is that the players can figure out a way in this headwind state.

Now that you have come to ask for my opinion, you are obviously delusional...

Chu Ge tried it out, and seeing that Beichen was indifferent, he had no choice but to give up his fantasy.

Or go ahead and follow your plan.

"According to the information we have obtained so far, the three big monsters are Fei Lian, Gong Gong and Kua Fu.

"If we rely on brute force to head-to-head, we will almost certainly lose.

"So, we have to find a way to take advantage of their weaknesses and defeat them one by one."

After speaking, he glanced at Beichen.

And Beichen was like "you keep talking, I'm listening".

There is absolutely no plan to make suggestions.

The other players present also nodded one after another: "Yes, but how do you defeat them one by one?"

Chu Ge continued: "There is a saying in the art of war. What is false is true, and what is true is false. If we want to prevent the monsters from guessing our next move, we will have a great chance of winning."

With that said, he said a little bit about An Shicheng.

"I think the breakthrough is in Anshicheng!"

Seeing that other players seemed to be a little confused, he continued to explain: "Gonggong and Kuafu are two big monsters, it is difficult to use tactics to target them.

"The former is tough, while the latter is full of patience. Although they can be fooled, at most there are only some small losses, and it is difficult to achieve any decisive results.

"But Fei Lian is different.

"Fei Lian is suspicious, and he is very good at saving his life. Such a character is most suitable to deal with with an empty city strategy, that is... find a way to scare it away!"

Everyone nodded.

It does make sense!
To deal with the iron-headed monsters, at most, they can waste some of their strength through some tactics to lure the enemy, but it is almost impossible for them to escape with their tails between their legs.

Just like Xing Tian before, seeing that the general trend was over, he actually wanted to stay and die.

This kind of big monster is delivering food when the players have an advantage, but when the players are at a disadvantage, it is a bit tricky.

Because even through some tricks and consuming their power, the balance of strength between the two sides will still not change much.

Fei Lian is different.

It is the most suspicious among the big monsters, and it likes to kill.This kind of personality is suitable for dealing with empty city tactics.

If you can find a way to scare Fei Lian away and let him escape from the battlefield in order to preserve his strength, then the pressure on the players will drop sharply.

But here comes the question, how can we scare Fei Lian away?
Although Feilian is suspicious and timid, he is not stupid.In the current situation, the monster has almost completely gained the upper hand, how can it make it believe that it must escape?
The players quickly raised this question to Chu Ge.

Chu Ge said with confidence: "It's very simple, we will do the opposite of the previous strategy!
"When we adopted the strategy of becoming huge before, Xing Tian and Fei Lian repeatedly identified Zhao Haiping and me as the incarnations of Beichen, almost using a lot of magic energy at any cost, trying to destroy us.

"But in the end, I found that all their magic energy was wasted.

"So, this time, let's choose another person, pretend to be the incarnation of Beichen, and let him attack Anshicheng on his own initiative!

"We not only want to make this person huge and put pressure on Fei Lian, but also put on a posture of concentrating our superior forces to fight him. Let it think that our attitude is: even if we lose this battle, we must Let it die!
"In this way, Fei Lian may escape."

The players next to him nodded one after another: " sounds feasible! But, what if Fei Lian really concentrates his magic energy to kill this player?"

Chu Ge chuckled: "This possibility is not high. Moreover, what does it matter even if he really kills? Players can be resurrected. Although we have lost some power of the sequencer, this is a gamble in itself. .

"The enemy is strong and we are weak, and the probability of success in the bet is very high. Why not give it a try?"

Chu Ge explained and quickly convinced the players.

"Well, that sounds reasonable! You can try it!"

"The question is...who should go?"

This choice has become the biggest problem.

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "I already have the best candidate in my mind. In fact, I already had this rough plan in my mind as early as the last Sequencer expedition.

"That person is...

"Meng Yuan!"

At this time, Meng Yuan, who was paddling and fishing under Anshi City, almost spewed out with a "poof".


A question mark floated above his head, obviously he didn't expect Chu Ge to cue him suddenly.

Many other players don't understand.

"Ah? Meng Yuan? Why him?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly and explained: "The reason is very simple, he is the person most likely to be suspected by Fei Lian!
"Before, Fei Lian and Xing Tian had made two different guesses about the identity of the sequencer.

"They guessed Zhao Haiping first, and then guessed me. I think this should be based on inertial thinking. They think that the sorter must be a relatively good person, and he frequently plays a role in the ultimate trial.

"But it turned out to be neither, and it's going to hit them hard.

"If they continue to guess, they will definitely turn their attention to the third type of people, that is, people who have participated in many ultimate trials but have been hiding very well.

"So, Meng Yuan is the best candidate!"

After hearing these words, the players suddenly realized.

That's it!

If it is inferred in this way, it is indeed very appropriate!

All players thought this was a good strategy, except Meng Yuan himself.

Don't make trouble, I'm a real sequencer!

If you are killed by a monster, you will be finished!

However, looking at the eager eyes of other players, Meng Yuan didn't know what to say for a while.

You can't have a showdown with them, can you?Wouldn't it all collapse!
Looking for an excuse not to go?Can't find any decent excuses!
In the eyes of others, Meng Yuan is just an ordinary player. Even if he has obtained some powers of a sequencer, he can be resurrected after death, and the loss is completely within the acceptable range.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Chu Ge asked very intimately in the team channel.

Meng Yuan gritted his teeth: "No problem!"

Forget it, although it is a bit risky, it is worth a try, what if it really succeeds?

After so many trials, Meng Yuan felt that he was no longer the weakling.Moreover, Fei Lian is not a big monster who is particularly good at fighting, so I can deal with him a little bit.

If it doesn't work...then run away!
Anyway, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. At worst, you can retreat to the Qi Dynasty to manage slowly, and come back to attack the Liang Dynasty when the players are stronger.

Chu Ge was very happy: "Okay, then everyone get ready! We are going to attack Anshicheng!"


Outside Anshi City.

Originally, all the Goguryeo defenders in the city had been possessed by demons, and a black cloud in the sky was constantly circling. It was Fei Lian, who had hidden his body, and was constantly sprinkling demon energy to the demon soldiers below.

The magic soldiers patrolled the walls of Anshi City in all directions, leaving almost no loopholes.

For Fei Lian, its mission is very simple, it is to defend Anshi City.

Among the three battlefields, it feels that it is the safest.

In the battlefield of the field battle, although neither side was in any danger to defend, the Sequencer put down Liang Taizong and General Han Fuyue, two powerful heroic spirits there, and the main force was also gathered there.

Give this most difficult bone to Kuafu.

Although the Fortress of the Ordered Ones looks empty, Fei Lian knows that the Fortress of the Ordered Ones is cunning. Who knows if there is an ambush in the Fortress of the Ordered Ones?
And after all, it is the base camp of the Sequencer, and it will actually be very fast if they want to come back.

Give this tough bone to Gonggong and let it have a good touch.

As for Anshi City, it was the least important of the three battlefields.

In history, the key to Liang Taizong's personal conquest of Goguryeo was indeed to capture Anshicheng, but now the sequencers and demons are not repeating history.Whether this Anshi City can be defeated is actually not that important to the sequencers.

The orderer must first ensure that his hometown is not lost, and secondly ensure that he wins the field battle.

After that, they considered attacking Anshicheng.

Therefore, Fei Lian felt that he should be the safest.Even if the monster wants to lose, it can still take advantage of the chaos and escape when the two big monsters, Gonggong and Kuafu, both failed.

In addition, Anshi City is already on the defensive, easy to defend but difficult to attack, so Fei Lian is quite comfortable.


There was a loud noise in the city, and a huge boulder flew in from outside the city, directly smashing down many houses in the city.

Not only were huge trebuchets throwing stones, but artillery bombarded the city walls as well.

However, Fei Lian didn't care. Such a powerful siege equipment might be terrifying in real history, but for the strengthened magic soldiers, it is not difficult to deal with.

As long as there is no powerful sequencer involved in the battlefield, it should be able to handle it easily...

However, at this moment, a dazzling light shines on the battlefield!

An ordinary soldier suddenly became huge, swung the long sword in his hand, and cut off all the demon soldiers in front of him like mowing grass!


The black mist in the air gathered and then gradually dispersed, Fei Lian felt suspicious.

The sorter actually made the aborigines gigantic first?
This is so anomalous!
If it is other sorters, this behavior is actually very common.But Fei Lian knew this sequencer too well, he knew that this person was very cautious, and every move was in accordance with the rules.

In every previous battle, the Sequencer first used the phantoms of the aborigines to test them out, and waited until the demons lost their composure first, then made some of the aborigines gigantic and gained the upper hand in the battle.

But now, let's take the first step...

There is fraud, there must be fraud!
Fei Lian should have immediately responded by turning the magic soldier into a giant, but he hesitated. Instead, he continued to stare at the phantom of the aborigine in the battlefield, carefully studying it.


I saw the long sword in his hand waving, each sword can kill a large number of demon soldiers, and under his leadership, the army behind him surged up, climbing the city wall through ladders and various siege equipment.

Fei Lian was even more puzzled.

Because it could tell that the phantom of the aborigine was actually not that good.

Not to mention compared with the best sequencers in the past, even the phantoms of the aborigines who fought with them in the Qi Dynasty slice before have a big gap.

The reason why he can have such a powerful lethality is only because he has gathered a lot of righteousness.It is difficult for the magic soldier to compete with him without being huge.

Besides him, none of the phantoms of the aborigines on the scene became huge.

This person... is very eye-catching on the battlefield.

"Wait, this phantom of the aborigines seems a little familiar... He seems to have participated in the previous few times when the sequencer broke through the historical slice...

"Moreover, his ability seems to be very mediocre, neither has strong skills, nor does he see excellent strategies...

"Could it be that……

"He is the real sequencer?!"

Fei Lian suddenly had such an idea.

Because it and Xing Tian had guessed twice in a row before, and initially concluded that the sorter seemed to be neither of the brave type nor of the strategic type.

So... the aborigine who appeared now seems to be in line with the third situation!

There is a high possibility that he is the real sorter!
At this moment, Fei Lian even had the idea of ​​immediately notifying the other two big monsters and coming to encircle and suppress them immediately.

However, this idea only existed for a second, and it was immediately denied by itself.

"How is it possible! Absolutely impossible!

"If this Sequencer is really an ordinary person who has neither superb martial arts nor brilliant strategy as we guessed, then how could he risk his life at this time? There is absolutely no need for this!

"What's more, our guess may not be true...

"Maybe there are other people with strong martial arts or clever strategies in the phantom of the aborigines? And the sequencer is still hidden in it? He deliberately made us think that the sequencer was an ordinary person, and deliberately chose a mediocre aborigine to deceive me. ..."

The black air in the sky was changing, and it was difficult for Fei Lian to make up his mind for a while.

But when it was hesitating, the players had already broken through, and under the leadership of Meng Yuan, they broke through a wall of Anshi City and continued to move forward.

The demon energy in the sky gathered in an instant, and at the same time, several gigantic demon soldiers appeared and rushed towards Meng Yuan!
Apparently, Fei Lian didn't make up his mind completely. Instead of throwing out all the magic energy at once to destroy the gigantic phantom of the aborigines, he chose to use part of the magic energy to strengthen the magic soldiers to deal with it.

However, in the next second, the phantom of this aborigine grew bigger again!
While establishing his absolute strength advantage over these demon soldiers, some rather complicated emotions flashed across his face.

It seems that there is some hesitation, fear, hesitation...

The black air in the sky tightened again, obviously, Fei Lian noticed this keenly!
"He seemed really nervous, totally different from the previous Native Phantom!"

Fei Lian was shaken again.

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