I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 79 Taking the Risk of Being Beaten by the Boss

Chapter 79 Taking the Risk of Being Beaten by the Boss
【Hiratsuka Shizuka: The more you say it, the more outrageous it is...】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Also, what the hell is this cute Jing! 】

[Sia: A nickname for fans! 】

[Sia: To be honest, Mr. Jing, you don't have to worry about being single forever. This problem is easy to solve. 】

[Xia: Especially now that you can not only find a boyfriend in the real world, but also directly find a boyfriend in another world in the chat group! 】

【Hiratsuka Shizuka: ...】

[Fei Yingli: Nasia, don't bother talking about it, introduce it to Teacher Jing! 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: That's right, all the members of the chat group probably know Sister Siya and Master Li Ye best, right? ! 】

[Sakurajima Mai: The onlookers are eating melons, they are also curious! 】

[Sia: Well, not yet. 】

[Fei Yingli: Huh?Are you looking down on the male members in the group?Or do you think Teacher Jing is not worthy? 】

[Sakurajima Mai: Yes, yes, Xi Ya, are you looking down on Teacher Jing? 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Bah!Just be curious if you are curious, can you leave me alone? 】

【Sia: Mainly because there are not many people in the group now, there are only a few male members...】

[Sia: There is nothing to say, but since you are curious, I will say a few words! 】

【Sia: First of all, Stark in the group is a playboy, this is definitely not suitable...】

[Tony Stark: Wait, here I need to make an excuse: I am planning to go home and marry Little Pepper after learning magic from the Ancient One. 】

[Tony Stark: So everyone forgot about the Playboy label, thank you for your cooperation! 】

[Siya: Oh, married people!That would be even more inappropriate. 】

【Xiya: As for Ye Shenyue, he's just a child, so we won't introduce more. 】

【Yeshenyue: ...】

[Sia: As for the other two, you have also seen it in the public documents, so I don't need to say more. 】

【Sakurajima Mai: No more? 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Are you done? 】

【Siya: Of course. 】

[Fei Yingli: This... you really only said a few words! 】

[Sia: Otherwise pinch?There are no other male members in the group. 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Are you ignoring Mr. Li Ye? 】

[Hiratsuka Shizuka: I don’t know if the administrator’s rights include kicking people besides banning speech? 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Are you afraid of Xi Ya? 】

[Sia: Not at all!But Teacher Jing, so you are interested in Mr. Li Ye...]

[Siya: You have great ambitions! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Bah, I am mainly out of curiosity...]

[Hiratsuka Shizuka: I believe other people are also curious, if you don't believe me, ask Eri and the others! 】

[Fei Yingli: Huh?I don't have it. 】

【Sakurajima Mai: Me neither, Mr. Jing, don't be shy! 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Well, I'm a little curious! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: A little bit? 】

[Hiratsuka Shizuka: The kind that refers to the universe! 】

【Nefirutari Vivi: Hey...】

[Fei Yingli: If you are too honest, you will suffer; Weiwei, remember not to be so honest next time. 】

【Sakurajima Mai: But even if Weiwei is a little curious, it doesn't prevent Teacher Jing from having this idea! 】

【Sia: Indeed, what Mai said is correct! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Ahh... I'm really just curious! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: I haven't even seen her face, how can I have any messy thoughts! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: There are also two duplicity guys, Eri and Mai, who really know how to pretend, and they are obviously curious! 】

【Sakurajima Mai: Ah, that's incredible!Teacher Jing, now I want to meet you! 】

[Fei Yingli: That's right, Xi Ya, don't you hurry up and find a way to satisfy her? 】

[Sia: Satisfied?This really has a way! 】

[Sia: Wait a minute. 】

【Hiratsuka Shizuka: ...】

[Sia: Come here! 】

[Xia: You only have one chance, everyone remember to save it! 】

[Sia: [picture]]

[Group message reminder: Group member Xi Ya withdrew a picture message. 】

[Siya: Hey, you've seen it all! 】

【Xiya: Did you get handsome? 】

【Sakurajima Mai: Ah, it's really handsome! 】

[Nunali V. Britannia: Hmm, I feel like I am on par with my brother. 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: This... the real appearance of Mr. Li Ye is much prettier than this picture! 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: By the way, when did you come, Nunali? 】

[Nunali V. Britannia: I just had a little time, so I sneaked up to take a look...]

[Nunali V. Britannia: I was lucky to see it, but I have to leave soon. 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Hey, the king is so busy, I seem to see the future life from you. 】

[Sia: You are different, right? Nunnally should be so busy because of the complicated situation of inheriting the throne. It will be fine after a while. 】

[Xia: Boss Li Ye himself must be more handsome than the picture, after all, the level of life is much higher than ordinary people. 】

[Xia: As the only member of the group who has met the big boss face to face, Weiwei should feel a lot about it! 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Hmm, Mrs. Li Ye seems to have a very attractive power, which makes people unable to take their eyes off...]

[Xia: Hehe, the power that makes people unable to move their eyes... Weiwei, this is a young girl's spring heart sprouting, right? 】

[Sia: Hey, that's not right, where is Teacher Jing? 】

[Sakurajima Mai: That's right, why didn't Teacher Jing speak? 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: No!Eri didn't say anything, why didn't you say anything? 】

[Sia: Yingli?what happened? 】

[Xia: You know, I posted this picture, but I ran the risk of being beaten up by the boss! 】

【Fei Yingli: Well, I'm not young anymore, so I won't participate in the topic of your young people. 】

[Sia: Okay, ruthless enough!What does Teacher Jing think? 】

【Hiratsuka Shizuka: Well, it’s really handsome...】

【Sia: Then are you very excited? 】

[Xiya: If you want to attack the boss, everyone will support you mentally! 】

【Xia: However, remember to forget each other even if you are rich. 】

[Hiratsuka Shizuka: ... If you can't be rich, I shouldn't be worthy, right? 】

[Sia: Well, it is really difficult to attack the boss...]

【Xiya: But Teacher Jing, don't underestimate yourself, you are only a little short. 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: A little bit? 】

[Hiratsuka Shizuka: It’s the one pointing at the universe again! 】

【Siya: Well, maybe you can just work hard! 】

【Hiratsuka Shizuka: How hard are you trying? 】

【Sakurajima Mai: Yay, Teacher Jing always said that she was just curious, but now she finally dares to admit it! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Well, mainly because thinking about the fact that I will still be single two years later, my mentality has indeed become a little more anxious. 】

【Hiratsuka Shizuka: So when I meet a good opposite sex now, I can't help thinking of taking the initiative to attack. 】

[Sakurajima Mai: Excellent?You are a color control! 】

[Hiratsuka Shizu: Bah, it sounds like you are not! 】

[Sia: Uh, cough, pay attention! 】

[Sia: The prerequisite for attacking the big boss: that is the kind that needs to become very strong...]

【Xiya: Remember everything, especially you, Weiwei! 】

【Nefirutali Vivi: Mmm...】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Hey, why especially me! 】

[Sia: Hey! 】

【Fei Yingli: ...】

[Hermione Granger: Hello, may I ask "The Wandering Earth" in the public documents, is it a related work in the group? 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Well, this is about Uncle Liu Peiqiang. 】

[Hermione Granger: Oh, what is this "Superman Data Collection"? 】

[Yue Buqun: Yue also wants to ask a question, can related works in public documents be removed? 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: Hermione, the information you mentioned is about Lord Li Ye. 】

[Nefirutali Weiwei: As for Uncle Yue's question, I don't know. 】

【Xia: Let me add, this information only shows one of Li Ye's abilities, not the person himself. 】

[Sia: As for deleting public files, this should require administrator privileges. 】

[Xia: The boss is not online now, if Master Yue needs it, I can help @一下. 】

【Yue Buqun: Wait!The girl said that the public document that described the existence of a "fairy god" was the one who introduced this Mr. Li? 】

[Sia: Yes. 】

【Yue Buqun: Oh, that's all right. 】

 Click fast, actually click to publish. . .

(End of this chapter)

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