Chapter 438 Top of Kyushu!

"I'm sorry, but my supernatural power in the distraction period is called nowhere to hide, which means, self-aiming, even if your speed is far faster than mine, as long as I can slash a sword when you reach me, that sword It will definitely hit you."

Di Hao stroked the wound on his face and showed a strange smile, "It was a good opportunity just now, why didn't you use that trick? I deeply remember that 500 years ago, the power that could destroy everything, if you used that trick just now , can kill me in an instant?"

"Or, you didn't have time to use that trick at all?"

"If that's the case, you have missed the only chance to kill me, no, you have wasted this chance yourself."

"It's the most stupid behavior to openly tell the enemy about your abilities like this. What do you think is the chance of you winning if you completely expose your hole cards?"

"At least I won't give you another chance."

Chen Xuanqing suddenly laughed when he heard the words, "Who knows, you talk a lot, but there are a few points I want to correct. First, it's not that I don't have the opportunity to use that trick."

"It's just me, I don't want to use it."

"Secondly, for the past 500 years, I have been thinking about a question. If you are the strongest existence in the Yaozu, I am afraid that even Baidi will not be able to go through a few tricks in your hands."

"That is to say, you are the strongest existence in Kyushu today, at least on the surface. If you are really so easy to kill, you would have died in my hands 500 years ago."

"For 500 years, knowing my strongest hole card, how can you not leave any preparations?"

The corners of Di Hao's mouth gradually cracked, "500 years is just a blink of an eye to us. It's so short, at least I used to think so."

"Because I have no opponents. It's the same in the monster race, and it's the same in the human race. If you insist on an enemy, it's the way of heaven that blocked Yugu before, and it's tied to the limit of the life of all things in the dark."

"I have been fighting against this all the time. I only hope that one day I will rule the world with my strongest posture, no longer restricted by heaven, no longer bound by shackles, and take back Kyushu in this way."

"It wasn't until you appeared that everything turned around. My double body died on your body. I felt angry alone, but I also felt joy that I had never had before."

"It's a pity that you were as weak as a reptile at that time, and even your unreasonable ability was so unbearable. If I remember correctly at the time, that power was transmitted through sound, thanks to the double body. The death alert woke me up, and let me prepare the colorless realm in advance, and easily dispel your power."

"But even so, I dare not be careless, because this is the first time in my life that I feel that I am infinitely close to my limit. From the perspective of the monster race, your power should not exist in this world. If you Let you grow up, and you will definitely become a serious problem for the Yaozu."

"But if you look at it from my point of view, I hope you can grow up and bring your mature strength to drive me to death again."

The thought of death in Chen Xuanqing's hands trembled, "But you chose the former, but you lost to luck. Maybe it's because your luck is too bad, or it's because I deserved to die."

"But I really can't understand, let me grow up and drive you to death, what good will it do you?"

Di Jiao twisted his neck, "Well, why do you have to think about benefits, Gu, it's just too boring."

"Only a life-or-death battle can reflect the true meaning of battle, but unfortunately, no one who has fought me has ever been able to drive me to death, or in other words, there have been, but they all died in solitary hands."

"Living in this world, if there is no one who can be called an opponent, it is really boring. Thanks to your existence, Gu has once again surpassed his own limit in the past 500 years."

"In order to deal with your ability, I have fought you millions of times on the spiritual level. I define your power as death if you touch it. eager."

"It's a pity that we have to wait 1000 years."

"1000 years, at this moment, seems too long. It used to be just a blink of an eye, but it made Gu feel that the passage of time has become slow."

"Maybe, this is the meaning of life."

"To me, the survival of the monster race is irrelevant, and neither is the destruction of the world, because everything is too boring."

"So, let Gu enjoy it, the most interesting thing is to stop the battle of life and death."

Looking at Di Chao in front of him, Chen Xuanqing seemed to understand something unintentionally. Di Chao's strength had already reached the top of this world. There is no longer a situation where the world can be called an opponent.

Regardless of the ladyboy, you will feel an inexplicable emptiness and loneliness.

Chen Xuanqing felt it, because he had experienced this emotion before, but in complete contrast to Di Jiao, he just didn't know why to move forward, while Di Jiao couldn't move forward.

When you have everything you want, when the novelty is over, when you don't know how to move forward, when you don't know how to move forward, the only thing left is boredom.

People are extremely bored and want to find excitement.

Take drugs, seek excitement.

It turned out to be such an emotion.

"Since you're after excitement, then follow the principle to the end..."

"Okay, as you wish."

As Chen Xuanqing's aura became sharper, Di Jiao seemed to be unshackled, revealing his true nature!
I saw the two gold bracelets on Di Jiao's legs shattered in an instant, and turned into stars all over the sky and descended, spreading a layer of stars like golden sand on the sky!

Those golden sands are as fine as dust, but as heavy as meteorites.

"If you die by my hands, then the next step will be the entire human race, none of them will be spared, but if I die by your hands, the demon race will surely fall into the same situation, but it doesn't matter. "

After Di Jiao said, at this moment, the world in front of Chen Xuanqing suddenly turned gray and white, and everything seemed to be stopped.

At that moment, it seemed like it took him several hours to blink. This time, he couldn't even catch Di Jiao's figure, and he could only see the golden light flashing before him.

Afterwards, something of Chen Xuanqing was taken away, and he could clearly feel that something important in his body was ruthlessly taken away by Di Qiao.

That is, the speed beyond time.


(End of this chapter)

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