Develop the world from one person

Chapter 280 278: Central Continent's First Remote Communication

Chapter 280 278: Central Continent's first long-distance communication
"Squad leader, why do dwarves like to build such tall things?"

In the wilderness far from the gate of Erebo, a man was holding a golden li in his hand, and joked with the squad leader: "The dwarves are only so tall, and the gate is so tall...

Is this to accentuate their smallness? "

"Maybe, because I lack something, I like something..."

The Gushan Mountain is about 3500 meters high, the dwarves are no more than 152.4 centimeters tall, and the Erebo Gate is at least 100 meters high.

Anyway, they don't understand why the dwarves spent so much time building this gate.

"Boom boom boom~"


Just as the people in this class were talking and laughing, they felt the ground tremble slightly.

At the same time, there was a noisy sound from the hills ahead of them.

After a while, on the hills far away from them, the figures of the Boar Knights of the Durin Dwarves began to appear one after another.

"Boom boom boom..."

Afterwards, these thousands of Durin wild boar riders surrounded the squad heavily.

Dyne looked at the ten humans in front of him curiously.

These humans have a thick, big and long hammer in their hands.

However, instead of raising the part of the hammer that was supposed to be used to hit people, the part of the six hollow steel pipes was pointed at them.

Dyne questioned for a moment, took a step forward, and asked loudly, "Humans, let go of Groin and Gimli!"


The leader of the class was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Are you from the Kingdom under the Mountain?"

"I am the Lord of the Iron Hills, King of the Mountain, King of the Durin Dwarves, Ironfoot Dyne!"

Dyne rode on a wild boar, waved his warhammer, and roared, "Humans, put down your weapons and kneel down!"


The squad leader glanced at Groin and his son surrounded by them, and shook his head: "Sorry, we need to wait for their father and son to wake up.

I don't know you, and I need their father and son to confirm your identity.

During this time, please do not come forward.

Otherwise, we will regard you as enemies and attack you. "


After the squad leader finished speaking, the other dwarves started to move. As long as Dyne gives an order, they can charge immediately.

Seeing this, the soldiers also silently turned on the power button, and the six barrels began to rotate slowly.

For a moment, the two sides were in full swing, and the atmosphere became a bit chilly.


Seeing this, Dyne quickly shouted to the other dwarves, "Stay back."

After finishing speaking, Dyne glanced at Groin and Jin Li curiously, and asked the squad leader in a concentrated voice, "What's wrong with Groin and his son?"

"Airsick and knocked dizzy..."

The squad leader explained helplessly: "When we crossed the Misty Mountains just now, we encountered high-altitude turbulence.

The father and son didn't fasten their seat belts and passed out when they bumped. "

"Just crossed the Misty Mountains!?"

Dain was stunned for a moment, swung his warhammer angrily, and roared with the squad leader, "Humans, what the hell is going on with Groin and his son..."

"Who is so noisy?"

While Dyne was still questioning angrily, Groin and his son stood up slowly, shaking their dazed heads: "It's so noisy!"


Seeing that Groin and his son were actually still alive, Dyne asked in surprise, "Are you still alive?"

"Uh, Dyne!?"

Groin and his son came back to their senses and found Dyne right in front of them.

At the same time, they've got their feet on the ground again.

"Li Ban, we have arrived at Gushan!?"

Groin walked up to the monitor and asked curiously, "How long has it been!?"


Li Ban pointed to Dyne, smiled and said: "You can confirm whether it is yours, or we will open fire."


Only then did Groin and Jin Li realize that something was wrong with the scene, and quickly persuaded them: "Dyn, these humans are our new friends.

Squad leader Li, he is Dyne, Iron Foot of the Kingdom of the Mountains. "

"...Put it away."

Li Ban glanced at Dyne, then nodded with the others.

Afterwards, Li Ban and the others turned off Gatling's power and took it back into the pouch.

And Dyne looked at Groin and his son strangely: "Didn't I ask you to send a message to Rivendell and Elrond?
Why are you back now?

What's wrong? "


Groin and his son smiled wryly: "We just came back from Rivendell...

Not so long ago. "


Dyne looked at Groin and his son strangely, wondering for a moment whether the two of them had brainwashed Sauron.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later when we go back to Gushan. We can't let guests stand and chat here."

Groin was depressed for a moment, and said to Dyne: "To be honest, we are also a little dizzy now."

After a pause, Groin and Liban asked, "Where is Legolas?"

The location of the Black Forest near the Lonely Mountain is the Woodland Kingdom, so Legolas and Groin and his son took the plane back together.

However, Legolas was not here at this time, which made Groin and his son curious.

"He has gone back."

Squad leader Li gave Groin a helpless look, and said quietly, "He listened to us and fastened his seat belt..."


Groin and his son smiled awkwardly, then turned their heads and left: "Dyne, let's tell you..."


Just when Groin returned to the Lonely Mountain, in Rivendell, Elrond and Gandalf looked at the scene in front of them in amazement.

On the densely packed glass, there are scenes from all over Rivendell...

And, it's real time!

"True knowledge spar..."

Looking at the picture in front of him, Elrond couldn't help sighing: "Unfortunately, the only remaining crystals are those in the hands of Saruman and Sauron.

The whereabouts of the others are unknown. "

"This is monitoring, which is different from your true knowledge spar."

Guo Yi shook his head, and laughed with Elrond: "The spar of true knowledge can see things in a long time or a distant place, and can also communicate with other spar users in real time.

And monitoring can only see the current situation.

Of course, as long as there is a camera and a signal, it doesn't matter how far you can see.

In terms of communication, we can only rely on other methods. "


While Guo Yi and the three of them were chatting, Liu Xilin ran over to report: "The area around Rivendell has been included in the monitoring range."

"All right."

Guo Yi and Elrond nodded: "Now you only need to arrange guards to watch these pictures to know if there is an outsider invasion.

Of course, I will also arrange for someone to watch here. "

"it is good."

Elrond nodded, and summoned a herald to arrange for a watchman.

"Report, the Gushan team is here to communicate!"

"Oh, they're here so soon?"

Guo Yi was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Come in."


"Elrond, Gandalf!"

On the other side of the Lonely Mountain, Dyne and a group of dwarves crowded in the hall of the Lonely Mountain Castle. Seeing that Elrond and Gandalf really appeared in the large piece of glass in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed. : "This thing can actually see Elrond and Gandalf, and it can communicate!

It's really amazing! "

"Yes, a very miraculous creation."

Elrond and Gandalf smiled and nodded at Dyne.

Afterwards, Gandalf couldn't help but added with a smile: "As long as you have money, Guo Yi is easy to discuss."

(End of this chapter)

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