Develop the world from one person

Chapter 233 Chapter 231: East Asia ready for action

Chapter 233 Chapter 231: East Asia ready for action
"Keep your sister and your adoptive parents safe!?"

After hearing Kira's words, Guo Yi exchanged glances with Lao Gao and the others, and asked curiously: "I thought you would let us help Aub!
What, why don't you let us help Orb?
If you start preparing from now, there is enough time for East Asia to dispatch troops and generals.

East Asia, which is going all out, can keep Orb up and down. "


Kira shook his head slightly, and explained softly: "Although Orb is a neutral country, what it does is not what a neutral country should do.

As Debbie said, Aub has an inescapable responsibility for the war to this point.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to help Orb with all your strength.

I just hope that you can keep Kagalli and my adoptive parents safe. "

After a pause, Kira added: "If possible, I hope you can also help Orb's civilians.

Other than that, I hope you'll agree with my trip to Orb! "


Guo Yi and Lao Gao looked at each other in surprise.

It seems that Debbie and Liu Lin's subtle influence on Kira has finally had an obvious effect.

At the same time, Kira's growth rate has exceeded everyone's expectations!
"You don't have to worry about the safety of Kagalli and your adoptive parents."

Lao Gao and Kira smiled, and then asked the four of them: "I don't know, do you know Orb's "Shadow Army God"?"

"Orb's Shadow Army God?"

Kira and the others looked at each other and shook their heads: "I haven't heard of it."


Lao Gao sighed, and said helplessly: "Sure enough, people always only look at the people under the spotlight.

And those who stay away from the spotlight and give silently...

Ugh. "

After sighing for a while, Lao Gao explained to Kira and the others: "Londo Mina Sahak, a member of the Sahak family of the five Orb clans.

She is different from the false neutrality of Uzmi Yura Ashar, she believes in true neutrality and peace..."

The Sahak family is different from the Ashar family who have served as heads of state.

The Ashar family has always been active on the stage, performing gorgeous plays for everyone.

And the Sahak family...

Since the establishment of Orb, their clan has been responsible for the behind-the-scenes work related to politics.

To put it bluntly, members of the Sahak family have been Aub's black gloves since birth.

All the dirty things of Orb are done by the Sahak family...

Therefore, the Sahak family controls most of Orb's military power, and also has a deep relationship with the Aurora Society.

The nominal head of the Shuguang Society is Londo Mina Sahak of the Sahak family.

And actually...

Everyone knows it.

As for Lund Mina Sahak herself...

She is the only other leadership in East Asia who understands that countries are people, not places.

The country belongs to the people, not the top officials of the head of state.

And, she didn't just talk, but paid for it with action and price.

It can be said that if the representative of Orb is not Kagali or Uzmi, but Lund Mina Sahak, Orb may not be destroyed at all.

Therefore, when Lao Gao knew that Aub had such a "wonderful" existence, he immediately contacted her secretly.

After promising her to join Lao Lai's team, and to divide an autonomous region in Lao Lai to give her shelter for the Orb civilians who followed her, the Orb Shadow Army God has secretly joined East Asia.


After Lao Gao finished introducing this person, Kira and the others looked at each other in surprise.

This is politics! ?

Damn, if Lao Gao hadn't told them, they really didn't know that Aub's interior was like this.

Aub, or Uzmi Yura Ashar, is too fake!

They just want to start a war and profit for themselves...

Aub's geographical location and territory can no longer satisfy their ambitions!
At the same time, Kira and the others were also rejoicing at this time.

If they really went to Orb, they might really become pawns of the Ashar family.

And they might be sold to help count the money!
In contrast, Lao Gao is willing to tell them the political means and purpose...

Maybe East Asia is really worth fighting for!


After Kira came back to his senses, he bowed deeply to Lao Gao: "Thank you!"


However, when Kira raised his head, he saw Lao Gao's face darken.

"In East Asia, here in our country, there is no need to bow to anyone."

Lao Gao looked at Kira, and said solemnly and solemnly: "Besides, you are also a soldier in East Asia now!

Soldiers in East Asia, even if the sky is falling, they will not bend down!
I hope you, you guys, can learn more about East Asia in the future! "


The four of Kira looked at each other, and immediately stood up and saluted Lao Gao: "Yes!"


Seeing them saluting, Lao Gao resumed his smile: "Okay, let's continue.

Orb, if you want to go in person, go.

If you don't go, I will let Lund secretly kidnap Kagali and your adoptive parents. "

After a pause, Lao Gao said to the three of them, "You are the same.

If you want to help, go for it.

However, please remember to pay attention to safety and save your life first.

For the rest...

You can also be regarded as people who have experienced battles, big and small, so I won't say more. "


Thinking of Kagalli's stubborn temper, Kira shook her head with a wry smile: "I'd better go.

I'm afraid something will go wrong if I tie her up for no apparent reason. "

"This is up to you."

Lao Gao and Kira nodded, and then looked at Guo Yi: "Do you think we should intervene in Orb's war?"


Guo Yi thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "If I remember correctly, when Orb was attacked, their civilians began to evacuate!"

"You mean!?"


Seeing Lao Gao's reaction, Guo Yi nodded with a smile: "Aub is better destroyed.

As for Orb's civilians...

Out of humanitarianism and as a member of the United Earth Army, I think East Asia has an obligation to help Orb evacuate civilians! "


On May 5, Aslan met Lacus in the theater "White Symphony" in Junius City 11, which was to be demolished for conversion to farmland.

After Lux asked straight to the heart, Aslan also thought about the meaning of war.

At the same time, because of Aslan, Lacus was found by the troops sent by Patrick Sara.

Subsequently, the two sides had a "fierce" exchange of fire in the theater.

Aslan held up the gun, but didn't fire a single shot. He looked at the man who was chasing Lacus in a daze and was instantly killed, completely unable to react.

After the war, Lacus disappeared mysteriously again.

From the next day, Lux began to broadcast through the radio, continuously carrying out anti-war propaganda in PLANT, and announced a formal break with the PLANT Supreme Council led by Patrick Sara.

On May 5th, Aslan, who was still thinking about his life, drove the Justice Gundam and landed on the earth.

On May 5, as Guo Yi said, Zaft used "Gongnier" to capture the Panama base and killed all the United Earth Army personnel in the Panama base.

And this scene was secretly recorded by a certain alien force.

Meanwhile, the Archangel arrived in Orb on this day.

(End of this chapter)

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