My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 4 The 2nd Sims

Chapter 4 The Second Sims

Strolling in the streets of Tazhai District
Looking down at the clenched fist in his right hand, Jiang Feng thought.

"Warrior is not only a test of strength, but also speed and nerve response."

"And now, even the most improved strength is 320 kilograms away from the standard, and the others are even worse."

Thinking of this, he scratched his head frantically.

"If only I could push myself to study more!!!"

"Maybe I can get into a normal university and choose another profession!!!"

He has no martial arts talent since he was born. Although he is diligent in practicing martial arts, his talent has limited his upper limit.

However, [Different Dimension Life Simulator] is the key to changing his life now.


"Quick Simulation" He can understand that it is like a game, after quickly reading "his" life profile, after the game is over, he will fall into sleep and will not wake up until the next day.

But this "real life", is it possible to travel to "One Piece World"? ! !
Before he knew it, Jiang Feng had already walked to a "material shop" and bumped into the man who was tidying up at the door.

Jiang Feng came back to his senses in an instant, and apologized again and again before he had time to think about it.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the road all of a sudden."

"What is Xiaofeng thinking, so fascinated." The man smiled slightly, and waved his hands without paying attention.

Jiang Feng looked up and immediately grinned.

"Hi, Brother Luo."

"It seems that you have decided?" Luo Feng's face darkened, his eyes were full of seriousness.

"Yes, I decided to follow Luo Ge's advice and be your apprentice for a while."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder and led him into the shop, but his face was inadvertently more serious.

"Then you have to study hard. Material engineers still have a lot to learn."

After searching the counter for a while, he found three thick books.

The yellowed paper page reveals its old age, and the faintly exposed margins are full of notes and various annotations, which seem to indicate that its owner is a studious person.

""Monster Anatomy", "Monster Taxonomy", "Monster Material Science", read "Material Science" first, and then read other books, the effect will be better."

"It would be great if you could memorize the contents inside."

"After all, this is the craft of eating, and there is no room for carelessness."

Luo Feng pointed to the old but spotless tables and chairs beside the counter.

"You read the book today to understand, and I will teach you formally tomorrow."

"If you don't understand anything, just go in and ask me."

"Okay, thank you Brother Luo." Jiang Feng picked up the book and nodded.

Luo Feng smiled slightly.

"Look at the basic materials first, and you can try to get started tomorrow."

"After all, the ancients said hundreds of years ago that practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

After speaking, he gave him a deep look, and then stepped into the back room.

Jiang Feng looked at his leaving figure and nodded seriously.

Sitting on the desk, he flipped through the thick "Monster Material Science".


late at night.

Jiang Feng dragged his tired body and opened the door carefully.

As soon as I walked into it, I found that the light in the living room was on.

He forcibly lifted his spirits, swallowed his saliva, and walked forward at a slower pace, but what he saw was Jiang Ling's sleeping face lying on his side on the sofa.

Isn't it mom?
Why does this girl not go back to her room to sleep at night and is still sleeping here, she is not afraid of catching cold.

Just as she was about to walk over to find a blanket to cover her, Jiang Ling rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Brother, why did you come back so late, the food prepared for you later will be cold."

"I've read too much." Jiang Feng scratched his head and said helplessly. After all, he didn't expect that he, who had been sleepy with reading for two lifetimes, would actually become fascinated by reading. He wouldn't believe it when he told it.

"Where is Mom, aren't you back tonight?"

Jiang Ling stretched her waist with her hands propped up, and yawned lazily.

"Listen to her, the hospital works overtime."

She pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

"The food is steaming in the pot, just take it out and eat it."

"Brother, go to bed early, I'll go back to sleep first."

"Well, good night." Jiang Feng nodded, and rubbed her hair by the way, "Hurry up and go to bed early, and I will be going to participate in the actual combat assessment soon, so I have to work harder during this time."

"Brother, I see, good night."

After speaking, he broke free from his "clutch" and ran back to the room quickly.

Jiang Feng smiled dumbly and glanced at the kitchen.

Although I have eaten at Luo Ge's shop, let's eat it again for supper.

late at night.

Everything fell into a sweet dreamland.

And Jiang Feng came to the [Dimensional Life Simulator] space again.

【World Anchor: One Piece World】

[Quick simulation: 5/12 of the current remaining times]

[Real life: 1/2 of the current remaining times]


"The number of "real life" is only one time because of the fixed talent."

"This error tolerance rate is a bit too low."

Jiang Feng thought for a few seconds.

"Let's continue to try "Quick Simulation". After we have a rough understanding of the situation in [One Piece World], we can try "Real Life"."

After clicking [Quick Simulation], the interface changed instantly.

[Talent table "Ten randomly drawn each time"]

[Purple Talent] "Rite of Coming of Age": At the age of 18, you will have a chance to receive a gift that will improve your life or suffer terrible bad luck (good luck or bad luck, everything is already a foregone conclusion)

[Blue talent] "Minorities": You will become a minority in this world (you call a person's race a minority??!)

[Blue Talent] "Forty Not Confused": After 40 years old, your intelligence will be greatly improved (the older the human being, the smarter it seems)
[Blue talent] "Jade Pendant": It can protect you from a death crisis, and then it will be a disaster (when you meet a big zombie, you can throw the jade pendant at it, making you stunned for a few seconds)
[White Talent] "Baotai Pill": You will not die in the womb, you can be born smoothly (I will definitely be born smoothly in this life, and Jesus can't stop it, I said it!)
[White Talent] "Evil Law": Gambling and drugs are involved, you will definitely engage in this type of business, but your luck will fall to the bottom this time (refuse to gamble and drug, sit up from you and me)
[White talent] "Life hangs by a thread": When the constitution is 0, the constitution will increase a little (maybe, this can save you from a catastrophe at a critical moment)
[White Talent] "Born to be a female": the sex must be female (who wouldn't want to be a beautiful girl sought after by thousands of people)
[White talent] "Optimist": No matter what you encounter, you will face it with extreme optimism (no matter what you encounter, just remember - look forward)

[White talent] "Beautiful beauty and unlucky life": You are handsome, beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension, but your physical fitness and talent will be lower than ordinary people (fate opened a window for you, but it also closed a window for you) door)

[Please choose three talents among them. 】

[Additional optional talents]

[White Talent] "Crazy Beast": When you are seriously injured when you are conscious, your combat power will be greatly improved, but you will also lose consciousness until the end of the battle. (Currently selectable times: 2 times)
[Purple Talent] "Giant Clan": You will be born in the Giant Clan, and you will be born with an extremely strong physique (Currently, the number of times you can choose: 3 time)
[Please choose any one of the extra talents to carry]

"Luck this time seems to be a bit out of luck."

Jiang Feng scanned the many talents.

This time [White Talent] has a total of six, except for "Optimist" and "Born to be a Female", the others are of little effect and full of side effects.

And even though I got [Purple Talent] this time, it seems that this purple talent is a gamble of luck, but in the "Quick Simulation", you can try it.

For [Blue Talent], "Pocket Jade Pendant" is a must.

As for the other two, the "Minorities" seemed to conflict with the giant race he wanted to try, so they were eliminated first.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng chose "coming of age ceremony", "carrying jade pendant", "forty not confused", and "giant family" as an extra talent.

[Talent selection completed]

【View properties panel】

"The giants shouldn't have to worry about their family status. They are born strong and don't starve to death easily."

After Jiang Feng thought for a few seconds, he allocated 9 points for appearance, 5 points for happiness and intelligence, and 1 point for family status.

【Allocation completed】

[Quick Simulation - Start]

(End of this chapter)

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