My heroines are alive

Chapter 33 The Flat Safety Man

Chapter 33 The Flat Safety Man

After half a day in the world in the book, Lin Jue brought Gong Mingyue back from the drawer, and both of them had tired but happy expressions on their faces.

After all, not long ago, they personally entered the fantasy world in the novel, and it was still a fantasy world with a very steampunk flavor.

Feeling the collision of mystery and technology, walking on the streets covered with old gravel bricks, wandering in various shops that have never been seen before, that feeling is really good.

And when she came back, Gong Mingyue was still sitting on the sofa at Lin Jue's house, while drinking the black tea with jam that Jasmine gave them, she sighed: "Kalula and Jasmine are both very good, much easier to get along with than I imagined. gone."

"Of course, your identities are the same, and you have a natural sense of resonance."

"Really, but I feel that they all have personalities, or that they all have strong personalities? How come I don't give people this feeling? I always feel that my personality is a little thin."

After interacting with the two heroines in the book, Gong Mingyue seemed to have some doubts about her own existence.

In various senses, the pair of master and servant in "The Mysterious Throne" are very individual heroines.

Although Carula is powerful and has a high status, she always gives people a cynical and idle feeling, as if she is careless about everything, and she will also do many childlike actions.

But when it comes to discussing serious matters, Carula will quickly switch to the state of the blood prince. The majesty and sharp thinking mode that radiate make people feel that she is not simple.

This overly mysterious style of acting made Carula belong to the extremely difficult type, and Gong Mingyue didn't know what she would say or do in the next moment.

Jasmine, who is paired with Calula, is just the opposite. She is a maid who usually looks very cold, always expressionless, and seems to abide by the rules and work seriously.

Having said that, Jasmine will also show the cute character of a girl in some small places, such as betting with Lin Jue, or doing some small pranks, but overall she is also a very individual type.

Compared with those two, Gong Mingyue feels that her personality is not so outstanding. At least she doesn't have a personality that can be remembered at a glance. Excellent is excellent, but the setting is relatively flat.

This relatively flat personality setting makes Gong Mingyue always feel weird when facing Carula and Jasmine, as if they are more like flesh and blood people than herself.

After hearing that the first heroine in his novel had such doubts, Lin Jue pondered for a while, and then smiled: "The two of them do have great personalities, but sometimes too strong personalities may not be a good thing."

"Isn't having a strong personality necessarily a good thing? Why?"

"Because it is easy to cause all kinds of disputes, even scolding battles."

"Hey? Why? What does it matter?"

"Yes, this is the change of the writing environment caused by the changes of the times." Lin Jue sighed slightly at this point.

In fact, many years ago, most of the heroines in many books had personalities, and they all had strong personalities.

But in today's online writing industry, the heroine's personality is usually deliberately downplayed, or even not set at all.

It gave people the feeling that there was only one name and one appearance description, and no impression was left in their minds after reading it.

The reason for this situation is not only that the author's own level is not enough to create a three-dimensional character, but also because of safety considerations.

After all, these days, writing is much more complicated and difficult than in the early days of online writing.

Authors of online articles not only have to deal with various review scale issues, but also have to be careful not to be deadly, not to step on the thunder, especially when it comes to the heroine, almost most of the thunder points come from the heroine.

But there are tens of thousands of readers themselves, and their own minefields are also strange and strange. For example, in terms of character design, some don't like innocence, some don't like being arrogant, some don't like sickly, some don't like black belly, and some don't like I like cuteness, some don't like vicious tongue, and I don't like anything.

Originally, it is very normal for human beings to have different preferences, but the rapid development of the Internet system has amplified this phenomenon, making confrontation and criticism easier than ever.

From the root, for any strong personality, there must be people who like it, and there must be people who don't like it.

I like Tsundere, you like Sanwu, I hate black belly, and you hate poisonous tongue, but everyone coexists peacefully. It was like this in the past.

However, with the rapid development of the Internet, more and more people are pouring into the Internet, causing the trend on the Internet to gradually develop from "seeking common ground while reserving differences" to "disagreeing with each other".

In this kind of environment where the parties are united and dissidents, the stronger the character, the more likely it is to cause disputes.

At this time, on the contrary, those characters with very flat personalities, no outstanding characteristics, and even vague personalities are safer.

If things go on like this, some authors will naturally tend to design flatter and safer characters after being scolded many times, or seeing others being scolded many times.

"The ideal safe role setting is that no one particularly likes it, and no one particularly hates it. No one particularly hates it, which means that you are such an extraordinarily safe role."

When he said this, Lin Jue spread his hands towards Gong Mingyue, showing a helpless smile.

And Gong Mingyue herself was stunned after hearing this, she never dreamed that she was actually designed from the perspective of "safety".

But think about it carefully. It seems that this is really the case.

Ever since she was a child, there were almost no people around Gong Mingyue who hated her.

The eldest lady of the palace family is beautiful, dignified and elegant, gentle and considerate, smart and clever, never domineering, and never do things that others don't like.

In a nutshell, safety is his safety, the character design is all positive buffs, and there is no negative thing at all.

Such a safe personality setting, not to mention how attractive it is, the most basic point is that it will definitely not be annoying. As the first heroine, it is very important not to be annoying.

Typical examples are Carula and Jasmine. They each have some personalities that may be annoying, so it will be somewhat troublesome to be the first heroine.

Carula has two relatively rare personalities of "mysterious" and "changeable". People don't know what she will do in the next moment, maybe stealing things, maybe playing tricks on the protagonist, and it doesn't necessarily cause good things. the result of.

Jasmine, on the other hand, has two more traditional personalities: "tsundere" and "cold on the outside and hot on the inside". On the surface, she may be relatively indifferent to the protagonist, and may be against the protagonist, or may lose her temper.

Therefore, although Gong Mingyue envied the strong personalities of the two heroines, it wasn't all a good thing, at least Lin Jue knew that it wasn't all a good thing.

After understanding the character setting of characters in online writing, Gong Mingyue still looked at Lin Jue and asked suspiciously: "But although you know these things, why did you still write two characters with strong personalities?"

"No, no, not two, but five."


"Except for you, the five heroines in the other three books are all characters with extremely strong personalities, so in fact, only you, a 'flat and safe person', are the exception."

"What the hell is a flat security person! Why do you make me look like a dimension-reducing creature attacked by a two-way foil! And didn't you say that an overly strong personality is easy to be scolded!"

"Because a character with a strong personality can be portrayed more three-dimensionally, and the final effect is much better than that of a flat and safe person, so I would rather be scolded and write like this. This is the pursuit of character creation."

"Then why do you want to create a character like me who is safe and not scolded?"

"Need to say." Lin Jue shrugged and said with a smile, "Without your safety and flatness, how can you set off the strong personalities of the other heroines? Hehehe, this is also part of the writing skills."

Lin Jue's words are very good, every sentence is from the heart.

However, after hearing these words, Gong Mingyue was still so angry that she punched the truth-telling creator god. It can be regarded as causing some slight ups and downs in her flat character design.

(End of this chapter)

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