My heroines are alive

Chapter 198 The Last Battle

Chapter 198 The Last Battle
According to the rules of this world, aura does not exist in the first place.

Even Lin Jue, Kalula, He Qingyu, Bai Ling, Bai Long and others who already possess spiritual energy in their bodies will all have their spiritual energy sealed under the suppression of this rule.

How should I describe this feeling? It's not that their aura has disappeared, but that their aura can't work in this world.

The inherent rules of the world should be absolute, as they should be. However, after the appearance of the strange gem "Zircon", some loopholes seem to appear in this absolute rule.

Yes, a loophole, or a BUG.

Lin Jue couldn't understand why something like "zircon" could break the inherent rules of the world.

Even if that kind of thing is a fragment of the "throne", where did the throne come from in the real world?It can't be written by Lin Jue with a pen.

But it is meaningless to entangle these things now. The real problem is that Xiaoyu already has a prosthetic body made of "zircon".

The arm bone made of zircon exudes bright light, and Lin Jue can't help but be dumbfounded.

Feeling the surprise of the man in front of him, Xiaoyu's expression was very satisfied.

He smiled slightly, and said with a smile: "How is it? Are you interested in our offensive 'Human Limits Research Program'?"

When Xiaoyu said this, he pinched the wound casually with his hands, and the skin that had been cut open grew together at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Yes, the skin and muscles began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. This recovery speed is not like that of a human being, it is so exaggerated that it looks like some kind of alien creature.

Of course, Xiaoyu is not some alien creature, he is just a participant of the "Human Limits Research Project", or a guinea pig.

This kind of term used to describe a living person is actually somewhat against medical ethics, but in fact many new medical technologies and technological developments are inseparable from living body experiments, and Lin Juedao is not unaware of this.

But when he thought of the young man in front of him who would not hesitate to implant a prosthetic bone made of zircon in his hand, but also to pursue the limits of the human body, this situation made Lin Jue feel a little chills down his spine.

But how should I put it, on the premise of knowing that "zircon" contains aura, it's not that Lin Jue can't understand what is going on with this research project.

First of all, Reiki itself has the effect of warming and strengthening the human body. Lin Jue himself is one of the absolute beneficiaries of Reiki.

Since he possessed a huge amount of spiritual energy in his body, Lin Jue's physical ability has also been strengthened hundreds of times and thousands of times.

But the strengthening of this aura has a great prerequisite, that is, only after the body has a strong aura, the aura will gradually transform the body.

In other words, if ordinary people want to strengthen their physical abilities, they must first practice aura.

But in the real world, because of the suppression of world rules, aura itself does not exist, so naturally there is no way to become a superman because of aura.

However, all this has ushered in new progress because of the appearance of the BUG substance "zircon".

Reiki can warm and nourish the body, so can "Zircon" containing Reiki also be able to do it?
Judging from Xiaoyu's current situation, the answer should be yes.

As a guinea pig of the "Northern Lights Company", he was implanted with a prosthetic bone made of "zircon" by those researchers.

These prosthetic bones themselves contained aura, that is to say, rounded up, it was equivalent to Xiaoyu having aura, because the source of aura was in his body.

Under such strange circumstances, the spiritual energy will gradually warm and nourish Xiaoyu's body, gradually transforming it into a superhuman body like Lin Jue. This is actually very easy to imagine.

But when he thought of removing all his natural bones and putting this prosthetic bone into his body, Lin Jue couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

What should be said about this kind of human experiment? In his opinion, it is really outrageous.

Although the current Xiaoyu looks very normal, like a successful case, but Lin Jue knows that before the research can achieve this level, there must be a lot of failure cases behind it.

After all, it is not so easy to develop a new technology, and this is a real success.

Before a living Xiaoyu, an unknown number of mice implanted with "zircon prostheses" encountered various side effects.

They could be disabled, they could die, they could even be disposed of alive.

All of this is because the "Northern Lights Company" wants to carry out the "Human Limit Research Program".

Thinking of this, Lin Jue couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly, then smiled at Xiaoyu and said, "Indeed, I'm a little bit interested, let's talk about your situation and treatment in detail next."

Of course, Lin Jue is not "slightly" interested in the Northern Lights Company, but he came here for them.

In other words, they were rushing to prepare to destroy them.

It is impossible for Lin Jue himself to accept a spiritual recovery in this world, so after learning that the "Northern Lights Company" was studying zircons, he originally planned to destroy their research.

Unexpectedly, after coming to Maoxiong's side, he met Xiaoyu again, and knowing that they were carrying out such a crazy research project, there was nothing to say, in short, they all got rid of it.

But before that, Lin Jue still needs to find the headquarters of the company through Xiaoyu. After all, weeds must be eradicated. If the "Northern Light Company" is not completely wiped out, there will definitely be endless troubles in the future.

In this way, the two discussed a lot about the "Human Limits Research Project" in Lin Jue's room.

In view of Lin Jue's "innate superhuman physique", Xiaoyu offered him many unimaginable conditions on behalf of the company.

For example, as long as you sign up to join, you can directly get a signing bonus of hundreds of millions of dollars, such as greatly improving your life expectancy with the company's assistance.

People live a lifetime, basically what they need are those few things, one is life, and the other is quality.

There is life only if there is life, and there is quality only when there is money.

The conditions offered by the Northern Lights Company can be said to be a perfect combination of everyone's needs. It can give you a lot of money and help you increase your lifespan. Such a good thing is really hard to refuse.

And when the two were chatting about this aspect, Xiaoyu also used the bald man with the trench coat that Lin Jue had met before, Subaru Taisui as an example.

"Brother Subaru has a 'superhuman physique' just like you, but before he could only make a living in the underground market, after joining our company, he only needs to assist researchers to provide some data every day, and he has inexhaustible money. It's so moist."

"Provide some data. What is the specific data?"

"For example, jumping ability, running speed, muscle strength, etc., anyway, are data beyond the limit of the human body. Those researchers need more data to support the follow-up research direction. The purpose is to transform all human beings into superhumans, or in other words, 'Adjuster'."

When the word "adjuster" was mentioned, Xiaoyu patted his chest very proudly, indicating that he was the first batch of adjusters developed by the company.

In his words, such "adjusters" have replaced their own bones with prosthetic bones, and their bodies have undergone so many modifications that they have a much longer lifespan and physical abilities than ordinary people.

If all people can be transformed in this way in the future, then because people live longer, human civilization will naturally reach a new height.

Of course, although Lin Jue listened with interest, in fact he didn't believe this bullshit statement at all.

Transform all human beings into "adjusters"?
Farting is simply impossible.

To transform people into adjusters like Xiaoyu, the first thing you need is a lot of "zircons".

If Lin Jue's understanding is correct and "zircon" is "throne fragment", then such special materials are naturally very limited, and it is absolutely impossible to regenerate, and there is no place to regenerate.

So how many "zircons" in the world add up?If one person needs to use a lot, is it enough for several people to carry out this kind of aura transformation?

Under the premise that the raw materials are not enough, it is impossible to achieve the aura of all human beings.

So even though Xiaoyu was talking about hype, Lin Jue only thought he was farting and didn't believe it at all.

But Xiaoyu may not be lying, after all, he may not necessarily know that "Zircon" is limited, and maybe he is also an unlucky guy who was fooled.

So after listening to Xiaoyu's introduction of these benefits, Lin Jue smiled slightly and said with a smile: "You have said it like this, but I can't find a reason to refuse, okay, I will do this job. "

"Haha, that's a good relationship. We will be colleagues in the future. Please give me more advice."

Xiaoyu was not surprised that Lin Jue chose to join, because he knew that the conditions offered by the company were really attractive.

You can get an extremely large amount of money, and you can promise to increase your lifespan. I am afraid that few people in the world can refuse such a good thing.

However, what Xiaoyu didn't know was that Lin Jue could refuse, and he planned to help all mankind refuse.

After agreeing to join the "Arctic Tube Company", Xiaoyu made an appointment with Lin Jue to set off for the Arctic base early tomorrow morning, and stood up by himself to prepare to leave.

Before leaving, Xiaoyu couldn't help but patted his head and laughed: "Oh, I forgot, Brother Subaru was supposed to explain these things to you, but I finished them all, he won't beat me up. "

Speaking of which, Xiaoyu came here today just to be a lobbyist, inviting Lin Jue to have a chat with Subaru Taisui.

But because he spoke too smoothly, he actually snatched all the words from his elder brother, so that he settled everything at once, and Subaru Taisui didn't even have a chance to appear on the stage.

Hearing this, Lin Jue smiled and said: "It's okay, that bald man seems to be a man of temperament, so he won't beat you too badly."

"...Your words don't sound like comforting me, forget it, see you tomorrow morning."

After leaving those words behind, Xiaoyu smiled and waved to Lin Jue, then left the room.

It's just that the moment he left the room, Lin Jue raised his eyebrows slightly, and reached out to touch the table where Xiaoyu was sitting just now.

This touch... Sure enough, I touched a small mechanical object under the table.

Is this a bug?

After touching the bug, Lin Jue sneered.

Obviously, although he has promised to join the "Northern Lights Company", the people over there obviously don't trust him too much, so that they have to leave a bug here to eavesdrop on his next conversation.

After removing the bug, Lin Jue thought for a while, but the door of the room had already been knocked from outside.


"It's me, let's go out to eat, Bai Long and the others are going to starve to death."

Gong Mingyue's delicate voice came from outside the room.

Her voice still sounded so beautiful and moving, which made Lin Jue feel a lot better after hearing some disgusting things.

Huh, let's discuss this matter with them anyway, is there strength in numbers?

Thinking of this, Lin Jue opened the door and walked out, followed Gong Mingyue towards the restaurant.

They don't need to go out to eat as a group of them, as long as they can enjoy quite good service in the restaurant in the hotel.

It's just that during the meal, Lin Jue also told the three of them in detail what happened to him today. And there was a mobile phone in the talking state beside him.

Opposite the phone was He Qingyu's phone, and He Qingyu had also turned on the volume of the phone, so that she and Karula sitting on the sofa could hear what Lin Jue said.

After listening to Lin Jue's description, He Qingyu on the phone couldn't help but frown and said, "It's really abominable that there is such an evil experimental base. If you leave it alone, it will be a disaster in the future."

Because she herself came from a world that had experienced spiritual revival, she didn't have a good impression of research institutions like "Northern Lights Company".

If Lin Jue agrees, He Qingyu even wants to rush to the North Pole by himself and destroy all the research bases at once. Of course, she has no aura now, so she can't actually do this.

After the first speaker finished speaking, Gong Mingyue at the dinner table shook her head and said, "Indeed, this kind of experiment using humans as guinea pigs is too conscienceless, and I cannot tolerate them continuing to do so."

"The scariest part is not the research."

Immediately, Bai Ling also said in a serious tone: "Aurora Borealis has a lot of zircons in their hands. If they use some method to activate all the spiritual energy inside, the consequences will be disastrous."

Bai Ling couldn't help but feel her scalp tingle when she thought of the huge layer of spiritual energy quickly covering the whole world and turning the world into chaos.

Seeing that everyone expressed their opinions, Lin Jue also nodded and said: "In this case, tomorrow I will sneak in and prepare to destroy the research base of the Northern Lights, but in this regard... I need your assistance."

Speaking of this, Lin Jue glanced at Jasmine, Bai Ling and Bai Long, indicating that they might be useful.

(End of this chapter)

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