About saving the beautiful girl to continue her life

Chapter 39 The naturally stupid braided senior sister, so scary

Chapter 39 The naturally stupid braided senior sister, so scary (please collect the chapter!)

【Objectively speaking】

【In this world, no one is superfluous】

【Everyone's heart】

[Everything is tied with dozens, or even millions, of silk threads]

[These silk threads are connected to the hearts of other people]

【Their value is reflected in touching the hearts of others】

【Those with too many threads to count】

【called the strong】

【Conversely, people with fewer threads】

【It is called the lonely strong man】

【once in a while】

[Some old silk threads will be stripped from the heart]

【falling off until it dissipates】

[At the same time, new silk threads will re-grow]

【That is to say】

【There is no never-ending feast】

【People come and go, like silk and thread】

Beside the classroom door.

The two teenagers were not far apart.

You stare at me.

There seemed to be lightning and thunder in the air.

Suddenly, I heard ten thousand horses galloping, fighting each other.

The crowd held their breath.

Stars flashed in the girls' eyes.

Heart pounding like a deer.

After all, these two people are both influential figures in the academy!
One is handsome and temperamental, and the other is a sports genius with eight-pack abs.

"So handsome!"

After a while, their aura gradually subsided.

The dark-skinned boy obviously fell into a disadvantage in the eye competition just now.

They canceled eye contact.

Almost at the same time, he turned to look at Sakai Ruri.

Shimizu Xun was still sitting there with his hands on the ground, looking like he was eating melons.

It's a pity that I didn't buy a drink and melon seeds today, and I always feel that something is missing.

However, then again.

After all, these two excellent boys only lived for more than ten years.

Unlike Qingshui Xun, who lived two lifetimes.

He is a time traveler, there is no comparison at all.

Therefore, Qingshui Xun can often see through their psychological activities at a glance.

It's all written on your face, isn't it?
As expected, Sakai Ruri ignored the eyes of the two boys.

Instead, he walked straight to the braided senior sister.

Judging from the expressions of the two of them.

Their relationship seems to be good.

The senior took Sakai Ruri's little hand and smiled like a flower.

Well, with a smile like a flower, it is probably more appropriate to use this word to describe that senior sister, Shimizu thought.

Her smile is especially contagious.

Just looking at her always makes people smile.

In addition, she is not only beautiful, but also a little naive.

It's even more likable.

Although one can't just look at the surface, this senior, Shimizu Xun, didn't feel any threat from her smile.

On the contrary, Shimizu patrol thinks that she is a girl as pure as water.

"Sister Fukada, why are you here today? Didn't you send me a message?"

Sakai Ruri also smiled and asked.

"Really, Yota called us here, don't you know?"

Fukada-senpai smiled and gave Yota a sly look.

Sakai Ruri was a little puzzled, but didn't say anything.

Katsumura Yota walked over and nodded to the dark boy first.

The boy didn't act like Yangta did, he snorted softly and turned his head to the side.

It was good not to turn his head, but when he turned around, he happened to see Qingshui Xun sitting in the corner of the classroom eating melons.

Shimizu Xun grinned and smiled at the boy as a greeting.

The boy didn't speak, and froze on the spot, thoughtful.

Katsumura Yota said apologetically to Sakai Ruri:

"Liuli, I planned to tell you about this matter after the lunch lesson, sorry."

Katsumura Yota paused for a moment, and observed Sakai Ruri's expression.

Seeing that she didn't express anything, and still had that high-cold look, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

From the perspective of Qingshui Xun, it can be seen clearly.

Well, this Katsumura Yota should be considered to be quite familiar with Sakai Ruri.

There is no pressure at all to get along with cold people.

What she should say, she will always say.

If she shouldn't say it, she won't spend a little more time talking.

Katsumura Yota said again, "On Friday, I want to organize an event, which will be jointly organized by our music club and literature club."

Sakai Ruri's beautiful eyelashes trembled a little inadvertently.

She nodded slightly.

Katsumura Yota decided on these matters without his own consent.

For herself, it's no problem.

After all, she knew that Yota Katsumura's original intention was good.

It is also a good thing for the development of the club itself to carry out fellowship activities with other clubs.

Moreover, because she has to work every night.

Basically, the management of the club after class every afternoon is handed over to Yota Katsumura.

When she has any thoughts, she just contacts Katsumura Yota on Link.

Therefore, as long as it is not a decision that endangers the reputation of the music club, Yota Katsumura, the deputy director of the music club, can make the decision first.

This is also Sakai Ruri's way of employing people.

The relationship between her and Yang Tai is just a colleague, at most half a friend.

It's a pity that most of the time, Yang Tai doesn't seem to think so. He seems cautious in every word and deed in front of her, which makes Sakai Ruri very uncomfortable sometimes.

Thinking of this, Sakai Ruri took another sneak peek at Shimizu Xun from the corner of her eye.

She smiled slightly from the bottom of her heart, and that guy was more interesting.

"However, then again, Yongmei, why do people from the sports department stay with you? You don't know what that is, do you?"

Katsumura Yota stretched out his finger and pointed at the dark boy.

The meaning is obvious, and I didn't invite him, what is he doing here?
Moreover, in the tone, there is a taste of ridicule and sarcasm.

It's rare for him to say such a thing, but since he is dealing with a rival in love, he should be ruthless and act like a 'man', which is not a problem.

The dark boy stared first, then took a sneak peek at Sakai Ruri, then snorted heavily, and said, "I'm leaving first!"

Senior sister with braided braids rolled her eyes and quickly pulled him back.

The atmosphere was awkward again.

Shimizu Xun didn't feel embarrassed, but felt that the conversation between the few of them was perfect as a lunch dessert.

He yawned and said to himself, um, Yumi Fukada?



Fukada Yumi?

Ah yes, at this moment, Shimizu Xun finally remembered.

When he saw this senior for the first time just now, he had a vague feeling that she looked a bit like a certain star actress.

It turned out to be Ms. Yongmei, a popular action movie actress.

However, it is a coincidence that both of their names have a 'beauty'.
Fukada Yumi's dress is relatively conservative.

The thin spring sweater, matched with the short skirt, does not have a special flavor.

However, compared with Sakai Ruri, her good figure is not too much.

Especially the Opie who is still slightly raised through the loose sweater.

Come on, how big is this?
If you want to talk about her body, what other iconic symbols are there.

That should be the beautiful little tear mole at the corner of her eye, and her carefully manipulated braid.

Shimizu can't tell the difference between taupe and flaxen, so let's call it taupe hair.

It was twisted into a twist, hanging all the way to the waist, and it looked much cuter again.

The eyes are big, and the face is simple and docile.

This kind of girl is probably not much less popular than Sakai Ruri in the academy.

However, Katsumura Yota, and that dark boy, don't they like her?

Shimizu Xun vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

At this moment, Sister Yongmei leaned against Sakai Ruri's body, looked left and right.

Suddenly covered his mouth and smiled.

He patted Yota Katsumura's arm lightly again, and said, "Yota, Matsumoto-san was specially invited by me to help you, not to grab glass sauce from you, so you can relax."

Katsumura Yota coughed lightly and did not speak.

In this case, it is equivalent to acquiescing Fukada Yumi's words.

Shimizu raised his eyebrows.

"By the way, Liuli, you really have a lot of members! We searched for a long time before we found the piano department."

Sakai Liuli smiled and said, "Where, the literature club is similar."

Katsumura Yota made a 'please' gesture and said at the same time:
"Today's performance hasn't started yet, how about starting now? After Liuli finishes playing, I will dismiss everyone, and we can go to other places to discuss in detail, how about it?"

"Okay, okay, I like listening to Liuli Jiang playing the piano the most!"

Fukada Yumi cheered.

Sakai Liuli smiled knowingly, but there seemed to be a trace of pity in her expression.

She really wanted to play four-handed play with Xun Shimizu.

Seeing this, Yota Katsumura said, "Okay, everyone find a good seat and stop making noise."

"Okay! Minister, what song are you going to play today?"

Sakai Liuli returned to the piano bench, pondered for a while, and said, "Liszt, sigh."


Shimizu Xun also looked reluctant, raised his hand lazily, and cheered in a low voice.

Seeing his appearance, Sakai Ruri almost didn't laugh out loud.

Katsumura Yota returned to the crowd.

The boy named Matsumoto was still leaning against the door without moving.

As for Fukada Yumi, she walked straight to Shimizu Xun.

Shimizu Xun was taken aback.

I looked around.

There is no one around me.

No, this classroom is so spacious, what are you doing here?
"Yo, this classmate, you really know how to choose a position, um~ not bad."

There were still a few steps to go before Yumi Fukada spoke first.

Listening to Fukada-senpai's speech at close range has an indescribable flavor.

Although she doesn't have an accent, her pronunciation is very special, with a small nasal sound, and there is a kawaii ending sound behind every sentence.

However, Qingshui Xun's current living conditions are already 'enriching' enough.

He's not a scumbag either.

Yu Mikami is taking care of her, Minami Aizawa is on the bottom, Rin Shimizu is cute, and Sakai Ruri-senpai is having a good time talking.

In addition, there are seven forms of god Jizhi, which need to be taken care of.

One more?
no no no no
Ever since, Shimizu Xun nodded and did not speak.

Fukada Yumi was a little naturally dumbfounded.

As if she didn't expect Shimizu Xun to answer her words, she walked to his side.

First, he squatted down next to Qing Shui Xun, and stroked the floor with his delicate little finger.

"Yeah! It's pretty clean!"

As she said this, she looked at Shimizu Xun.

Suddenly, Fukada Yumi put on a troubled look again and said:
"Oh, I really want to just sit on the ground like this and watch Liulijiang play here, but I'm wearing a skirt, it's really nerve-wracking~"

The tail sound is very long.

A look is intentional.

After all, the corners of his eyes continued to indicate a certain direction.

Qing Shui raised his eyebrows and followed the direction of her eyes.

Oh, it's a chair.


"Oh, little brother, what's your name?"

Fukada Yumi deliberately spoke in a whiny manner, and did not forget to pinch the edge of her skirt after speaking.

Qing Shui Xun shook his hands twice, and stepped back half a step to the side vigilantly.

"Shimizu Patrol, how about you?"

"Oh, I hate it~ You should be very clear about his name. Just now, you stared at him and Ji Zhichan for a long time, and laughed so happily. I saw it clearly~"

Shimizu rolled his eyes.

"Sure enough, none of the beautiful girls are simple."

This senior, who looks like a star, looks harmless to humans and animals.

But in fact, the rank is quite high?
Well, I heard what they said just now, after all, she is a cadre like the head of the literature club.

[Which one who engages in literature is pure? 】

Shimizu Xun didn't say anything more.

Immediately stood up and waved his hand.

He ran to the back door and brought back a chair.

Sakai Ruri is almost ready, she is closing her eyes now, and seems to be brewing emotions.

Shimizu Xun nodded, thinking it's really good, maybe she can really become the person of her dreams in the future.

"Ah, I can't tell, you are quite considerate, junior."

Fukada Yumi said with a smile, and stretched out her hand to signal Shimizu-sun to put the chair behind her.

But, what she didn't expect was that.

Her voice just fell.

Shimizu Xun just sat down on the chair, then turned his head and smiled at her, and said, "Ah, senior sister, what did you just say? Do you want to sit on the chair too? Oh, there are more over there! But, You can also sit on the ground, it’s quite clean, if you want to sit on a chair, you can move it there.”

At the same time, Sakai Ruri pressed the first key.

Shimizu Xun shook his head, listening to the melodious piano music.

Immerse yourself in it.

Fukada Yumi was sitting beside him, with her hands hanging down naturally, looking down, not knowing what she was thinking.

There was also a chair under her.
Fukada Yumi's chest rose and fell quickly, which didn't match the soft atmosphere in the activity room.

Haha, of course she was sulking.

Mouth almost pouted to the ceiling.

Shimizu Xun suddenly opened his eyes, took a peek at Fukada Yumi, and said with a soft smile, "Sister, is this song good?"

Fukada Yumi clenched her fists.

Take a deep breath.

Slowly turned his head.

Her eyes are squinted, and of course, they are curved upwards as a whole.

So is the corner of the mouth.

For a moment, Qing Shui Xun couldn't tell whether she was smiling or angry.

However, after seeing her tightly clenched fist, Shimizu Xun shivered
"It's terrible, I say, it's really terrible."

The song is coming to an end.

"Sister Fukada, there is a star who looks like you, do you know?"

"Huh? Really?"

"Well, really."

Fukada Yumi was overjoyed and wanted to say something more, when the classroom burst into warm applause.

Sakai Ruri played a difficult piece of music with ease.

Fukada Yumi looked at Shimizu Xun who was applauding and smiling at the corner of her mouth.

This guy is really interesting.

However, is he really the same person as the boy who was holding Ji Zhichan that day?
Fukada Yumi fell into deep thought.

【Shimizu patrol life creed】

[When you want to praise others for looking like a certain star]

[If you want to achieve the desired effect]

【Then it's better to say it the other way around】

[This is a man's respect for a woman]


(End of this chapter)

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