Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 71 Why Does This Throne Feel Worthless?

Chapter 71 Why Does This Throne Feel Worthless?
After 23 years, when Tang Duo was dying, with a smile on his lips, he told the children and grandchildren serving under the bed that he must write on his epitaph the vision of when the eldest prince recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan to sacrifice to heaven.

The colorful auspicious cloud that appeared when Zhu Ji sacrificed lasted for a full two hours.

The auspicious cloud gradually dissipated until the end of suing the temple.However, the picture of Zhu Yuanzhang and his son standing on the round mound surrounded by colorful clouds is well known among the courtiers.

At the same time, all civil and military officials and dance music were dismissed, and Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Ji back to Renzu Temple.

The ancestral temple of the Hongwu Dynasty was different from the previous dynasties. Starting from the generation of Zhu Ji’s grandfather, Zhu Yuanzhang built a temple for each generation of ancestors, and the posthumous titles were De, Yi, Xi, and Ren in turn.

In the Renzu Temple, Zhu Yuanzhang's father and Zhu Ji's grandfather Zhu Wusi are enshrined.Oh, the well-educated Chong Ba Ye has already changed his father's name, and would like to call his own father "Shizhen" in honor of the emperor.

Zhu Ji was not afraid to think with the greatest malice that the old man must have felt that his grandfather had a good life and gave birth to a precious son who would turn himself into an emperor, so he swiped a pen and put gold on his face in disguise.

If you think about it this way, Zhu Ji feels that "Shenglong" is more straightforward than "Shizhen".

Zhu Ji decided that in the future, if Zhu Yuanzhang dared to hit him on the back of the head like this morning, he must take the opportunity to complain to his grandfather when he worshiped his ancestors on Shuowang Day.

"All you little things stand up for us."

Just as Zhu Ji was thinking secretly, Zhu Yuanzhang inserted three incense sticks of sandalwood with green smoke into the censer shining with golden light in front of the god, turned around to look at the listless princes, and shouted loudly.

"Do you know how your father-in-law and mother-in-law died?"

Who dares not to know.

The soles of the godchildren's artifact conveyed in the minds of these princes not only the fear of their own fathers, but also the family history of the two generations of the old Zhu family.

One of the most important topics is - how did your grandparents die.


"Ever since we became the Red Turban Army, we have sworn that no matter what we look like in the future, we must feed the common people under our hands.

When your elder brother was born, just in time for the civil strife in Haozhou City, he was stolen out of the house by thieves and abandoned in the wilderness.He wants us to be unstoppable and make us shrink back, but we are not as good as he wants.

Heaven pays off, we defeated Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youliang, Mongol and Yuan Tartars, and established Ming Dynasty. "

"It's a blessing to be able to find your eldest brother now. It's God's eye opening. Seeing you and other brothers standing in front of us today, we always feel that our parents didn't give us the chance to live in vain."

"In the future, you brothers must work together to pass on the country that we have worked so hard to build. If I am not around this matter, you must remember to remind your brothers."

The good ancestor worship was rendered as Tuogu by Zhu Yuanzhang's sensational words.

Although he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang had full trust in his son whom he recognized halfway, Zhu Ji still had to show a disdainful expression:

"I said old man, you said this as if you will kick your legs and die in the next moment. Besides, even if this burden is handed over, it must be handed over to the prince. Just mention these brats, you want to be tired Can't I die?"

Zhu Ji said they were bear children, except for Zhu Chun and Zhu Bo who were still in their arms and cried twice, the other brothers dared not speak out.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was so pissed off by Zhu Ji, really wanted to pick up the soles of his shoes and directly complete what he had been thinking about before, but thinking about the auspicious clouds floating in the sky during the day, he finally swallowed his anger back.

Don't get angry, don't get angry, there is no one to replace you when you get sick.

He kept chanting such words in his heart, and after a long while, Zhu Yuanzhang let out a sullen breath:
"You bastard, don't you want to piss me off? Or we'll issue an edict to let you be the prince, and see if we're so angry, should you take over this burden?"

Being scolded by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Ji rolled his eyes immediately: "Then I can sit in Zen."


Pointing at Zhu Ji's face, Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless.When did Master Rui's mantle become so worthless, and he was actually despised by this bastard of his own.

"As a son, you should be filial to your parents, and as a brother, you should set an example. What you said to our personal guards in the old house that day, were all nonsense?"

Mentioning this, Zhu Ji froze for a moment.

Did you say that yourself at that time?It seems not.

He looked at Zhu Yuanzhang suspiciously, as if he wanted to see a trace of fabrication on his father's face.

This strange expression made Zhu Biao feel ashamed for a while, the two of them just pushed the blame, and in the end they had to let themselves take the blame.What's more, the pot was originally held in his arms.

Zhu Biao just wanted to ask these two, is there a conscience the size of a soybean in that broad chest?

"Brother, you did say that back then, and I drank three cups at that time because of your words."

Zhu Biao said that he was so drunk that day.

Zhu Ji never expected that at such a critical moment, his own brother would stab him in the back.

He looked at Zhu Biao with the eyes of a fool. If Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't been present, he really wanted to say something into Zhu Biao's ear: Brother, can't you see that this is for your own good?

"Oh, that's probably drunk talk. How can you take drunk talk seriously, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was laughed out of anger, this bastard is really good at pretending to be stupid.It's just that the witnesses and material evidence are all there, so he can't be allowed to escape.

"We still have Li Wenzhong's Guchen here, why don't you read it for you? By the way, didn't you tell Biao'er that the knowledge of the world is knowledge, and the understanding of human feelings is the article? Why, this knowledge is not done? This article Stop writing?"

This time Zhu Jike was completely dumbfounded.

He never expected that Zhu Yuanzhang was even ready for this move.

Staring blankly at Zhu Yuanzhang for a long time, he looked back at the younger brothers who had been standing in the evening wind for a long time. Zhu Ji scratched his head, and finally chose to submit to the majesty of the old Zhu.

"Okay, you're ruthless. But since I'm asked to lead by example, why don't we kowtow to our ancestors and go back to wash and sleep?"

If Zhu Yuanzhang really wants to give ideological lessons in this ancestral temple, this old man can definitely talk about it for a long time.

But apart from the little tribute that was distributed after offering sacrifices to heaven, neither Zhu Ji nor the princes had a drop of water.

What's more, standing or kneeling from morning to night, even he can't stand it, let alone Zhu Yu who are still growing.

You can't escape the responsibility of left and right, so it's better to seek a wave of benefits for the brothers first.

Facing Zhu Ji's rogue bargaining, Zhu Yuanzhang looked around and saw the exhaustion on the faces of the princes, finally nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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