Chapter 43

With a sound of "Back to court", Zhu Yuanzhang's back disappeared outside Fengtian Hall, leaving behind a group of courtiers who let go of their courage and began to chatter.

Huaixi Wenwu with Hu Weiyong as the core consciously gathered into a small circle. Several Wu Xun looked at Xu Da and Feng Sheng who walked out of the hall with their heads high out of the corner of their eyes, and said to Hu Weiyong in a low voice with some meaning:
"Wei Guogong and Song Guogong used to serve Zi, and now they are the royal relatives. I'm afraid that we brothers will no longer be able to get into other people's eyes."

Since Zhu Yuanzhang awarded the meritorious officials five years ago, these nobles have lived the lives of masters ever since.

Under the high salary and high salary, in the past two years, in Hu Weiyong's intentional connection, they got together for three days and two days to drink and have fun and call themselves brothers.Of course they didn't forget to call the eldest brother Xu Da who was also from Huaixi at the beginning, how could they have invited him several times in a row, but Xu Da didn't give him any kindness at all.

Since then, a group of nobles thought that Xu Da looked down on them, brothers with low lords.

Coupled with Hu Weiyong's provocative words, now these people have long been in the same water as Xu Da and Feng Shengshi.

As everyone knows, this is not only what Hu Weiyong is willing to see, but also what Xu Da, Feng Sheng, and even Zhu Yuanzhang are willing to see.

Hearing the sour words of this group of simple-minded people who now only know how to have fun and have fun, Hu Weiyong narrowed his eyes and was secretly happy in his heart, but he had a disappointed expression on his face:

"The two dukes have made outstanding achievements, so it is reasonable to be married by His Majesty. At the engagement banquet in the future, I will offer a few glasses of water and wine to the two dukes, so as to earn some friendship and walk around with each other in the future. "

The brothers who were born and died together still need toast to show their friendship. These two words made several Wu Xun's faces turn red, and they immediately yelled rather angrily, regardless of the presence of other people in the hall:

"How can I make friends with them in my humble status? Forget it, Mr. Hu, let's have a good drink together. How about we not get drunk and return home tonight at Taiyuan Pavilion in Yuminfang?"

Compared with those civil servants who were preoccupied, Wu Xun didn't care what would happen if there was an extra eldest prince in the court.

This group of people followed Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the world. No matter the eldest prince or the prince, from a certain point of view, they were not all their sons and nephews.With their merits, no matter who will rule the world in the future, can they be treated badly?

Although he disdains these warriors who are only interested in having fun and are not sensitive to the upcoming changes in the court, Hu Weiyong still has a warm smile on his face:

"Brothers, I'm afraid it won't work today. After this incident, I'm afraid that none of the three provinces and six departments will be able to relax today. Another day, another day, my younger brother will definitely hold a banquet in Taiyuan Pavilion, and drink with you until dawn."

Why can Hu Weiyong become the core of Huaixi noble circle?
Isn't it because of his outstanding ability, good speech, and generosity.

This refusal not only did not dispel the enthusiasm of the martial arts officers, but made them applaud again and again: "Then I will make a stand for Hu Xiang tonight, and I will definitely get drunk with Hu Xiang some other day."

Hu Weiyong watched these superficial brothers cross the vermilion threshold, and walked out of the Meridian Gate together in twos and threes. At this time, he was the only one left in the hall, and the prime minister's rich and powerful face showed a little dignified and uneasy.

The news that there was an extra eldest prince in the royal family spread throughout Yingtian Mansion as soon as the morning court ended.

After becoming an official, Li Shanchang naturally didn't have to get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs like those Beijing officials.

Although he just turned sixty this year, Li Shanchang has been working on health preservation for several years.He slept until the third quarter of the hour before the Duke washed and changed his clothes under the service of the maid.

Li Shanchang was swallowing the last mouthful of ginseng and wolfberry porridge in the bowl when the steward of the mansion rushed over from the front yard.

I don't know whether it is the medicinal food that warms the blood, or whether the full stomach brings happiness. The red-faced Li Shanchang is not annoyed at the hurried footsteps of the steward. The warm tea that came, rubbed his hands on the warm and jade-like tea bowl, but he taught without haste:
"The sky won't fall down, so why be so anxious. Take a breath and speak slowly."

What Li Shanchang wants is this slow artistic conception.

Turtles should be able to eat Qi by themselves, and people want to live longer, so shouldn't they also learn from turtles.

So his retirement life is only chasing a slow word.

The manager was out of breath and panted for several times before he could speak slowly at Li Shanchang's request.When he just uttered the first sentence, he heard a "crack" on the ground, and the tea bowl that was still held in Li Shanchang's hand just now shattered on the ground.

"The emperor said that the prince has an elder brother."

Li Shanchang didn't ask the steward to say it again, because he had heard it clearly just now.

Others don't know, but Li Shanchang doesn't know yet.As one of the earliest civil servants who followed Zhu Yuanzhang, before Zhu Yuanzhang called King Wu, the two were even close personal friends.

So he knew that Zhu Ji was Zhu Yuanzhang's first son.

What surprised him was that the eldest prince was still alive, and was miraculously found by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Unlike Hu Weiyong who only focused on himself, Li Shanchang was keenly aware of the risks that would destroy many people.

Although he also yearns for power in his heart, unlike Hu Weiyong who was blinded by power, Li Shanchang is well versed in the principle of being wise and protecting himself.A few years ago, I originally wanted to push Hu Weiyong out as my spokesperson, but I didn't know that Hu Weiyong had deeper thoughts hidden in his heart.

However, although Li Shanchang's influence in the court has been gradually reduced in recent years, Li Shanchang still has the hope of returning to the court.

In the past, he thought that the opportunity was when Liu Ji would be reused again, but since the Great Court Meeting this year, he decided that it would fall on Hu Weiyong.

For his student, Li Shanchang knew that there would always be a time when he was so powerful that Zhu Yuanzhang would be afraid.At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely use him, whether it is to split the circle of Huaixi Xungui, or to attack Hu Weiyong's forces, or even to fill the vacancy of the high-level court.

However, this eldest prince who suddenly appeared would definitely disrupt his plan.

Others don't know, but Li Shanchang knows it very well.

It is very likely that Zhu Yuanzhang will speed up the replacement of court officials by deliberately creating conflicts between the eldest prince and the prince.

Many officials whom he regards as his team members are afraid that after this silent reshuffle, they will all be knocked down.In the future, even if Hu Weiyong is still suspected by Zhu Yuanzhang, he can still return to the court, but there are not many available people in his hands. Can his desire for power be satisfied?
Thinking of this, Li Shanchang raised his head and looked in the direction of the Forbidden City, sighing deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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