Chapter 14
There was no unexpected scene of surprises and surprises. When Zhu Ji bowed and walked out of the backyard, Zhu Yuanzhang slapped his palm on the desk hard without hesitation.

He really put a lot of thought into today's scene, but now, this bastard boy hasn't even heard the names and identities fabricated by himself and Queen Ma.

That's it, leave?
If it wasn't for his own son, he really wanted to slap him, and then yell at his mother a few times.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that the little flesh on his face that had been raised with great difficulty in the past few years was shaking crazily.

It's all for anger.

So when he saw Empress Ma still kindly standing in the yard looking at Zhu Jiyuan's back, he immediately yelled angrily:

"What do you want to see? Everyone has left. You bastard, why did our old Zhu family have such a bad thing? Even if he is not our own, he will suffer if I become his father?"

As if he felt that standing and yelling was too much for Zhu Ji's face, Zhu Yuanzhang simply sat down on the futon in front of the table that was getting warm in the sun.

"In the whole world, how many people dream of being our son. Huh, we don't believe it. Without him, our Great Ming Dynasty can't sit still."

After scolding the air for a long time like a villager, Zhu Yuanzhang was still holding his breath.

On the way back to the Forbidden City, seeing Empress Ma still had the same expression as if she really recognized her son, and she had a good meal to vent in the carriage.

Even after arriving in the Forbidden City, he didn't even go to the Kunning Palace, and locked himself in the Jinshen Palace directly, as if he wanted to vent his unhappiness on the pile of memorials that were waiting for approval.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's temper was quickly wiped out.

When a military officer dressed as an internal guard stepped into the hall after multiple notifications, Zhu Yuanzhang's angry expression suddenly subsided, and he waved away all the people waiting in the hall at random.

Even the guards outside the hall were kept five feet away from the hall.

Until the door of the palace was closed, Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the warm couch and asked in a low voice: "Stand up and talk, have you checked the situation?"

The military attache couldn't hide his excitement. When he heard Zhu Yuanzhang's question, he quickly bowed and replied:

"According to His Majesty's instructions, I took the secret edict and recruited the manpower of the Ministry of Industry to rush to Wushan. After two days of investigation, we found open-pit copper ore. After smelting, we found not only copper, but also iron. Ministry of Industry After inspection, the artisans found that this is a very large ore vein. Although smelting is currently somewhat difficult, they have already begun to think of a way."

"As for Wannian Peak, because the time was too short, the craftsmen dug less than 20 meters down. The ore below does contain silver. Before I rush back, it is not sure whether the ore is worth mining."

He was not sure whether the silver mine was worth a lot of manpower and material resources to mine.

But that copper mine, according to the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, could provide the imperial court with 20 jin of refined copper every year as long as a suitable method was found.

You know, Chizhou, which has the best copper production, has an annual output of only about 15 catties in recent years.

Hearing these news, Zhu Yuanzhang's anger all afternoon suddenly cleared the clouds.Hearty laughter came from Jinshen Hall, and even the guards who had been waiting could feel the lightheartedness in the laughter even if they were five feet away.

And the owner of the laughter, Zhu Yuanzhang remembered Zhu Ji's face at this time, and he seemed not as angry as before.

Hundreds of miles apart, Zhu Ji actually hit on two completely existing mineral deposits.Then there is no problem with the reserves he said at the time.

In a word, it is the taxes of the fifth year of Ming Dynasty.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang just wanted to say that he would like to have a few more sons like this.

As for not recognizing him as his father, Zhu Yuanzhang said that no matter how crazy the bastard is, he can't escape the palm of his father who is the emperor.

Waving his hand to signal the military officer to step down, Zhu Yuanzhang asked the guards to pass the Minister of Industry, Zhao Zhu, into the palace.

Unlike most people's stereotype that there is only one minister in each department, there can be several ministers in the Hongwu Dynasty at the same time.

Even because of the relationship between age and time, in the same year, there can be as many as ten ministers in each department.

Zhao Zhu was just one of the three Ministers of the Ministry of Industry, but today the Ministry of Industry happened to be in charge of him, so the guards invited him into the palace.

As soon as he saw Zhu Yuanzhang, the white-haired and bearded minister first reported to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Your Majesty, the day before yesterday you asked me to send winter clothes to soldiers from all over the north. Now all the workshops under the Ministry of Industry are stepping up weaving. However, the three temples in Qufu The Ministry of Rites and Vessels has not yet agreed on the style, so it has been delayed until now."

It's another show of merit, and it's also a duty, and it's just like a veteran in the officialdom.

Zhu Yuanzhang is not interested in listening to this Shangshu talking about those old sesame seeds and rotten millet.Seeing that Chen Zhu still wanted to continue talking, he quickly interrupted with a wave of his hand:

"We didn't ask you to come here to talk about these things. Yiluansi borrowed some people from your Ministry of Industry a few days ago, and they discovered copper and silver mines in Jiangxi Province. When you go back, discuss with Yan Xizhe , how should these two mines be disposed of.”

Yan Xizhe is now Zhu Yuanzhang's most important household secretary.

Usually Zhu Yuanzhang had to tell his ministers to discuss such important matters during the court meeting, but now he skipped Prime Minister Hu Weiyong and directly summoned himself into the palace for discussion. At this moment, Chen Zhu could not help but sweat.

He had a strange premonition that Hu Weiyong, who is now regarded by the outside world as a holy family, seems to be gradually being suspected by the emperor.

However, since Hu Weiyong became prime minister last year, there has been a tendency to form cliques for personal gain and tyranny in the past few months.

He, Chen Zhu, was neither a nobleman in Huaixi, nor was he willing to make peace with Hu Weiyong, and his relationship had always been neither far nor close.Even if this premonition is confirmed, Hu Weiyong will not be told.

"Your Majesty, this is a big matter. How about, after discussing with Lord Yan, in the name of my minister, I will report to Your Majesty during the court meeting?"

Although a dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist, but Chen Zhu has not forgotten the basic rules.The quarrel between Zhu Yuanzhang and Hu Weiyong, as Song Lian told them in private, was a struggle between imperial power and prime minister power.

If he, a little Shangshu, didn't know how to move between different parties, his life would probably not last long.Bypassing Hu Weiyong and reporting such important matters directly to Zhu Yuanzhang, sooner or later he would end up like Yang Xian did back then.

Thinking of Yang Xian, Zhao Zhu shivered suddenly, and then he took back all his thoughts.

As if he had expected Zhao Zhu to say that, Zhu Yuanzhang stared at him for a few times, and then nodded casually.

After sending Zhao Zhu out of the hall, with his back to the entrance of the main hall, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the plaque hanging above the warm couch, and muttered to himself with dark eyes:
"It seems that the bastard is right again."

 Still discussing today, going home tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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