Uncle Hong Lou Rong

Chapter 424 Dreams

Chapter 424 Dreams
After Uncle Rong left, a few women walked out of the crowd in the dark night.

"Since we have met, why don't you recognize the uncle? It can save a lot of trouble." The burly woman asked.

"She's afraid of being chased away by that old man." The woman with a foxy face laughed, causing the surrounding businessmen to look sideways, and a pair of wolf-like eyes looked at her face.

Seeing this, the burly female hero gave a soft snort, and shook the dagger at her waist.

"Let's talk when we go back." Xiao Que'er heard some voices, frowned and pulled the second daughter back.

The vicious woman and the burly woman looked at each other and hummed to each other.Each of them looked into the crowd again, and just now they followed Xiao Que'er away from the place where fish and snakes mixed together.

When I arrived at the place where the girls stayed overnight, there were already hired waiters guarding outside.Only then did Xiao Que'er open his mouth and said, "There are quite a few spies in the caravan, either from the Jinyi Department, or placed by others."

"What does it matter? Our identities are innocent, you are still the aunt of Ningguo Mansion, who dares to be presumptuous." The foxy woman joked.

Xiaoqueer is not to be outdone.

"Sister forgot that she was ambushed when she took refuge with His Royal Highness that day? Now that the First Prince has been imprisoned, maybe the people from Jinyi Division are trying to catch you."

"The official is not a fool. What's the use of digging through old accounts hundreds of years ago. Ever since your uncle arrested me, Miss Xianmei from Wanhualou has died." Li Sanniang will be the envoy of Mrs. Jiao Baizun.

"Uncle is here to save you." The burly woman retorted.

Li Sanniang rolled her eyes sideways at the five big and three rough female heroes, and said sarcastically: "You save people by beating them half to death first, and then treating them in a fake manner."

"If it weren't for us, you would have fallen into the hands of those people."

"If it weren't for you, Shengjiao's 20-year operation in Ping'an Prefecture would not have been in vain."

"Stop arguing. Now that Madam has gone to Heishan Village, what's the use of talking about it." Xiao Que'er stopped her.

"Of course you are on the side of Ningguo Mansion, and you even gave him your body." Li Sanniang snorted and said, "It's no wonder that you didn't bother to see him. I didn't expect that the Holy Mother of God had never learned anything, but she had a good ability to drug men. .”

Xiao Que'er used to have a sharp mouth, but when she encountered this kind of words, she couldn't speak anymore.Blushing, she defended Uncle Rong and said, "Sooner or later, Ping'an Prefecture will not be safe, and the governor of Ping'an Prefecture is not a trustworthy person."

"It's better than going to an extremely cold place where there are few people." Li Sanniang spat dissatisfiedly, "Which preacher didn't go to a place with a lot of people, but he sent his wife to Heishan Village. Originally, as long as Jia's family opened their mouths, they could win them over." Workers of the Jia family kiln factory. Partner with the Jia family to build kiln production in every county and absorb the disciples of the holy religion. Why worry that the holy religion is not strong? Why worry about major events not being accomplished?"

"The uncle has his own considerations."

After all, Li Sanniang still had unrealistic fantasies, thinking about the nonsense promise made by Uncle Rong back then.However, she forgot that no one would want to go up the mountain to hunt down bandits if the life was not so hard that it was unbearable.Life is not too hard to survive, and no one is willing to throw everything away and shout to rebel.

Even if it is to absorb disciples, people will give priority to whether there is any benefit.

Those people are the most realistic, good things are good, and they run away when they encounter disasters.

Thousands of years of tradition.

Whoever treats him well for a while, and whoever can give more later, people will go with him.

Let's say that Uncle Rong has returned to the camp.

Carefully read the few pages torn out from the front, and after reading it carefully, pressed it against his chest, sat on the chair and closed his eyes to think.

I once had a dream too.

I dream that one day, everyone can stand up confidently, no matter who is standing opposite, no longer need to kneel down.

I dream that one day, both men and women can walk out of the inner house, not be bound by the family clan system and etiquette, and enjoy the freedom he and she should have.

Dreams of a day when there will be no class distinctions and no major social distinctions.There is something for everyone to eat.


Is it an unrealistic fantasy?
Uncle Rong smiled wryly.

In psychology, there is a term called "avoidance psychology", which refers to adopting a negative and evasive attitude when encountering conflicts and conflicts, unable to think well about solutions.

Sitting on the chair, Uncle Rong could finally feel the greatness of the sages of the previous life.In the face of such a difficult situation, he and they have broken out a bright road.

And I can only be a coward who passively escapes.

I can only paralyze myself by indulging in beauty and enjoying privileges, and at the same time hide the unpleasant and unfair things I often encounter or see.

"Actually, I'm really not a scumbag."

"I have a kind heart, and I don't want to see people suffer."

Weak voice, pale self-justification.Contradictory thoughts are entangled in the heart and do not give in to each other.The things I have encountered in these years flashed through my mind, oppression is everywhere.

Qin Keqing who married into the Ning Mansion, the widowed Grandma Zhu Li Wan, Aunt Zhao who was often scolded...there are hundreds of slaves inside and outside the two mansions, as well as people from all levels of Dayan. oppression of all kinds.

Even his uncle Rong is the same.

That night, no one knew how he fell asleep, and no one knew when he woke up.

"Men are generally under the control of three systematic powers, namely: the national system from a country, a province, a county to a township; the family system from ancestral halls, branch temples, and parents..."

"Women, in addition to being dominated by the above three rights, are also dominated by men (husband power). These four powers - political power, clan power, divine power, and husband power, represent the entire feudal patriarchal ideology and system, and are bound... ..."


Early in the morning.

Uncle Rong hid the thoughts in his head in the deepest part of his heart, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked out of the tent with tired eyes.

Seeing the light in the east, feeling the cool weather.It was as if my body felt a kind of relaxation that I had never experienced before, just like that night when I woke up the next day after having sex with Keqing and Sister Feng, I felt an indescribable sense of joy.

When the officials who rushed over saw him, they all looked sideways.

"Giving off the marriage makes the adults more energetic. After only one night, it seems that the temperament has become sharper."

Uncle Rong didn't care about these flattery, and asked, "Why did you change into the court clothes so early in the morning? Are you going to the Eldest Princess' Mansion to greet you?"

The sycophant paused, showing embarrassment.Whispered: "There is also a great national teacher under the Daqing Mountain, who was once the teacher of today. The saint has a will, and the officials who send off the marriage must go to Monan to worship."

"Great Master?" Uncle Rong's sober mind was suddenly confused by these words.He is also a national teacher and an emperor teacher, shouldn't he be in Shenjing City?

How could it be under Daqing Mountain in Monan.

Another person said: "Your Marriage Envoy, hurry up and change your court clothes, and invite you to meet the princess, and take the princess's letter to see the Grand Master on behalf of the princess."

National Division?

Seeing their ambiguous eyes, Uncle Rong understood.

It turned out that it was the Venerable Yellow Sect that Dayan supported in Monan, the most powerful god in Monan.Uncle Rong went back and changed into his court clothes, and then went to the princess camp.

After hearing the report, the maid invited him directly into the camp.

"Brother-in-law is here." In the early morning, the princess had already put on her palace attire, and when she saw Uncle Rong coming in, the hairpin on her head couldn't help shaking impolitely. "Brother-in-law didn't eat anything early in the morning. The dumplings and morning tea were just delivered outside. I heard that it has a Monan flavor. Brother-in-law and Huier should eat at the same table."

To be honest, he was a little hungry.

Especially smelling the aroma of milk overflowing from the tent with the heat, my stomach couldn't help but growl.

Or because he had a certain experience yesterday, he no longer refused; or because of other reasons, he naturally sat cross-legged at the table.

"Several adults outside are still waiting for me, saying that they are going to see some national teacher, and they want me to come to His Highness to ask for a token."

The fourth princess walked over with a chuckle, shaking her head slightly.Her eyes seemed to be able to speak, "Royal Father specifically told me that if Hui'er arrives in Monan, he must meet Grand Master Zhang Jia."

"Your Highness is going there too?"

"It's not too far away. After crossing the Zhadagai River, we will arrive at the station of Zhangjia Guoshi."

Uncle Rong also didn't come out, and sat down next to the princess after seeing the princess.Puzzled and asked: "Why did the Holy One decide to let His Highness meet Monan's Zhangjia Guoshi?"

"There is no other reason." The fourth princess walked up to Uncle Rong as soon as she was seated, and said in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, Huier dreamed of you last night. Brother-in-law was in Huier's dream, but she was even braver yesterday."

Cough cough... Uncle Rong paused, and the glutinous rice balls he was holding almost fell onto the blanket.

Looking at the innocence and innocence in this girl's eyes, it seems that what she just said is an extremely ordinary thing.

Uncle Rong gave a dry laugh, and looked at the maids and eunuchs around him.The maid is nothing, she must belong to the princess, but the eunuch who is married may not be.

The fourth princess was quite bold, smiling with crooked eyes.The right hand forms a half grip in the air and shakes up and down a few times.

There was a burst of silver bell laughter.

"Ahem..." Uncle Rong coughed twice.

The fourth princess didn't care, and continued to talk about the previous topic: "Brother-in-law is swallowing? Take a sip of Monan's milk tea. The master of Monan is different from the other three. When I was in Qiandi, I worshiped Master Zhang Jia as my teacher, and my father's title was still given by Master Zhang Jia."

"I see."

"It's more than that. Monan has always been close to Dayan. The reincarnation of the national teacher in the previous life, my father is always thinking about it." The fourth princess smiled faintly, and slowly moved her hand to Uncle Rong.He said again: "I heard from my father that if it weren't for the support of the great master, my aunt might not be so smooth in Monan."

What a banshee.

Uncle Rong restrained his mind carefully, and looked warily at the inner eunuch who was waiting beside him.Seeing the suspicious look of the inner eunuch, Uncle Rong asked the princess, "Did you wake up with cold hands this morning?"

The fourth princess raised her delicate baby face and blinked her nimble eyes. "It's really cold, brother-in-law, find something to warm my hands."

Uncle Rong didn't dare to move, and said words that only they could understand.

"..." Uncle Rong said to the internal supervisor: "This father-in-law, please hurry up and prepare a stove for Her Royal Highness, the morning in Monan is cool enough."

The inner eunuch didn't move at all, and just let the maid next to him take care of it.He replied in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness is precious, so you can't eat too much of these rough things. A small piece of glutinous rice balls is enough, a piece of pancake the size of your thumb is enough, and there are more than a spoonful on the coffee table."

What the hell?
Uncle Rong raised his eyebrows.Look at the things in front of you.The dumplings are not big, just a little bigger than your thumb, and the pancakes were cut into small pieces earlier.That is to say, the fourth princess only ate two thumb-sized noodles to satisfy her hunger.In addition, there is a half bowl of tea that can be held in the palm of your hand.

Must not starve to death this day?

No wonder the people in the royal family are thinner than the other.

Uncle Rong suspected that some of the princes and princesses who died young died of starvation.

"Why are there so many rules?"

The eunuch replied: "These are the rules set by the ancestors, and the slaves have to watch over them."

Uncle Rong rolled his eyes and asked again, "Can I only eat so much?"

The inner supervisor said: "The wedding envoy has his own weight in his heart, and according to the etiquette, it should not exceed the princess's portion. But since the princess gives food, the wedding envoy should eat as little as possible, so as not to accumulate food and harm the body."

(End of this chapter)

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