Uncle Hong Lou Rong

Chapter 345 The Maid of Yihong Courtyard is Your Pick

Chapter 345 The Maid of Yihong Courtyard is Your Pick
"I'm busy today, another day."

After hearing this, Baoyu looked at Brother Rong eagerly, feeling very uncomfortable.I begged for a long time on New Year's Eve, and Brother Rong answered the same way.Now that half a month has passed, he still uses these words to prevaricate.

If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing he could do, why would he bother to beg Brother Rong.

Since Brother Rong stayed in Yihong Courtyard for a day a few months ago, Sheyue and Qiuwen didn't want to get close to him anymore.Even if they were joking around in normal times, the two girls also avoided suspicion a little and lost the intimacy they used to have.It made Sheyue and Qiuwen look like maids from Ningguo Mansion instead of maids from Yihong Courtyard.

Baoyu said aggrievedly: "Brother Rong also knows what's wrong with me, so I barely relied on the memory of that day to get through these days. I've been really depressed this month. Brother Rong, let me vent it."

"Don't talk nonsense." Uncle Rong quickly covered this guy's mouth, and he could say whatever he wanted.In case someone listens to it, you can't think that my uncle and Baoyu have any preferences.

My uncle is an upright man, but he is not the kind of person who prefers people.Uncle Rong frowned and said: "Uncle Bao wants to hold back his boredom, but let the servant girl make some medicine. After a night, I will wake up tomorrow refreshed."

It's not that Baoyu doesn't know that, if he eats the recipe given by Brother Rong, it will also allow him to display his prestige for a while.It's just that the pharmacology is boring in the end, and it can't improve the interest in the heart at all.

The body was excited all night, but the head was still depressed.If Brother Rong helps, not only will his body be excited, but his mind will be full of energy.

That's the best interest.

Baoyu said distressedly: "I don't understand. I know my own body best. Tonight all the sisters in the garden accompanied the old lady to have fun, and it was rare for the women in Yihong Court to stay by their side. In the courtyard. Brother Rong, let me go, and you can choose the maids there."

"What's wrong?" Uncle Rong pulled Baoyu's hands away from his sleeves, and said softly, "They are all maids in your courtyard, who take good care of you. Doesn't Uncle Bao treat them so coldly?"

"I can't even save myself, how can I care what they think?" Baoyu's eyes were much less bright than before, and he sighed softly: "I also know that I am seriously ill. It’s not a long-term solution, and it’s impossible now.”

"There's no way."

"Last night I dreamed of Li Gui who was dispatched to the village, and also of the mortal thief who died long ago." Baoyu looked sideways at the night, and said melancholy: "The dream is so bizarre, and it is so strange. Joy. They stood back and forth, and I was like..."

"Stop." Uncle Rong was taken aback.Busily pulling Baoyu into the shadow of the dark night, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you still dreaming of the two of them?"

"It's been empty for a long time, and the girls in the room can't get angry. Even if Brother Rong picks Qingwen and Xiren this time, I'm willing. Brother Rong, help me, or... I'm worried I can't stop thinking like that," Baoyu said.


What the hell, why are there so many problems?Is it wrong?

Uncle Rong gritted his teeth.It is said that the human brain is the strangest thing, not only strange but also peculiar, it can make Baoyu have such thoughts and make Baoyu develop such a temperament.

Baoyu pulled his face and said: "The incident last time was passed on in relatives' homes. If it happens again, I'm afraid it will be spread all over Shenjing. I don't care about my reputation, but let the master know that my old habit has relapsed." It is also rumored that the capital is here, I am afraid that the master will rush back from Qiongzhou to the capital and beat me half to death."

you know too?

Others raise actresses for fun, but Baoyu has developed a habit of providing entertainment for others.How could Jia Zheng bear it?Not to mention Jia Zheng, even Uncle Rong couldn't stand it.If it is really going to spread throughout the capital, the Jia family's two houses will really become the laughing stock of outsiders.

It's just that if the news about entering Yihong Courtyard gets out, it will also become a laughing stock among outsiders.It even ruined Uncle Rong's own reputation, reputation...

Uncle Rong frowned, suddenly remembering something and kept thinking about the word 'fame'.

A good name is a wonderful thing, and sometimes it can be a terrible thing.A bad reputation is usually bad, but sometimes it can be beneficial.

"Brother Rong..." Baoyu tugged at Jia Rong's sleeve, "Just promise me. It's just this day. I won't bother you in a short time."

Jia Rong was suddenly disturbed in her meditation, and couldn't help but give Baoyu a hard look.But in the darkness, Jia Baoyu couldn't see his wink at all.

Baoyu continued: "Brother Rong agrees. From now on, I will stay in the mansion honestly and not go out to wander. I won't cause trouble for my family, and I won't provoke people outside."

"..." Uncle Rong hesitated for a long time, really afraid that something would happen suddenly to the uncontrollable Baoyu.Reluctantly said: "I'm busy at home these days, let's talk about it later. Uncle Bao will go back to the hospital to take medicine tonight and try it out. If it doesn't work, we can discuss it later."

"Brother Rong agreed?" Baoyu was overjoyed when he heard the tone.As long as there is hope, he doesn't care if it's tonight or tomorrow night.Thinking of the scene of that day in her mind, Xiao Baoyu couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Rise up.

Baoyu hurriedly said: "It's a deal, Brother Rong will not miss the appointment next time."


Baoyu cheerfully walked out of the darkness, and before she had time to call the little girls around her, she hurriedly raised her head and went to Yihong Courtyard.It's been a long time since I felt this way, my body was hot and my heart was hot.

Jia Baoyu was overjoyed, he was already thinking about which one he should look good for this time, and how he would plan when Brother Rong came over that day.

Excited, eager to try, ecstatic.

Uncle Rong looked at the background of this guy and shook his head helplessly.I went back to the corridor, and everyone in the corridor was having fun.Jia Amnesty was nowhere to be seen. I only found out after asking.

It turns out that the old lady also invited Mr. She, and Mr. She took a little gift from the old lady, so he left.The old lady knew that he was inconvenient here, so she let him go.

At this moment, Jia She is at home watching the lanterns and drinking wine with all the guests. Naturally, it is full of singing and singing, and his eyes are full of beauty.

Brother Rong laughed and said, "Why didn't Uncle Lian go to the great grandfather's side?"

Jia Lian is kind and easy-going, and he doesn't get annoyed when Brother Rong makes jokes.He laughed and said: "You don't know that master, the excitement is all officials from various ministries. There are also a lot of prostitutes invited from outside. How can I be honest in the past. They make fun of them, so we can stay here with our ancestors .”

Brother Rong nodded and said: "It should be so."

He asked again, "Who are the people who entered over there?"

Jia Lian curled her lips and replied, "It's nothing more than officials from Qin Tianjian, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, and Guanglu Temple. There are not many rich and decent people. They are all thinking about the antiques that the master has in hand, and they are greedy for our family relationship. .”

Obviously, Jia Lian also looked down on those officials who went to Jia She's courtyard today.Brother Rong asked curiously, "Why didn't Yucun come here on such a day?"

Jia Lian snorted and said, "It's okay if you don't come. Now Mr. Jia is a supplementary award to the great Sima, the head of a department, and a high-ranking official. Why do you need to go to the master to ask for it? Maybe he will climb up to which one is more powerful now?" character."

"Uncle Lian is still angry about the stone nerd last time?" Brother Rong chuckled, remembering that Jia Amnesty did not go to the banquet held by Jia Yucun last time, and asked again: "Is it possible that the old man and Yucun have become popular recently? face?"

"Who knows. I have always been the only one who ordered me to do things, so I dare not inquire about the master." Jia Lian said sullenly, looked at Brother Rong suspiciously, and said, "Why do you care that Da Sima Jia is here?"

"It's just curiosity. In the past, Jia Yucun and the grandpa had a very close relationship, so I thought they would come to have fun during the Lantern Festival." Brother Rong laughed and changed the subject, "I heard that the family is looking for a suitable second-wife grandma for Uncle Lian. ?”

Speaking of this topic, Jia Lian's heart suddenly became hot.

What a man likes most is naturally to date more beauties.He laughed twice, then stared at Brother Rong suspiciously.Said: "If you don't come back, what's your plan?"

Cough cough cough...

"What does Uncle Lian think of Rong'er?"

Jia Lian rolled her eyes and said depressedly: "Brother Rong, don't you think there are so many women in your room? That Yasha... She even took Ping'er to your East Mansion, and she changed her usual jealousy."

Thinking of this, Jia Lian was indescribably depressed.

What's the matter, when I was Lian's second grandmother, let alone taking concubines, even Ping'er was not allowed to touch her.Now Sister Feng went to Dongfu, not only sent Ping'er out, but also turned a blind eye to watch Brother Rong wandering in Dongfu.

The biggest injustice in the world is double standard treatment.

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

What is this.

Brother Rong looked at Second Master Lian's gloomy expression, and smiled awkwardly.Said: "I also heard what Sister Feng said, it seems that the eldest wife has already had a candidate."

"It's not because of her interruption." Jia Lian said sullenly.Sighing, he said: "I've met the relatives of the You family twice. The second sister is also a beautiful person, and her temperament is also good, which is no worse than anyone else in the house. But she is not sure, she just wants to stir up trouble. This issue."

"Uncle Lian met the second aunt of the You family?" Uncle Rong frowned.It's not that he can't trust Jia Lian, but he knows the second aunt of the You family very well.This person can't do anything for Panzhi, and with the advice of Mrs. You, this...

Jia Lian replied with regret: "When I went to your East Mansion to have a drink earlier, I saw it twice from a distance. It turned out that the second sister entered the West Mansion, and she also got closer. It's a pity that this is a good thing."

Not just a private meeting.Brother Rong asked, "Uncle Lian, do you know that the second aunt of the You family agreed with him?"

"Is there such a thing?" Jia Lian was startled, with even more regret on his face.

Lian's second master had heard of the names of You's sisters on weekdays, but hated that he had never had the chance to see them.Although I have seen it a few times from a distance, I still salivate at the beauty of the You sisters, and I can't wait to get close.Originally, the You family's old lady and the eldest wife had already negotiated, and they just had to choose a date for the banquet.Unexpectedly, Wang Xifeng appeared suddenly, and this Yaksha made a fuss in front of his wife for the first time.

It really messed up the beautiful things.

"That's right. I think it's because of Sister Feng's distraction." Brother Rong defended Wang Xifeng, and then said: "Recently, I heard that Sister Feng decided to find a beautiful man again. His style is good. The family used to He is also an official in the court, with a clean background, virtuous and polite. I am looking for a chance to bring it to the old lady tomorrow."

Jia Lian didn't believe it, and said, "How can a girl from the family who is an official in the court be willing to come here as a second room?"

Brother Rong said: "The You family used to be considered a small and wealthy family, but later it declined due to some incidents. The You family is expected to send the second aunt of the You family as the second bedroom. Why are other families not willing? Although our family is only middle-class, It can't be compared to those wealthy mansions that are in full swing, but it is much better than other families. Uncle Lian wants to find someone with good character and appearance, so it is not a difficult task, so why feel sorry for the You family."

Jia Lian thought about it, and it seemed right.A smile suddenly appeared on his face, he looked sideways at Brother Rong, and asked: "Have you got more detailed information? What is his family name, how old is he, and where is he from?"

"That person's surname is Xu, from Gusu. The distant ancestor of the lineage is Xu Gui from the Jin Dynasty, and the branch of their family is the descendant of Xu Gui's son Xu Xun.

His father used to be an official of the Ministry of Rites. He was dismissed eight or nine years ago and has not been reused.In a few years, the Xu family was defeated.The man Sister Feng mentioned was only eight or nine years old at the time, too late for him, and he hasn't lived a decent day since then.The wife of Xu's family didn't make any calculations, and lived on pawns.The past few years were really difficult, so I went to Beijing again to seek help from relatives and friends in the past. "

"Where does she live now?" Jia Lian asked.

"Why do you care about that. Wait until Sister Feng leads the old lady to take the test tomorrow, and tomorrow Xiaohong takes Uncle Lian to look at the girl from a distance. At that time, Uncle Lian will calculate whether it is good or bad, nodding or shaking his head."

Jia Lian laughed for a while and nodded again and again.

Jia Rong saw Lian's second master happy, because she praised how beautiful the Xu family girl is, how she behaves well, her manners are generous, her words are gentle, and everything is admirable and lovely.

Unexpectedly, just as he was boasting, Second Master Lian suddenly changed his face.She frowned and said, "This girl from the Xu family must have played with Brother Rong again since she was a child?"

"I haven't seen that person before, I heard from Sister Feng and Ping'er." Brother Rong curled his lips and said, "Where do I have any friends who have played since I was a child, and I only have Brother Qiang as my companion. "

Jia Lian snorted: "Brother Rong and Brother Qiang went to fight with Brother Feng when they were young, why didn't they play together since they were young. In the eyes of Brother Feng in the old days, you are still childhood sweethearts. No wonder there are troubles. In this matter, I have intervened in your favor."

Goose...is there such a thing?
I do not know how?I don't have the slightest impression.

However, with Sister Feng's temperament, she can indeed do the kind of thing that leads a few boys to fight.Could it be that I have been Sister Feng's dog leg since I was a child?
It's really useless stuff, but fortunately, my uncle won it back later.

No, I often pull back several cities at night.

Brother Rong smiled sarcastically: "Don't mention the past, our family should look back. The second aunt of the You family is not suitable for Uncle Lian, and she still has an unfulfilled engagement. The girl from the Xu family is innocent, Knowledgeable and reasonable, really everyone is a lady."

After hearing this, Jia Lian calculated until tomorrow.He also left Brother Rong and went to play cards with Jia Chang and Jia Ling.

I don't know how long it took, and the night got deeper, and Baoyu finally came back from Yihong Courtyard.

Just in time for the opera break, the banquet upstairs and downstairs resumed, and Uncle Rong also went upstairs to toast and present the Lantern Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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