Uncle Hong Lou Rong

Chapter 286 Night Chapter Qin Keqing

Chapter 286 Night Talk Qin Keqing (Full Order)
Brother Rong thought of many questions at this moment.

Although Ningrong and Rongfu seem to have nothing to do with it now.What I am most afraid of are those unforeseen problems, such as Yuanchun in the deep palace, such as King Beijing, Wang Ziteng and so on.

One glory and one glory.

Whether to eat Buddha jumping over the wall, or to eat chicken drumstick rice, all depends on the powerful ones.

Unless you completely draw a line with King Beijing from tomorrow onwards, you won't have any more contact with him.But can it really be made clear?The Jia family and the Zhen family cannot always be bypassed.

And the prince Teng Wang's house not far next door?
King Jing's thoughts were only Jia Rong's own guess, but Wang Ziteng's thoughts were beyond guessing.

How can the relationship between the Wang family be cleared up?

And it's too shameful to break the relationship with the in-law's family just because of speculation.

Brother Rong was thinking wildly.

Qin Keqing said angrily: "Just after taking a bath, you are going to make trouble again. You really can't be honest for a moment."

what have i done?

Brother Rong's head is full of milk... confused.

With a smirk: "I was just thinking about what our grandma said, since Grandma Rong has such thoughts, let's not talk about tens of thousands of taels to buy family property, but let's invest 1 taels of silver this year.

At the household department, I took the time to pay back 2 taels of silver first, and I still owe the rest.Then divide 2 taels for the daily use of the mansion, so that the mansion can always keep 5 to [-] taels of silver. "

You can't blindly invest in the purchase of family property.

The money is money in the pocket, and the debtor of the Ministry of Households was not in a hurry to urge him to pay back part of it first to show his intention.It was paid back in one go, and the palace might not know what to think of Ningguo Mansion.

The little Que'er next to him snickered suddenly, guessing that the grandma that the uncle was thinking of was not the grandma he said.

Brother Rong heard the sound at the tip of his ear, and immediately gave the girl a glance.

Que'er sensed the gaze, so she had to lower her head.Can't help lamenting, when will I grow up, I'm already 15 years old.

Qin Keqing agreed with the uncle's decision with a humming sound, and seeing that the uncle would not let go, she also let him go.

"Just as the uncle said, tomorrow I will ask Lai Sheng's family to handle the affairs of the clan. Mr. Lai will make up for his mistakes in Heishan Village, and he is an old man in the house. We will not lose their family."

"Daughter-in-law just let it go." Brother Rong laughed.It is strange to say that there is such a 'big' difference in the feelings between people.Feeling emotional, he remembered Jiao Da that Keqing mentioned just now, and asked, "How is Jiao Da now?"

Grandma Rong replied: "I love to drink every day, and I often get very drunk. I have no children, and no one to take care of me. The servants in the house also think that he always shows his qualifications and brags about his achievements in the past.

Ruizhu went to see where he lived, and said that it was simply unbearable.I just settled down and found a small independent courtyard behind the servant's house in the northeast corner of Huifang Garden, and asked Ruizhu to find two maids to take care of it. "

"Our family's Ke'er is the heart of a Bodhisattva, no wonder she was born so beautiful, she must be a fairy descended from the earth." Uncle Rong sighed softly.

Qin Keqing said shyly, "Master, are you blaming me?"

"I don't mean to blame you. The courtyard in the northeast corner is empty and empty, and it can't be used as a guest residence, and Jiao Dabu can't live there for other stewards.

There are also many maids in the house, but it's nothing to choose two to go there.It's just that the maid who was sent there will inevitably complain, but Ke'er's kindness is prone to bad things. "

"What bad things can happen?"

Brother Rong twisted it lightly and turned it around.Said: "There is no precedent for arranging maids for servants. The maids who are called, not to mention the inner courtyard, even if they were working outside the second gate, it is better to go to Jiao Da to take care of them.

Can there be less complaints when we get there?How can Jiao be treated kindly when he is drunk or sick. "

Qin Keqing said: "In the past, more copper coins were given to Baiwen."

"People's hearts, even if there are no complaints, Jiao Da, who has no second, no daughter and no one to think about, still cannot escape the fate of being suspected."

Brother Rong shook his head warmly, and smiled wryly: "Ke'er is really pitiful, this old man is kind, and don't ask a maid to take care of him. Since he lives there, just find a steward to visit him every day, and give him a meal in the inner house." with wine.

In this way, Jiao Da will also remember your kindness, and the other servants will know that the people in the mansion are warm after hearing it. "

"Is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible. To put it bluntly, it is a comparison in people's minds. Jiao Da made great achievements in the past, but it was decades earlier. Every day he took advantage of the achievements of the year and scolded him, and the government didn't send him to the village. kindness.

Now that he asks the steward to visit, and gives him delicious food and wine, Jiao Da will feel that he is valued in his heart.He asked the steward to bring a small gift during the holidays, saying that it was carefully prepared by the grandparents in the house, wouldn't he be grateful.

In the past 20 years, he has not enjoyed such courtesy. "

Ke Qing couldn't help opening her eyes wide.

Brother Rong smiled lightly and said: "If you do this, the servants will only think you have a good heart. In fact, it doesn't cost a lot of money, it just makes the person in charge run more. Occasionally, I reward the person in charge. joy.

Then tell the servants that anyone who has contributed to the mansion will be remembered by the manor.When Jiao is seriously ill, he will find a male servant to take care of him. In this way, the servant will not have too many complaints because of the example of being in charge. In addition, he will be rewarded for his hard work, and those who go will also work hard.

At the same time, other servants are more willing to do things for you, rather than playing sloppy behind the scenes. "

Qin Keqing really opened her eyes this time.I had never heard Uncle Rong say anything like this before, and just a few words made her suddenly realize.I even felt a little chilly wind, and my belly was cold.

"The uncle can be so calculating."

"What kind of calculation. It's a small trick, they will benefit, and we will not lose. It is obviously a win-win approach for both parties." Uncle Rong retorted.

In fact, it is not a clever method. This kind of method can be seen everywhere in later generations.

But its essence is still the same, but how to make people pay attention, let those around them pay attention, and the people below pay attention. This is the art of imperial servants that almost everyone in the later generations will understand.

"Let's just argue sophistry, sir." Qin Keqing gave her a blank look, and said happily, "Is there any other way, sir, but I will teach you."

Brother Rong flicked his fingers lightly, and said with a chuckle: "Ke'er wants to learn, I have more advanced lessons to teach you."

"Huh?" Ke Qing was puzzled and looked down.It turned out that the coldness in the belly just felt was not because of the cold wind, but because the top shirt was lifted.

The uncle has an ambiguous expression at the moment, Qin Keqing still doesn't understand what he means.

Grandma Rong will be angry and laughing, with a little bit of resentment.When I was in Cong Lv Tang today and later, why didn't I think of coming by myself, and now I think about it.

He said angrily: "Aunt Zhu can eat enough to eat in the mansion today, so I'd better take a rest for a day."

But why did Qing's little daughter-in-law hint at it?

Uncle Rong smiled and said: "It's not that you don't know your uncle's ability, you often ask Rui Zhu and Ling'er for help, and you also ask Xiao Que'er to make soup for me. Hey, how can this matter stop here today. "

Qin Keqing pointed out: "It's not that the uncle has stayed in Conglutang for a long time."

"A long time can't prove anything. No matter where I am, the time I stay will never be short."

Qin Keqing had already noticed that the uncle was going to make trouble elsewhere, and her face gradually turned red.

Brother Rong laughed, with a smug look on his face.

Proudly said: "Tonight, there are no Rui jewelry beads in Ke'er's room, and Ling'er is not here. I'm afraid Ke'er won't be able to hold on, and I won't be able to find someone to help."

Qin Keqing blushed and let out a coquettish pooh.He didn't refute what the old man said about looking for help. He didn't refute whether it was a real fact.

Just being said by the uncle, I still feel a little shy.

Taking a look at the few maids in the room, some of the little maids who have been in the room have been commissioned to become big maids, and some are newly transferred from other places.

Grandma Rong said shyly: "It's not that there are maids in the room. Xiao Que'er has been thinking about it for a long time, and the uncle really has that ability, so what if I just help her today."

Little Que'er was overjoyed when he heard that, and nodded happily, "Yes, yes, Que'er will always be Grandma's most reliable helper."

Several other maids in the room also showed strange eyes.

Uncle Rong gritted his teeth and snorted, "I'm chatting with your grandma, what are you talking about?"

Que'er was not afraid of Uncle Rong's snort, and smiled sarcastically, but worried that Uncle Rong would not let Grandma ask her for help because of this.Lian said: "Don't interrupt, don't interrupt."

The joy in Xiaoqueer's heart.After waiting for so many years and so many days, I finally have this opportunity.She even wanted to laugh out loud, and couldn't help rubbing her hands secretly.

It caused the other maids to look sideways at her, and their faces became even weirder.At the same time, I also envy Que'er who is really favored in front of grandma and uncle.Not only did he dare to intervene in such an occasion, but the uncle and grandma were not displeased at all.

I just thought that there will be another aunt in the mansion, and she is also the aunt who is favored by the uncle and grandma at the same time.

This situation is very rare.

Although Ruizhu and Baozhu are in charge of the house, they are also trusted by grandma, but they feel that they are not as good as this Queer in front of the uncle.

Na Xiangling also stayed in grandma's room for a while, the uncle occasionally favored her, but grandma treated her normally.Even Xiangling got closer to that sister of the Xue family.

Listening to Xiao Que'er's words, Qin Keqing couldn't help but think of a lot of the past.He couldn't help touching the corner of his mouth lightly, and pursed his red lips again.

He glanced at Que'er, and when he turned back, he saw the uncle staring at his lips and smiling.

It turned out that my hand hadn't been put down yet.Qin Keqing was ashamed, the uncle must be making up his mind again.

Qin Keqing coughed softly: "If you make up for it again, it should be used in the right way, so that it can play its proper role."

Uncle Rong leaned his head over, moved his fingers lightly, and asked with a smile, "Is what Keer is talking about here the right way? But I think there is more than one right way."

Ps: On the 14th, the number of new subscriptions exceeded 4000, which was the best day for Little Goose.Ask for a full order here, ask for support.

(I was ill some time ago, which led to the loss of full attendance. Even the full attendance is gone, and I am still thinking about adding more. Please support me with a full order.)
This chapter is originally on the 14th, and the update on the 15th will be counted separately.

(End of this chapter)

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