Uncle Hong Lou Rong

Chapter 251 I have a dream

Chapter 251 I Have a Dream

Jia Rong asked carefully, but King Zhongshun and the scholar Shu Bole were unwilling to give him an answer, they just asked him to find a way to increase the output of the paddy fields.

Brother Rong curled his lips secretly, increasing production is easy to say, but difficult to do.

He said: "The highest yield per mu of paddy fields in Dayan is the two-crop rice in Lingnan and Jiangnan. The annual yield can be as high as seven or eight shi. If one season is planted, the yield of high-yielding and fertile fields can reach more than five shi per mu. But in the north Due to the climate and water conservancy conditions of the paddy fields, the yield per mu is already at its peak of three or four shi in one season. Although there are also trials of two crops of rice, the total output of two crops in a year is hard to break five shi.”

Shu Bole said: "Since we control the water and cultivate the fields, we naturally take the highest yield as the basic standard. Originally, the one-season rice in Gyeonggi yielded two shi per mu, so we had to let it produce five shi per mu; Taihu Lake and other places generally produce seven to eight stones per mu. If there is no great improvement, why would the imperial court bother to control the water and camp the fields like this."

You are all uncles, come one by one.

Jia Rong rolled her eyes and said, "I don't know if the two adults have been in the paddy fields? Do you know how the farmers in the north and the south choose seeds, how to raise seedlings, how to fertilize, how to plant rice seedlings, and how to irrigate? Although the prince asked the farmers in the south People come to teach paddy field planting methods, but there are so many Huangzhuang in Gyeonggi, how can they all be able to take care of and guide them. The first thing we do is to build irrigation facilities, and at the same time, we invite farmers from Jiangnan and Lingnan to train and guide , there must be a time process during the period.”

"It makes sense." King Zhongshun sighed.He has always practiced himself. Although he knows some farming things, he is still far behind a real farmer.I also know that there is no rush to get results, but all the officials in the court are eager to see results.It's embarrassing.

Seeing that Master Thirteen and Master Shu seemed to be fooled by him, Brother Rong couldn't help showing a smirk.

Jia Rong smiled lightly and said, "I beg your lord and the university scholars to ask you and the officials to give more time to the water conservancy camp. After a few years, the production of paddy fields in Gyeonggi will definitely increase."

King Zhongshun is so easy to fool.Just as Jia Rong finished speaking, she saw Master Thirteen looking at her strangely, and felt bad.

"Why does Master Thirteen look at me like this?"

"Ha ha."


"Hehe, you bastard." King Zhongshun laughed twice, making everyone present very puzzled.

Shu Bole asked, "Master Thirteen, is this?"

King Zhongshun glanced at Jia Rong, and said with a big smile, Shu Bole, "This kid has a habit of never talking about things he's not sure about. He always brings up something after he has a plan in mind."

ah.The thirteenth master knows himself so well.Under the strange eyes of King Zhongshun, Jia Rong couldn't help but want to shrink behind Duan Yu and the others.

Shu Bole looked at Jia Rong suspiciously, and asked, "Brother Rong, what's the plan?"

King Zhongshun glared at him, saw him shrunk, and snorted, "Tell Master Shu about your plan."

"That's what I think. Nowadays, there are many private agricultural books written by the government and the public, and I also intend to follow suit and write a book about rice." Jia Rong replied with a smile.

"Nongshu?" Shu Bole was taken aback. The most famous book today is "Nongzheng Quanshu" published by Wanli in the former dynasty.In this dynasty, officials from various provinces also wrote books to encourage farmers.Now under Xiande's new policy of camping fields, there are countless people who edit and write agricultural books in all provinces.His eyes slanted slightly, and he smiled lightly: "Could it be that Brother Rong's agricultural books are different from those written by other provinces?"

"Of course it's different." Jia Rong was a farmer in the south in her previous life, and she followed her family to do all kinds of farm work since she was a child.Of course, he would think of this method because he had specific cases in his previous life.

Brother Rong said with a smile: "Not only are the contents of the book different, but the methods are also different from officials in various provinces."

Shu Bole was still a little skeptical, and asked curiously: "Could it be that he is also very proficient in farming?"

"I don't dare to say anything else, but Paddy knows a lot." Can you not understand, he was born just in time for reform and family planning policies.As the only child in a rural family, I have been exposed to all farm work since childhood.If counted as an adult, he has worked as a rural child laborer for at least 13 years.There are few people in the family, and he learned to transplant rice seedlings in the fields when he was a young governor. When he was a few years old, he often went to the fields alone to watch and keep water.

A child in the countryside has been in charge of the house for a long time, and he knows when to irrigate, when to weed, and when to add fertilizer.

Not to mention how deep the seedlings are planted, this kind of thing he has practiced day and night regardless of past and future lives.

Jia Rong's confident appearance aroused King Zhongshun's speculation.

The Thirteenth Master said: "Could it be that your camping skills have been passed down from Lihentian?"

Brother Rong straightened his body, cleared his throat, and said: "Ning Rong, the two old princes, thought that the people of Dayan were suffering too much, so they gave you some advice."

Shu Bole looked at King Zhongshun in amazement, and said in amazement, "Is there really a Heaven of Lihen in the world?"

"Maybe." King Zhongshun glanced at Jia Rong, who was pretending, and replied lightly: "Since you are sure, you should do it with all your strength. Just writing a book is not a skill. According to the content of the book, it is the right thing to do to cultivate the fields.”

Shu Bole looked at Jia Rong suspiciously, nodded and said, "There are countless writers in the world, but the yield per mu has not increased significantly every year."

Jia Rong understood what they meant.Isn't it just worrying about writing it out, but it has become a tool for fame and fame.Brother Rong replied: "The boy also has a way to spread the teachings."

"What method?" Zhongshun Wang asked smoothly.

Brother Rong laughed, but he didn't want to say it directly.He said with a smile: "My lord, I would like to ask Xu Xiaozi for a convenience. Now the water conservancy and field government has established four bureaus in the east, south, west and north of Gyeonggi, and the four bureaus are responsible for the specific work of water management in various fields. The boy calculates this period of time. First visit the Huangzhuang in Gyeonggi, and then invite agricultural officials from various provinces to come to Beijing to exchange planting experience. So..."

"So what?" Shu Bole had heard King Zhongshun talk about Jia Rongde in the past, but he still didn't believe it.Seeing you now, it's really... unique.

Brother Rong said with a smile: "So in the past few months, the boy may not be able to go to work in the Yamen of Yingtian Mansion on time. So I want to ask the two prime ministers to do something cheap."

After Shu Bole heard it, his slightly cloudy old eyes couldn't help but widen.Does this bastard really want to do things cheaply, or is he just trying to be lazy?

King Zhongshun frowned and asked, "How long will it take?"

"Half a year!" Jia Rong laughed, "Half a year should be barely enough."

It is more than April now, and it will be winter in half a year.Brother Rong laughed in his heart, he is really a genius.Summer is coming soon, so take this opportunity to be lazy for a while, instead of running with those guys in the sun every day.

Man, the heart can be hard, the tongue can be hard, and he can be hard anywhere.

It just can't be exposed to the sun.

That was so uncomfortable.

Brother Rong thought that even if he was willing, the people with him might not be willing, so he could bear that scene.

He looked at Shu Bole and King Zhongshun who were hesitant, and said: "In the past six months, I have to do some things well. In the first three months, I learned about the conditions of the water conservancy and farmland in various provinces and provinces in the capital. I wrote a book with the provincial agricultural officials every month. During the period, I had to inspect the water conservancy construction of the Fourth Bureau of Yingtian, as well as the problems encountered in the planting and harvesting of each Huangzhuang."

"I can give you six months. During this period, you won't even be able to enter the gate of the water conservancy farm. It's just... After six months, this king has not received your results, and I don't have any good fruits for you."

Jia Rong heard King Zhongshun's words, and immediately replied: "Thank you, my lord, I will definitely live up to my lord's entrustment."

Shu Bole wanted to interrupt, but seeing King Zhongshun's serious expression, he didn't start with the decision.I just asked curiously: "According to your calculation, after the book is completed, how will the agricultural book be passed on to the farmers in all provinces."

Jia Rong said with a smile: "The biggest problem with the existing agricultural books is that they are miscellaneous but not refined, and the fine ones do not delve into the details. Secondly, there are very few farmers in the world who are literate. The decoration of the county government or the homes of the gentry. What the boy wants is to let the newly appointed agricultural officials disperse to various provinces and regions, and teach them face to face according to the content of the book. It is necessary that the agricultural officials take root at the grassroots level, regardless of the official land Mintian, among them, the general increase in the yield of the fields in the area in charge is considered a meritorious service."

For a moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone looked at Jia Rong strangely.After a long time, King Zhongshun and Shu Bole looked at each other and both smiled.Shu Bole said: "What if the agricultural officials do nothing? What if the agricultural officials falsely report the output?"

Jia Rong replied with a smile: "If such a thing really happens, I will trouble the two adults again. The boy remembers that the prince is the Prime Minister's household department, and Master Shu is also the secretary of the official department. If you cheat, you should ask the crime, and you should be dismissed and fined." He will be dismissed from office and fined silver."

"You kid..." King Zhongshun laughed, and said, "This king has promised to handle it well. When I return from Zhungeer, I will hear good news about you."

When Jia Rong heard King Zhongshun talk about Zhungeer, he also remembered many things.Looking around, Shu Bole was present, so he couldn't tell.

After noon, everyone had eaten in Wuqing.

Brother Rong invited Duan Yu to find King Zhongshun.

"What else is there?"

Jia Rong scratched her head, looked at Duan Yu who was still in the room, and said with a smile: "Brother Yu, can you leave for a while, brother has some private matters to discuss with the prince."

"There are no rules." King Zhongshun glared at Brother Rong and snorted, this bastard regarded this place as his own home.Looking at Duan Yu, he said, "Go out, just stay outside the door."

Jia Rong giggled, watching Duan Yu leave, the door was closed.He whispered: "Actually, the boy knows that there is a treasure in Zhungeer, which can increase Dayan's grain production a lot."

"Huh?" Zhongshun Wang originally thought that Jia Rong was looking for him because of a private matter, but he didn't expect to talk about food, so he became interested.He asked again: "Why didn't you mention it in front of Mr. Shu?"

Brother Rong said with a sneer: "It's all about nothing, and the boy only dares to stand on the trust of the prince, so he only talks to the prince."

"Things that don't show up?"

"Yes." Jia Rong nodded, "The location of that place is sensitive, and it is located in Qaidam. There are several salt lakes there, which are rich in mineral resources. One of them, as long as it is simply boiled, it is similar to boiled salt, and it is easy to use. A substance called potassium can be extracted. This substance is similar to the fertilizer we currently make from burning fly ash of plants and trees, but it is purer than plant ash fertilizer and has a larger amount.”

"The barren land also has fertilizer?" King Zhongshun asked in surprise.

"Not only are there, but there are quite a few." Brother Rong said eagerly, "This kind of fertilizer is actually a kind of rock salt, but it cannot be eaten as salt. Although there are many such places in our Dayan territory, the amount is far away. It is not as big as there. The halite there can provide the whole Dayan for many generations of fertilization."

King Zhongshun couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard this.

Jia Rong sighed to herself, "It's a pity that there are two places in Dayan that have more fertilizer than there. It's just that one is in Luobu Nao deep in Zhungeer, and the other is located in the northwest of Baihar Lake. Ross occupies. If we have the potash salt in these two lands, I, Dayan, will not have to worry about the lack of potash fertilizers for food for at least hundreds of years."

King Zhongshun asked, "How does this potash fertilizer compare to human and animal manure?"


It took Jia Rong a long time to figure it out after hearing this.He almost heard you talking about human and animal manure, and rolled his eyes innocently.I just felt uncomfortable in my mouth and felt sick, so I hurriedly found some tea on the table next to me to rinse my mouth.

With a bah, he spit out the tea.Fangcai said: "Human and animal manure is naturally a high-quality fertilizer, but...the prince also has to consider how much human and animal manure is there in the whole Dayan, and this...that smell...smells the sky. Because of the lack of human and animal manure in many places, it can only be used as a substitute. Use plant ash fertilizer, or other small types of fertilizers. In some places, even no fertilizer is applied, how can the grain production of this big swallow be increased."

King Zhongshun looked at the unruly Jia Rong and couldn't help frowning, but didn't say much.

But Jia Rong spoke excitedly and danced.

"I have a dream. I hope that everyone in Dayan will never be hungry again, and every household will have a bumper harvest every year. I think farmers in Dayan can fertilize with peace of mind, and fertilize conveniently and cheaply..."

"Okay." King Zhongshun interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said angrily, "Tell me about your purpose."

Jia Rong rubbed her hands together, and said with a smile: "Qaidam is different from Luobunao. Qaidam has been our land for all dynasties. If the prince can take advantage of the chaos in Zhungeer, Qaidam will first It’s taken back. We can build a few brine factories in Qaidam to extract potash fertilizer for the benefit of the world.”

King Zhongshun snorted and said, "It's for your Ningguo Mansion's business again?"

Brother Rong shook his head again and again, "It's not a business, it's for the benefit of the common people, it's also for the benefit of water, and it's even for Dayan. If we can boil brine and smelt potash in Qaidam, Ningguo Mansion will do without any profit."

Jia Rong really didn't dare to intervene there.

As he said, it's all about disappearing now.

Even if he really wanted to do potash fertilizer business, he would choose another place.For example, Heishan Village, which can be grasped by oneself, let the court eat first, and then follow behind to eat small heads.

Some things occupy too much, and it is easy to provoke jealous monsters.

Jia Rong has a deep understanding of this.


Jealousy monsters are everywhere, no matter which country or town, you can always meet them.Of course, what he is more afraid of is the jealousy of those who are more powerful than him.

(End of this chapter)

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