Uncle Hong Lou Rong

Chapter 137 Those Cheap Things

Chapter 137 Those Cheap Things

"The Thirteenth Master took the picture and left without saying a word. The kid thought the picture was stolen." Brother Rong looked at the crowd around the table next to him, and found that the Thirteenth Master was also there.

Thirteenth Master didn't even look at this guy, and continued to chat about the map with the old man who was by the Qing River that day.

Jia Rong just looked at that and nodded again and again, praising the map he drew.

"The only thing I don't understand is why the two sides of the river were built like this." The old man turned his head and asked Brother Rong.

"Avoid water and soil erosion." Brother Rong said as a matter of course.

Although the words 'water and soil erosion' are easy to understand, they don't know what they specifically point to.The old man looked at him suspiciously, but the Thirteenth Lord snorted, "Speak humanly."

"Oh, to put it simply, it is the loss of water and land caused by external forces such as water, gravity, and wind." Brother Rong walked over, pointed to several winding places on the Qinghe River on the map, and said: "The Qinghe River is narrow. , Not only is it easy to wash away the land on the opposite bank at the meandering bend, but it will also bring the washed down soil into the river, causing the river to silt up."

The Thirteenth Master nodded half-understanding, but the old gentleman understood.Said: "To repair the river bank in this way, the money needed will increase a lot."

Jia Rong said: "Slope protection and bank repair must be done. Otherwise, we will only build dams and canals in the back, and all maintenance costs will be higher in the future. As long as the two sides of the bank are well treated, there will be no need to clean up the mud downstream. I thought about planting a row of trees on both sides of the river, but I gave up this idea because of the money.”

The old man smiled and said, "If the slope protection is only in the section of Huangzhuang, the soil on both sides of the upstream and downstream will collapse, which will still affect the river course."

Jia Rong shook her head and said, "There's no other way. The Qinghe River is nearly [-] miles long, and the drainage area covers [-] hectares of land. This project is too big. You can only protect a section. If you want to protect the entire sixty miles There are no projects that cannot be completed for several years.”

Thirteenth Master looked sullen.

Based on his understanding of Jia Rong, this bastard must have a full set of methods to be able to understand Qinghe's situation clearly and dare to tell it to his face.It's just that the bastard doesn't want to talk about it!

But the old gentleman said: "What Lord Rong thinks coincides with what the old man thinks. The banks along the river must be governed, but the way he thought of is exactly what Lord Rong abandoned, that is, to plant a row of trees on both sides of the river. Not only that, but the river has to be intercepted upstream to clean up the river silt, and at the same time, sluices have to be built downstream.”

"Since we have cleared the river, we can protect the slopes on both sides of the river at the same time. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?" Uncle Rong said with a grin.

Sixty miles, the two sides are 120 miles, how much cement is needed to complete this.

It's time for the Ningguo Mansion to make a fortune!
It seems that the Xue family has to be urged to find a place quickly. After all, the scale of Ningguo Mansion's Zhuangzi outside Shenjing City is relatively small, and it may be a bit difficult to supply.

Whoever said that if you want to get rich, you have to know many things, even the simplest cement can make Ningguo Mansion rich.

The Thirteenth Lord saw Jia Rong's thoughts and said, "Don't think about those cheap things. The water conservancy farms have little money to spend, and they can't purchase cement for river repair."

Although Jia Rong also knew that Emperor Xiande was the most embarrassing emperor in the century since the founding of the Great Yan Dynasty, he was not only embarrassing himself, but even more embarrassing the project.But Brother Rong still wanted to fight for it, and said: "One repair of the river can last for a hundred years. The Thirteenth Master should not count the gains and losses for a while. After the Qinghe River is well managed, the [-] hectares of land on both sides of the Qinghe River can be opened up to at least [-] mu. Good land."

What is the concept of 500 mu of fertile land? If one mu of two stones can be turned into one mu of four stones, the [-] mu of paddy fields will have [-] more grains than in previous years.Calculated in catties, but there is an increase of nearly [-] million catties of grain every year.

Brother Rong said again: "If this newly opened [-] mu of fertile land can produce [-] shi of grain, it will be [-] shi if it is half rented. If the current price of rice is used, it is calculated at more than ten copper coins per bucket. One stone, that is, one thousand taels per stone. Calculated in this way, only the banks of the Qinghe River can collect around [-] taels of silver a year."

This is only the increase after the production of fields in the watersheds on both sides of the Qinghe River.

Master Thirteen knew these data better than Jia Rong, and said calmly: "There are [-] mu of official land and [-] mu of private land on both sides of the Qinghe River, and a total of [-] mu of paddy fields can be changed."

More than 2 mu of official land?Mintian only eight thousand?

Brother Rong was startled, but there was nothing he could do.The royal family alone once owned more than 1 hectares in the Gyeonggi area, that is, more than 100 million mu, all of which were private fields of Emperor Dayan.

There are also countless royal families, princes, and county kings, as well as the princes and princes below, and there are many Zhuangzi in each mansion.

Most of the fields in the Gyeonggi area are monopolized by the upper class!
Counting the numbers one by one is really shocking.In fact, in a feudal society, most of the land in the provinces was controlled by the royal ministers, squires and others.On the contrary, the lower-class peasants, who have a larger number, do not own as much land as these small groups of people.

This is an unaccountable account!

Brother Rong said: "That's it. With more than 2 mu, there will only be more money that can be earned. Take out two or three years of income to repair the river, and you will have no worries for decades. It is a business that is sure to make money. .”

"You know how to do business, so I should let you be a lowly businessman." The Thirteenth Master snorted, and left with a handful of blueprints.

The old man was left behind to ask Brother Rong about opening rivers and building canals in Yingtian Mansion.

"The old man is such a brat, how can it be regarded as asking for advice, communicating with each other, and communicating together." Brother Rong smiled sarcastically.


"Is Brother Qiang okay in the kiln?" Brother Rong looked at Jia Qiang's increasingly resolute face, feeling a little relieved.

It's always changed, this kid finally looks a little manly.

Otherwise, going on like this is not an option.I can't find a man to match Jia Qiang in the future!After all, it is the outhouse of Ningguo Mansion, how can Jia Qiang's branch be wiped out.

Brother Qiang stared at Brother Rong's handsome face, took a long time to look away, and said with a light smile, "It's all good together, Brother Qin Zhong has mastered Fang Zi in just a few months, and even brought out a few apprentices. "

"As long as you can believe it, you can see and do it."

Jia Qiang said: "Well, although cement is easy to fire, the grinding is too slow, and the clinker is easy to accumulate. There is a lot in the warehouse, and now the kiln has gradually stopped production. According to Master Qin's arrangement, in the future, Fuli Village The kiln above is mainly used for research and testing. Trying to improve the efficiency of grinding."

The grinding of cement raw material clinker is a big problem.It's not like the later generations have all kinds of machines, all relying on hydraulic manpower, how can this efficiency be improved.

It is worth encouraging them to have this idea.

Brother Rong said: "It doesn't matter if the production is slower. If there are not enough people, add more people. Of course, don't stop the research and test. You can try to tinker with anything that may improve efficiency."

In fact, Jia Rong has a way of grinding in his heart, but it is very troublesome.It seems that I have to find an opportunity to talk to Lord Shisan, maybe the basic physics knowledge of electromagnetics can really come in handy.

Suddenly, Jia Rong slapped her head, wondering why she was so stupid.In fact, there is no need to use the principle of electromagnetism.It is also possible to use the existing hydraulic mill directly, as long as the water force is strong enough and the force that can be driven is sufficient, it is also possible to build a larger mill.

As long as there is enough water, the dam is high enough, and the water pressure is strong enough, wouldn't the force be great?

Now that we have cement, are we afraid that we will not be able to build a taller dam?In the past, I only cared about the existing conditions of this world, but completely ignored the cement I brought.

Jia Rong said: "Tomorrow, call Master Qin, Brother Zhong, Brother Yun, Zong Cheng and others. I have a way to improve the efficiency of grinding."

Brother Qiang said happily: "I knew that Brother Rong had a solution, so I should have come to find you earlier."

Seeing the strange light in this guy's eyes, Jia Rong inexplicably got goosebumps all over her body.Quickly asked Lai Sheng to bring a few boxes of pastries and fruits, and hurriedly sent Jia Qiang away.

The most unbearable look from the same sex.

Brother Rong rubbed his hands and hurried back to the yard to find his wife. Only the warmth of his wife can eliminate the power of Brother Qiang's glance just now.

"Grandpa, let's go to Yixia Pavilion today!"


(End of this chapter)

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