Chapter 217
Zhang Zelin and Zhang Ze'an packed up their moods and came out of the room. Seeing the sweet potatoes that Fang Qing brought back, Zhang Zelin asked, "Why did the wife master buy back so many sweet potatoes?"

Fang Qing saw the two brothers, and said to Zhang Ze'an: "Brother, you go back and ask your younger siblings to come home."

Zhang Ze'an probably knew what his sister-in-law had asked his wife to do, so he said something to Zhang Zelin, then turned and walked towards his home.

After Yang Xiangrong's family had finished their breakfast, she and her parents took the two servants they bought back to the field to take back the sweet potatoes that hadn't been confiscated. When they got home, they heard that Fang Qing was looking for her, so they washed their hands quickly and took their husband to the field. I went to my sister-in-law's house.

When Fang Qing saw their husband and wife coming, he greeted Yang Xiangrong and asked Mrs. Wang and his father-in-law and the children to peel sweet potato chips and wash them in a wooden basin.

Since there is no blender in this world, Fang Qing asked his servants to cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces, take them to the mill he bought at home, and grind the sweet potatoes into sweet potato mash.

Fang Qing's family has more and more people in this stone mill. The family members sometimes use the stone mill, and they have to queue for half a day at the mill in the village before it's their turn. Moreover, there is only one stone mill in the village. She knows the waiting time It was too long, so I went to the city to order a few stone mills, and took them back for home use.

Although the stone mill is her family's private property, because there are many people who use stone mills in the village, people who have a good relationship with her will come to her house to borrow the mill to grind coarse grains, and at the same time give them a few pennies.

She didn't want to take money at first, but Fulang said that the mill belonged to their family, and they couldn't let everyone borrow the mill, so they would grind it for free. At first, there might be nothing. It would be bad for their family after a long time, so she He obeyed Fu Lang's words and told Wei Baifeng that his father usually guarded the mill. If someone came, he would charge the price of the village mill. Anyway, she didn't charge much, and she would charge as much as the village mill charged.

At this time, arrange the servants of the family to grind the sweet potato mash, pour the sweet potato mash from the mill into a large basin, then take out a clean gauze, use the gauze to filter the sweet potato mash, squeeze out the water, and thus get the starch Water, put the squeezed sweet potato mash aside first, it is still useful.

Add fresh water to the squeezed sweet potato mash, mix well and squeeze out the starch water again with gauze. The same operation needs to be repeated three to four times. When the water becomes clearer, all the starch value of the sweet potato mash will be taken out. The mashed sweet potatoes can be fed to pigs. Of course, her family does not raise pigs. The mashed sweet potatoes will be given to my father-in-law or someone close to me later.

Let the filtered starch water stand overnight, let the starch sink to the bottom, pour out the water the next day, stir the white starch, add water again, after three hours of precipitation, pour out the water again, the shallower the sweet potato water, make The better the starch comes out, the last step is to take out the white starch and dry it in the air. After drying, we can get the edible starch, which will not go bad for a long time after storage.

Dried sweet potato powder, you can take out some of the fried meat and marinate it in the meat on weekdays, so that the fried meat will be more tender.

The next step is to light the stove on the left, boil a pot of water, Fang Qing asks someone to take out the sticky rice noodles, add some cold water to the sticky rice noodles, pour it into the pot and boil over low heat, stir while cooking, so that the rice milk becomes When it becomes muddy, put the sweet potato starch water in and stir evenly. When it is cooked until there is no water, take a large spoon and scoop it into the colander, and transfer the colander to the pot of boiling water beside it. At this time, the bottom of the colander has slowly Powder oozes out.

Wait for the sweet potato flour to slide into the boiling water pot, and cook the sweet potato vermicelli over high heat throughout the process. When the vermicelli floats and the edges are slightly transparent, it means it is cooked.

At this time, Fang Qing asked Wei Baifeng to take a large vat and put some cold water in the vat. After the noodles were formed, they were picked up from the hot water pot with long chopsticks to the cold water vat.

Take the bamboo poles to the yard, separate the wet vermicelli one by one and put them in the sun to dry. If the sun is strong, it will be enough to dry for two or three days. The dried vermicelli can be tied up with a rope and placed in the Store it in the cellar when you want to eat it, and then soak it and cook it.

During this time, Yang Xiangrong and Fang Qing were making sweet potato noodles, and she was thinking about the "noodles that look like noodles, but not noodles". She had just arrived at Fang Qing's house, and saw Fang Qing arranging staff to put away the sweet potato flour.

Seeing that the sweet potato flour was almost dry, Fang Qing asked Wei Baifeng to take someone to take it to the cellar, then saw Yang Xiangrong, and seeing the unconcealable smile on Yang Xiangrong's face, she shouted: "Sister, you It's really time to come, my sister-in-law is preparing to let the kitchen make sweet potato noodles, you go back and call Ange, we will eat hot and sour noodles tonight."

Yang Xiangrong didn't know what hot and sour noodles were, but from the word "noodles", she knew that hot and sour noodles should be vermicelli made by them.

Fang Qing was in a particularly good mood that day, and it was rare for him to cook by himself, making a hot and sour powder sauce, adding lemon, minced garlic, soy sauce, a little salt, and chili oil.Of course, lemons are very rare at this time, no one sells them in the city, and she still takes out the lemons at home from the space.

When Yang Xiangrong's family came to the house, Zhang Zelin, who went to call Xia Ye, also brought Xia Ye's mother and daughter to the house. When Fang Qing saw that everyone was here, he went to boil the vermicelli. Then put the pre-adjusted ingredients into the bowl, and the hot and sour noodles are ready.

"My wife, is this the hot and sour noodles you mentioned before?" Zhang Zelin asked looking at the delicious food in the bowl.

"Yeah, quickly taste how it tastes." Said while asking Yang Xiangrong and his party to eat too.

Yang Xiangrong and Yang Baiyang smelled the fragrance wafting from the bowls. The mother and daughter picked up the vermicelli with chopsticks and took a bite. Riese ate.

Fang Qing chuckled, joking that she cooks the seasoning sauce herself, not for bragging, the hot and sour noodles she makes are much more delicious than the noodles at stalls in the city.

Because everyone ate hot and sour noodles for the first time, after eating one bowl after another, Fang Qingpao ate up all the noodles, and Yang Xiangrong wiped out the soup in the bowl at the end of the meal.

After eating and drinking, everyone chatted and discussed: "Oh, I didn't know that sweet potatoes can make such delicious food. We only know how to mix sweet potatoes with whole grains to cook rice, cook sweet potato porridge, and bake sweet potatoes. Knowing that sweet potatoes can be made into vermicelli, I never thought that vermicelli could be so delicious." Li Shi said this.

"Yeah, how do we know so much, but the young girl has a good mind and can cook and eat much more than us." Xia Ye said this.

Ever since Yang Xiangrong became pregnant, Zhang Ze'an liked to eat hot and sour food. Tonight Fang Qing's hot and sour noodles suit his taste even more, so he inevitably ate a lot.Listening to the two fathers discussing the hot and sour noodles they had just eaten, they also said: "The hot and sour noodles made by my sister-in-law are much more delicious than the pasta bought in the city."

"Right, right?" In fact, Zhang Zelin wanted to say that the food cooked by his wife is good, but seeing several elders around, he quickly stuck the unspoken words in his throat, and only said three good words.

(End of this chapter)

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