Chapter 106 Potted Plant Treasure
"I know, I know, I'm not going anywhere." Xie Lingyan pushed him away, she concentrated on it, and then brought the precious Clivia into the ring space.

Looking down at the plant in his arms, he thought it would be destroyed because of the too powerful Taoist charm hidden in this space, but he didn't expect it to have no response.

And the other leaf of spiritual grass in his hand turned into ashes, and was burned up in an instant, and even the ashes could not be found.

"It's amazing, white hair, you really didn't lie to me."

The white-haired fairy raised her eyes and looked at the person holding a potted plant in the distance. She seemed to be holding a fat boy, and she could hold a bear in her arms with just one hand.

Xie Lingyan asked, "What are you looking at me for? Tell me, where are you going to put this potted plant? Do you want to throw it into the depths of the dark night far away? It can hang high in the dark night like that golden scale .”

She said, gesturing to throw it.

The white-haired fairy told her not to mess around.

That's a plant. Have you ever seen a plant grow in mid-air?
She can really figure it out.

Besides, although the pots for planting plants are said to be chiseled out of stone, there is a way in this space. Once the floating objects carry the wind force, they will definitely form a wind force. This is likely to directly distort the balance of the entire space. Then even people and things, everything inside must be destroyed.

What's more, the Qianxiang Clivia raised in the stone pot is not an ordinary plant. Once it senses the power of harm, it will definitely reflect the profound art contained in it.

Xie Lingyan was speechless, "Whose thing is this thing? Could it be that you planted it when you were a child?"

She thought of that phantom, that young man who was as bright as jade, his eyebrows and eyes really looked like this white-haired fairy.

And that woman?It will not be this person's...

When Xie Lingyan thought of such a thing, her heart skipped a beat.

The white-haired fairy didn't know what she was thinking, but looked at her holding the plant in her arms, her eyes became deep and heavy, and there seemed to be a thousand unspeakable emotions surging in her eyes.

Xie Lingyan looked up and saw his eyes were a little stunned.

She was sure that this green plant was very important to him, so she didn't know what it had to do with him?
"Then... where do I put it?" She asked quickly.

I don't know why, I suddenly feel uncomfortable, I can't tell why?
Is it because he thinks he will have someone important?

But it seems normal, he has lived for so long, it is human nature to have a past.

"Give it to me." The white-haired fairy stretched out her hand and asked her to let go of the plant.

Xie Lingyan said oh, she really let go.

Then the potted Qianxiang Clivia flew up.

It was taken away by a handsome man.

He put it by his side and said, "Just put him by my side."

"Oh." Xie Lingyan didn't ask any more questions, knowing that there was nothing to ask, so she didn't ask for trouble.

The white-haired fairy said, "Xiao Jingye is looking for the golden scales, you can choose to tell him, or you can choose not to tell him."

"Yeah." Xie Lingyan turned her head and looked into the distance. In the depths of the dark night sky, there was a star shining. It was the golden scales, which was the fetish that Xiao Jingye wanted most.

Xie Lingyan asked, "Does this fetish really have any mysterious laws and traces attached to it?"

The white-haired fairy nodded, "Yes, but you can't see it yet."


"Because I don't understand." He was really blunt, and he didn't know how to be euphemistic.

Xie Lingyan was speechless, thinking to herself, wait, one day I will teach you how to be a human being.

He is really a cold and indifferent guy. He looks extremely handsome and extravagant. It's just that this character is not pleasing, and he doesn't understand the general principles of life, which is really unflattering.

It feels that he has neither love nor hatred for the world, that is, he doesn't care about life or death in the world at all.

Of course, he is not a Bodhisattva who helps the world, and indeed he cannot be asked to do anything.

I just thought that this person is cold, he doesn't care about anything, so did he care about anyone or anything?What about his past?

She is getting more and more curious.

The white-haired fairy asked, "Did you see various patterns on the rock wall when you walked up to Wanhe Peak?"

Xie Lingyan nodded, "The pattern is so lifelike, you can tell it's a sword move at a glance."

"Then continue to practice your swordsmanship according to those graphic patterns."

"Didn't I have Ling Yun Jue?"

"On top of Lingyun Jue, there is Nine Heaven Jue."

"That is……"

"It's the swordsmanship on the rock wall. If you know Chu Feishuang, you should also know the Billboard. If you want to make a difference, you must be on the list. Otherwise, you will be unknown. Who cares about your life?"

Xie Lingyan listened silently, yes, if it was an unknown little person, who would be willing to talk to him?

A person, what will happen to her life, no one else can arrange, but the ruthless strong can decide the life and death of the weak without any consideration or hesitation.

Thinking that there are relatives to protect, she said, "Okay, I'll practice."

Now that you have come in, you must seize the opportunity to strengthen your cultivation.

Why can't the goddamned volley realm be displayed in her cultivation level?
After revisiting swordsmanship for a long time, she turned and left the ring space.

Opening his eyes, he saw Prince Xiao looking at him.

He asked, "Are you practicing?"

"if not?"

"Yan'er, are you hiding some unknown secret?"

"You think too much." Xie Lingyan didn't want to talk too much with him, for fear of revealing her secrets accidentally.

Holding her saber, she walked far away, found an open space, and practiced it carefully according to the sword moves that she wrote down.

It's so strange, why do you feel that she has learned this sword technique before, and she is very familiar with it, and then taught it to others in person?
Nine Heavens Jue, Nine Forms:
The first tactic is to draw shapes.

The second tactic is painting.

The third tactic is to draw the heart.


Holding the sword and walking in the style of strokes, always thinking about correcting and guiding the direction of the sword.

She said it should be like this, you have to be steady, you have to take momentum, momentum, understand?That is, when you stand in front of thousands of troops and horses, you are not angry and arrogant, and people look submissive and fearful, instead of gaining the authority that belongs to you through crying and clamoring and playing tricks.

Xie Lingyan's mind is in a mess, how could she have such an impression, what kind of memory is this?
Or was she affected by the cold air here?

When she set foot on this Wanhe Peak, she felt strange. Even though she was transporting her true energy to protect her body, she still felt abnormally cold, as if the world was so huge, and she was alone guarding it alone. All is well.

Such a desolate, hesitant and pessimistic state of mind affected her sword intent, affected her mind, and her sword skills also became messy.

Xiao Jingye was watching from the sidelines. At the beginning, she saw her swordsmanship move smoothly and gracefully, but after a hundred moves, the swordplay gradually became messy, as if a sudden strong wind blew, and the whole world was in chaos.

I saw the branches swaying, all kinds of flying sand and rocks, and there seemed to be all kinds of waves rolling between the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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