Chapter 494 Dodder Flower (34)

Chen Feng looked at Mosheng Space, which he had visited once, and always felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had been here many times, which was strange and natural.

For some strange things about her, he didn't know why he wasn't surprised.

Seeing her frustrated look, he laughed out loud.

She glared at him, "If you smile again, I'll send you away"!
After being smashed by Yin's mother, Liang Qiuyue didn't have the mood to play tricks on him anymore.

The two were interrogated the next day.

Chen Feng is tall and burly, he looks calm and reliable, Yin's father and Yin's mother are quite satisfied.

But Liang Qiuyue, the person who touched others, didn't intend to take responsibility, and was talked about by Yin's mother many times.

From now on, every time Chen Feng came to the base again, he would go to Yin's mother and Yin's father to play tricks, and let Liang Qiuyue see his thick skin.

A few months later, when Liang Qiuyue went to Nanling base to do business, she had the honor to meet Professor Qi who had developed the moonshine agent, and got some news.

According to Professor Qi, the real emergence of the zombie virus was not the year before last, but earlier.

The laboratory he was in was the so-called zombie virus discovered four years ago when studying a comatose corpse.And the source of that corpse was in a huge meteorite.

The owner behind the laboratory wants to prolong life by studying zombie viruses.But for some reason, the virus in the laboratory leaked.

"At the beginning, I went to the *** laboratory in City A. Did you work there before?"

Professor Qi shook his head, "There are three research institutes in City A, and the one I'm in is in the suburbs."

"In this way, the arrival of the end times is considered artificial?"

Professor Qi sighed, "That's not to say, there is no artificial spread of zombie virus, those falling meteorites will still bring great damage to the climate, soil quality, and ecological environment, and the living environment of human beings will become more and more difficult. Human actions are just Speeding up the process of the end times..."

Professor Qi is an old man with gray hair and glasses who looks elegant and knowledgeable. He told Liang Qiuyue a lot of secrets of this world by telling what he knew.

"Is it possible to return to normal in the future?"

Professor Qi pushed his glasses, "The world is changing, and some soils are no longer suitable for planting. Although the substances released by meteorites have caused plant mutation and soil alienation, it is not without any benefits. Through the mutated plants, we have developed Soil nutrients can double yields..."

Liang Qiuyue chatted with Professor Qi in his studio for a long time, and he probably had a score in his mind.

If the zombies can be completely wiped out in the future, then the state of the world will not return to the way it was in the past.

After all, climate, geology, plants, air and all other substances that are closely related to people are different from the past due to certain influences.

But humans can develop fund modifiers to adapt to the future, and everything is hopeful.

She also has a general understanding of the substances studied in the Nanling base laboratory. According to Chen Feng, the genetic modification agent that Professor Qi is developing is derived from the things in the X province base laboratory brought by Anya.

Of course, when it comes to the future, we have to overcome the immediate difficulties, which is to eliminate the zombies.

It is possible for human beings to defeat the zombies faster than the speed of human infection and fall.

After chatting with Professor Chen very happily, a batch of improved seeds, a batch of advanced moonshine potion and nutrient potion were brought back from the ecological garden of Nanling base.

As another winter approached, a distress message came from the Xincheng Base in Province G next to Province X.

The Xincheng base encountered a large-scale zombie siege. When the people from the x province base and other bases arrived, the base almost fell.

Fortunately, the Xincheng base has built a large underground security center. In an emergency, most of the people hid in it. However, the supernatural beings and soldiers fighting outside were not so lucky, and the casualties were quite heavy.

There are also levels among zombies. High-level mutants can rule lower-level ones, and high-level mutants with super powerful spiritual power can achieve the achievement of ruling corpses.

Of the two high-level zombie kings that Liang Qiuyue had killed before, only one of them gave her the ability to space-divide and move images, and the other only gave her a lot of spiritual power.

In the reinforced concrete buildings of the city, she swiftly ran after the dominant zombie king.

This zombie is about the same size as a normal human, with an unusually protruding spine, and its limbs are very agile, jumping back and forth between the streets and buildings.

Its perception is very strong, and it can always predict her attack and dodge calmly.However, its mental attack is almost ineffective against her, so it can only run wildly.


A black figure jumped from a balcony on a certain floor of the building to a large truck, and then onto a container, as fast as a shadow.

Looking up, Chen Feng, who was dressed in black, kicked the mutant in the head like a leopard, and the mutant hit the wall like a ball, but it was not fatal.

In the blink of an eye, she watched helplessly as the mutant's body was broken into tiny pieces as if pierced by a fine iron net when it jumped up.

The screeching sound from the mutated species almost made people lose their hearing. Chen Feng was the closest, and fresh blood overflowed from his ears and nose.

She was dizzy for a while, blood flowed from her ears and nose, and every inch of flesh and blood in her body felt like it was swollen to the point of exploding.But she was still thinking about his ability, is it air strangulation?I'm so envious.

After slowing down, I saw him digging out the crystal nucleus.

The brother also wanted to settle accounts clearly, and she did not accept the crystal nucleus he handed over, after all, the two camps are now different.

The relationship between the two can only be called p friends, or the kind of people who pull up their pants and don't recognize people.

Except for those who escaped, most of the supernatural beings in the Xincheng base were killed or injured, as well as soldiers, who were also killed or injured. If the base does not move, the remaining strength may not be able to protect the people of the base for a long time.

After the zombies in the base were cleaned up, the masses and the remaining supernatural beings were divided up by several rescue bases. As for Wen Chongyi, he acted first and took all the personnel in the laboratory of the Xincheng base into his own hands. .

As for other materials in the base, they were also divided up by other bases according to their abilities.

After the tragic zombie siege, the mess of the Xincheng base was left unattended. With the departure of the personnel, all useful resources and equipment were transported away. This place has completely become a city with no living breath. The ground was turned into ruins, and there were no bones of the living dead who had been bombed.

Years of construction and hard work were ruined.

In the provincial x base, seven of Liang Qiuyue's apprentices can detoxify infected people alone. Although the efficiency is much slower than hers, it has improved overall.

The treatment center was busy, Gu Sixian fainted once after using too much power, Wen Chongyi was worried and asked her to have an examination.

This investigation found out that she was pregnant.

In the spring of the fourth year of the last days, Gu Sixian became pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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