Chapter 491 Dodder Flower (31)

On the second day, the staff of the Nanling base came to inform all the people from the base to go to the conference hall of a certain building for a meeting at eleven o'clock.

Those who came from various bases for the moonshine agent gathered in the conference room.

Liang Qiuyue sat with a serious face, resolutely not letting herself show a cheap smile.Thinking of how foolish he was yesterday, his face tightened even more.

After listening to what Chen Feng said in exchange, the other bases tried to relax the conditions a little bit more in exchange for more moonshine potions.After all, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain materials now, and some land is no longer suitable for planting.

Chen Feng looked around and saw the stern-faced Liang Qiuyue, paused for a moment, and then said calmly and orderly: "I know your concerns, and now the ecological garden of Nanlingji has cultivated a batch of new soils. The output of wood-type and water-type supernatural beings is higher than before the end of the world. If you are interested, you can exchange all the materials for the new soil with us."

The core of the moonshine agent cannot be leaked, but the new soil in the ecological garden can. If human beings want to develop in the last days, food is the most important thing.The base wants to gain a firm foothold in the apocalypse, but it cannot rely on food monopoly.

After the new type of soil was proposed, the harsh exchange conditions for moonshine potions were much easier to accept.

After discussing with several bases, they began to negotiate conditions with the Nanling base alone.

The origin of the X province base has a military and political background, and it is much stronger than other bases in terms of weapons and ordnance.What Nanling Base wants is also in terms of ordnance.

Before leaving, she discussed with Wen Chongyi the amount that could be exchanged, and Liang Qiuyue offered a bargaining chip to completely diagnose and treat the infected.

At the negotiating table, the two sides argued hard and finally reached an agreement.

Looking at the back of Liang Qiuyue leading the people away, the people at the Nanling base said to Chen Feng: "Boss, your consideration yesterday was correct!"

Ms. Yin looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact she has a lot of intentions.

If the boss ate her sugar-coated cannonballs yesterday, he might let out a lot today!Her posture today is as if she never knew the boss!
Chen Feng didn't speak. During the two meetings, she seldom looked at him directly, and when she looked at him, she was very serious.

He said, she has a purpose!Sure enough, after he didn't accept her tricks, he showed his originality.

The people from the x provincial base stayed at the Nanling base for a few more days, and set off after getting the information and samples of the moonlight agent and the new soil.

There were a few ambushes on the road, from the base that Liang Qiuyue beat up.

In the end, people were killed by them, and the newly obtained moonlight potion was also robbed by them.

"I heard that the founder of the Obsidian base came out of prison, and what he did is really not on the stage."

The fire-type power user burned all the corpses and vehicles without leaving a trace.

There were several waves of small zombies on the road, and it took some time to change the road and detour to kill the mutant zombies to get the crystal core. It took nearly ten days to arrive outside the base in X province.

When I came to the base a year ago, there were many fleeing people queuing outside the city walls of the base. Now, at a glance, apart from the bare and tall city walls, there are only supernatural soldiers guarding the gate with weapons and very vigilant.

The wall between the inner city and the outer city has not been demolished, but the gates of the inner city are usually unguarded, and the outer city has been repaired again.A new defensive wall was built inside the outermost wall. Due to the huge project, it has not yet been completed.

Back at the base, Liang Qiuyue continued to teach talented people how to get rid of the zombie virus.There are not many people who can learn that method, and the progress is quite slow, even with her help.

But she was not discouraged, as long as she could only teach three or five students a year, it would liberate her and Gu Sixian's labor force.

After meeting with Wen Chongyi, I learned another piece of bad news.

He sent out two waves of people to collect supplies, but none of them came back alive. The news came back that there were very powerful zombies wandering outside the base.

"It may be the zombie that caused the last large zombie wave." Liang Qiuyue guessed.

Wen Chongyi nodded solemnly.

As far as he knows, under Lou's deliberate indulgence, even though the zombie wave invaded the outer city, the military still sent military fighter jets to bomb the zombie wave outside the base. After the bombing, the zombie wave wiped out most of it , but the outer city still fell, and the zombie king with the command function was nowhere to be found.

In recent months, the base has dispatched soldiers and supernatural beings to carry out a large-scale cleanup around the base. They thought it was almost safe, but something happened recently.

He made full preparations and took the best of the supernatural users out a few times, just to lure them out and deal with them, but he didn't even see a hairy shadow.

His ability has advanced to the sixth level, and the ability users brought out are at least the fourth level. He doesn't know if the zombie king felt threatened and hid.

The base can't go out easily, but it can't be trapped here forever.

The most powerful mutated and evolved zombie that Liang Qiuyue has ever come into contact with is the sixth level, and has special space covering and segmentation techniques. She is very interested in this zombie king who can only control low-level zombies to attack the base.

Half a month later, in an abandoned power station, she finally sensed the zombie king.

In the pitch-black night, the moon was covered by dark clouds, so there was no light at all.

She could feel a gaze locked on her.

In order to hang this zombie, during the half a month of wandering outside, she would take a bath with spiritual spring water every day, and soak her clothes by the way.

This is what she concluded after dealing with zombies for a long time. Lingquan water has a strong attraction to zombies.Often among the zombies, the zombies attacking her are the most.

There was a sudden tingling in the spirit, as if someone was stirring it vigorously with a sharp instrument, and the veins on the forehead were bursting. I saw several very tall figures jumping up from the container like frogs, and the target was her standing on the wall. .

With a flash of the sword in his hand, several figures were chopped off at the waist, but they did not lose their mobility. On the end with the head, two sharp claws pressed against the ground and sprang up again, accompanied by a sharp and ear-piercing whistle.

The foul smell permeated, and a series of flames burst out, illuminating the appearance of the things in front of them.

The head is bald, with a layer of blue-gray skin covered with lines, the eyes have no pupils, and they look lifeless, but the long teeth are piercing, and the lower part of the upper body is still bleeding brown. Green liquid.

No, it's not the zombie king, it's just a few fourth-level mutants.

The mutant died under her fire talisman, leaving only a few crystal nuclei.

The lower half of the corpse with its tail still twitching was collected by her, ready to be taken back to the laboratory for research.

(End of this chapter)

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