Chapter 448 Xiaocun Suspects (17)

The two of them took photos of the entire room covered with cobwebs, but they didn't see Li Yanzhou either.

"He went down the mountain by himself?" Chen Lai said uncertainly.

Although the rain has stopped, going down the mountain is a bit of a stretch. Everyone has a deep understanding of how difficult the mountain road is after the rain.

"Let's look for other rooms."

There are really a lot of rooms in this small courtyard, and it should be a big family in the village.

The two of them searched one by one, and when the flashlight illuminated a pool of bright red, Chen Lai suddenly screamed.

Liang Qiuyue covered her ears, and took a flashlight to scan the entire room to make sure that no one else was hiding there.

"Go, go back and wake them up."

Everyone was dissatisfied when they were woken up, but when they heard that someone was suspected to be dead, their drowsiness disappeared.

All four flashlights shone on the person lying in the middle of the room.

"This isn't Li Yanzhou, it's that crazy woman."

Liang Qiuyue probed the one-eyed woman's breath, she was out of breath and her pulse disappeared.

"The person is already dead, and the body hasn't completely cooled down, so he should have died not long ago."

Xia Qing and Wen Qi hid behind, not daring to look at the dead man at all.

It's really scary. When I came to this village, two people had already died.

The blood from the back of the skull stained a large area red, and one eye of the one-eyed woman was still open, as if she was staring at everyone, making those who saw it feel terrified.

"What about Li Yanzhou? Could it be that he killed someone and then escaped?" Chen Xing said.

Everyone looked around with flashlights, but there was no sign of Li Yanzhou in the entire courtyard.

Liang Qiuyue also murmured in her heart, but it was impossible. Why did Li Yanzhou kill this woman?In order to take revenge on the woman who framed her before?This is completely different from what she expected!

Now, she is a little suspicious that Li Yanzhou killed someone and ran away.

He lived in that room, and the mad woman died in another.

"Who went out tonight? Did you hear anything?" Gao Chen frowned and asked.

Chen Xing said: "My sister and I, when she came back from the toilet, I heard some movement, so I dragged her out of the yard. I was afraid, and my stomach hurt, so I asked her to let me vent. Didn't really hear anything."

Xia Qing rolled her eyes, she has never seen such a courageous boy, going to the bathroom by himself, and letting his sister let him go?

Wang Qingdong: "I also went out earlier, but I didn't hear anything."

"Let's go at dawn, this place is too scary. In a few days, two people will die." Chen Lai rubbed his arms.

"If the villagers know that this crazy woman died here, they should frame us again."

Liang Qiuyue checked the corpse specially before, and found that the deceased had a lot of bleeding behind his head, and there was a blue-purple strangle mark on his neck.But in the dead of night, it is very difficult to kill a person without making a sound.

Li Yanzhou, where did he go?is he still alive
There was a dead man lying in the next room, and everyone was terrified, unable to sleep any longer.

Everyone sat around and discussed what to do, whether to leave as soon as the rain stopped, or wait until the mountain road could be walked.

Xia Qing: "She's just lying there, how dare she sleep at night!"

Just thinking about the corpse lying next to her, she couldn't stay in this haunted house, okay?
Chen Xing: "Look at the sky, I suspect it will continue to rain for a while, even if you leave, you won't be able to leave!"

Wang Qingdong: "Otherwise, we'll bury her, at least she will be buried in the ground for safety, and leave as soon as the mountain road can be walked."

Bury people?
Several people shuddered.

I've never done this before, and my scalp tingles just thinking about it!
Chen Xing shook his head, "If you want to bury yourself, I won't do it!"

Wang Qingdong: "If we can't leave today, we will continue to live here tonight, but she will be lying next door, can you sleep?"

Wen Qi touched Gao Chen, "Give her a burial, if those villagers came suddenly and saw her body, we wouldn't be able to tell."

The most important thing is that the body was buried, and the ghost atmosphere in this small courtyard was not so heavy at night. If they couldn't leave, at least everyone could close their eyes when they were together at night.

In this damn place, I don't know when the rain will stop. When the police come, the corpses will stink.

Gao Chen got up unwillingly, the three big men didn't dare to look at the specific condition of the corpse, they worked together to lift the one-eyed woman's corpse out of the room, and put it in the woods on the hillside some distance from the yard.

Immediately, a rusty shovel was found in the yard, and the three of them took turns to dig a hole.

Sitting on the grass, Chen Xing looked at Wang Qingdong, who was working hard, with an indescribable expression, "It's so hot, come out to play and lie down, and even dig a hole to bury the dead!"

Gao Chen wiped the sweat from his brow, and thought it was ridiculous: "Who said it wasn't! Do you think people often die in this village?"

"Yesterday, the group of villagers surrounded the old lady's corpse so calmly, as if a living person was lying on the ground! The women in the village were raped by rape. They don't make decisions for their own people, they just want to get something out of it. It's so stupid. Damn it! I really have never seen such a person!"

Wang Qingdong scolded without raising his head: "Who says it's not, people nowadays have no bottom line for some rubbish."

Fortunately, the land soaked in rainwater for a long time is easy to dig, and the three of them were digging while talking.

In the courtyard, Liang Qiuyue searched all the rooms again, no corners, even the roof, was spared.

But found nothing.

She squatted under the eaves, her eyes wandering around the courtyard.

Glanced all the way from under the eaves to under the thatched shed, got up and walked over.

Water was still dripping on the thatched shed, and the ground was sticky and slippery.She squatted down and looked at the wall. There were some crooked characters carved on the mottled wall.

But very scribbled, do not see what tricks.

She moved her feet, huh?Why is the ground under my feet harder than other places?

Squatting aside, brushed away the grass clippings above, revealing a layer of rusted iron cover.It is not difficult to guess from the corners and corners that this layer of iron cover does not seem to have been sealed for a long time.

She tapped it with her hand.

"Come and see." She pulled the ring on the iron cover with one hand, and moved the iron cover away with her own strength.

"Bring the flashlight, this should be a cellar."

The lid was pulled open, and the stuffy air mixed with the smell of blood and various weird smells rushed up.

Xia Qing shined the flashlight, and the dim vision was not enough for the four of them to fully see the situation below, but they could vaguely distinguish a person lying there.

"That can't be, is it Li Yanzhou?" Xia Qing was stunned.

What the hell is going on?
Before, they thought that Li Yanzhou had killed the one-eyed woman for revenge and fled, but in the blink of an eye they saw him lying silently in this dark cellar.

Wen Qi glanced at it and ran aside to vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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